The Meaning of Life, the Universe, and Everything.
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Tails adds in a bunch of different tails including various subtypes all of which you can colour to your liking!
It's a primarily client side mod with an (optional) server side component for syncing tails across clients. However even if the server doesn't have the mod installed, other players with the mod can still see your tail! All you have to do is use the fancy in-game editor then export a modified version of your skin (don't worry, we use the unused pixels so there will be no visible change on your skin) and upload that to Minecraft skin servers and bam, other players can see your tail without having the mod server side!
Each tail is unique and different too with custom animations for each one to make them feel alive rather then something just tacked on. In the future, animations will be dynamic to what you are currently doing and react accordingly.
And of course, each tail is customisable. Tails can have up to 3 different tints applied to them, with the entire full RGB colour available so that's over 16.7 million different colour choices per tint! Certain tails have subtypes so they are similar to the "main" tail but with slight variations such as added parts etc and in the future, you'll also be able to select from different textures per tail to make it even more unique to you.
You can open in the in-game editor by opening up the in-game menu (When you press Esc) and clicking "Tails Editor" button in the lower middle. Most of the buttons in the mod will have a tooltip to explain what they do but just have a mess about and see what you can make!
But I'm sure you're sick of reading. Check out the CurseForge page for some more screenshots of what it looks like in action and then give it a whirl!
FoxLib is not required for versions 1.8.0 and higher
This mod requires FoxLib (which adds in a bunch of useful features in itself) and can be gotten from here
Backup your world! (Even though this affects no world stuff, always good practice)
Install Minecraft Forge using its installer (If you haven't already)
Add FoxLib and Tails to your mods folder in your Minecraft directory (.minecraft/mods)
The Meaning of Life, the Universe, and Everything.
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Hey all,
Thanks for the great feedback, glad you lot are enjoying it
There are more tails planned for the future! In fact, if you take a gander at this spreadsheet then you can see some of the ones I have planned and I'm always willing to take suggestions ^^
Also, tails will have more dynamic animation in the future in regards to moving, jumping etc. It's just making the animation look good and that is pretty darn hard.
This is a very well designed mod! with lots of different tails but could you maybe add canine tails with different variants (Husky, Collie, Bulldog etc) this would make the mod perfect
The Meaning of Life, the Universe, and Everything.
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Look at that! It works with more player models! And also follows scale!!!!!!
I don't know if this was on purpose or not, but either way, thank you for the awesome tails (Oh, and please, make the husky tail :D)
Could you maybe add some animations? At Least For walking? Plz?
What Do You Mean By Fancy Ingame Editor?
Dat Looks Badass Doh Dude!
That's what I'm currently working on right now! The issue is getting it to look "right" which is just a lot of fiddling with numbers and such. And then I have to adjust it for each one and yeah, will take some time but it's in the works
The in-game editor is the thing for selecting your tail and its colours. You can see it by opening your inventory and it'll be at the bottom centre. You might need to disable NEI to see it (Press O)
This is a very well designed mod! with lots of different tails but could you maybe add canine tails with different variants (Husky, Collie, Bulldog etc) this would make the mod perfect
The Meaning of Life, the Universe, and Everything.
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Do you plan on adding any more animals or custom tails or anything later on? This mod is very cool but feels a little limited, model-wise, at the moment
Tails adds in a bunch of different tails including various subtypes all of which you can colour to your liking!
It's a primarily client side mod with an (optional) server side component for syncing tails across clients. However even if the server doesn't have the mod installed, other players with the mod can still see your tail! All you have to do is use the fancy in-game editor then export a modified version of your skin (don't worry, we use the unused pixels so there will be no visible change on your skin) and upload that to Minecraft skin servers and bam, other players can see your tail without having the mod server side!
Each tail is unique and different too with custom animations for each one to make them feel alive rather then something just tacked on. In the future, animations will be dynamic to what you are currently doing and react accordingly.
And of course, each tail is customisable. Tails can have up to 3 different tints applied to them, with the entire full RGB colour available so that's over 16.7 million different colour choices per tint! Certain tails have subtypes so they are similar to the "main" tail but with slight variations such as added parts etc and in the future, you'll also be able to select from different textures per tail to make it even more unique to you.
You can open in the in-game editor by opening up the in-game menu (When you press Esc) and clicking "Tails Editor" button in the lower middle. Most of the buttons in the mod will have a tooltip to explain what they do but just have a mess about and see what you can make!
But I'm sure you're sick of reading. Check out the CurseForge page for some more screenshots of what it looks like in action and then give it a whirl!
FoxLib is not required for versions 1.8.0 and higher
This mod requires FoxLib (which adds in a bunch of useful features in itself) and can be gotten from here
Download 1.10.2
Download older versions
Old Downloads:
Thanks for the great feedback, glad you lot are enjoying it
There are more tails planned for the future! In fact, if you take a gander at this spreadsheet then you can see some of the ones I have planned and I'm always willing to take suggestions ^^
Also, tails will have more dynamic animation in the future in regards to moving, jumping etc. It's just making the animation look good and that is pretty darn hard.
I don't know if this was on purpose or not, but either way, thank you for the awesome tails (Oh, and please, make the husky tail :D)
Click Please!
Viva Argentina!
What Do You Mean By Fancy Ingame Editor?
Dat Looks Badass Doh Dude!
⑨ Tails. You shall become the strongest.
That's what I'm currently working on right now! The issue is getting it to look "right" which is just a lot of fiddling with numbers and such. And then I have to adjust it for each one and yeah, will take some time but it's in the works
The in-game editor is the thing for selecting your tail and its colours. You can see it by opening your inventory and it'll be at the bottom centre. You might need to disable NEI to see it (Press O)
Husky is on the already planned list
Interesting, I think I might know what causes this. Will take a look!
Eye'm the strongest!