* Coordinates under the minimap are now GUI scale independent.
* Dots on the minimap will now only get darker when the entity is over 10 blocks below you.
* Fixed waypoints not saving when playing on servers with custom ports.
Flare Jump (Google Play) - my new Android game
patreon.com/xaero96 - support my work & get rewarded with automatic mod updates, capes and more
Xaero's World Map
Better PVP Mod
Xaero's Minimap
"It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed publicly without advance written permission."
You mean literally that no one can use it on theyr modpacks...
I'll change it.
Flare Jump (Google Play) - my new Android game
patreon.com/xaero96 - support my work & get rewarded with automatic mod updates, capes and more
Xaero's World Map
Better PVP Mod
Xaero's Minimap
+ Ability to temporarily disable individual waypoints.
* Moved minimap from top-left to top-right corner in the fancy preset.
* The first of multiple item enchants will now also abriviate.
- Tall grass will no longer be shown on the minimap.
* Big fixes.
Flare Jump (Google Play) - my new Android game
patreon.com/xaero96 - support my work & get rewarded with automatic mod updates, capes and more
Xaero's World Map
Better PVP Mod
Xaero's Minimap
* Huge minimap performance improvement.
* Torches will now be shown as orange on the minimap.
* Visible chunks on the minimap will now not unload when lowering your draw distance.
* Bug fixes.
Flare Jump (Google Play) - my new Android game
patreon.com/xaero96 - support my work & get rewarded with automatic mod updates, capes and more
Xaero's World Map
Better PVP Mod
Xaero's Minimap
+ In-game waypoints.
+ Option to disable in-game waypoints.
* Bug fixes.
Flare Jump (Google Play) - my new Android game
patreon.com/xaero96 - support my work & get rewarded with automatic mod updates, capes and more
Xaero's World Map
Better PVP Mod
Xaero's Minimap
Thank you
Flare Jump (Google Play) - my new Android game
patreon.com/xaero96 - support my work & get rewarded with automatic mod updates, capes and more
Xaero's World Map
Better PVP Mod
Xaero's Minimap
+ Added french language.
* Fixed in-game waypoints rendering bugs.
* Moved in-game waypoints lower to not be in your face when teleporting to them.
* Updated cave maps. Can now potentially display caves better.
* Bug/crash fixes.
Flare Jump (Google Play) - my new Android game
patreon.com/xaero96 - support my work & get rewarded with automatic mod updates, capes and more
Xaero's World Map
Better PVP Mod
Xaero's Minimap
+ New "Lock North" option in minimap the settings. Stops minimap from rotating and adds a red arrow showing your rotation instead.
* Improved keybind events. Should be much more responsive now.
* Waypoints will now load independent from the minimap so you can still use them without the minimap.
* PVP Sprint will now activate using the vanilla sprint key. When disabled works as regular sprint.
* More bug fixes.
Flare Jump (Google Play) - my new Android game
patreon.com/xaero96 - support my work & get rewarded with automatic mod updates, capes and more
Xaero's World Map
Better PVP Mod
Xaero's Minimap
* Improved zoom out. Minimap can now display much bigger areas. To fix map flickering, smaller map sizes will no longer scale down huge maps and instead simply show less blocks. However, due to improved zoom out you will still be getting more.
* Minimap loading optimization.
* Performance improvement.
* Bug fixes including locked north mode fix for large and tiny map sizes.
1.7.10 update also contains all the 1.2.3 - 1.3.6 updates.
Flare Jump (Google Play) - my new Android game
patreon.com/xaero96 - support my work & get rewarded with automatic mod updates, capes and more
Xaero's World Map
Better PVP Mod
Xaero's Minimap
+ Added deathpoints. A special waypoint will now be created every time you die.
* Removed shadows from on-map waypoint initials.
* Fixed waypoints not loading on LAN servers. Please note that waypoints created before this update will still not load (ONLY APPLIES TO LAN).
* Major bug/crash fixes
Update (MC 1.7.10):
* Fixed notifications weirdness.
* Major bug/crash fixes.
Flare Jump (Google Play) - my new Android game
patreon.com/xaero96 - support my work & get rewarded with automatic mod updates, capes and more
Xaero's World Map
Better PVP Mod
Xaero's Minimap
Update 1.3.9 (MC 1.8):
+ Added an option to view chunk grid on the minimap. Can be toggled in the minimap settings.
+ Added a second page to the minimap settings.
+ Added a dropdown menu instead of a button for choosing a colour when creating a waypoint.
+ Added shadows to on-map waypoint initials.
* Increased minimap chunk load radius by 1 and sped up chunk loading to balance out the increased radius. Previously, you could see empty chunks in the corners of the minimap even with the highest render distance. Chunk loading speed and distance will become configurable in the future.
* Changed default waypoints colour from black to random.
Update (MC 1.7.10):
* Increased minimap chunk load radius by 1 and sped up chunk loading to balance out the increased radius. Previously, you could see empty chunks in the corners of the minimap even with the highest render distance. Chunk loading speed and distance will become configurable in the future.
* Fixed waypoints not saving on LAN servers.
Flare Jump (Google Play) - my new Android game
patreon.com/xaero96 - support my work & get rewarded with automatic mod updates, capes and more
Xaero's World Map
Better PVP Mod
Xaero's Minimap
Flare Jump (Google Play) - my new Android game
patreon.com/xaero96 - support my work & get rewarded with automatic mod updates, capes and more
Xaero's World Map
Better PVP Mod
Xaero's Minimap
Update 1.4.0 (MC 1.8):
+ Customizable minimap entity dot colours (Minimap settings).
+ Added Italian language support. Big thanks to Sporadicamente for translating!
* Minimap chunk loading improvement + optimization. Will now only constantly update chunks that are visible on the minimap.
* Improved dropdown menus. Selected option will now always be first in the menu.
* Minimap motion blur will now automatically turn off when your FPS drops under 35. Will now look a lot better on low-end PCs (should've done this a long time ago, oops :P).
* Fixed minimap zoom not saving correctly when zooming out.
* Other bug fixes and tweaks.
Update (MC 1.7.10):
+ Added Italian language support. Big thanks to Sporadicamente for translating!
* Minimap chunk loading improvement + optimization. Will now only constantly update chunks that are visible on the minimap.
* Fixed minimap zoom not saving correctly when zooming out.
* Other bug fixes and tweaks.
Flare Jump (Google Play) - my new Android game
patreon.com/xaero96 - support my work & get rewarded with automatic mod updates, capes and more
Xaero's World Map
Better PVP Mod
Xaero's Minimap
Update 1.4.1 (MC 1.8 & 1.7.10):
+ Added Spanish language support. Big thank to Kryten for translating!
+ Added Portuguese language support. Big thanks to 2002luis for translating!
+ Added a new customizable setting in Notifications settings which determines when you would like to see the "low health" notification.
+ Added a new customizable setting in Notifications settings which determines when you would like to see the "low hunger" notification.
* Minor bug fixes
1.7.10 also contains all the updates from 1.3.8 to 1.4.0.
Flare Jump (Google Play) - my new Android game
patreon.com/xaero96 - support my work & get rewarded with automatic mod updates, capes and more
Xaero's World Map
Better PVP Mod
Xaero's Minimap
OptiFine U D2
Try reinstalling Forge.
Flare Jump (Google Play) - my new Android game
patreon.com/xaero96 - support my work & get rewarded with automatic mod updates, capes and more
Xaero's World Map
Better PVP Mod
Xaero's Minimap
When I die I click "Respawn" and I crash, any advice? By the way I'm using Forge 1.8 version 1.4.1 of the mod. Please help!
If your waypoints are all off then turn deathpoints off too. It's a bug and will get fixed in the next version though.
Flare Jump (Google Play) - my new Android game
patreon.com/xaero96 - support my work & get rewarded with automatic mod updates, capes and more
Xaero's World Map
Better PVP Mod
Xaero's Minimap