This is nice, however, gonna need some configs for the sounds, or maybe Ill just make a silent sound file, but the emerald shard pickup sound gets really, really ear shattering after the first three kills of something.
This is pretty neat, and I cant wait to see whats coming next.
Great mod again, but can you re-add some of the stuff from the first legend gear?
I'm not sure what to make of this request. Yes, I have added some things and will add a few more things from the previous edition; no, I am not recreating everything.
I'm not trying to make an epic fan war or anything, but is Zelda Sword Skills+ better than this or not?
It's different.
This is not really much of a Zelda mod anymore and a lot of the content from the original Legend Gear will not be added back in.
If your looking for a Zelda Mod, go with ZSS, if your just looking for a more fantasty-flavored mod that has some inspiration from Zelda, then this one's great (of coruse nothign says you cant use them togeteher... I thnk they'd compliment each other nicely)
I'm not trying to make an epic fan war or anything, but is Zelda Sword Skills+ better than this or not?
They are different mods with different strengths. Each one adds unique things to the game which are both fun and useful. I say, why chose when you can love both?
With that said, I'm so glad to see you back McCoy, and just when I'm getting back and into 1.7.10. Consider me a fan, I loved your last version and I'm excited to see what LG2 has in store. Given your last post, it could be virtually anything!
This is way much better mod in my opinion big fan but you should totally add the starbeam toraches again and the blue grass
He said he would add starbeam torches or something else with this mechanic, no idea for grass though.
I wish he would add somethung like an ancient waystone or something. Something you would have a reason to build a base around, because it couldn't be moved. Maybe could require a starstone to activate, since it would compliment it's immobility with the randomness of falling stars.
Coincedentally I stood on a hill for two nights straight and no saw no falling stars, is the chance that low?
I wish he would add somethung like an ancient waystone or something. Something you would have a reason to build a base around, because it couldn't be moved.
This is very much the sort of thing I'm considering; I'd like to reward exploration of the overworld and have immobile valuable landmarks. (I have a few possibilities in mind.) I'm still working on the design of this feature, figuring out the specific role it should play in the game.
Coincedentally I stood on a hill for two nights straight and no saw no falling stars, is the chance that low?
For two consecutive nights, you should have been guaranteed at least one star drop. The likely explanation is that you were doing something that invalidated star drops; either you were too close to a light source, or you were under something other than open sky. I recommend running around hunting monsters at night; you get stars and emeralds at a pretty reasonable rate that way.
Usually using Steam/Discord nowadays, mostly actively searching around on curseforge for new mods.
Games on steam are usually Spiral Knights, TF2, SFM, and Paladins nowadays
I occasionally hop on minecraft to see what's new.
This is very much the sort of thing I'm considering; I'd like to reward exploration of the overworld and have immobile valuable landmarks. (I have a few possibilities in mind.) I'm still working on the design of this feature, figuring out the specific role it should play in the game.
For two consecutive nights, you should have been guaranteed at least one star drop. The likely explanation is that you were doing something that invalidated star drops; either you were too close to a light source, or you were under something other than open sky. I recommend running around hunting monsters at night; you get stars and emeralds at a pretty reasonable rate that way.
Well I did kind of give up at midnight on the second day, but I remember in legend gear 1 getting 5 stars drop near me in a single night.
On the other hand I didn't know being near a light source prevented stars from spawning? I wasn't but still.
Usually using Steam/Discord nowadays, mostly actively searching around on curseforge for new mods.
Games on steam are usually Spiral Knights, TF2, SFM, and Paladins nowadays
I occasionally hop on minecraft to see what's new.
what happened to the starbeam blocks and sword pedestals? if you would add those back in, I would enjoy this mod a lot more. i loved those things. anyway, still a really good mod. also, i tried installing it to use with a friend over hamachi, and my minecraft wouldn't load. it went to black screen and never showed the mojang symbol, no crash report either. i want to know why. if you need a list of mods i will gladly comply.
what happened to the starbeam blocks and sword pedestals? if you would add those back in, I would enjoy this mod a lot more. i loved those things. anyway, still a really good mod. also, i tried installing it to use with a friend over hamachi, and my minecraft wouldn't load. it went to black screen and never showed the mojang symbol, no crash report either. i want to know why. if you need a list of mods i will gladly comply.
same would go with locked chain blocks but he will add them back eventually
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Gauntlet: Dark Legacy forever.
Usually using Steam/Discord nowadays, mostly actively searching around on curseforge for new mods.
Games on steam are usually Spiral Knights, TF2, SFM, and Paladins nowadays
I occasionally hop on minecraft to see what's new.
My youtube channel L:
This is pretty neat, and I cant wait to see whats coming next.
But the sounds. Man.
I beg your pardon?
A reasonable request. Added to the roadmap for the next version.
I'm not sure what to make of this request. Yes, I have added some things and will add a few more things from the previous edition; no, I am not recreating everything.
It's different.
This is not really much of a Zelda mod anymore and a lot of the content from the original Legend Gear will not be added back in.
If your looking for a Zelda Mod, go with ZSS, if your just looking for a more fantasty-flavored mod that has some inspiration from Zelda, then this one's great (of coruse nothign says you cant use them togeteher... I thnk they'd compliment each other nicely)
They are different mods with different strengths. Each one adds unique things to the game which are both fun and useful. I say, why chose when you can love both?
With that said, I'm so glad to see you back McCoy, and just when I'm getting back and into 1.7.10. Consider me a fan, I loved your last version and I'm excited to see what LG2 has in store. Given your last post, it could be virtually anything!
He said he would add starbeam torches or something else with this mechanic, no idea for grass though.
I wish he would add somethung like an ancient waystone or something. Something you would have a reason to build a base around, because it couldn't be moved. Maybe could require a starstone to activate, since it would compliment it's immobility with the randomness of falling stars.
Coincedentally I stood on a hill for two nights straight and no saw no falling stars, is the chance that low?
This is very much the sort of thing I'm considering; I'd like to reward exploration of the overworld and have immobile valuable landmarks. (I have a few possibilities in mind.) I'm still working on the design of this feature, figuring out the specific role it should play in the game.
For two consecutive nights, you should have been guaranteed at least one star drop. The likely explanation is that you were doing something that invalidated star drops; either you were too close to a light source, or you were under something other than open sky. I recommend running around hunting monsters at night; you get stars and emeralds at a pretty reasonable rate that way.
Don't suppose a config option for the re-texture of experience would be too far out of the question, would it?
Not out of the question at all; it was actually supposed to be in already, I just didn't get to implementing much of the config yet.
is there a way you could kind of nerf that?
Gauntlet: Dark Legacy forever.
Usually using Steam/Discord nowadays, mostly actively searching around on curseforge for new mods.
Games on steam are usually Spiral Knights, TF2, SFM, and Paladins nowadays
I occasionally hop on minecraft to see what's new.
Well I did kind of give up at midnight on the second day, but I remember in legend gear 1 getting 5 stars drop near me in a single night.
On the other hand I didn't know being near a light source prevented stars from spawning? I wasn't but still.
Gauntlet: Dark Legacy forever.
Usually using Steam/Discord nowadays, mostly actively searching around on curseforge for new mods.
Games on steam are usually Spiral Knights, TF2, SFM, and Paladins nowadays
I occasionally hop on minecraft to see what's new.
same would go with locked chain blocks but he will add them back eventually
Gauntlet: Dark Legacy forever.
Usually using Steam/Discord nowadays, mostly actively searching around on curseforge for new mods.
Games on steam are usually Spiral Knights, TF2, SFM, and Paladins nowadays
I occasionally hop on minecraft to see what's new.