2/1/2015, v2.b.1.0.2: Fixed various crashes. Config option for starwell generator retries.
1/7/2015, v2.b.1.0.1: Server crash from ChatFormatting fixed.
1/4/2015, v2.b.1: Lots of stuff. Rituals, tomes, etc.
11/27/2014, v2.b.0.4.1: Starwells should no longer crash server.
11/12/2014, v2.b.0.4: Fixed some crashes. Starwells generate in world.
9/29/2014, v2.b.0.3: Added various config options. Fixed stars not falling.
8/31/2014, v2.b.0.2: Fixed missing localization for death by glitter spell. Fixed starglass sword breaking on a non-critical hit.
8/30/2014, v2.b.0.1: Fixed a bug that caused a crash when enemies were killed.
ATTENTION MODPACK CREATORS: I am NOT currently granting permission to include LegendGear 2 in ANY modpacks. I will update this notice and post in the thread when or if this changes.
NOTE: This mod requires Baubles for full functionality.
Falling Stars
Falling stars are a central focus of LegendGear 2. When in the dark under an open sky at night, from time to time a star will fall out of the sky. If you collect it before it disintegrates, you'll be rewarded with a star piece, used in crafting all kinds of things. A star piece can be broken into 3 stardust, and nine of them can be assembled into a starstone. Right-clicking with a star piece in hand will infuse it with 3 of your experience levels, turning it into an infused star piece, which can likewise be crafted into infused counterparts of the above.
Sand and stardust combined and then smelted will create starglass, a form of glass that can both contain and conduct magical energy. A primary use of starglass is crafting it into a hollow starglass shell, which can then be filled with a variety of things... if you have some way to somehow put something inside a sealed glass sphere. Hmm.
Dimensional Catalyst and Abstraction Gel
Infused stardust and an ender pearl can be combined to create dimensional catalyst, a substance that can teleport objects short distances. It is an essential tool when working with starglass shells, as it is the only way to put things inside them. Please do use caution when handling it, however.
Infused stardust and a slime ball make another important tool, abstraction gel, which can extract and reify a concept from another material, solidifying it into a nucleus. Nuclei are used to create a variety of potent magical objects.
Iron and infused stardust can be fused to create starsteel, a magically energized metal. Normally, dimensional catalyst is used to embed the dust directly into the iron, though if you have a way to create iron dust, the dusts can be mixed and smelted. Currently its only use is to craft the magic boomerang, but other applications are certainly on the horizon...
Magic Staves
The staff is a new kind of weapon, used to cast an offensive spell in a medium-range area of effect. Charge it up by holding right click, and then release to cast the spell. Different staves provide different additional effects - the frost staff freezes water and slows enemies, while the ember staff melts ice and ignites foes. Use caution - you can hit yourself with your own spell if your targeted area includes you. Also, wearing armor will increase the time it takes to cast your spell, depending on how heavily armored you are.
(and similarly with other orbs)
Emerald Shards and Hearts
Adventuring is lucrative! Enemies can drop emerald shards when slain, which can be combined into emerald pieces by right-clicking or crafting 8 of them. Emerald pieces can similarly be converted to emeralds - it takes 8 pieces (or 64 shards) to make one full emerald. Enemies might also drop hearts, which heal you instantly when collected. Emerald shards and hearts can also occasionally be found by breaking tall grass, though there are limits to the effectiveness of this approach.
Support LegendGear!
If you like this mod and want to support its continued growth and development, you can provide a donation via PayPal or purchase my latest game, Dragondot 2. All suggestions and requests provided by supporters will be seriously considered and personally responded to, plus you can have your name immortalized in the LegendGear Patron Hall of Fame, right here.
(If you donate or buy my game, please let me know your email address (for confirmation purposes only), how you want to be credited, whether you want your donation amount posted, and if you would like a web link and/or short message added to your Hall of Fame entry.)
I'm glad you chose to update this mod again. It was so great that it became one of Hexxit's key components. Now all the author's of Hexxit's forgotten mods are starting to work on them again. So I predict we'll be seeing a Hexxit 2 for 1.7.10 or eventually 1.8 some time soon.
If you release a 1.7.2 version i'd start playing with this mod installed immediately, but for now i'll wait till all of my important mods are updated to 1.7.10 before I update to it and get this. Great job on this mod NMcCoy. This was one of my favorite mods in Hexxit.
Killing a zombie pigman with a jolt staff caused the game to crash with something relating to experience drops. Will give a crashlog tomorrow if I can reproduce it.
Thanks for the reports, guys - I'll look into both of those tonight or tomorrow. Just to check, did you manage to kill other things without the game crashing?
Edit: I'm pretty sure I know what the problem is, but not how to fix it yet. Should have it sorted out tomorrow.
So far, seems to be caused by anything dying in a way that drops EXP. Tried on other creatures with other weapons including the starglass sword, no vanilla ones though.
I have already looked into Baubles and it is a very likely possibility if I do implement such things. The amulets will not be returning in their past form, though something similar may take their place.
Usually using Steam/Discord nowadays, mostly actively searching around on curseforge for new mods.
Games on steam are usually Spiral Knights, TF2, SFM, and Paladins nowadays
I occasionally hop on minecraft to see what's new.
direct link
The frost staff slows enemies and freezes water.
ATTENTION MODPACK CREATORS: I am NOT currently granting permission to include LegendGear 2 in ANY modpacks. I will update this notice and post in the thread when or if this changes.
NOTE: This mod requires Baubles for full functionality.
Overview of (some) Features
Falling stars are a central focus of LegendGear 2. When in the dark under an open sky at night, from time to time a star will fall out of the sky. If you collect it before it disintegrates, you'll be rewarded with a star piece, used in crafting all kinds of things. A star piece can be broken into 3 stardust, and nine of them can be assembled into a starstone. Right-clicking with a star piece in hand will infuse it with 3 of your experience levels, turning it into an infused star piece, which can likewise be crafted into infused counterparts of the above.
Sand and stardust combined and then smelted will create starglass, a form of glass that can both contain and conduct magical energy. A primary use of starglass is crafting it into a hollow starglass shell, which can then be filled with a variety of things... if you have some way to somehow put something inside a sealed glass sphere. Hmm.
Infused stardust and an ender pearl can be combined to create dimensional catalyst, a substance that can teleport objects short distances. It is an essential tool when working with starglass shells, as it is the only way to put things inside them. Please do use caution when handling it, however.
Infused stardust and a slime ball make another important tool, abstraction gel, which can extract and reify a concept from another material, solidifying it into a nucleus. Nuclei are used to create a variety of potent magical objects.
Iron and infused stardust can be fused to create starsteel, a magically energized metal. Normally, dimensional catalyst is used to embed the dust directly into the iron, though if you have a way to create iron dust, the dusts can be mixed and smelted. Currently its only use is to craft the magic boomerang, but other applications are certainly on the horizon...
The staff is a new kind of weapon, used to cast an offensive spell in a medium-range area of effect. Charge it up by holding right click, and then release to cast the spell. Different staves provide different additional effects - the frost staff freezes water and slows enemies, while the ember staff melts ice and ignites foes. Use caution - you can hit yourself with your own spell if your targeted area includes you. Also, wearing armor will increase the time it takes to cast your spell, depending on how heavily armored you are.
Adventuring is lucrative! Enemies can drop emerald shards when slain, which can be combined into emerald pieces by right-clicking or crafting 8 of them. Emerald pieces can similarly be converted to emeralds - it takes 8 pieces (or 64 shards) to make one full emerald. Enemies might also drop hearts, which heal you instantly when collected. Emerald shards and hearts can also occasionally be found by breaking tall grass, though there are limits to the effectiveness of this approach.
If you like this mod and want to support its continued growth and development, you can provide a donation via PayPal or purchase my latest game, Dragondot 2. All suggestions and requests provided by supporters will be seriously considered and personally responded to, plus you can have your name immortalized in the LegendGear Patron Hall of Fame, right here.
When you post a mod: "No pics no clicks" and "MCreator = bad ~99% of the time"
Don't forget to read the crashlog before reporting the crash. It might tell you why it's crashing.
Sorry if my spelling is bad, I'm learning english...
My mod ideas: http://www.minecraftforum.net/forums/mapping-and-modding/minecraft-mods/mods-discussion/2354659-medsal15s-mod-ideas-hub
Why do evil poeple always want to control the world?
If you need ideas, I may be able to give you some...
Warning status: Unbanned
Edit: I'm pretty sure I know what the problem is, but not how to fix it yet. Should have it sorted out tomorrow.
Good job.
Thanks for the update, NMcCoy!
The staves are quite fancy.
If you do bring back the amulets and stuff, would you potentially think of using Azanor's Baubles API?
Profile pic by Cheshirette c:
Great work NMcCoy.
Gauntlet: Dark Legacy forever.
Usually using Steam/Discord nowadays, mostly actively searching around on curseforge for new mods.
Games on steam are usually Spiral Knights, TF2, SFM, and Paladins nowadays
I occasionally hop on minecraft to see what's new.