Lore Expansion is a mod designed by myself and brought to fruition by dmillerw. It's sole purpose is to allow modpack authors and mapmakers the ability to expand the narrative behind the lore. While it was intended to be used alongside the Hardcore Questing Mode mod, it can just as easily be used by adventure map makers.
The lore is fully customizable through the use of JSON files and allows players to have complete control over how their story progresses. Change everything from the title, body text to page numbers and even dimension specificity. Record your audio, place the .ogg file in the chosen folder and link the filename (without the extension) to the sound variable in the JSON file. Players can also specify the optional dimension specific tags to fit with your theme; leaving out the tag will label the lore as global and can be received by all players.
Example Lore JSON File: %config%/LoreExpansion/lore/*.json
{<br>"page": 1,<br>"dimension": "-1",<br>"title": "Path of Corruption",<br>"lore":"It seems as though you have not yet learned from your mistakes. Tempted by rewards and crumbled so quickly before temptation. Now I lay before you a barren land of fire...",<br>"sound": "lore001"<br>}
The lore files can be edited while the game is running. Enter "/lore reload" into the chat to reload the lore files.
Example Tags JSON File: %config%/LoreExpansion/tags.json
{<br>"default": "Lore Pages:",<br>"-1": "Lore for the Corrupted",<br>"0": "Lore for the Righteous"<br>}
Using Lore Expansion with HQM is simple. Each page you add will be registered as a new item; simply link the chosen lore page as a quest reward or have the player discover them through other means. Discovered pages are automatically added to the lore book and can be accessed by right clicking the book in hand or pressing the configurable hotkey (default L) to bring up the GUI.
Click on the image above to view the provided in-game tutorial, narrated by the one and only Vaygrim.
The boxes shown on the left will highlight how many pages are able to be found and as pages are collected they will fill their numerical slots. For example, if the player find the first few pages but happens to miss a page in between, there will be an empty box showing you that one of the pages was missed. Lore can be replayed at any time by clicking a page icon on the left and clicking "Play Again". Closing the book will allow you to continue playing while listening to the lore.
If lore is tagged to be available in a specific dimension, they will be filed on different pages. Using the tabs on the left of the book, players can scroll through dimensions to view which pieces of dimension-specific lore has been discovered.
Narrative Features:
We have added the ability for certain lore pages to be tagged as primary lore which, when picked up by the player, will automatically play without the need to open your journal. This feature will allow for unique narrative during key points in an adventure map; use command blocks to give the page to players within proximity and the lore will automatically file into the journal and play.
A useful example would be a map that takes place in a space station or ship. At certain points the lore can trigger narrative audio to simulate announcements over a loudspeaker or intercom. Better yet, it could be the voice of a purple female AI inside your helmet directing you to certain checkpoints.
Command Triggers:
Lore pages can also be flagged to execute commands upon filing. As the player picks up the lore pages, any listed command will be run silently, similar to how command blocks function. This unique addition avoids the hassle of running redstone clocks to trigger command blocks and can contain more than one function.
Example Commands in Lore JSON File: %config%/LoreExpansion/lore/*.json
{<br>"page": 1,<br>"dimension": -1,<br>"title": "Path of Corruption",<br>"body":"This is an example of the lore's body text!",<br>"sound": "soundFileName",<br>"commands": {<br>"pickup": [<br>"time set night"<br>]<br>},<br>"autoplay": true<br>}
Since HQM is aimed at modpacks and most modpacks are only for 1.6.4 at the moment, is it possible that you could backport it? I understand if you can't or won't since everybody is gearing up for 1.7.2, just curious.
Edit: Doh. Should have refreshed the page so I could've seen that post.
Since HQM is aimed at modpacks and most modpacks are only for 1.6.4 at the moment, is it possible that you could backport it? I understand if you can't or won't since everybody is gearing up for 1.7.2, just curious. Edit: Doh. Should have refreshed the page so I could've seen that post.
Due to how dmillerw developed Lore Expansion, back porting to 1.6 will take up a good chunk of his time. Unfortunately, at the moment we are quire preoccupied with the preparation of EDX, RemoteIO, and IST for the launch of Infernal Skies. Perhaps once that is all said and done he may be able to work on a backport... that is, if people are still interested.
The finishing touches are being put in place as we continue to test for bugs. The latest addition is pre-packaged lore provided as an in-game tutorial narrated by the great Vaygrim. We are hoping to have more to show in the next few days, but in the meantime...
(Best viewed in fullscreen if you wish to read the text)
Latest additions:
Narrative Features
We have added the ability for certain lore pages to be tagged as primary lore which, when picked up by the player, will automatically play without the need to open your journal. This feature will allow for unique narrative during key points in an adventure map; use command blocks to give the page to players within proximity and the lore will automatically file into the journal and play.
A useful example would be a map that takes place in a space station or ship. At certain points the lore can trigger narrative audio to simulate announcements over a loudspeaker or intercom. Better yet, it could be the voice of a purple female AI inside your helmet directing you to certain checkpoints.
Command Triggers
Lore pages can also be flagged to execute commands upon filing. As the player picks up the lore pages, any listed command will be run silently, similar to how command blocks function. This unique addition avoids the hassle of running redstone clocks to trigger command blocks and can contain more than one function.
Example Commands in Lore JSON File:%config%/LoreExpansion/lore/*.json
"page": 1,
"dimension": -1,
"title": "Path of Corruption",
"body":"This is an example of the lore's body text!",
"sound": "soundFileName",
"commands": {
"pickup": [
"time set night"
"autoplay": true
Ok, CyanideX, I have to ask for this, I can't but help...
Once the mod is released, can we use it on modpacks? I would really love to see this in my server's modpack.
Can we get multilanguage suport? You know, JSon already lets utf-8, I think. Could we get multiple title and lores for different languages?
It would really help if we could get lore pages "activated" from command blocks or a command block compatible thing. This would allow to trigger lore pages with "redstone magic", or integrate them with other mods (I'm thinking of CustomNPC's command option; getting a lore page when a NPC's Quest condition is meet). Is it reasonably easy to implement?
1. Yes indeed!
2. I'll get this added, but it's not a top priority.
3. You can already give yourself lore pages through command, but I'll add one for specifying a specific player
I'm loving the direction the Minecraft mapping/modding community is going with the new mods to produce new maps with even better immersion. I've been in the Minecraft scene since mid-2010 and I've watched it grow, and it's amazing. But this mod (as well as HQM) show a clear path in a new and even better direction. I can't wait to see how this turns out, keep up the good work, you and your team are amazing, CyanideX.
Lore Expansion is a mod designed by myself and brought to fruition by dmillerw. It's sole purpose is to allow modpack authors and mapmakers the ability to expand the narrative behind the lore. While it was intended to be used alongside the Hardcore Questing Mode mod, it can just as easily be used by adventure map makers.
The lore is fully customizable through the use of JSON files and allows players to have complete control over how their story progresses. Change everything from the title, body text to page numbers and even dimension specificity. Record your audio, place the .ogg file in the chosen folder and link the filename (without the extension) to the sound variable in the JSON file. Players can also specify the optional dimension specific tags to fit with your theme; leaving out the tag will label the lore as global and can be received by all players.
Example Lore JSON File: %config%/LoreExpansion/lore/*.json
The lore files can be edited while the game is running. Enter "/lore reload" into the chat to reload the lore files.
Example Tags JSON File: %config%/LoreExpansion/tags.json
Using Lore Expansion with HQM is simple. Each page you add will be registered as a new item; simply link the chosen lore page as a quest reward or have the player discover them through other means. Discovered pages are automatically added to the lore book and can be accessed by right clicking the book in hand or pressing the configurable hotkey (default L) to bring up the GUI.
The boxes shown on the left will highlight how many pages are able to be found and as pages are collected they will fill their numerical slots. For example, if the player find the first few pages but happens to miss a page in between, there will be an empty box showing you that one of the pages was missed. Lore can be replayed at any time by clicking a page icon on the left and clicking "Play Again". Closing the book will allow you to continue playing while listening to the lore.
If lore is tagged to be available in a specific dimension, they will be filed on different pages. Using the tabs on the left of the book, players can scroll through dimensions to view which pieces of dimension-specific lore has been discovered.
Narrative Features:
We have added the ability for certain lore pages to be tagged as primary lore which, when picked up by the player, will automatically play without the need to open your journal. This feature will allow for unique narrative during key points in an adventure map; use command blocks to give the page to players within proximity and the lore will automatically file into the journal and play.
A useful example would be a map that takes place in a space station or ship. At certain points the lore can trigger narrative audio to simulate announcements over a loudspeaker or intercom. Better yet, it could be the voice of a purple female AI inside your helmet directing you to certain checkpoints.
Command Triggers:
Lore pages can also be flagged to execute commands upon filing. As the player picks up the lore pages, any listed command will be run silently, similar to how command blocks function. This unique addition avoids the hassle of running redstone clocks to trigger command blocks and can contain more than one function.
Example Commands in Lore JSON File: %config%/LoreExpansion/lore/*.json
Lore Expansion for 1.7.X
Mod Packs:
Inclusion in mod packs is allowed by default. I only ask for a link back to this thread.
I hereby summon the Jaded one
Won't work, you need to use a purple pentagram.
Edit: Doh. Should have refreshed the page so I could've seen that post.
Due to how dmillerw developed Lore Expansion, back porting to 1.6 will take up a good chunk of his time. Unfortunately, at the moment we are quire preoccupied with the preparation of EDX, RemoteIO, and IST for the launch of Infernal Skies. Perhaps once that is all said and done he may be able to work on a backport... that is, if people are still interested.
Json files make it all the better
Farewell everyone o/
(Best viewed in fullscreen if you wish to read the text)
Latest additions:
We have added the ability for certain lore pages to be tagged as primary lore which, when picked up by the player, will automatically play without the need to open your journal. This feature will allow for unique narrative during key points in an adventure map; use command blocks to give the page to players within proximity and the lore will automatically file into the journal and play.
A useful example would be a map that takes place in a space station or ship. At certain points the lore can trigger narrative audio to simulate announcements over a loudspeaker or intercom. Better yet, it could be the voice of a purple female AI inside your helmet directing you to certain checkpoints.
Command Triggers
Lore pages can also be flagged to execute commands upon filing. As the player picks up the lore pages, any listed command will be run silently, similar to how command blocks function. This unique addition avoids the hassle of running redstone clocks to trigger command blocks and can contain more than one function.
Example Commands in Lore JSON File: %config%/LoreExpansion/lore/*.json
I think it's safe to assume that we will have more activity once the mod is released. Shouldn't be much longer now.
1. Yes indeed!
2. I'll get this added, but it's not a top priority.
3. You can already give yourself lore pages through command, but I'll add one for specifying a specific player