I've loaded this mod, and I love it so far. Especially the crusher for doubling ores.
I am new to Metallurgy and it makes a wonderful add on to the other mods I am running.
Here is my question: I am using AtomicStryker's Finder Compass and I'd like to set it up to read Metallurgy ores. However, I have tried several names in the config file and haven't been able to make it work.
Minor oddity, testing out the ores and I notice that prometheum and Deep Iron have a harvest level of 0 in the game world (so can be harvested by wooden or flint tools). They are the only ores/blocks that I see this with, and the configs appear the same as the others.
I've tested upping the I:pick_harvest_level and adding a I:block_harvest_level to the metal stat blocks, but they don't change the harvest-ability level in game.
I'm running a lot of other mods, so I haven't tested stripping it down to tinkers and metallurgy just yet, but it was a bit odd that I was only seeing it with those ores only and wondering if anyone else had noticed that behavior.
Just tested with EnderIO as only other mod that has tools. The wood pickaxe would not harvest prometheum nor deep iron. M4 does not have flint tool set so I would say it is another mod that is adjusting the wood pickaxe up to at least level 1. Both fantasy ores should already have a I:block_harvest_level in the cfg. If you are missing them, you may want to remove the cfg and let it regenerate or double check that you have the latest release.
To clarify, those two ores are getting a harvest level of 0, so it's not the tools that are being modified.
After testing a bit, it seems to be an issue with Iguanas Tweaks. Adding it causes those ores to have the issue, removing it resolves it.
I'm going to check the configs for that to see if I can find any ID conflicts that's triggering on those ores or anything like that.
Ok, I'm still not sure why it is having the issue, but the fix for it is:
In the Moduels.cfg in Iquanas tweaks, B:Override must be set to true. Next time you run, it will create a BlockOverides.cfg (and some others), and if you add I:Prometheum=2 I:DeepIron=2 to generaloredict.
THEN, you have to change MaterialOverride.cfg with:
Got a quick question for you, Glassmaker, or anyone who can answer it. I use a medley of mods right now, and I've been trying to find compatibility mods for some of them. Right now, I've only found one; a mod that allows Metallurgy ores to go through the 5X ore processing sequence from Mekanism. I'm still looking for a compatibility mod for Battlegear and Balkon's weapon mod, but I've had no luck. You wouldn't happen to know if anyone's working on something like that, would you? If not, that's cool.
Got a quick question for you, Glassmaker, or anyone who can answer it. I use a medley of mods right now, and I've been trying to find compatibility mods for some of them. Right now, I've only found one; a mod that allows Metallurgy ores to go through the 5X ore processing sequence from Mekanism. I'm still looking for a compatibility mod for Battlegear and Balkon's weapon mod, but I've had no luck. You wouldn't happen to know if anyone's working on something like that, would you? If not, that's cool.
so you guys are not going to update METALLURGY 3 just for and old fans wish?
METALLURGY 4 dont have the charme of METALLURGY 3 hade... all the tiers made it cool even the wood tools looked cool.
I couldn't agree more (Even though the grammar and spelling is bit weird). You don't see them to much any more, but back in the day, half of the mods added one or two ores that did nothing unique, just added tools and armor (and the other half was obsidian tools), and I always thought that they were pretty pointless. Metallurgy 4 is essentially like that. Every metal had at least one use other than tools, the machine, and some even had more, like precious metal becoming coins, etc. I thought that newer version would add more uses for the metals, because some of then were still pretty limited in their functionality. (You can only build so many Abstractors right?) But no. It made less uses for the metals. I understand that this is still in development, and perhaps eventually it will be better than Metallurgy 3, but that time is not now. Are there even any new features, or are the only changes removals? If I wanted that, I would have just disabled a bunch of the recipes in M3. Anyway, perhaps someday I'll want to use it when it is developed a bit more, maybe some people like it better for some reason, who am I to judge? But I think you should do at least one more port for Metallurgy 3 to 1.7.10. If you don't want to do this, then fine, but if that is the case, don't just ignore me. Tauhunter and I are not the only ones to post something like this, and, while I can't say I've read through all 39 pages of this thread, I have not once seen a developer acknowledge one of those posts. If you did actually reply to one (which I doubt) please quote what you said for me, or at least point me to the page in which you made the post. If you decide to actually reply to me, a simple "No, we are not going to update Metallurgy 3, sorry" would do. Or even "Screw you guys, Metallurgy 3 sux, we're not going to update it, lol" if you are in a bad mood. After all, it's your mod not mine. However, a bit more detail would be extremely appreciated, like "We decided not to include X features in Metallurgy 4 for Y reasons, and we will not update Metallurgy 3 for Z reasons." (Of course, the best case scenario would be if you decided that you would update)
Woo, that ran a bit long. Sorry if that turned into a rant at all. If you read this far, thank you for taking the time to read it, and please consider what I said, and consider leaving a reply.
I never liked Metalhurgy, Never will. But I do use it, and thanks to based minetweaker I can make the metals not completely useless, and based TCon Tweaks I can make them into not useless side-grades for that too.
But If you read anything at all about mods you like, read what the mod author(s) say. They're "going to" add all that stuff back in some form. I personally dont believe any developer's lies on anything they're "Going" to do, until its actually here.
Also, the main programmers are working on multiple mods at once, which is pretty dumb considering a bunch of them are so content-lite or in need of bugfixing.
I for one would like stuff you disabled to completely disappear from NEI and creative, but we all cant get what we want at the moment.
I have an idea: What if the metal furnaces became multiblocks, and what ever metal you build it out of (except the furnace core) would boost efficiency more than a basic furnace? And slapping a forge to the side made that multiblock smelt using lava instead?
Hello. I recently started using this mod, however I am running into some issues. I have noticed that for some reason or another, the copper and some other ores that this mod generates cannot be used to make the copper items this mod provides. Furthermore, the copper this mod provides cannot be substituted for copper in other mods (thermal expansion, galacticraft, etc.) The only recipes available for them are 4x4 bricks and 9x9 blocks.
I have double checked and I am positive this is occurring with these ores that are generated with this mod. Also, the bricks they are able to create come from the mod as well - I just cannot figure out why the ingots this mod makes cannot be used towards the items this mod provides that requires them, or any other mod for that matter.
Any help would be appreciated.
Edit: I created an Imgur album to better explain my problem with screenshots. http://imgur.com/a/nSUxK
Can't you read? I said I only play PC Minecraft
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Are you guys planning on revamping the textures for the mod? The ingots, tools, ore storage blocks, & armor look incredibly dated for how far both the mod & the game have advanced in terms of content & fixes.
I have an idea: What if the metal furnaces became multiblocks, and what ever metal you build it out of (except the furnace core) would boost efficiency more than a basic furnace? And slapping a forge to the side made that multiblock smelt using lava instead?
I like the idea, and combine crushers the same way too?
Quote from T10a»I have an idea: What if the metal furnaces became multiblocks, and what ever metal you build it out of (except the furnace core) would boost efficiency more than a basic furnace? And slapping a forge to the side made that multiblock smelt using lava instead?
Why should furnaces be multiblock structures? Making a very specific schematic a mandatory requirement for what should be a simplistic expansion mod is not only inconsistent with the idea behind the vanilla furnace, it adds unnecessary complexity for what should otherwise be a basic mechanic (that is, smelting items).
Now on the other hand, if this multiblock furnace idea were an optional addition, then perhaps it could work, although I myself would prefer leaving that job in the hands of plugin developers.
Why should furnaces be multiblock structures? Making a very specific schematic a mandatory requirement for what should be a simplistic expansion mod is not only inconsistent with the idea behind the vanilla furnace, it adds unnecessary complexity for what should otherwise be a basic mechanic (that is, smelting items).
Now on the other hand, if this multiblock furnace idea were an optional addition, then perhaps it could work, although I myself would prefer leaving that job in the hands of plugin developers.
I am new to Metallurgy and it makes a wonderful add on to the other mods I am running.
Here is my question: I am using AtomicStryker's Finder Compass and I'd like to set it up to read Metallurgy ores. However, I have tried several names in the config file and haven't been able to make it work.
Link to Finder Compass page: http://www.minecraftforum.net/forums/mapping-and-modding/minecraft-mods/1272511-finder-compass-strongholds-any-block-opengl-over
Any assist on naming conventions that work with the mod would be awesome if anyone else is using both mods. And thank y'all again for an awesome mod!
Metallurgy:utility.ore, Metallurgy:precious.ore, etc.
Edit: actually that does not seem to work either.
ie Cheaper metals(Copper, Tin, etc..) more available and near the surface and the expensive metals at the bottom and sparse...?
I've tested upping the I:pick_harvest_level and adding a I:block_harvest_level to the metal stat blocks, but they don't change the harvest-ability level in game.
I'm running a lot of other mods, so I haven't tested stripping it down to tinkers and metallurgy just yet, but it was a bit odd that I was only seeing it with those ores only and wondering if anyone else had noticed that behavior.
Just tested with EnderIO as only other mod that has tools. The wood pickaxe would not harvest prometheum nor deep iron. M4 does not have flint tool set so I would say it is another mod that is adjusting the wood pickaxe up to at least level 1. Both fantasy ores should already have a I:block_harvest_level in the cfg. If you are missing them, you may want to remove the cfg and let it regenerate or double check that you have the latest release.
After testing a bit, it seems to be an issue with Iguanas Tweaks. Adding it causes those ores to have the issue, removing it resolves it.
I'm going to check the configs for that to see if I can find any ID conflicts that's triggering on those ores or anything like that.
Ok, I'm still not sure why it is having the issue, but the fix for it is:
In the Moduels.cfg in Iquanas tweaks, B:Override must be set to true. Next time you run, it will create a BlockOverides.cfg (and some others), and if you add I:Prometheum=2 I:DeepIron=2 to generaloredict.
THEN, you have to change MaterialOverride.cfg with:
"deep iron" {
prometheum {
Because for whatever reason it is subtracting 1 from the mining value of tools made from these 2 ores.
The forge is basically a lava powered furnace. Put a bucket of lava in it, and it'll smelt like a normal furnace.
Got a quick question for you, Glassmaker, or anyone who can answer it. I use a medley of mods right now, and I've been trying to find compatibility mods for some of them. Right now, I've only found one; a mod that allows Metallurgy ores to go through the 5X ore processing sequence from Mekanism. I'm still looking for a compatibility mod for Battlegear and Balkon's weapon mod, but I've had no luck. You wouldn't happen to know if anyone's working on something like that, would you? If not, that's cool.
This adds some of Metallurgy's ores to the Ex Nihilo sieve.
I couldn't agree more (Even though the grammar and spelling is bit weird). You don't see them to much any more, but back in the day, half of the mods added one or two ores that did nothing unique, just added tools and armor (and the other half was obsidian tools), and I always thought that they were pretty pointless. Metallurgy 4 is essentially like that. Every metal had at least one use other than tools, the machine, and some even had more, like precious metal becoming coins, etc. I thought that newer version would add more uses for the metals, because some of then were still pretty limited in their functionality. (You can only build so many Abstractors right?) But no. It made less uses for the metals. I understand that this is still in development, and perhaps eventually it will be better than Metallurgy 3, but that time is not now. Are there even any new features, or are the only changes removals? If I wanted that, I would have just disabled a bunch of the recipes in M3. Anyway, perhaps someday I'll want to use it when it is developed a bit more, maybe some people like it better for some reason, who am I to judge? But I think you should do at least one more port for Metallurgy 3 to 1.7.10. If you don't want to do this, then fine, but if that is the case, don't just ignore me. Tauhunter and I are not the only ones to post something like this, and, while I can't say I've read through all 39 pages of this thread, I have not once seen a developer acknowledge one of those posts. If you did actually reply to one (which I doubt) please quote what you said for me, or at least point me to the page in which you made the post. If you decide to actually reply to me, a simple "No, we are not going to update Metallurgy 3, sorry" would do. Or even "Screw you guys, Metallurgy 3 sux, we're not going to update it, lol" if you are in a bad mood. After all, it's your mod not mine. However, a bit more detail would be extremely appreciated, like "We decided not to include X features in Metallurgy 4 for Y reasons, and we will not update Metallurgy 3 for Z reasons." (Of course, the best case scenario would be if you decided that you would update)
Woo, that ran a bit long. Sorry if that turned into a rant at all. If you read this far, thank you for taking the time to read it, and please consider what I said, and consider leaving a reply.
I never liked Metalhurgy, Never will. But I do use it, and thanks to based minetweaker I can make the metals not completely useless, and based TCon Tweaks I can make them into not useless side-grades for that too.
But If you read anything at all about mods you like, read what the mod author(s) say. They're "going to" add all that stuff back in some form. I personally dont believe any developer's lies on anything they're "Going" to do, until its actually here.
Also, the main programmers are working on multiple mods at once, which is pretty dumb considering a bunch of them are so content-lite or in need of bugfixing.
I for one would like stuff you disabled to completely disappear from NEI and creative, but we all cant get what we want at the moment.
I have double checked and I am positive this is occurring with these ores that are generated with this mod. Also, the bricks they are able to create come from the mod as well - I just cannot figure out why the ingots this mod makes cannot be used towards the items this mod provides that requires them, or any other mod for that matter.
Any help would be appreciated.
Edit: I created an Imgur album to better explain my problem with screenshots. http://imgur.com/a/nSUxK
Edit 2: Bonus album http://imgur.com/a/Kgt3P
The copper ingots in this mod show up as "Copper 4255" However none of the copper item recipes list compatibility with that copper ore...
You might try disabling those specific ore spawns in one of the mods where you see a conflict, so that you only have one 'copper ore', etc. spawning.
I like the idea, and combine crushers the same way too?
Why should furnaces be multiblock structures? Making a very specific schematic a mandatory requirement for what should be a simplistic expansion mod is not only inconsistent with the idea behind the vanilla furnace, it adds unnecessary complexity for what should otherwise be a basic mechanic (that is, smelting items).
Now on the other hand, if this multiblock furnace idea were an optional addition, then perhaps it could work, although I myself would prefer leaving that job in the hands of plugin developers.
It could be a hardmode config