Nice! Also, what model maker is that? Looks nothing like the version of Techne I've been using.
Thanks! It's iChun's Tabula. It has WYSIWYG technology: Techne has these blurs between pixels in textures. Tabula doesn't, making it look better too. You should check it out and show me what you made, one day.
Thanks for the backpacks! Back when I played last time I'd loaded a whole mod up just to have some.
Also looking forward to the soon(TM) update to change vanilla ore rates!
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How to deal with ignorance (in life, and on forums): The Zen way... Stay cool and polite, treat people as you wish to be treated, rise above your impatience. Everyone is ignorant of something at any point in their lives, including you.
We already know that 99% of the metals currently in the mod, don't really have a use. I'd say: Copper, Tin, Bronze, Angmallen, Damascus Steel, Ignatius, Lemurite, Shadow Steel, Manganese, Steel, Kalendrite,Vulcanite, Atlarus and Adamantine, are all the useful metals in the mod: They're the strong ones and the ones required for machines.
We are working on a few things which will make other metals more useful. Most will have little to no influence on the mod.
Though, we have one idea, of which we're not certain of whether or not we'll do it. This idea will have a big influence on the simplicity, if implemented.
I just saw this. Personally I'd be sad to see Celenegil go, it's my "early game" power tool metal because it's so enchantable...
How about having some of the metals usable only to add enchantment value to existing alloys?
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How to deal with ignorance (in life, and on forums): The Zen way... Stay cool and polite, treat people as you wish to be treated, rise above your impatience. Everyone is ignorant of something at any point in their lives, including you.
I have rid many chunks of their blocks. The general output per chunk is well balanced. I never had any problems with how the game is balanced.
PS: if it says that the layers are <128, then that just means that the 20 veins it was asked to make, have to be below that layer, making the ground below a deep ocean ideal for quarries and the top of extreme hills the least ideal place.
oh, you still havent understand? its simple
no difference for quarry on mountain, but for mining its big difference, we have gold veins ONLY in ~ 0 - ~25 so we can take (find) 128/25 (x5) more ores (with equal number of ores on 1 chunk in CFG for example ) and 128/64 for iron (x2)
oh, you still havent understand? its simple
no difference for quarry on mountain, but for mining its big difference, we have gold veins ONLY in ~ 0 - ~25 so we can take (find) 128/25 (x5) more ores (with equal number of ores on 1 chunk in CFG for example ) and 128/64 for iron (x2)
I haven't really been pleased with the direction this mod has taken, nor the speed of developmnet, but I do still check in sometimes (still hoping for something to be done about those "useless" metals, and preferably not elimination). I've been looking at your posts, and I think that your logic may be a bit flawed. As I understand it (and please do correct me - politely - if I'm wrong), what you're saying is that by expanding the height at which ores can spawn, their frequency is increased. Now, that's partially correct, however, ores can only spawn in stone anyway, so in most biomes, ores don't actually get the benefits of an increased spawn range due to the lack of stone at higher altitudes. The one exception to this would probably be the Extreme Hills biome, which is actually quite unrewarding to mine in in Vanilla, due to the additional layers of ground one must go through to reach anything. Also, unless I am deeply mistaken, random patches of Silverfish blocks in Extreme Hills is a Vanilla feature, making mining there more dangerous as well.
Admittedly, yes, you are still going to see some increase in how much ore is found. However, that's not necessarily unbalancing. When you increase the number of types of things being spawned in stone, that also has an effect, as everything that is spawned means another spot that something else isn't spawning. In addition to that, Metallurgy - like any mod with tech in it, really - increases the demand for materials. What might have been plenty of iron in Vanilla will, in the modded environment, need to be divided among machines, alloys for progression, and other such uses, in addition to all the things it would have originally gone to.
Though, if you still feel it's too much, there are a number of options. First and foremost, and as has been brought up before, Metallurgy has been and remains one of the best mods out there for customizability of its ore spawns. Additionally, you could add a mod like Chisel (2), which adds new stone types that ores don't spawn in, reducing spawn locations to counterbalance the range it checks. Even further, you could add more tech mods, without adding more ore spawns, to further increase the "demand tax" on resources. Speaking of mods, I know Glassmaker makes ExtraTIC, but I would personally recommend against using TiC if you're concerned about resource availability, since it lowers crafting costs and makes repairs easier, meaning that it has an overall effect of reducing the "demand tax".
On an entirely different note...
I was actually rather disappointed in the response to the idea of an option to disable Diamond-tier equipment. In my opinion, that's a fantastic option. It would encourage players to experiment with all the different metal tiers instead, by forcing them out of their comfort zone. It's not entirely without precedent either. Despite my earlier point about TiC, it bears noting that they actually don't have a method for creating diamond tools, a limit hard enforced with Iguana Tweaks...just to give one example.
As to the use of diamond equipment in other mods, I think that there are a few options there, too. My favourite would be to replace the diamond equipment with a range of "diamond machine parts", made from metal and diamonds, and only used in crafting...either by editing recipes, sprites, and names, or by having recipe-equivalent items (Forge OreDict, in other words). Or, simply follow in the footsteps of other mods and disable the use of the items, but leave them as-is, with a notation in the tooltip that they are used "for crafting only". The third option, of course, is to just leave it at the user's discretion, note in the config that the option might break recipes from other mods, and leave it to them to use one of the several recipe editors out there to change how those items are crafted, if need be (possibly advising them to do so in the aforementioned warning).
I just saw this. Personally I'd be sad to see Celenegil go, it's my "early game" power tool metal because it's so enchantable...
How about having some of the metals usable only to add enchantment value to existing alloys?
We won't remove any of the metals under any circumstance.
I'm interested in the idea, but I don't exactly understand what you mean. Could you explain this?
I haven't really been pleased with the direction this mod has taken, nor the speed of developmnet, but I do still check in sometimes (still hoping for something to be done about those "useless" metals, and preferably not elimination). I've been looking at your posts, and I think that your logic may be a bit flawed. As I understand it (and please do correct me - politely - if I'm wrong), what you're saying is that by expanding the height at which ores can spawn, their frequency is increased. Now, that's partially correct, however, ores can only spawn in stone anyway, so in most biomes, ores don't actually get the benefits of an increased spawn range due to the lack of stone at higher altitudes. The one exception to this would probably be the Extreme Hills biome, which is actually quite unrewarding to mine in in Vanilla, due to the additional layers of ground one must go through to reach anything. Also, unless I am deeply mistaken, random patches of Silverfish blocks in Extreme Hills is a Vanilla feature, making mining there more dangerous as well.
Admittedly, yes, you are still going to see some increase in how much ore is found. However, that's not necessarily unbalancing. When you increase the number of types of things being spawned in stone, that also has an effect, as everything that is spawned means another spot that something else isn't spawning. In addition to that, Metallurgy - like any mod with tech in it, really - increases the demand for materials. What might have been plenty of iron in Vanilla will, in the modded environment, need to be divided among machines, alloys for progression, and other such uses, in addition to all the things it would have originally gone to.
Though, if you still feel it's too much, there are a number of options. First and foremost, and as has been brought up before, Metallurgy has been and remains one of the best mods out there for customizability of its ore spawns. Additionally, you could add a mod like Chisel (2), which adds new stone types that ores don't spawn in, reducing spawn locations to counterbalance the range it checks. Even further, you could add more tech mods, without adding more ore spawns, to further increase the "demand tax" on resources. Speaking of mods, I know Glassmaker makes ExtraTIC, but I would personally recommend against using TiC if you're concerned about resource availability, since it lowers crafting costs and makes repairs easier, meaning that it has an overall effect of reducing the "demand tax".
On an entirely different note...
I was actually rather disappointed in the response to the idea of an option to disable Diamond-tier equipment. In my opinion, that's a fantastic option. It would encourage players to experiment with all the different metal tiers instead, by forcing them out of their comfort zone. It's not entirely without precedent either. Despite my earlier point about TiC, it bears noting that they actually don't have a method for creating diamond tools, a limit hard enforced with Iguana Tweaks...just to give one example.
As to the use of diamond equipment in other mods, I think that there are a few options there, too. My favourite would be to replace the diamond equipment with a range of "diamond machine parts", made from metal and diamonds, and only used in crafting...either by editing recipes, sprites, and names, or by having recipe-equivalent items (Forge OreDict, in other words). Or, simply follow in the footsteps of other mods and disable the use of the items, but leave them as-is, with a notation in the tooltip that they are used "for crafting only". The third option, of course, is to just leave it at the user's discretion, note in the config that the option might break recipes from other mods, and leave it to them to use one of the several recipe editors out there to change how those items are crafted, if need be (possibly advising them to do so in the aforementioned warning).
The speed of development has to do with the fact that Glassmaker is in charge of ExtraTiC, Metallurgy, Aquaculture, Agriculture and Atum, and to top it all off, he can't say no if people ask for his help, slowing development even more and leaving me with little to do but expand on Aquaculture and Agriculture, in turn, slowing his progress even more. I'll tell him to release smaller patches more often, that'd be for the best for his planning and the mood of the users... And my mood :'(.
As for the silverfish in extreme hills, that's vanilla.
As far as ores not spawning in Chisel's Marble/Limestone/Granite/Andesite/Diorite goes:
I'm working as hard as I can on making metals more useful. If you have any ideas, you are free to shout it out. Your prayers will be heard; I will check the forum on a daily basis. My current idea is an autonomous drill fueled by Nether metal cores and upgraded by other kinds of cores, but I'm not satisfied with that.
I'll talk to Glassmaker about it. He's currently working on Metallurgy.
We won't remove any of the metals under any circumstance.
I'm interested in the idea, but I don't exactly understand what you mean. Could you explain this?
I'm working as hard as I can on making metals more useful. If you have any ideas, you are free to shout it out. Your prayers will be heard; I will check the forum on a daily basis. My current idea is an autonomous drill fueled by Nether metal cores and upgraded by other kinds of cores, but I'm not satisfied with that.
I'll talk to Glassmaker about it. He's currently working on Metallurgy.
Thanks for providing Glassmaker's overall situation, I had no idea he was loaded up like that!
Here's my suggestion in more detail...
So right now in the game there are 2 metals purposed for enchantment boosting: Electrum and Astral Silver. Those are consumed by the Tartarite enchanter with crafted items, but as far as I can tell, they have no other purpose.
Instead of just those two, why not have *all* metal dusts add enchantability boosts in small ways--perhaps even depending on what base metal the target item is made of?
If it's possible to increase the likelihood of getting specific enchantments, that would be even more awesome. I'll just assume both of the above are possible codewise, but I really have no idea. Sorry if some of this sounds naive.
For example:
Deep Iron dust could boost the % chance to get Efficiency and/or Unbreaking enchantments on Iron, Angmallen and both Steel-type tools more (since Iron is part of them). It could give an even bigger boost to Shadow Iron-based tools, maybe affecting Durability as well (?)
Conversely, it wouldn't do squat for tools that aren't composed of Iron.
Shadow Iron dust could offer a bigger Unbreaking boost than Deep Iron, but wouldn't boost Efficiency as much (since its base Speed is slower than Deep Iron's).
Midasium could boost Efficiency on Gold-based tools even more (doing nothing for non-Gold).
Infuscolium could boost the % for a specific enchantment, like Smite, on tools of Tier 2 and below (To me that name recalls "infusion" and sounds mean, so... that equates to better Smite
Sanguinite could do the same on Tiers 3 and above
Prometheum increases the % chance for Fire Aspect
Platinum and Amordrine boost Fortune in different proportions
Hepatizon boosts Bane of Arthropods
Astral Silver and Electrum remain "general purpose" enchanting boosters useful with everything.
And yeah I guess the above depends on whether you want users to have more to learn with the Enchanter.
I'm also supposing there isn't any way of combining dusts together to create ingots that have boosted enchantability from the start (via metadata, maybe).
Other suggestions:
Astral Silver dust turns everything into Silver (configurable?)
Add back the metal chests with larger inventories! (Why were these dropped? I seriously miss them... the only other chest mod that used to be worth anything isn't being updated either.
The chests were a great reason to mine for specific ores... I suggest adding them back in, but using only Metallurgy-specific ores instead of vanilla ones. I didn't like having to use my gold for chests *and* my Buildcraft stuff, but loved using all that extra copper/zinc/brass. Right now there's no reason to have Brass in the game at all... it's almost immediately surpassed by Bronze and then Vyroxeres for tools (because I use all my iron with Buildcraft).
And yeah I had about 30 chests of varying sizes because I made a massive BC sorting system last time, the colors just helped me remember where everything was without having 150 signs everywhere...
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How to deal with ignorance (in life, and on forums): The Zen way... Stay cool and polite, treat people as you wish to be treated, rise above your impatience. Everyone is ignorant of something at any point in their lives, including you.
Ideas, I have plenty of, though I think Glassmaker may not be well disposed to hearing them, given my vocal criticisms in the past. If you'd like, though, feel free to send me a list of metals you think could use more uses, and I'd be happy to discuss what can be done with them in PMs or something.
How to deal with ignorance (in life, and on forums): The Zen way... Stay cool and polite, treat people as you wish to be treated, rise above your impatience. Everyone is ignorant of something at any point in their lives, including you.
Thanks for providing Glassmaker's overall situation, I had no idea he was loaded up like that!
Here's my suggestion in more detail...
So right now in the game there are 2 metals purposed for enchantment boosting: Electrum and Astral Silver. Those are consumed by the Tartarite enchanter with crafted items, but as far as I can tell, they have no other purpose.
Instead of just those two, why not have *all* metal dusts add enchantability boosts in small ways--perhaps even depending on what base metal the target item is made of?
If it's possible to increase the likelihood of getting specific enchantments, that would be even more awesome. I'll just assume both of the above are possible codewise, but I really have no idea. Sorry if some of this sounds naive.
For example:
Deep Iron dust could boost the % chance to get Efficiency and/or Unbreaking enchantments on Iron, Angmallen and both Steel-type tools more (since Iron is part of them). It could give an even bigger boost to Shadow Iron-based tools, maybe affecting Durability as well (?)
Conversely, it wouldn't do squat for tools that aren't composed of Iron.
Shadow Iron dust could offer a bigger Unbreaking boost than Deep Iron, but wouldn't boost Efficiency as much (since its base Speed is slower than Deep Iron's).
Midasium could boost Efficiency on Gold-based tools even more (doing nothing for non-Gold).
Infuscolium could boost the % for a specific enchantment, like Smite, on tools of Tier 2 and below (To me that name recalls "infusion" and sounds mean, so... that equates to better Smite
Sanguinite could do the same on Tiers 3 and above
Prometheum increases the % chance for Fire Aspect
Platinum and Amordrine boost Fortune in different proportions
Hepatizon boosts Bane of Arthropods
Astral Silver and Electrum remain "general purpose" enchanting boosters useful with everything.
And yeah I guess the above depends on whether you want users to have more to learn with the Enchanter.
I'm also supposing there isn't any way of combining dusts together to create ingots that have boosted enchantability from the start (via metadata, maybe).
Other suggestions:
Astral Silver dust turns everything into Silver (configurable?)
Add back the metal chests with larger inventories! (Why were these dropped? I seriously miss them... the only other chest mod that used to be worth anything isn't being updated either.
The chests were a great reason to mine for specific ores... I suggest adding them back in, but using only Metallurgy-specific ores instead of vanilla ones. I didn't like having to use my gold for chests *and* my Buildcraft stuff, but loved using all that extra copper/zinc/brass. Right now there's no reason to have Brass in the game at all... it's almost immediately surpassed by Bronze and then Vyroxeres for tools (because I use all my iron with Buildcraft).
And yeah I had about 30 chests of varying sizes because I made a massive BC sorting system last time, the colors just helped me remember where everything was without having 150 signs everywhere...
As said by Shadowclaimer, he does it to himself.
You're welcome to join us on the IRC (#Metallurgy) and discuss it when Glassmaker's around. It seems rather awesome, and I'd like the information to be processed through you, I'm not any good with enchanting.
As far as Astral Silver and Midasium goes, Midasium comes from King Midas, the person who asked Zeus if everything he touched could be turned into gold. Zeus granted the wish, but this would also mean that his wife, children, butlers, friends, etc. got turned into gold too. This was also true for his food and water. He died. As for astral silver, sounds cool, but it has nothing to do with the etymologic origin of the word. Astral comes from the English "Astral", meaning starry, which in turn comes from Greek and Latin. Therefore the Midasium only made sense from an etymologic point of view. Don't worry, feel free and ask Glassmaker. I'll tell him I sent you.
Hahah, as for the chests, guess what's coming up in the next update? The messenger bags were just bonuses.
They come with the old update system, forcing you to stockpile Brass.
Ideas, I have plenty of, though I think Glassmaker may not be well disposed to hearing them, given my vocal criticisms in the past. If you'd like, though, feel free to send me a list of metals you think could use more uses, and I'd be happy to discuss what can be done with them in PMs or something.
I'll make him listen. >:D Jk. So far, he hardly rejected any of my ideas (Either stolen from you guys (I made sure to mention your names, don't worry), or my own). Except when I wasn't sure about it either.
So yeah, PM me, I'd love to hear ideas. As I said before. Ideas to make metals more useful are always welcome.
Once more, as far as metals go, until we solve the uselessness of the metals, no new metals will be added.
At no point in time will we remove metals, either. That would basically be the same as stopping development for Metallurgy, for the mod would be worth nothing any more.
Heya Erato. Like Geethebluesky there, I had no idea Glassmaker had so many projects going on at once too. What's the chances you know anything about the retrogen? Glass said he'd peek at it a page or 2 back, but I can totally understand if he's busy and forgot about it.
Did I miss something...? To my knowledge, there were only three machines in Metallurgy... Is the Tartarite Enchanter from an unreleased update, or did I somehow just not see it...?
Heya Erato. Like Geethebluesky there, I had no idea Glassmaker had so many projects going on at once too. What's the chances you know anything about the retrogen? Glass said he'd peek at it a page or 2 back, but I can totally understand if he's busy and forgot about it.
I can't find it on his planning, he hasn't been online today, so I haven't been able to contact him. I'll ask him the next time I encounter him in the IRC or through any other means.
Did I miss something...? To my knowledge, there were only three machines in Metallurgy... Is the Tartarite Enchanter from an unreleased update, or did I somehow just not see it...?
The Tartarite Enchanter was a feature added late to Metallurgy 3. It hasn't made a comeback since Glassmaker took over.
Don't forget, if you have any ideas as to how we're supposed to give more uses to the great variety of metals, I'd be more than happy to either hear them, on the topic, though PM or on the IRC. Stupid ideas do not exist.
Not sure about Glassy, he's rather busy.
As far as Astral Silver and Midasium goes, Midasium comes from King Midas, the person who asked Zeus if everything he touched could be turned into gold. Zeus granted the wish, but this would also mean that his wife, children, butlers, friends, etc. got turned into gold too. This was also true for his food and water. He died. As for astral silver, sounds cool, but it has nothing to do with the etymologic origin of the word. Astral comes from the English "Astral", meaning starry, which in turn comes from Greek and Latin. Therefore the Midasium only made sense from an etymologic point of view. Don't worry, feel free and ask Glassmaker. I'll tell him I sent you.
Hahah, as for the chests, guess what's coming up in the next update? The messenger bags were just bonuses.
They come with the old update system, forcing you to stockpile Brass.
I'll make him listen. >:D Jk. So far, he hardly rejected any of my ideas (Either stolen from you guys (I made sure to mention your names, don't worry), or my own). Except when I wasn't sure about it either.
So yeah, PM me, I'd love to hear ideas. As I said before. Ideas to make metals more useful are always welcome.
See above.
Once more, as far as metals go, until we solve the uselessness of the metals, no new metals will be added.
At no point in time will we remove metals, either. That would basically be the same as stopping development for Metallurgy, for the mod would be worth nothing any more.
While I do know about the mythology surrounding Midas and his unfortunate fate, I wonder if you aren't falling into a trap of using etymology as a limitation. Especially since the rest of Minecraft doesn't seem to follow along similar lines (of mythology--yeah, several Metallurgy alloys go back to the Classical period, but they don't have functionality that fits their story!) and I couldn't have detected that this was the intention with Metallurgy--to me it seems you guys took inspiration from many existing alloys, but then again some are in unexpected tiers and others are complete inventions without a visible backstory.
E.g. Following "reality", orichalcum tools should be weaker than gold and Hepatizon was used for scupture, not tools!
(And seriously, where are my copper aqueduct parts?? I want copper buildcraft pipes!
If you're intent on keeping functionality close to the roots of each ore name, well... my suggestion would be to review those for any functionality that was missed.
And what are you going to do with Lemurite--if I go by what I know of the lost continent of Lemuria it feels like that one should only spawn on islands... O_O;
Where are the limitations you intend on keeping? It may help us formulate better ideas if we knew what lines you want to follow.
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How to deal with ignorance (in life, and on forums): The Zen way... Stay cool and polite, treat people as you wish to be treated, rise above your impatience. Everyone is ignorant of something at any point in their lives, including you.
The Tartarite Enchanter was a feature added late to Metallurgy 3. It hasn't made a comeback since Glassmaker took over.
Don't forget, if you have any ideas as to how we're supposed to give more uses to the great variety of metals, I'd be more than happy to either hear them, on the topic, though PM or on the IRC. Stupid ideas do not exist.
Not sure about Glassy, he's rather busy.
So that makes Astral Silver hard to use, unless you want to implement a Lightning enchantment or Flight? (That's where trying to follow etymological roots becomes limiting--wouldn't it rather be easier to rename some ores and avoid that?)
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How to deal with ignorance (in life, and on forums): The Zen way... Stay cool and polite, treat people as you wish to be treated, rise above your impatience. Everyone is ignorant of something at any point in their lives, including you.
I can't find it on his planning, he hasn't been online today, so I haven't been able to contact him. I'll ask him the next time I encounter him in the IRC or through any other means.
I am creating a mod pack and I have disabled all other mods copper, tin's, silver and what not and just use Metallurgy ores for it all, the problem is that those ores don't have OreDic support, is that correct?
Apart from that I have creating cool looking blocks for decoration, tools and armour.
While I do know about the mythology surrounding Midas and his unfortunate fate, I wonder if you aren't falling into a trap of using etymology as a limitation. Especially since the rest of Minecraft doesn't seem to follow along similar lines (of mythology--yeah, several Metallurgy alloys go back to the Classical period, but they don't have functionality that fits their story!) and I couldn't have detected that this was the intention with Metallurgy--to me it seems you guys took inspiration from many existing alloys, but then again some are in unexpected tiers and others are complete inventions without a visible backstory.
E.g. Following "reality", orichalcum tools should be weaker than gold and Hepatizon was used for scupture, not tools!
(And seriously, where are my copper aqueduct parts?? I want copper buildcraft pipes!
If you're intent on keeping functionality close to the roots of each ore name, well... my suggestion would be to review those for any functionality that was missed.
And what are you going to do with Lemurite--if I go by what I know of the lost continent of Lemuria it feels like that one should only spawn on islands... O_O;
Where are the limitations you intend on keeping? It may help us formulate better ideas if we knew what lines you want to follow.
As I state in my signature, in a game where green D-shaped things explode, you shouldn't follow logic, though that sounds stupid after stating what I did. I'm sorry for making that a little confusing.
Hepatizon was also used in katana hand guards.
If we follow reality, we should remove orichalcum and keep brass.
All pipes in Buildcraft have a different use. What would the use for copper pipes be? Please mind that iron is approximately double as common as copper.
Lemurite comes from Latin lemures, meaning the spirits of dead people, explaining both the white colour and it's place in the Nether.
Prometheum: Earth, Ignatius: Fire, Ceruclase: Water, Midasium: Gold
So that makes Astral Silver hard to use, unless you want to implement a Lightning enchantment or Flight? (That's where trying to follow etymological roots becomes limiting--wouldn't it rather be easier to rename some ores and avoid that?)
Nah, screw etymology, though, my research so far has shown that Astral Silver is much rarer than Silver. Silver being one of the 5 most common Metallurgy metals. Astral silver being the ore you can find a few veins of when quarrying 16 chunks.
As stated in the OP, Tartarite Enchanters will make a comeback.
Sorry, I might've made that harder than it should've been.
Thanks! It's iChun's Tabula. It has WYSIWYG technology: Techne has these blurs between pixels in textures. Tabula doesn't, making it look better too. You should check it out and show me what you made, one day.
Also looking forward to the soon(TM) update to change vanilla ore rates!
How to deal with ignorance (in life, and on forums): The Zen way... Stay cool and polite, treat people as you wish to be treated, rise above your impatience. Everyone is ignorant of something at any point in their lives, including you.
I just saw this. Personally I'd be sad to see Celenegil go, it's my "early game" power tool metal because it's so enchantable...
How about having some of the metals usable only to add enchantment value to existing alloys?
How to deal with ignorance (in life, and on forums): The Zen way... Stay cool and polite, treat people as you wish to be treated, rise above your impatience. Everyone is ignorant of something at any point in their lives, including you.
oh, you still havent understand? its simple
no difference for quarry on mountain, but for mining its big difference, we have gold veins ONLY in ~ 0 - ~25 so we can take (find) 128/25 (x5) more ores (with equal number of ores on 1 chunk in CFG for example ) and 128/64 for iron (x2)
I haven't really been pleased with the direction this mod has taken, nor the speed of developmnet, but I do still check in sometimes (still hoping for something to be done about those "useless" metals, and preferably not elimination). I've been looking at your posts, and I think that your logic may be a bit flawed. As I understand it (and please do correct me - politely - if I'm wrong), what you're saying is that by expanding the height at which ores can spawn, their frequency is increased. Now, that's partially correct, however, ores can only spawn in stone anyway, so in most biomes, ores don't actually get the benefits of an increased spawn range due to the lack of stone at higher altitudes. The one exception to this would probably be the Extreme Hills biome, which is actually quite unrewarding to mine in in Vanilla, due to the additional layers of ground one must go through to reach anything. Also, unless I am deeply mistaken, random patches of Silverfish blocks in Extreme Hills is a Vanilla feature, making mining there more dangerous as well.
Admittedly, yes, you are still going to see some increase in how much ore is found. However, that's not necessarily unbalancing. When you increase the number of types of things being spawned in stone, that also has an effect, as everything that is spawned means another spot that something else isn't spawning. In addition to that, Metallurgy - like any mod with tech in it, really - increases the demand for materials. What might have been plenty of iron in Vanilla will, in the modded environment, need to be divided among machines, alloys for progression, and other such uses, in addition to all the things it would have originally gone to.
Though, if you still feel it's too much, there are a number of options. First and foremost, and as has been brought up before, Metallurgy has been and remains one of the best mods out there for customizability of its ore spawns. Additionally, you could add a mod like Chisel (2), which adds new stone types that ores don't spawn in, reducing spawn locations to counterbalance the range it checks. Even further, you could add more tech mods, without adding more ore spawns, to further increase the "demand tax" on resources. Speaking of mods, I know Glassmaker makes ExtraTIC, but I would personally recommend against using TiC if you're concerned about resource availability, since it lowers crafting costs and makes repairs easier, meaning that it has an overall effect of reducing the "demand tax".
On an entirely different note...
I was actually rather disappointed in the response to the idea of an option to disable Diamond-tier equipment. In my opinion, that's a fantastic option. It would encourage players to experiment with all the different metal tiers instead, by forcing them out of their comfort zone. It's not entirely without precedent either. Despite my earlier point about TiC, it bears noting that they actually don't have a method for creating diamond tools, a limit hard enforced with Iguana Tweaks...just to give one example.
As to the use of diamond equipment in other mods, I think that there are a few options there, too. My favourite would be to replace the diamond equipment with a range of "diamond machine parts", made from metal and diamonds, and only used in crafting...either by editing recipes, sprites, and names, or by having recipe-equivalent items (Forge OreDict, in other words). Or, simply follow in the footsteps of other mods and disable the use of the items, but leave them as-is, with a notation in the tooltip that they are used "for crafting only". The third option, of course, is to just leave it at the user's discretion, note in the config that the option might break recipes from other mods, and leave it to them to use one of the several recipe editors out there to change how those items are crafted, if need be (possibly advising them to do so in the aforementioned warning).
We won't remove any of the metals under any circumstance.
I'm interested in the idea, but I don't exactly understand what you mean. Could you explain this?
The speed of development has to do with the fact that Glassmaker is in charge of ExtraTiC, Metallurgy, Aquaculture, Agriculture and Atum, and to top it all off, he can't say no if people ask for his help, slowing development even more and leaving me with little to do but expand on Aquaculture and Agriculture, in turn, slowing his progress even more. I'll tell him to release smaller patches more often, that'd be for the best for his planning and the mood of the users... And my mood :'(.
As for the silverfish in extreme hills, that's vanilla.
As far as ores not spawning in Chisel's Marble/Limestone/Granite/Andesite/Diorite goes:
I'll talk to Glassmaker about it. He's currently working on Metallurgy.
Thanks for providing Glassmaker's overall situation, I had no idea he was loaded up like that!
Here's my suggestion in more detail...
So right now in the game there are 2 metals purposed for enchantment boosting: Electrum and Astral Silver. Those are consumed by the Tartarite enchanter with crafted items, but as far as I can tell, they have no other purpose.
Instead of just those two, why not have *all* metal dusts add enchantability boosts in small ways--perhaps even depending on what base metal the target item is made of?
If it's possible to increase the likelihood of getting specific enchantments, that would be even more awesome. I'll just assume both of the above are possible codewise, but I really have no idea.
For example:
I'm also supposing there isn't any way of combining dusts together to create ingots that have boosted enchantability from the start (via metadata, maybe).
Other suggestions:
And yeah I had about 30 chests of varying sizes because I made a massive BC sorting system last time, the colors just helped me remember where everything was without having 150 signs everywhere...
How to deal with ignorance (in life, and on forums): The Zen way... Stay cool and polite, treat people as you wish to be treated, rise above your impatience. Everyone is ignorant of something at any point in their lives, including you.
How to deal with ignorance (in life, and on forums): The Zen way... Stay cool and polite, treat people as you wish to be treated, rise above your impatience. Everyone is ignorant of something at any point in their lives, including you.
As said by Shadowclaimer, he does it to himself.
You're welcome to join us on the IRC (#Metallurgy) and discuss it when Glassmaker's around. It seems rather awesome, and I'd like the information to be processed through you, I'm not any good with enchanting.
As far as Astral Silver and Midasium goes, Midasium comes from King Midas, the person who asked Zeus if everything he touched could be turned into gold. Zeus granted the wish, but this would also mean that his wife, children, butlers, friends, etc. got turned into gold too. This was also true for his food and water. He died. As for astral silver, sounds cool, but it has nothing to do with the etymologic origin of the word. Astral comes from the English "Astral", meaning starry, which in turn comes from Greek and Latin. Therefore the Midasium only made sense from an etymologic point of view. Don't worry, feel free and ask Glassmaker. I'll tell him I sent you.
Hahah, as for the chests, guess what's coming up in the next update? The messenger bags were just bonuses.
They come with the old update system, forcing you to stockpile Brass.
I'll make him listen. >:D Jk. So far, he hardly rejected any of my ideas (Either stolen from you guys (I made sure to mention your names, don't worry), or my own). Except when I wasn't sure about it either.
So yeah, PM me, I'd love to hear ideas. As I said before. Ideas to make metals more useful are always welcome.
See above.
Once more, as far as metals go, until we solve the uselessness of the metals, no new metals will be added.
At no point in time will we remove metals, either. That would basically be the same as stopping development for Metallurgy, for the mod would be worth nothing any more.
I can't find it on his planning, he hasn't been online today, so I haven't been able to contact him. I'll ask him the next time I encounter him in the IRC or through any other means.
The Tartarite Enchanter was a feature added late to Metallurgy 3. It hasn't made a comeback since Glassmaker took over.
Don't forget, if you have any ideas as to how we're supposed to give more uses to the great variety of metals, I'd be more than happy to either hear them, on the topic, though PM or on the IRC. Stupid ideas do not exist.
Not sure about Glassy, he's rather busy.
While I do know about the mythology surrounding Midas and his unfortunate fate, I wonder if you aren't falling into a trap of using etymology as a limitation. Especially since the rest of Minecraft doesn't seem to follow along similar lines (of mythology--yeah, several Metallurgy alloys go back to the Classical period, but they don't have functionality that fits their story!) and I couldn't have detected that this was the intention with Metallurgy--to me it seems you guys took inspiration from many existing alloys, but then again some are in unexpected tiers and others are complete inventions without a visible backstory.
E.g. Following "reality", orichalcum tools should be weaker than gold and Hepatizon was used for scupture, not tools!
(And seriously, where are my copper aqueduct parts?? I want copper buildcraft pipes!
If you're intent on keeping functionality close to the roots of each ore name, well... my suggestion would be to review those for any functionality that was missed.
And what are you going to do with Lemurite--if I go by what I know of the lost continent of Lemuria it feels like that one should only spawn on islands... O_O;
Where are the limitations you intend on keeping? It may help us formulate better ideas if we knew what lines you want to follow.
How to deal with ignorance (in life, and on forums): The Zen way... Stay cool and polite, treat people as you wish to be treated, rise above your impatience. Everyone is ignorant of something at any point in their lives, including you.
So that makes Astral Silver hard to use, unless you want to implement a Lightning enchantment or Flight? (That's where trying to follow etymological roots becomes limiting--wouldn't it rather be easier to rename some ores and avoid that?)
How to deal with ignorance (in life, and on forums): The Zen way... Stay cool and polite, treat people as you wish to be treated, rise above your impatience. Everyone is ignorant of something at any point in their lives, including you.
Cool, much appreciated.
Apart from that I have creating cool looking blocks for decoration, tools and armour.
My modpacks:
Brave New Worlds (exploration-based, FTB Launcher, pack code: BraveNewWorlds)
Song of the Earth (JamPacked 2, in development)
Well good to hear, I'll just start playing and see how it all goes
As I state in my signature, in a game where green D-shaped things explode, you shouldn't follow logic, though that sounds stupid after stating what I did. I'm sorry for making that a little confusing.
Hepatizon was also used in katana hand guards.
If we follow reality, we should remove orichalcum and keep brass.
All pipes in Buildcraft have a different use. What would the use for copper pipes be? Please mind that iron is approximately double as common as copper.
Lemurite comes from Latin lemures, meaning the spirits of dead people, explaining both the white colour and it's place in the Nether.
Prometheum: Earth, Ignatius: Fire, Ceruclase: Water, Midasium: Gold
Nah, screw etymology, though, my research so far has shown that Astral Silver is much rarer than Silver. Silver being one of the 5 most common Metallurgy metals. Astral silver being the ore you can find a few veins of when quarrying 16 chunks.
As stated in the OP, Tartarite Enchanters will make a comeback.
Sorry, I might've made that harder than it should've been.