I have troubles figuring out how to use the "Forge" added by Metallurgy. Using search engines is a bit... troublesome since I always get directed at Minecraft Forge... ^^; There also doesn't seem to be a Metallurgy4 wikia with an entry for this particular machine.
Would anyone please explain to me how to properly use the Forge? It looks like a better furnace, but I'm unable to get it running.
I know Fertiliser is supposed to be a substitute to bonemeal, but I was wondering if you could make it more potent than bonemeal with perhaps some sort of configurable "efficacy multiplier" (if that is possible; I don't know exactly how bonemeal is coded). The reason is mainly that finding bones is far easier than finding the utility minerals needed to make fertiliser. Now, I know for those that play on peaceful, fertiliser is available whereas bonemeal is not, but I don't think that's enough to justify fertiliser having a good, practical use.
If it's not possible to include a configurable multiplier, I think a simple "x2" effectiveness over bonemeal would be fine. By "effectiveness", I mean how many stages of growth a single application of fertiliser can skip. Or perhaps make it like the old bonemeal which would insta-grow things - that would be fine and balanced too (one must consider that fertiliser is technically nonrenewable).
Regarding the first thing you had posted on the OP's FAQ:
Textures for machines look too bright. (Not a question):
Currently we are going with new design as the team lost Shadow.
I've made an alternate texture for the crusher, if you're interested, contact me, I'd gladly do some more texturing.
I changed the look a little, due to the fact that the way the crusher looked was a bit off. It's got a little window in the bottom right corner, that would light up when fueled. The other opening on the upper left has these bars to prevent dust from escaping. Beneath it is a small drawer, in which the dust would collect, for you to grab. I based the last part on our wood-stove, which collects ash in said drawer.
With the figures on all sides, I tried to stay true to the original textures.
For the crusher design I came up with a way this machine would most likely work. I thought of a steam driven piston, slowly crushing the ore to dust.
As I said, if you're interested, contact me. I'd gladly help you guys out.
Thanks for making this mod, btw, it's amazing. Minecraft wouldn't be complete without it.
Edit: I have too much time on my hand.
I present thee, my version of the smelter:
The idea here is that in the small hole to the right, you would pour in the lava, which then sits around in the bottom of the machine. The hole in the top is to let the hot air escape, to prevent heat from building up and/or getting out through the front. Of course, it would still go through the front if it wanted to. The other opening is the furnace part.
Edit, Images below, added alloyer and changed the textures so they'd resemble the metal blocks of the blocks they came from.
I did a compatibility mod between Metallurgy 4 and Balkon's weapons. I had seen that it was in the works in 2011, but I don't think it was ever completed even though there were some art assets made for it. It's still a WIP, but most of the compatibility is there, just needs to be tweaked here and there. Metallurgy is a great mod and I've been enjoying it immensely; thanks for all the hard work!
So I'm trying to figure out how to get the BDcraft texture pack mod to work with Metallurgy 4 for 7.10. Has anyone gotten it to work and if so, how did you do it?
I have a question: could you add support for hoppers and buildcraft pipes with the machines?
Edit: I might have an idea to make the ores that, right now, are useless, slightly more useful.
With the crusher, you can see 4 free, useless spots to the right of the GUI. In there, you might want to allow the induction of cores.
A core would be created with a machine that's made just like the rest of the machines, but instead crafted with silver and brass, instead of copper and iron, respectively.
A core would be made by putting a metal block in the machine, e.g. putting in a copper block, would make a copper core.
The machine would be powered with coal, wood, etc. and would need 1 coal per core, unless provided a precious metal core.
A core would have a durability. Copper is slightly rarer than iron, so let's say a copper core would last 64 ores crushed, and an iron core 48 ores. After this, the core is consumed.
Crushers and Alloyers would consume basic metal (iron, copper, bronze, hepatizon, angmallen, damascus steel, steel) cores to run, the forge nether metals and the core making machine precious metals. If the fantasy extractors were to be reintroduced, they would run on fantasy cores.
Every core would make the process run faster, but not change the burn times. Change the crush time of the crusher so it will need 1 coal per ore to crush, (this'll nerf the crusher, because it kind of is overpowered right now, with not only the fuel consumption, but also the speed), and for every core added, you can crush double the ore per coal.
0 cores: 1 ore
1 core: 2 ores
2 cores: 4 ores
3 cores: 8 ores
4 cores: 16 ores
Make it so 4 cores can be induced and they all lose durability. This way, having a lot of cores will be an expensive joke, but really efficient. I first thought of one by one losing durability, however, this would be very powerful late-game because you would have the capability to create a new core with ease.
As for hopper/Buildcraft pipe support, make it so the cores can be added from the back.
Another idea to add to this would be a bronze-steel furnace, which works exactly like a furnace would, but can hold cores, for changes to the vanilla furnace would be a deathblow to compatibility with other mods.
Hi so i do reply but it seems to have been lost in translation. I used the wiki/forums recipes. Nei i have no founding with but any help to get me going with this mod would be great. I such a noob to minecraft . Please help me.
P.S The recipe i followed was 4 stone corners, 4 stick straights and 1 stone furnace middle .
A small suggestion, I believe metallurgy should have its own form of simple pipes. Just to make automation possible without having a giant mod such as enderIO, buildcraft, etc, installed.
The pipe would be simple to craft. Just a single horizontal line consisting of copper, then iron, then copper. For them to PULL items from something, they would require a redstone signal.
There could, optionally, be a couple more expensive types of pipes that allow sorting or are just faster
But with this, you can easily make it so you pull from a chest into a crusher, than from the crusher into a furnaces, than from the furnace into another chest. Making it a really simple and easy to make auto-smeltery.
This is entirely up to you whether or not to add it, but I would love to see the implementation of something like this.
Just use the green search button near the top for this thread with keyword 'crusher'. you will get a few responses including post #181. You may still catch a video on youtube with keyword Metallurgy4 for the recipes also.
I know what metallurgy means, I've known for years.
But it's still a mod meant to expand mining in MC. And there are no new gems. Just wondering why.
I mean, minerals like sulfur aren't metals... so...
I understand your point. I think that the confusion here is that diamond, a gem, is used for tools and armour, just like the metals in metallurgy. The non-metals, like bitumen and sulphur, aren't used as such, they're used as crafting materials for other crafting materials, or to make fertilizer.
Does anyone know what all the crap in these pictures are?
Does anyone notice the "ores" from the pictures in my previous post don't have textures? Does anyone have this in their world-gen? Or did an update come out that I am not aware of?
Would anyone please explain to me how to properly use the Forge? It looks like a better furnace, but I'm unable to get it running.
If it's not possible to include a configurable multiplier, I think a simple "x2" effectiveness over bonemeal would be fine. By "effectiveness", I mean how many stages of growth a single application of fertiliser can skip. Or perhaps make it like the old bonemeal which would insta-grow things - that would be fine and balanced too (one must consider that fertiliser is technically nonrenewable).
Regarding the first thing you had posted on the OP's FAQ:
I've made an alternate texture for the crusher, if you're interested, contact me, I'd gladly do some more texturing.
I changed the look a little, due to the fact that the way the crusher looked was a bit off. It's got a little window in the bottom right corner, that would light up when fueled. The other opening on the upper left has these bars to prevent dust from escaping. Beneath it is a small drawer, in which the dust would collect, for you to grab. I based the last part on our wood-stove, which collects ash in said drawer.
With the figures on all sides, I tried to stay true to the original textures.
For the crusher design I came up with a way this machine would most likely work. I thought of a steam driven piston, slowly crushing the ore to dust.
As I said, if you're interested, contact me. I'd gladly help you guys out.
Thanks for making this mod, btw, it's amazing. Minecraft wouldn't be complete without it.
Edit: I have too much time on my hand.
I present thee, my version of the smelter:
The idea here is that in the small hole to the right, you would pour in the lava, which then sits around in the bottom of the machine. The hole in the top is to let the hot air escape, to prevent heat from building up and/or getting out through the front. Of course, it would still go through the front if it wanted to. The other opening is the furnace part.
Edit, Images below, added alloyer and changed the textures so they'd resemble the metal blocks of the blocks they came from.
Yes, Amordrine and Kalendrite.
Please Help me.
My modpacks:
Brave New Worlds (exploration-based, FTB Launcher, pack code: BraveNewWorlds)
Song of the Earth (JamPacked 2, in development)
I know what metallurgy means, I've known for years.
But it's still a mod meant to expand mining in MC. And there are no new gems. Just wondering why.
I mean, minerals like sulfur aren't metals... so...
Edit: I might have an idea to make the ores that, right now, are useless, slightly more useful.
With the crusher, you can see 4 free, useless spots to the right of the GUI. In there, you might want to allow the induction of cores.
A core would be created with a machine that's made just like the rest of the machines, but instead crafted with silver and brass, instead of copper and iron, respectively.
A core would be made by putting a metal block in the machine, e.g. putting in a copper block, would make a copper core.
The machine would be powered with coal, wood, etc. and would need 1 coal per core, unless provided a precious metal core.
A core would have a durability. Copper is slightly rarer than iron, so let's say a copper core would last 64 ores crushed, and an iron core 48 ores. After this, the core is consumed.
Crushers and Alloyers would consume basic metal (iron, copper, bronze, hepatizon, angmallen, damascus steel, steel) cores to run, the forge nether metals and the core making machine precious metals. If the fantasy extractors were to be reintroduced, they would run on fantasy cores.
Every core would make the process run faster, but not change the burn times. Change the crush time of the crusher so it will need 1 coal per ore to crush, (this'll nerf the crusher, because it kind of is overpowered right now, with not only the fuel consumption, but also the speed), and for every core added, you can crush double the ore per coal.
0 cores: 1 ore
1 core: 2 ores
2 cores: 4 ores
3 cores: 8 ores
4 cores: 16 ores
Make it so 4 cores can be induced and they all lose durability. This way, having a lot of cores will be an expensive joke, but really efficient. I first thought of one by one losing durability, however, this would be very powerful late-game because you would have the capability to create a new core with ease.
As for hopper/Buildcraft pipe support, make it so the cores can be added from the back.
Another idea to add to this would be a bronze-steel furnace, which works exactly like a furnace would, but can hold cores, for changes to the vanilla furnace would be a deathblow to compatibility with other mods.
P.S The recipe i followed was 4 stone corners, 4 stick straights and 1 stone furnace middle .
The pipe would be simple to craft. Just a single horizontal line consisting of copper, then iron, then copper. For them to PULL items from something, they would require a redstone signal.
There could, optionally, be a couple more expensive types of pipes that allow sorting or are just faster
But with this, you can easily make it so you pull from a chest into a crusher, than from the crusher into a furnaces, than from the furnace into another chest. Making it a really simple and easy to make auto-smeltery.
This is entirely up to you whether or not to add it, but I would love to see the implementation of something like this.
Just use the green search button near the top for this thread with keyword 'crusher'. you will get a few responses including post #181. You may still catch a video on youtube with keyword Metallurgy4 for the recipes also.
I understand your point. I think that the confusion here is that diamond, a gem, is used for tools and armour, just like the metals in metallurgy. The non-metals, like bitumen and sulphur, aren't used as such, they're used as crafting materials for other crafting materials, or to make fertilizer.
I will look through the vids but that post on 181 is what i needed.
Really thank you.
Does anyone notice the "ores" from the pictures in my previous post don't have textures? Does anyone have this in their world-gen? Or did an update come out that I am not aware of?