I found all the bugs you reported and fixed them in dev.
I've been doing more under the covers work for the past couple days. Replacing more parts of the default renderer and getting some of the render capability I need for the lattice overlays I've been wanting to work on.
I found all the bugs you reported and fixed them in dev.
I've been doing more under the covers work for the past couple days. Replacing more parts of the default renderer and getting some of the render capability I need for the lattice overlays I've been wanting to work on.
I've refactored the compost bin to use a compost registry and corresponding API. This paves the way to easily add new entries and a configuration for the bin. I'm going to try exposing it through MineTweaker first.
I've refactored the compost bin to use a compost registry and corresponding API. This paves the way to easily add new entries and a configuration for the bin. I'm going to try exposing it through MineTweaker first.
Alrighty, I'm definitely going to add stuff to the whitelist as soon as the update is ready. Basically, all food decomposes, so it naturally should be compostable. Pumpkin and Melon blocks are in, right? (As plant material)
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
I just took the Minecraft Noob test! Check out what I scored. Think you can beat me?!
Alrighty, I'm definitely going to add stuff to the whitelist as soon as the update is ready. Basically, all food decomposes, so it naturally should be compostable. Pumpkin and Melon blocks are in, right? (As plant material)
Pumpkin and melon and a few other vanilla blocks have been added to the default registry in dev. And in dev right now, you can add new registrations through MineTweaker based on either an ItemStack definition or an ore dictionary key. (A third option, if writing a mod against the GardenStuff API, is to register entire class hierarchies).
To get a sense for what's in by default, here's the code I use to initialize the registry now:
registerCompostMaterial(new ItemStack(Blocks.melon_block), defaultMaterial);
registerCompostMaterial(new ItemStack(Blocks.pumpkin), defaultMaterial);
registerCompostMaterial(new ItemStack(Blocks.hay_block), defaultMaterial);
registerCompostMaterial(new ItemStack(Items.string), new StandardCompostMaterial(100, 0.0625f));
registerCompostMaterial(new ItemStack(Items.wheat), new StandardCompostMaterial(100, 0.125f));
registerCompostMaterial(new ItemStack(Items.reeds), new StandardCompostMaterial(150, 0.125f));
registerCompostMaterial(new ItemStack(Items.feather), new StandardCompostMaterial(50, 0.0625f));
registerCompostMaterial(new ItemStack(Items.rotten_flesh), new StandardCompostMaterial(150, 0.125f));
registerCompostMaterial(new ItemStack(Items.leather), new StandardCompostMaterial(150, 0.125f));
registerCompostMaterial("treeWood", new StandardCompostMaterial(300, 0.25f));
registerCompostMaterial("logWood", new StandardCompostMaterial(300, 0.25f));
registerCompostMaterial("treeLeaves", defaultMaterial);
registerCompostMaterial("treeSapling", defaultMaterial);
registerCompostMaterial("stickWood", defaultMaterial);
If you ever thought the mossy stone bricks weren't mossy enough, I did something about it.
Moss paste is a "tool" to apply moss to cobblestone or stone bricks already placed. It has 64 uses. It can also be applied up to 4 times on stone brick, creating even mossier surfaces. It also works on cracked variants.
1.6.0 is now available for download (at least on GitHub. Curse will update shortly).
Added charcoal block.
Added extra mossy stone brick variants.
Added moss paste item.
Added MineTweaker support for configuring compost bin materials.
Updated Botania integration for double-tall mystic flowers.
Updated Thaumcraft integration to support tallow candles in lanterns.
Updated set of default compostable items.
Fix crash when certain mods break wood posts / wood post fences.
Fix decorative pot variants not being able to light on fire when using Netherrack.
Fix decorative pot variants not dropping correct item when broken.
Fix stained and stamped pots all claiming to be 'black'.
Fix rendering glitch when large pots are held in hand.
Overhaul of underlying renderer -- keep eyes open for any visual defects.
Mostly under-the hood changes with a lot of rendering work and API work done. I also threw in a few bits of content like the moss bricks, paste, and charcoal. The rendering work, besides POSSIBLY better preparing me for 1.8, is to allow for some future overlay work with the lattice. I've done some early prototyping, but I'm still not entirely happy with it.
Found a weird bug where my firefly lanterns keep going out every time I leave the chunk. Playing on a server, not sure if that matters.
Can you better explain what you mean by 'going out'? Do they just visually not appear? Does the block still emit light? If you break it, does it say the contents are fireflies or none?
Can you better explain what you mean by 'going out'? Do they just visually not appear? Does the block still emit light? If you break it, does it say the contents are fireflies or none?
"Going out" as in empty lantern, no particles, doesn't emit light, have to load them up with fireflies again.
Doesn't seem to take them from my inventory though so that's kind of nice. Pretty sure that's a bug too though.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
If you say "plz" because it's shorter than "Please," I'll say "No" because it's shorter than "Yes."
1.6.0 is now available for download (at least on GitHub. Curse will update shortly).
Added charcoal block.
Added extra mossy stone brick variants.
Added moss paste item.
Added MineTweaker support for configuring compost bin materials.
Updated Botania integration for double-tall mystic flowers.
Updated Thaumcraft integration to support tallow candles in lanterns.
Updated set of default compostable items.
Fix crash when certain mods break wood posts / wood post fences.
Fix decorative pot variants not being able to light on fire when using Netherrack.
Fix decorative pot variants not dropping correct item when broken.
Fix stained and stamped pots all claiming to be 'black'.
Fix rendering glitch when large pots are held in hand.
Overhaul of underlying renderer -- keep eyes open for any visual defects.
Mostly under-the hood changes with a lot of rendering work and API work done. I also threw in a few bits of content like the moss bricks, paste, and charcoal. The rendering work, besides POSSIBLY better preparing me for 1.8, is to allow for some future overlay work with the lattice. I've done some early prototyping, but I'm still not entirely happy with it.
With the lanterns accepting thaumcraft candles, will the corresponding lanterns then also be able to be used to stablize an infusion crafting altar?
Question: Do you automatically grab the thaumcraft candle textures or am I going to have to redo the textures?
I grab the thaumcraft textures (and for everything except the item render, I am using the thaumcraft's block renderer directly). I try to leverage existing resources where possible.
"Going out" as in empty lantern, no particles, doesn't emit light, have to load them up with fireflies again.
Doesn't seem to take them from my inventory though so that's kind of nice. Pretty sure that's a bug too though.
I tried looking into this, but I could not reproduce it.
It's very possible that the changes to the lantern in the 1.6.0 update cleared out any previously placed fireflies, but I can't reproduce the issue with a freshly placed lantern and firefly. The lantern changes were required to allow new sources to easily be added by me or other mods.
Added Witchery integration (Trees and plants support)
Allow lanterns to be used as a Thaumcraft Infusion Stabiliser when magic candles are placed inside.
By the way, I don't play with Thaumcraft. I've only done the most basic verification that these things are stabilizers. For all I know, your altar will try to kill you with this.
Exposing a new (likely Minetweakable) API to define new attach points for chains. Currently being applied to Vanilla slabs (now you can hang things from your slab ceilings!)
Will likely try to extend this to posts and lattice as well, though it's a bit more work.
Exposing a new (likely Minetweakable) API to define new attach points for chains. Currently being applied to Vanilla slabs (now you can hang things from your slab ceilings!)
Sorry, it's 1.7.10-1.5.0.
I found all the bugs you reported and fixed them in dev.
I've been doing more under the covers work for the past couple days. Replacing more parts of the default renderer and getting some of the render capability I need for the lattice overlays I've been wanting to work on.
Mods I Develop: Garden Stuff -- Storage Drawers -- Hunger Strike
Tools I Develop: NBTExplorer -- Substrate
Great. Thanks for checking and fixing them.
I've refactored the compost bin to use a compost registry and corresponding API. This paves the way to easily add new entries and a configuration for the bin. I'm going to try exposing it through MineTweaker first.
Mods I Develop: Garden Stuff -- Storage Drawers -- Hunger Strike
Tools I Develop: NBTExplorer -- Substrate
Alrighty, I'm definitely going to add stuff to the whitelist as soon as the update is ready. Basically, all food decomposes, so it naturally should be compostable. Pumpkin and Melon blocks are in, right? (As plant material)
I just took the Minecraft Noob test! Check out what I scored. Think you can beat me?!
To take the test, check out
Don't click this link, HE is haunting it...
Pumpkin and melon and a few other vanilla blocks have been added to the default registry in dev. And in dev right now, you can add new registrations through MineTweaker based on either an ItemStack definition or an ore dictionary key. (A third option, if writing a mod against the GardenStuff API, is to register entire class hierarchies).
To get a sense for what's in by default, here's the code I use to initialize the registry now:
Mods I Develop: Garden Stuff -- Storage Drawers -- Hunger Strike
Tools I Develop: NBTExplorer -- Substrate
If you ever thought the mossy stone bricks weren't mossy enough, I did something about it.
Moss paste is a "tool" to apply moss to cobblestone or stone bricks already placed. It has 64 uses. It can also be applied up to 4 times on stone brick, creating even mossier surfaces. It also works on cracked variants.
Mods I Develop: Garden Stuff -- Storage Drawers -- Hunger Strike
Tools I Develop: NBTExplorer -- Substrate
1.6.0 is now available for download (at least on GitHub. Curse will update shortly).
Mostly under-the hood changes with a lot of rendering work and API work done. I also threw in a few bits of content like the moss bricks, paste, and charcoal. The rendering work, besides POSSIBLY better preparing me for 1.8, is to allow for some future overlay work with the lattice. I've done some early prototyping, but I'm still not entirely happy with it.
Mods I Develop: Garden Stuff -- Storage Drawers -- Hunger Strike
Tools I Develop: NBTExplorer -- Substrate
Found a weird bug where my firefly lanterns keep going out every time I leave the chunk. Playing on a server, not sure if that matters.
Can you better explain what you mean by 'going out'? Do they just visually not appear? Does the block still emit light? If you break it, does it say the contents are fireflies or none?
Mods I Develop: Garden Stuff -- Storage Drawers -- Hunger Strike
Tools I Develop: NBTExplorer -- Substrate
"Going out" as in empty lantern, no particles, doesn't emit light, have to load them up with fireflies again.
Doesn't seem to take them from my inventory though so that's kind of nice. Pretty sure that's a bug too though.
With the lanterns accepting thaumcraft candles, will the corresponding lanterns then also be able to be used to stablize an infusion crafting altar?
No. It's just another decorative source for your lanterns. Maybe in a future update.
Mods I Develop: Garden Stuff -- Storage Drawers -- Hunger Strike
Tools I Develop: NBTExplorer -- Substrate
Actually, this will be in the next release. It turned out to be easy to add.
Mods I Develop: Garden Stuff -- Storage Drawers -- Hunger Strike
Tools I Develop: NBTExplorer -- Substrate
Question: Do you automatically grab the thaumcraft candle textures or am I going to have to redo the textures?
I grab the thaumcraft textures (and for everything except the item render, I am using the thaumcraft's block renderer directly). I try to leverage existing resources where possible.
Mods I Develop: Garden Stuff -- Storage Drawers -- Hunger Strike
Tools I Develop: NBTExplorer -- Substrate
I tried looking into this, but I could not reproduce it.
It's very possible that the changes to the lantern in the 1.6.0 update cleared out any previously placed fireflies, but I can't reproduce the issue with a freshly placed lantern and firefly. The lantern changes were required to allow new sources to easily be added by me or other mods.
Mods I Develop: Garden Stuff -- Storage Drawers -- Hunger Strike
Tools I Develop: NBTExplorer -- Substrate
Relatively small update. Version 1.6.1.:
By the way, I don't play with Thaumcraft. I've only done the most basic verification that these things are stabilizers. For all I know, your altar will try to kill you with this.
Mods I Develop: Garden Stuff -- Storage Drawers -- Hunger Strike
Tools I Develop: NBTExplorer -- Substrate
Exposing a new (likely Minetweakable) API to define new attach points for chains. Currently being applied to Vanilla slabs (now you can hang things from your slab ceilings!)
Will likely try to extend this to posts and lattice as well, though it's a bit more work.
Mods I Develop: Garden Stuff -- Storage Drawers -- Hunger Strike
Tools I Develop: NBTExplorer -- Substrate
This is the coolest thing ever!