Project Zulu : A Better Overworld is a mod that provides a more engaging, challenging and ultimately a far better Minecraft Overworld experience thru the addition of unique Mobs, Plants/Trees, Items, Blocks, Structures/Dungeons and Game Mechanics.
PZ Features... just a few of many waiting for you to discover or craft!
PZ Hostile Mobs, just a sample of what's waiting for you in the dark or out in daylight!
PZ Passive Mobs
A few more....
and some more passive mobs...
** More sample pics to come!!!
Project Zulu for MC 1.7.10 is a continuation of Crudedragos' great work, which can be found here.
so WHAT'S NEW in the Project Zulu 1.4C2 version?
Lots of little adjustments and fixes here and there. Primary amongst those adjustments is the revival of the old PZ Death Rules which would allow for a more configurable means to handle player drops. This feature is also given a slight extension by allowing the Death Rules to be implemented even without a PZ tombstone. Please see the add on spoiler for more info since the explanation is quite lengthy. Another crucial thing included in this version is the implementation of a fix that would remove/reduce the microstutters in servers when running PZ, this was initially reported by zerox686 and further verified by Dulciphi. Lastly, a new Zebra mob is now part of the PZ family, thanks to efforts given leonelmegaman.
Many many thanks to everyone for their support and understanding. Very very special thanks goes to Dulciphi, for her participation in the various alpha testing of PZ 1.4c; Blue001 for his patience in explaining the old PZ death rules to me; xerox686, for participating in the alpha testing of ZP 1.4c related to the micro stuttering issue; leonelmegaman for his contributing the Zebra mob.
NOTE: PZ 1.4C2 contains fixes for issues encountered as reported recently by MohawkyMagoo and Voidi. These were related to DataWatcher conflicts and have been temporarily given a solution until such that I can migrate the code to a more stable setup. The biggest addition to the PZ 1.4C2 is the addition of the Portugese language support, courtesy of al-myr. Many thanks al-myr.
Revived Death Rules
PZ Death Rules Revived
Ok, so a new config setting can be found in the main PZ config file, namely "Activate PZ Death Rules". Disabling this would revert to the default MC mechanics, and renders succeeding PZ Death options useless. Other changes to the mechanics based on a per config setting are as follows :
Sample Death Rules configuration (mirrors the catch-all system prior to current version)
"general controls" {
B:"Activate PZ Death Rules"=true
B:"Drop Tombstone On Death"=true
B:"Replace Default Flower Pot"=true
B:"Tombstone Absorb Drops"=true
S:"Tombstone drop blacklist"=
New Potions
New Brewing Stands
Wood and Stone Campfire
Raw Fiber
Fur Pelt
Universal Flower Pot
Raw Fiber
Structure Placer
Small Heart
Large Heart
Small Unhealthy Heart
Large Unhealthy Heart
Black Lichen
Glowing Goo
Prickly Powder
Powder Slush
Poison Droplet
Coconut Shell Fuel (added in PZ 1.3e)
"Uncrafting" Hammer Tool (added in PZ 1.3e)
Cactus Armor
Cloth Armor
Fur Armor
Scale Armor
Aloe Vera
Creeper Blossom
Night Bloom
Palm Tree
MOBS (PASSIVE, well most of the time)
Horse -- Tameable, Ride-able
Goat (added in PZ 1.3a)
Duck (added in PZ 1.3a)
Fish, Long Generic (added in PZ 1.3b)
Deer (added in PZ 1.3b)
Fish, Round Generic (added in PZ 1.3c)
Crow (added in PZ 1.3c)
Camel (added in PZ 1.4a) -- Tameable, Ride-able
Monkey (added in PZ 1.4a)
Beetles (added in PZ 1.4a)
Zebra (added in PZ 1.4c)
MOBS (Hostile)
Haunted Armor
Mummy Pharoah (Mini Boss)
Draugr (Bone Warior) (added in PZ 1.3b)
Ripper Fin (added in PZ 1.3b)
Giant Rat (added in PZ 1.3c)
Bloom Doom (added in PZ 1.4a)
Rabid Bat (added in PZ 1.4a)
Player GraveStone
Whenever a player dies, PZ erects a tombstone at the site of passing and this tombstone absorbs both inventory items and experience values of the slain player. The tombstone will then spawn particles and project a beacon that make it easier to see and know whether the tombstone contains items or not. A respawned player can (a) Use (right click with an empty hand) the tombstone to get all stored items and xp, or (b) break the tombstone using other items/blocks/non pickaxe tools and the tombstone will drop all stored items and xp, or (c) harvest the tombstone using vanilla pickaxes and the tombstone will drop all stored items and xp plus a tombstone block as well.
Mob (Active) Fight or Flight Behaviour
The AFF is more of an AI override to the PZ mobs. What it does is it sets a configurable ferocity level (implemented as aggroLevel, range between 0.00 to 100.0) , via anger level of a particular mob, and couples it with a configurable threat range (implemented as aggroRange, base 16D for most) and using a very simplistic approach let's a mob decide whether to flee before you or attack you when you get in range(simulating territorial behaviour).
Passive and tameable mobs (Fox, Duck, Goat, etc) are included so you'd either have to have their favorite food item ready or you would have to either chase them down or defend yourself against them depending on their mood. The settings are all in the ProjectZuluMobBiomeConfig.cfg file.
-- Integrated Portugese language support, translation provided by al-myr
-- Adjusted datawatcher code for entityMonkey and entityMummy
-- Fixed waterskin recipe
-- Updated Russian language support, hope my translation is okay
-- Revival of the PZ Death Rules and making the Death Rules implement even without a PZ tombstone
-- Added error control for the PZ Death Rules when a player dies due to lava and the Tombstone will no longer spawn on lava.
-- Added additional error control codes related to the disabling of various mechanics/objects when using PZ
-- Implemented a fix for the removal of the reported "micro-stutter", which also fixed the issue with the errors generated with the config files.
-- Adjusted the movement animation of most PZ mobs to mirror that of MC default mobs
-- Added wooden bucket and waterskin, with corresponding water and milk functionalities
-- Adjusted ostrich egg drop code
-- Adjusted doom bloom aggro codes so it will attack when the player gets near
-- Fixed the issue of the camel name not being shown correctly when using WAILA
-- Refined the coding used by PZ to generate multiple textures for various PZ mobs
-- Minor adjustment on the models of various PZ mobs
-- Major adjustment to the models of the deer, crow and doombloom mobs
-- Implemented a multiple food temptation mechanism that allows more than 1 item to be used to "attract" PZ mobs.
-- Added the Zebra mob, model provided by
-- Removed the bug spawning on block break feature
-- Removed the wooden stick on block break feature
-- Fixed the coding for the Null Potions module to resolve indexOutofBounds errors
-- Fixed the PZ Bug spawning event code and added % chance to spawn
-- Added Wooden Stick config switch along with % chance to spawn
-- Removed PZ Beetles sounds
-- Fixed HitBox of PZ Centipede
-- Added a tameable, rideable Camel (can also carry by using a chest on a tamed camel)
-- Added a new plant mob, the Doom Bloom
-- Added a small, tailed Monkey mob
-- Added a flying hostile, Rabid Bat
-- Added a new config option to control whether the PZ Hammer will destroy or harvest a non-recyclable block
-- Added a new config option to control whether the PZ Spike Trap can be indestructible or not
-- Added a new config option to control whether or not to display PZ Boss Ticker Health Bar
-- Implemented a fix to avoid the disconnection error encountered with the PZ spike trap
-- Implemented a fix for the missing PZ armour textures
-- Implemented a fix for the missing PZ horse textures
-- Reconfigured the PZ horse settings to fix the errors related when slaying a PZ horse or when a PZ horse is fleeing
-- Resized the PZ Centipede and added new sounds
-- Adjusted spawn settings for several PZ mobs to avoid them being spawned in the Ender dimension
-- Added a new random event wherein if a player breaks particular blocks, beetles and centipedes spawn out. Just to add a little to the ambience of the game. The beetles are programmed to die after a few minutes.
-- You can now use a torch to light the PZ Campfire block, aside from using the Flint and Steel tool
-- Disabled the timed restriction feature when milking PZ goats
-- Corrected a few mob breeding food entries to maintain consistency
-- Corrected a few mob models that would generate funky child mobs
1. Install Recommended Forge version for Minecraft 1.7.10.
2. Backup old PZ Config folder, either through relocation or renaming.
2. Copy Project Zulu jar file into the MC Mods folder (%appdata&/.minecraft/mods)
3. (Optional) Configure Project Zulu via configuraiton files in %appdata&/.minecraft/config/ProjectZulu
4. Enjoy!
Many many many thanks for Crudedragos for allowing me to tinker and continue with his work. And a massive thanks as well to all those that support and provide comments/suggestions/feedback on this thread. This mod can never really move forward without you guys.
NOTES: (Lifted from the original author's thread)
Q. What License is your mod under?
A. Apache 2.0
Q. Can I use this mod in my Mod Pack?
A. Yes. Just give credit where credit is due.
Q. Should I post issues here or on
A. Both. Report to thread for discussion, report to Github as well whenever possible.
Q. I want to contribute non-code / Texture / Models / Suggestions ... how?
A. Best way would be to communicate with me on github with the artwork as an attachment or linked through dropbox. Then feedback can be given on the proposed and integrated into the project.
The Meaning of Life, the Universe, and Everything.
Join Date:
Fredericksburg VA
Member Details
Me and my peeps were starting to make a custom server... and Project Zulu was 1 of 2 mods we were dying to get our hands back on. THANKS FOR CONTINUING THE WORK!!!!!
is Crudedragos off from modding? what with the JAS mod?
As far as I can tell from this post in the original PZ thread, it seems that way. But he has released an updated version for JAS (1.4.6) recently so it may seem that Crudedragos will still be around.
Nice to see you keepin this mod alive! I've got a compatibility issue however, when I use this mod with the Unique Artifacts mod it seems to cause the artifacts that have effects to fill your hunger to not work. Even worse so the armor that automatically refills your hunger when you wear it will completely destroy itself trying to fill your hunger bar up.
Nice to see you keepin this mod alive! I've got a compatibility issue however, when I use this mod with the Unique Artifacts mod it seems to cause the artifacts that have effects to fill your hunger to not work. Even worse so the armor that automatically refills your hunger when you wear it will completely destroy itself trying to fill your hunger bar up.
Yep, I did a few tests and can validate that this is an issue. It's like the armor was "consumed" rather than destroyed, like a potion. Anyway, I've isolated the cause to the potions component of PZ. What I can suggest right now is (1) drop your UA stuff on the ground, (b) save and exit MC, (c) set the values of the ff: entries to "false" (without the quotes) in the file ProjectZuluConfig.cfg (located in %appdata%/.minecraft/config folder), (d) reload your game and pickup your dropped UA stuff. A quick fix of sorts whilst I sort things out.
B:"PZCustomPotion isEnabled"=false
B:"PZVanillaPotion isEnabled"=false
B:"Enable Null Potion Handler"=false
B:"Potion Module Enabled"=false
Thanks soultek101 for keeping this mod alive. Was always one of my favourites and I'm really pleased to see it continue.
Do you have any plans for additions or expansions to it?
Greetings MohawkyMagoo. It was a privilege for me actually to be allowed to continue this mod and I'm very grateful for the welcome you and the rest of ppl here have for the update that I made.
Yes I do have plans for additions and expansions. I'm currently doing a thorough familiarization of PZ's external and internal features before I'd dare take a step forward. Regardless, my intent for PZ is still the same as Crudedragos, to provide a better overworld without drowning out the flavor that is Minecraft. Cheers!
The loss of Crudedragos, PZ and JAS and so many other of my other favourite mods whose devs also quit, going into 1.7.10 I found quite depressing, and actually stopped me playing Minecraft at all this last month or so. This update has actually made me want to start playing again, if I can actually create a stable 1.7.10 build that is. So, once again, thanks for this!
1.8 is just around the corner (no more than a week or two), and a lot of mod authors decided to sit on 1.6.4, skip 1.7 altogether, and then jump directly to 1.8. Same goes for 1.7.2 authors who decided that working on a minor version update wasn't worth their time and went on to wait for 1.8. Long story short, things should pick up once the 1.8 patch goes live.
Hey there everyone. I've updated the mod to PZ 1.7.10 1.2B. This version contains compatibility features for mods like Unique Artifacts.
Good luck maintaining PZ. =) I'm glad you're taking the time to do this.
By the way, what did you do to make it compatible with Unique Artifacts (I'm mostly curious because I'm the one coding and maintaining that mod right now)?
When I was using both earlier (testing Unique Artifacts with a bunch of other mods, and just playing to have fun of course), I discovered that one of the potion effect IDs in PZ was overlapping with the vanilla Saturation potion effect (and a couple others were overlapping with other vanilla effects, if I remember correctly), which caused the funky things to happen with the UA saturation armour. When I changed the effect IDs in the PZ config file, everything worked correctly.
Greetings Tmtravlr. We both reached the same conclusion regarding the conflicting potion effects. I changed the PZ IDs as well but found that having a static approach (changing IDs each and every time) would grant me a lower compatibility return in the long run, so I just added a "safe" way to auto acquire the IDs. (Many thanks to Lycanite for the coding help). Thankfully the modifications allowed your potion effects to coexist with the existing potion system of PZ, as well as with a dozen or so mods that I also play with that have their potion/effects. Hopefully I haven't broken anything but so far so good:blink:. The auto ID feature can be turned off in the config file so returning to the previous approach is really not an issue. Thank you for your feedback/support and I'm looking forward to the future features of your mod. Cheers!
Yep, definitely something weird is going on with the forum. I only managed to see my recent post by going back and forth other posts. Anyway I hope I was able to provide a suitable answer to your inquiry. BTW were there still potion conflicts even with the recent PZ build?
Project Zulu : A Better Overworld is a mod that provides a more engaging, challenging and ultimately a far better Minecraft Overworld experience thru the addition of unique Mobs, Plants/Trees, Items, Blocks, Structures/Dungeons and Game Mechanics.
PZ Features... just a few of many waiting for you to discover or craft!
PZ Hostile Mobs, just a sample of what's waiting for you in the dark or out in daylight!
PZ Passive Mobs
A few more....
and some more passive mobs...
** More sample pics to come!!!
Project Zulu for MC 1.7.10 is a continuation of Crudedragos' great work, which can be found here.
so WHAT'S NEW in the Project Zulu 1.4C2 version?
Many many thanks to everyone for their support and understanding. Very very special thanks goes to Dulciphi, for her participation in the various alpha testing of PZ 1.4c; Blue001 for his patience in explaining the old PZ death rules to me; xerox686, for participating in the alpha testing of ZP 1.4c related to the micro stuttering issue; leonelmegaman for his contributing the Zebra mob.
NOTE: PZ 1.4C2 contains fixes for issues encountered as reported recently by MohawkyMagoo and Voidi. These were related to DataWatcher conflicts and have been temporarily given a solution until such that I can migrate the code to a more stable setup. The biggest addition to the PZ 1.4C2 is the addition of the Portugese language support, courtesy of al-myr. Many thanks al-myr.
Revived Death Rules
Ok, so a new config setting can be found in the main PZ config file, namely "Activate PZ Death Rules". Disabling this would revert to the default MC mechanics, and renders succeeding PZ Death options useless. Other changes to the mechanics based on a per config setting are as follows :
Sample Death Rules configuration (mirrors the catch-all system prior to current version)
B:"Activate PZ Death Rules"=true
B:"Drop Tombstone On Death"=true
B:"Replace Default Flower Pot"=true
B:"Tombstone Absorb Drops"=true
S:"Tombstone drop blacklist"=
gamerule_settings {
experience {
armor {
inventory {
hotbar {
Custom Commands
Configuration Options
Limited Mob Spawners
New Brewing Stands
Wood and Stone Campfire
Raw Fiber
Fur Pelt
Universal Flower Pot
Raw Fiber
Structure Placer
Small Heart
Large Heart
Small Unhealthy Heart
Large Unhealthy Heart
Black Lichen
Glowing Goo
Prickly Powder
Powder Slush
Poison Droplet
Coconut Shell Fuel (added in PZ 1.3e)
"Uncrafting" Hammer Tool (added in PZ 1.3e)
Cloth Armor
Fur Armor
Scale Armor
Creeper Blossom
Night Bloom
Palm Tree
MOBS (PASSIVE, well most of the time)
Horse -- Tameable, Ride-able
Goat (added in PZ 1.3a)
Duck (added in PZ 1.3a)
Fish, Long Generic (added in PZ 1.3b)
Deer (added in PZ 1.3b)
Fish, Round Generic (added in PZ 1.3c)
Crow (added in PZ 1.3c)
Camel (added in PZ 1.4a) -- Tameable, Ride-able
Monkey (added in PZ 1.4a)
Beetles (added in PZ 1.4a)
Zebra (added in PZ 1.4c)
MOBS (Hostile)
Mummy Pharoah (Mini Boss)
Draugr (Bone Warior) (added in PZ 1.3b)
Ripper Fin (added in PZ 1.3b)
Giant Rat (added in PZ 1.3c)
Bloom Doom (added in PZ 1.4a)
Rabid Bat (added in PZ 1.4a)
Whenever a player dies, PZ erects a tombstone at the site of passing and this tombstone absorbs both inventory items and experience values of the slain player. The tombstone will then spawn particles and project a beacon that make it easier to see and know whether the tombstone contains items or not. A respawned player can (a) Use (right click with an empty hand) the tombstone to get all stored items and xp, or (b) break the tombstone using other items/blocks/non pickaxe tools and the tombstone will drop all stored items and xp, or (c) harvest the tombstone using vanilla pickaxes and the tombstone will drop all stored items and xp plus a tombstone block as well.
Mob (Active) Fight or Flight Behaviour
The AFF is more of an AI override to the PZ mobs. What it does is it sets a configurable ferocity level (implemented as aggroLevel, range between 0.00 to 100.0) , via anger level of a particular mob, and couples it with a configurable threat range (implemented as aggroRange, base 16D for most) and using a very simplistic approach let's a mob decide whether to flee before you or attack you when you get in range(simulating territorial behaviour).
Passive and tameable mobs (Fox, Duck, Goat, etc) are included so you'd either have to have their favorite food item ready or you would have to either chase them down or defend yourself against them depending on their mood. The settings are all in the ProjectZuluMobBiomeConfig.cfg file.
-- Integrated Portugese language support, translation provided by al-myr
-- Adjusted datawatcher code for entityMonkey and entityMummy
-- Fixed waterskin recipe
-- Updated Russian language support, hope my translation is okay
-- Revival of the PZ Death Rules and making the Death Rules implement even without a PZ tombstone
-- Added error control for the PZ Death Rules when a player dies due to lava and the Tombstone will no longer spawn on lava.
-- Added additional error control codes related to the disabling of various mechanics/objects when using PZ
-- Implemented a fix for the removal of the reported "micro-stutter", which also fixed the issue with the errors generated with the config files.
-- Adjusted the movement animation of most PZ mobs to mirror that of MC default mobs
-- Added wooden bucket and waterskin, with corresponding water and milk functionalities
-- Adjusted ostrich egg drop code
-- Adjusted doom bloom aggro codes so it will attack when the player gets near
-- Fixed the issue of the camel name not being shown correctly when using WAILA
-- Refined the coding used by PZ to generate multiple textures for various PZ mobs
-- Minor adjustment on the models of various PZ mobs
-- Major adjustment to the models of the deer, crow and doombloom mobs
-- Implemented a multiple food temptation mechanism that allows more than 1 item to be used to "attract" PZ mobs.
-- Added the Zebra mob, model provided by
-- Removed the bug spawning on block break feature
-- Removed the wooden stick on block break feature
-- Fixed the coding for the Null Potions module to resolve indexOutofBounds errors
-- Fixed the PZ Bug spawning event code and added % chance to spawn
-- Added Wooden Stick config switch along with % chance to spawn
-- Removed PZ Beetles sounds
-- Fixed HitBox of PZ Centipede
-- Added a tameable, rideable Camel (can also carry by using a chest on a tamed camel)
-- Added a new plant mob, the Doom Bloom
-- Added a small, tailed Monkey mob
-- Added a flying hostile, Rabid Bat
-- Added a new config option to control whether the PZ Hammer will destroy or harvest a non-recyclable block
-- Added a new config option to control whether the PZ Spike Trap can be indestructible or not
-- Added a new config option to control whether or not to display PZ Boss Ticker Health Bar
-- Implemented a fix to avoid the disconnection error encountered with the PZ spike trap
-- Implemented a fix for the missing PZ armour textures
-- Implemented a fix for the missing PZ horse textures
-- Reconfigured the PZ horse settings to fix the errors related when slaying a PZ horse or when a PZ horse is fleeing
-- Resized the PZ Centipede and added new sounds
-- Adjusted spawn settings for several PZ mobs to avoid them being spawned in the Ender dimension
-- Added a new random event wherein if a player breaks particular blocks, beetles and centipedes spawn out. Just to add a little to the ambience of the game. The beetles are programmed to die after a few minutes.
-- You can now use a torch to light the PZ Campfire block, aside from using the Flint and Steel tool
-- Disabled the timed restriction feature when milking PZ goats
-- Corrected a few mob breeding food entries to maintain consistency
-- Corrected a few mob models that would generate funky child mobs
Project Zulu 1.7.10 v1.4C2 Primary Link
Project Zulu 1.7.10 v1.4B4 link1 link2
1. Install Recommended Forge version for Minecraft 1.7.10.
2. Backup old PZ Config folder, either through relocation or renaming.
2. Copy Project Zulu jar file into the MC Mods folder (%appdata&/.minecraft/mods)
3. (Optional) Configure Project Zulu via configuraiton files in %appdata&/.minecraft/config/ProjectZulu
4. Enjoy!
Many many many thanks for Crudedragos for allowing me to tinker and continue with his work. And a massive thanks as well to all those that support and provide comments/suggestions/feedback on this thread. This mod can never really move forward without you guys.
NOTES: (Lifted from the original author's thread)
A. Apache 2.0
Q. Can I use this mod in my Mod Pack?
A. Yes. Just give credit where credit is due.
Q. Should I post issues here or on
A. Both. Report to thread for discussion, report to Github as well whenever possible.
Q. I want to contribute non-code / Texture / Models / Suggestions ... how?
A. Best way would be to communicate with me on github with the artwork as an attachment or linked through dropbox. Then feedback can be given on the proposed and integrated into the project.
Awesome job reviving it it!
Check out my art!!
As far as I can tell from this post in the original PZ thread, it seems that way. But he has released an updated version for JAS (1.4.6) recently so it may seem that Crudedragos will still be around.
Check out ModdedMinecraftLite, a custom modpack
on my website,
Check out ModdedMinecraftLite, a custom modpack
on my website,
Yep, I did a few tests and can validate that this is an issue. It's like the armor was "consumed" rather than destroyed, like a potion. Anyway, I've isolated the cause to the potions component of PZ. What I can suggest right now is (1) drop your UA stuff on the ground, (b) save and exit MC, (c) set the values of the ff: entries to "false" (without the quotes) in the file ProjectZuluConfig.cfg (located in %appdata%/.minecraft/config folder), (d) reload your game and pickup your dropped UA stuff. A quick fix of sorts whilst I sort things out.
B:"PZCustomPotion isEnabled"=false
B:"PZVanillaPotion isEnabled"=false
B:"Enable Null Potion Handler"=false
B:"Potion Module Enabled"=false
Greetings MohawkyMagoo. It was a privilege for me actually to be allowed to continue this mod and I'm very grateful for the welcome you and the rest of ppl here have for the update that I made.
Yes I do have plans for additions and expansions. I'm currently doing a thorough familiarization of PZ's external and internal features before I'd dare take a step forward. Regardless, my intent for PZ is still the same as Crudedragos, to provide a better overworld without drowning out the flavor that is Minecraft. Cheers!
EDIT: Updated "temporary" config setting fix for PZ 1.7.10 (also for 1.7.2) + Unique Artifacts 1.05; Removed erroneous reply to query regarding tameable entities in PZ. I'll update soonest.
1.8 is just around the corner (no more than a week or two), and a lot of mod authors decided to sit on 1.6.4, skip 1.7 altogether, and then jump directly to 1.8. Same goes for 1.7.2 authors who decided that working on a minor version update wasn't worth their time and went on to wait for 1.8. Long story short, things should pick up once the 1.8 patch goes live.
Good luck maintaining PZ. =) I'm glad you're taking the time to do this.
By the way, what did you do to make it compatible with Unique Artifacts (I'm mostly curious because I'm the one coding and maintaining that mod right now)?
When I was using both earlier (testing Unique Artifacts with a bunch of other mods, and just playing to have fun of course), I discovered that one of the potion effect IDs in PZ was overlapping with the vanilla Saturation potion effect (and a couple others were overlapping with other vanilla effects, if I remember correctly), which caused the funky things to happen with the UA saturation armour. When I changed the effect IDs in the PZ config file, everything worked correctly.
It ate my post #20, which I didn't notice until this morning (notice it skips from #19 to #21).
Edit: And now notice it skips from my #21 post to this #23 post. I've submitted a bug report to the forum support about this.
Edit: Yay, it's fixed.