I now know how to code a dimension using forge alone!
We will no longer need the DimensionAPI!
Still figuring out how to have a delay on teleportation and the swirly screen when entering the portal block.
lol, yay also yeah i guess if you need help i could help??, also i posted a reply on a way to possibly fix the issues you described as i think they might work i cant test them right now because i am "cleaning" my computer of all the junk i have stored up, on my desktop from mods and codes and my personal game that i am making right now, but you can try them and ill try them later and if they need fixing we could work it out
Thanks a lot dude!
I have put the portal animation (portal.png) in the dropbox folder.
lol, i fixed the part that i thought was wrong in traveling through the portal via a delay, if you are going to increase it then use this method:
first also add a static variable somewhere called delay: public static int delay = 0;
public void onTickInGame(float f, Minecraft minecraft){
if(delay == 10){
// then call the travel method here
this should work better than the one i already suggested earlier to caleb, if you want to decrease the time, then you have to create your own travel method don't use the one provided by minecraft, just trace it all the way down to its roots then construct a new one in the mod_ file based off of the stuff that is in the original taking away what you don't want i hope this works
Hi everyone, this is Voog2 and I'm the musician for this mod I was on holidays for the past couple weeks, however I'm now in my studio working on music
woa, this is gonna be a badass dimension to go to! if posible, can there be a arachnocampa [glow worm] mob that glows and grows and then become a adult fly! And the silk that hangs from it would be like a spiders web, slowng one down...? it would be cool to walk into a cavern filled with them that glow light blue or watever.....sorry for sounding picky, couldnt help it but it just came to me.......
I now know how to code a dimension using forge alone!
We will no longer need the DimensionAPI!
Still figuring out how to have a delay on teleportation and the swirly screen when entering the portal block.
I might know where to find a fix to the teleportation delay. If you go through the java files for the nether and find the line of code that 's used for it's teleportation delay, you may be able to work off of it and add a delay to your portal.
I now know how to code a dimension using forge alone!
We will no longer need the DimensionAPI!
Still figuring out how to have a delay on teleportation and the swirly screen when entering the portal block.
lol, yay also yeah i guess if you need help i could help??, also i posted a reply on a way to possibly fix the issues you described as i think they might work i cant test them right now because i am "cleaning" my computer of all the junk i have stored up, on my desktop from mods and codes and my personal game that i am making right now, but you can try them and ill try them later and if they need fixing we could work it out
lol you follow my code well?? just teasing
lol, i fixed the part that i thought was wrong in traveling through the portal via a delay, if you are going to increase it then use this method:
first also add a static variable somewhere called delay: public static int delay = 0;
public void onTickInGame(float f, Minecraft minecraft){
if(delay == 10){
// then call the travel method here
this should work better than the one i already suggested earlier to caleb, if you want to decrease the time, then you have to create your own travel method don't use the one provided by minecraft, just trace it all the way down to its roots then construct a new one in the mod_ file based off of the stuff that is in the original taking away what you don't want i hope this works
MrCompost what did you use to make your little block icons on your mods first page. I am just curious
No base class edits
cool mod so far, keep it up
P.S. -fish2 YOU ROCK!
It's not only you, quys
Open that spoiler to see something amazing:
The amazing portal:
Some nice particles under the leaves: