The Meaning of Life, the Universe, and Everything.
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Hey, hey! I really do love this mod. I'm sad that 1.7.10 is no longer supported. In lieu of that, jaquadro, is there some way I can change what the bloomery can cook in the 1.7.10 version? I'd like to make it so that my modpack requires the player to make wrought iron before they can make vanilla iron. Any ideas or should I just scrap the thought entirely?
Yeah... I just started looking this weekend at what's needed to port my mods to 1.12, and this has stopped me cold. I'm still trying to wrap my head around it. Why, oh why, does LexManos have to change stuff that was working just fine?
Really been enjoying this mod, but I can't seem to plant the candelilla seeds. The wiki says they just need to be planted on sand, which I tried, so is there something else I'm missing? I'm using the 1.7.10 version, if it matters.
Hey, hey! I really do love this mod. I'm sad that 1.7.10 is no longer supported. In lieu of that, jaquadro, is there some way I can change what the bloomery can cook in the 1.7.10 version? I'd like to make it so that my modpack requires the player to make wrought iron before they can make vanilla iron. Any ideas or should I just scrap the thought entirely?
Yeah... I just started looking this weekend at what's needed to port my mods to 1.12, and this has stopped me cold. I'm still trying to wrap my head around it. Why, oh why, does LexManos have to change stuff that was working just fine?
--<@ My collection of Actually Somewhat Useful Minecraft Modding Links @>--
My Mods: Sinhika's Bark
Ported Mods: akkamaddi's Additions, akkamaddi's Ashenwheat, AleXndrTheGr8st's SimpleCore/SimpleOres/etc
Other Stuff: old/obsolete Ruins templates, updated to Ruins 1.7.10
Really been enjoying this mod, but I can't seem to plant the candelilla seeds. The wiki says they just need to be planted on sand, which I tried, so is there something else I'm missing? I'm using the 1.7.10 version, if it matters.