Wrought iron has been changed again, requiring a new "bloomery furnace" to smelt it. For now, that's all it's used for. It may find new uses in the future - I don't know. But with half the tech mods providing a dual-purpose alloy smelter, put iron in the smelting table just seems to be a bad idea. Sorry, your wrought iron is going to take a few more minutes to get going. (Note on Terrafirmacraft, it has its own bloomery. This one will be disabled if any special integration is done).
Most plant size restrictions are now relaxed as well.
Since I've already got Thaumcraft integration in one place, why not just add this too.
And holy crap do I need to do some refactoring or cleanup or something. This mod is over 200 source files. How did this happen?
dear coding this is amazing i really need to get around to updating all my mods again...
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I made a Feed The Beast modpack! Simply type "Experiment812390" without quotes into the 3rD party codes area and you can see the mods list and install!
Don't be a pedant, or take things out of context on purpose.
"don't quote yourself in your signature it makes you look silly" ~ Oden_The_Fish
my profile picture is the A-10 thunderbolt II the successor of the first thunderbolt used in WWII by the USAF both excel in air support and ground attacks
the A-10 also sports the GAU-8 Avenger a 30MM hydraulic gatling type autocannon
I am tempted to add wrought iron as a fusion furnace recipe for Simple Ores 2 in the add-on, akkamaddi's Steely Glint. Have it check for Garden Stuff classes and add the recipe to make wrought iron in a fusion furnace: iron + sand, with charcoal as the catalyst. (Fusion furnaces are a low-tech alloy smelter added by Simple Ores 2's Fusion add-on.)
I am tempted to add wrought iron as a fusion furnace recipe for Simple Ores 2 in the add-on, akkamaddi's Steely Glint. Have it check for Garden Stuff classes and add the recipe to make wrought iron in a fusion furnace: iron + sand, with charcoal as the catalyst. (Fusion furnaces are a low-tech alloy smelter added by Simple Ores 2's Fusion add-on.)
No objection from me.
The bloomery furnace is just there so I don't have to rely on other mods' alloy furnaces. But any of them are welcome to add support however they see fit.
Maybe add a check to see if that "bloomery furnace" is needed in the first place. I kinda dislike having a furnace that has only a single use, which is already covered by another furnace. Thats like Minecraft adding a seperate furnace for mod-ores...
Maybe add a check to see if that "bloomery furnace" is needed in the first place. I kinda dislike having a furnace that has only a single use, which is already covered by another furnace. Thats like Minecraft adding a seperate furnace for mod-ores...
I gave my reasoning above for why it exists. I mostly agree with you and that's why I started with a normal smelting recipe instead. I wouldn't have changed it if other mods weren't interacting badly with it. But once you step away from vanilla processes, you need to provide a solution in the absence of compatible mods. I also don't want to track down every kind of alloy furnace in use and try to write compatibility for it.
I'll probably do Thermal Expansion at some point, but going that route you'd be gated by power and materials just to do some decorative stuff.
It's not too different from the compost bin. The main purpose is resource acquisition for crafting that's going to produce minimal conflicts with other mods.
An unexpected side effect is packs like Regrowth have found uses for these in progression gating.
I gave my reasoning above for why it exists. I mostly agree with you and that's why I started with a normal smelting recipe instead. I wouldn't have changed it if other mods weren't interacting badly with it. But once you step away from vanilla processes, you need to provide a solution in the absence of compatible mods. I also don't want to track down every kind of alloy furnace in use and try to write compatibility for it.
I'll probably do Thermal Expansion at some point, but going that route you'd be gated by power and materials just to do some decorative stuff.
It's not too different from the compost bin. The main purpose is resource acquisition for crafting that's going to produce minimal conflicts with other mods.
An unexpected side effect is packs like Regrowth have found uses for these in progression gating.
Well, you can always make the vanilla smelting recipe a config option.
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You want a farm, you grab a hoe. You want a boat, you grab some wood. You want a fireplace, you grab A FLAMING HELL-BOULDER BECAUSE THAT'S HOW MINECRAFTERS ROLL!!!
I gave my reasoning above for why it exists. I mostly agree with you and that's why I started with a normal smelting recipe instead. I wouldn't have changed it if other mods weren't interacting badly with it. But once you step away from vanilla processes, you need to provide a solution in the absence of compatible mods. I also don't want to track down every kind of alloy furnace in use and try to write compatibility for it.
I'll probably do Thermal Expansion at some point, but going that route you'd be gated by power and materials just to do some decorative stuff.
It's not too different from the compost bin. The main purpose is resource acquisition for crafting that's going to produce minimal conflicts with other mods.
An unexpected side effect is packs like Regrowth have found uses for these in progression gating.
I'm thinking pretty much any plant matter or even some meat like rotten flesh should be compostable. Reason being is that everything eventually breaks down, and anything biological will eventually return to the soil. Would make a nice use for those zombies I recently killed...
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I just took the Minecraft Noob test! Check out what I scored. Think you can beat me?!
To take the test, check out https://minecraftnoobtest.com/test.php
I'm thinking pretty much any plant matter or even some meat like rotten flesh should be compostable. Reason being is that everything eventually breaks down, and anything biological will eventually return to the soil. Would make a nice use for those zombies I recently killed...
Sure, zombie flesh is a reasonable option. I use a few heuristics to pick up plant content, but it's impossible to get them all. At some point I'll expose a whitelist/blacklist for the compost bin.
I really like the look of this mod and my minecraft playmates love it for decoration.
I don't know why, but flower pots don't play nicely on the server. What I mean by that is not everyone can enjoy the flowers planted. My friend used several of your pots and planted a very pretty garden in them. However, to me (on my client) they just look empty, When I look at them on her client, there they are as pretty as can be, but they are non-existent on the other clients. I use about 168 mods, so there is the possibility of compatibility issues. I don't use optifine however. One thing I notice is that there seems to be insufficient time to handle all of the tick events on the server with this many mods. I continually get 'is the server overloaded?' messages.
Could you check and see if there is some issue on your end that changes to the pots do not get sent to all clients?
Sure, zombie flesh is a reasonable option. I use a few heuristics to pick up plant content, but it's impossible to get them all. At some point I'll expose a whitelist/blacklist for the compost bin.
That's about exactly what I was going for. Hardcoded compatibility would be tough to code in, and would break between updates. A whitelist/blacklist in the config is easier and can move between versions, except with major versions that add more to the config.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
I just took the Minecraft Noob test! Check out what I scored. Think you can beat me?!
To take the test, check out https://minecraftnoobtest.com/test.php
I really like the look of this mod and my minecraft playmates love it for decoration.
I don't know why, but flower pots don't play nicely on the server. What I mean by that is not everyone can enjoy the flowers planted. My friend used several of your pots and planted a very pretty garden in them. However, to me (on my client) they just look empty, When I look at them on her client, there they are as pretty as can be, but they are non-existent on the other clients. I use about 168 mods, so there is the possibility of compatibility issues. I don't use optifine however. One thing I notice is that there seems to be insufficient time to handle all of the tick events on the server with this many mods. I continually get 'is the server overloaded?' messages.
Could you check and see if there is some issue on your end that changes to the pots do not get sent to all clients?
Thanks for a great mod.
This is the first I've heard of this. What happens if you log out and log in. Do you see the plants then?
I will attempt a 1.8 version, but I don't guarantee success. 1.8 basically destroys mods like this one. I won't be trying until after I port Storage Drawers to 1.8 though.
Version 1.5.5 is now available (may take time to update on Curse).
Wrought iron has been changed again, requiring a new "bloomery furnace" to smelt it. For now, that's all it's used for. It may find new uses in the future - I don't know. But with half the tech mods providing a dual-purpose alloy smelter, put iron in the smelting table just seems to be a bad idea. Sorry, your wrought iron is going to take a few more minutes to get going. (Note on Terrafirmacraft, it has its own bloomery. This one will be disabled if any special integration is done).
Most plant size restrictions are now relaxed as well.
Mods I Develop: Garden Stuff -- Storage Drawers -- Hunger Strike
Tools I Develop: NBTExplorer -- Substrate
1.5.5 crash on server
Thanks, I've rolled back the release for now. Thought I also did a server test, but it was just a non-dev test. Will put out another one tonight.
Mods I Develop: Garden Stuff -- Storage Drawers -- Hunger Strike
Tools I Develop: NBTExplorer -- Substrate
Version 1.5.6 was posted a little bit ago, fixing the NEI crash.
Mods I Develop: Garden Stuff -- Storage Drawers -- Hunger Strike
Tools I Develop: NBTExplorer -- Substrate
Since I've already got Thaumcraft integration in one place, why not just add this too.
And holy crap do I need to do some refactoring or cleanup or something. This mod is over 200 source files. How did this happen?
Mods I Develop: Garden Stuff -- Storage Drawers -- Hunger Strike
Tools I Develop: NBTExplorer -- Substrate
omg love you XD
If you haven't thought of it already, you should make your lamps work as Thaumcraft infusion stabilizers.
At least the thaumcraft candle ones.
dear coding this is amazing i really need to get around to updating all my mods again...
I made a Feed The Beast modpack! Simply type "Experiment812390" without quotes into the 3rD party codes area and you can see the mods list and install!
Don't be a pedant, or take things out of context on purpose.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oden so what I'm soup? Fish soup?
"don't quote yourself in your signature it makes you look silly" ~ Oden_The_Fish
my profile picture is the A-10 thunderbolt II the successor of the first thunderbolt used in WWII by the USAF both excel in air support and ground attacks
the A-10 also sports the GAU-8 Avenger a 30MM hydraulic gatling type autocannon
I am tempted to add wrought iron as a fusion furnace recipe for Simple Ores 2 in the add-on, akkamaddi's Steely Glint. Have it check for Garden Stuff classes and add the recipe to make wrought iron in a fusion furnace: iron + sand, with charcoal as the catalyst. (Fusion furnaces are a low-tech alloy smelter added by Simple Ores 2's Fusion add-on.)
--<@ My collection of Actually Somewhat Useful Minecraft Modding Links @>--
My Mods: Sinhika's Bark
Ported Mods: akkamaddi's Additions, akkamaddi's Ashenwheat, AleXndrTheGr8st's SimpleCore/SimpleOres/etc
Other Stuff: old/obsolete Ruins templates, updated to Ruins 1.7.10
No objection from me.
The bloomery furnace is just there so I don't have to rely on other mods' alloy furnaces. But any of them are welcome to add support however they see fit.
Mods I Develop: Garden Stuff -- Storage Drawers -- Hunger Strike
Tools I Develop: NBTExplorer -- Substrate
Maybe add a check to see if that "bloomery furnace" is needed in the first place. I kinda dislike having a furnace that has only a single use, which is already covered by another furnace. Thats like Minecraft adding a seperate furnace for mod-ores...
I gave my reasoning above for why it exists. I mostly agree with you and that's why I started with a normal smelting recipe instead. I wouldn't have changed it if other mods weren't interacting badly with it. But once you step away from vanilla processes, you need to provide a solution in the absence of compatible mods. I also don't want to track down every kind of alloy furnace in use and try to write compatibility for it.
I'll probably do Thermal Expansion at some point, but going that route you'd be gated by power and materials just to do some decorative stuff.
It's not too different from the compost bin. The main purpose is resource acquisition for crafting that's going to produce minimal conflicts with other mods.
An unexpected side effect is packs like Regrowth have found uses for these in progression gating.
Mods I Develop: Garden Stuff -- Storage Drawers -- Hunger Strike
Tools I Develop: NBTExplorer -- Substrate
Well, you can always make the vanilla smelting recipe a config option.
I'm thinking pretty much any plant matter or even some meat like rotten flesh should be compostable. Reason being is that everything eventually breaks down, and anything biological will eventually return to the soil. Would make a nice use for those zombies I recently killed...
I just took the Minecraft Noob test! Check out what I scored. Think you can beat me?!

To take the test, check out
Don't click this link, HE is haunting it...
Sure, zombie flesh is a reasonable option. I use a few heuristics to pick up plant content, but it's impossible to get them all. At some point I'll expose a whitelist/blacklist for the compost bin.
Mods I Develop: Garden Stuff -- Storage Drawers -- Hunger Strike
Tools I Develop: NBTExplorer -- Substrate
Hi Jaquardo,
I really like the look of this mod and my minecraft playmates love it for decoration.
I don't know why, but flower pots don't play nicely on the server. What I mean by that is not everyone can enjoy the flowers planted. My friend used several of your pots and planted a very pretty garden in them. However, to me (on my client) they just look empty, When I look at them on her client, there they are as pretty as can be, but they are non-existent on the other clients. I use about 168 mods, so there is the possibility of compatibility issues. I don't use optifine however. One thing I notice is that there seems to be insufficient time to handle all of the tick events on the server with this many mods. I continually get 'is the server overloaded?' messages.
Could you check and see if there is some issue on your end that changes to the pots do not get sent to all clients?
Thanks for a great mod.
That's about exactly what I was going for. Hardcoded compatibility would be tough to code in, and would break between updates. A whitelist/blacklist in the config is easier and can move between versions, except with major versions that add more to the config.
I just took the Minecraft Noob test! Check out what I scored. Think you can beat me?!

To take the test, check out
Don't click this link, HE is haunting it...
This is the first I've heard of this. What happens if you log out and log in. Do you see the plants then?
I will attempt a 1.8 version, but I don't guarantee success. 1.8 basically destroys mods like this one. I won't be trying until after I port Storage Drawers to 1.8 though.
Mods I Develop: Garden Stuff -- Storage Drawers -- Hunger Strike
Tools I Develop: NBTExplorer -- Substrate
I'm not sure if these have been fixed on the latest version, but wanted to report them.
-Only the plain quartz pot works with Netherrack. The Pillared (and possibly chiseled) do not ignite.
-The Pillared quartz pot returns a plain quartz pot when broken (possibly chiseled as well)
-Dyed Stamped pots all show the name as Black Large Flower Pot regardless of color.
If these were already fixed, please ignore this post. Thanks!
What version of the mod are you using?
Mods I Develop: Garden Stuff -- Storage Drawers -- Hunger Strike
Tools I Develop: NBTExplorer -- Substrate