Does the "weapons" config area cover tools too? I'd like to be able to set some metals for tools that can't be used for weapons. I'd also like to be able to specify which metals can make buckets/shears/firestarters/etc.
So like:
Copper, Bronze, Hepatizon, Steel, and Damascus Steel can all make the Tool Set (axe, pickaxe, shovel, hoe; I've got a thing that disables stone and wooden hoes, so I'd start with copper for hoes).
Copper, Bronze, and Steel can make armor and weapons, but the others can't.
Buckets and Shears can be made using Copper, Brass, or Tin (but not the higher materials, so you don't waste them).
Firestarters require actual Steel, so you don't get them near as early as you get the other tools, and you need to have mastered alloys.
Also, I'd love to see you guys make a bucket tier so that moving lava around stays late-game (if enabled so in the configs) but moving water is pretty early (and I wouldn't need a secondary mod for this). Thusly:
Wooden Bucket, which requires Tar in the recipe (to make it waterproof), lets you use water in recipes and fill up cauldrons, but not move water source blocks or lava. Probably lets you gather milk as well (would tar seep into the milk? I'm not sure).
Copper Bucket, which lets you move water source blocks and gather milk, but not move lava.
Iron Bucket*, which lets you move lava source blocks and acts in every respect like the vanilla bucket.
*I say "Iron Bucket" with a star because it might be reasonable to have the best bucket require a higher material (say Steel), or perhaps even a trip to the Nether (I don't know enough about Nether metals), in which case it'd be a Nether Bucket and the earlier one would just be a Bucket. Unless you can think of a reason to have four tiers. Regardless, there should be a config list of which metals can make which bucket; I'd have the low-tier bucket be Copper, Brass, or Tin and the higher bucket be Iron or maybe Steel. Would it be difficult to just have two lists of approved materials, where the materials could be used in any combination to make the bucket, or is it best to stick to a variety of single-metal recipes?
Anyway, the Wooden Bucket gives Tar a bit more usefulness early on (I'm certainly finding Bitumen everywhere I look), and if you also require Tar in crafting a Boat (as in real life) it'll bump the boat slightly up the tech tree, which I think is useful. Of course, the non-tar recipes should work if the Utility Ores have been turned off or if the config says tar is unnecessary.
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My YouTube channel is currently on hiatus, but I hope to get back to it at some point. Content is fairly random, but can be enjoyable, and is mostly game footage (mostly random Minecraft clips) from my nephews and me. Most popular MC vid so far is the one Vechs laughed at on Twitter!
Does the "weapons" config area cover tools too? I'd like to be able to set some metals for tools that can't be used for weapons. I'd also like to be able to specify which metals can make buckets/shears/firestarters/etc.
So like:
Copper, Bronze, Hepatizon, Steel, and Damascus Steel can all make the Tool Set (axe, pickaxe, shovel, hoe; I've got a thing that disables stone and wooden hoes, so I'd start with copper for hoes).
Copper, Bronze, and Steel can make armor and weapons, but the others can't.
Buckets and Shears can be made using Copper, Brass, or Tin (but not the higher materials, so you don't waste them).
Firestarters require actual Steel, so you don't get them near as early as you get the other tools, and you need to have mastered alloys.
Also, I'd love to see you guys make a bucket tier so that moving lava around stays late-game (if enabled so in the configs) but moving water is pretty early (and I wouldn't need a secondary mod for this). Thusly:
Wooden Bucket, which requires Tar in the recipe (to make it waterproof), lets you use water in recipes and fill up cauldrons, but not move water source blocks or lava. Probably lets you gather milk as well (would tar seep into the milk? I'm not sure).
Copper Bucket, which lets you move water source blocks and gather milk, but not move lava.
Iron Bucket*, which lets you move lava source blocks and acts in every respect like the vanilla bucket.
*I say "Iron Bucket" with a star because it might be reasonable to have the best bucket require a higher material (say Steel), or perhaps even a trip to the Nether (I don't know enough about Nether metals), in which case it'd be a Nether Bucket and the earlier one would just be a Bucket. Unless you can think of a reason to have four tiers. Regardless, there should be a config list of which metals can make which bucket; I'd have the low-tier bucket be Copper, Brass, or Tin and the higher bucket be Iron or maybe Steel. Would it be difficult to just have two lists of approved materials, where the materials could be used in any combination to make the bucket, or is it best to stick to a variety of single-metal recipes?
Anyway, the Wooden Bucket gives Tar a bit more usefulness early on (I'm certainly finding Bitumen everywhere I look), and if you also require Tar in crafting a Boat (as in real life) it'll bump the boat slightly up the tech tree, which I think is useful. Of course, the non-tar recipes should work if the Utility Ores have been turned off or if the config says tar is unnecessary.
Yeah the weapons includes the tools,
I think fine tuning the recipes can be done already with Minetweaker and Modtweaker,
But, if I have a lot of demand for this feature to be added I might do it.
Your bucket idea is interesting, I will look more into it.
Tar is oredictionared with slimeball, so any recipe requires slimeball will have a Tar one as a replacement
The boat requires Tar idea falls under fine tuning the recipes, plus I don't have intentions to modify vanilla recipes
I don't know if I asked this before, but can I use this mod in my modpack?
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Teddwa (The Fakemon in my avatar) belongs to ReallyDarkAndWindie and that is used with permission from him.
Click on this spoiler to see mods and ideas that I support!
Click on this Spoiler to see misc. banners and whatnot!
Does the "weapons" config area cover tools too? I'd like to be able to set some metals for tools that can't be used for weapons. I'd also like to be able to specify which metals can make buckets/shears/firestarters/etc.
So like:
Copper, Bronze, Hepatizon, Steel, and Damascus Steel can all make the Tool Set (axe, pickaxe, shovel, hoe; I've got a thing that disables stone and wooden hoes, so I'd start with copper for hoes).
Copper, Bronze, and Steel can make armor and weapons, but the others can't.
Buckets and Shears can be made using Copper, Brass, or Tin (but not the higher materials, so you don't waste them).
Firestarters require actual Steel, so you don't get them near as early as you get the other tools, and you need to have mastered alloys.
Also, I'd love to see you guys make a bucket tier so that moving lava around stays late-game (if enabled so in the configs) but moving water is pretty early (and I wouldn't need a secondary mod for this). Thusly:
Wooden Bucket, which requires Tar in the recipe (to make it waterproof), lets you use water in recipes and fill up cauldrons, but not move water source blocks or lava. Probably lets you gather milk as well (would tar seep into the milk? I'm not sure).
Copper Bucket, which lets you move water source blocks and gather milk, but not move lava.
Iron Bucket*, which lets you move lava source blocks and acts in every respect like the vanilla bucket.
*I say "Iron Bucket" with a star because it might be reasonable to have the best bucket require a higher material (say Steel), or perhaps even a trip to the Nether (I don't know enough about Nether metals), in which case it'd be a Nether Bucket and the earlier one would just be a Bucket. Unless you can think of a reason to have four tiers. Regardless, there should be a config list of which metals can make which bucket; I'd have the low-tier bucket be Copper, Brass, or Tin and the higher bucket be Iron or maybe Steel. Would it be difficult to just have two lists of approved materials, where the materials could be used in any combination to make the bucket, or is it best to stick to a variety of single-metal recipes?
Anyway, the Wooden Bucket gives Tar a bit more usefulness early on (I'm certainly finding Bitumen everywhere I look), and if you also require Tar in crafting a Boat (as in real life) it'll bump the boat slightly up the tech tree, which I think is useful. Of course, the non-tar recipes should work if the Utility Ores have been turned off or if the config says tar is unnecessary.
I like the addition of a wooden bucket but I would do it this way: it requires only wood (wooden barrels need no sealant) and can transport water, oil, fuel etc.. but not lava or molten metals. Tar is used as a sealant, yes, but maybe it could be used for pipes instead of cactus green since not everyone spawns near a desert.
Flint and steel... eh. I don't know about this one. Maybe, maybe not. You don't need steel to make them or even iron in some cases. Considering their limited utility I don't think there's any point in making them hard to get.
Wood and stone tools I'd personally leave alone. As ridiculous as they are you need to start somewhere.
I don't really see the copper bucket idea being useful because the standard ore generation gets me iron way faster than copper.
I also think buckets should be steel and not iron as Iron is not malleable enough to make a "bucket". A cast iron bucket would have to be around 1/4" thick and be heavy as hell because it can't be pressed and formed like steel. I realize this isn't real life but maybe, just maybe, get rid of iron buckets and make them steel instead. Steel buckets would take longer to get but be the only bucket that could carry lava source blocks. Right now I have almost no use for steel at all except with Railcraft. Steel tools are a joke because diamond lasts far longer and manganese is so hard to find.
Tar would be better off used as an alternative to slimballs because I would like to see all mob-drop items replaced by craftable ones. Monsters in this game were always a tacked-on thing for me. They still feel like they have no place within the context of the game.
Also I'd like to see manganese generation rates increase or, better yet, make the steel recipe a 10:1 iron to manganese ratio because real steel has very low manganese content as well as other alloying metals.
Freedom is more important than health, more important than safety or security. A life's worth is not measured by its length but by the length it is lived with liberty. Freedom above all.
Wood and stone tools I'd personally leave alone. As ridiculous as they are you need to start somewhere.
Sorry if I'm not clear about the distinction between my preferred play style (which I will be achieving through various mods) and the suggestions for Metallurgy (which must appeal to a wider audience than just me). The "disabling wooden and stone hoes" bit is about a different mod that I am using, so therefore I only need copper and copper would be my first type of hoe. It ensures that hoe is further down the tech tree than the tools you start with. (My Roughin' It mod proposal goes a bit further, and establishes Flint tools that you don't have to punch trees or have a crafting bench to make, but that may be a long time in coming.)
The tar sealant for wooden buckets, too, is not just a minor inconvenience tacked onto a perfectly good recipe, but rather a calculated move to make the bucket (and thus the movement of water) at least a little further down the tech tree than just punching your first tree. I don't think you should be able to move water immediately, and adding tar as a requirement ensures that you've at least gotten to mining and built a furnace. Note: I would be okay with adding Pitch as a substitute, if Pine trees (or possibly all trees) dropped occasional Pitch.
As for the lava-toting buckets to require steel, I'd be in favor of that (if it's something you can mess with in the configs, because I'm sure not everyone wants to mess with alloys in the first place). And I'd totally be in favor of mixing eight iron to one manganese for steel, which is about the ratio Minecraft can deal with without invoking intermediary steps.
Though you might look into Custom Ore Gen mod, because you can totally make Manganese drop as readily as Iron does if you care to, or make Iron spawn lower in the map and Copper more abundantly, tweaking it as desired to get a decent set of drops in a decent tier system. It also does some neat things with placement, such as veins and motherloads. I've been trying to put together what I think is a decent set of criteria, and I'm a little stymied by the code right now (man, back in college I would've been all over that syntax instead of rubbing my eyes at it), but it's certainly going to be better than the random-ores-are-everywhere distribution that Metallurgy currently seems to be. For example, the fantasy ores will be primarily under fantasy-style biomes (I'm using Biomes o' Plenty; in vanilla I'd have to figure out a different correlation), iron will be abundant in the reddish biomes, sulfur in the "stinky" or inhospitable biomes and especially hot springs and volcanoes, bitumen and coal in the swamps (with abundant resources in the Fens and few in the Bogs, since IRL Fens attract heavy minerals and Bogs see them washed away due to their particular topography), and so forth. And I'll be having alloys generally found in the same place, so if you find one half of the puzzle you'll find the other just by digging down further.
And yeah, Tar is an alternative to Slimeballs -- isn't that what it has been for a long time? -- but I don't see Tar as having many applications, really, in MC. Slimes are, what, sticky pistons and leashes? Tar can't possibly be the basis for the 1.8 bouncy slime cubes, at least not without some kind of catalyst to alter its structure significantly. Blocks of tar would be useful as traps, either making entities stick to them or slowly sink through them. Maybe a block of bitumen would have the quicksand quality (like the seepage in the La Brea tar pits) while a block of tar would have the sticky quality, maybe making it even harder to move than on soul sand.
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My YouTube channel is currently on hiatus, but I hope to get back to it at some point. Content is fairly random, but can be enjoyable, and is mostly game footage (mostly random Minecraft clips) from my nephews and me. Most popular MC vid so far is the one Vechs laughed at on Twitter!
Hrm I wish there were a way to turn off the special effects of ore blocks in the configs like in metallurgy 3 cause the ore blocks are causing a huge amount of FPS loss and game sputtering or 2-3 second freezes. It only happens when I go underground and mine and a lot of the ores that have animations are causing this.
The current config (Metallurgy.cfg)
under manganese the ores_per_vein (blocks spawning together) and veins_per_chunk (how many groups of ore in each chunk) can be raised to give a higher spawn.
At the top of the config: B:ore_particales=true Set to false and see if that helps.
Yes, Due The Anomality Of The Problem I Did Many Diferent Tests To Confirm That This Was The Mod That Caused The Lag Problem.
Not sure if you have this already, but I highly, highly suggest using FastCraft in 1.7.10. Generation is absolutely horrible in it, and FastCraft is a miracle-worker in regards to it.
If it's your personal play style then I have nothing against that. I'm the biggest proponent of letting people make the game what they want it to be rather than having Mojang/ M$ shove it down your throat. That's why I play with worldedit in SSP. I don't like having to deal with the constant lava rivers when I mine so I just //drain. That's pretty much the only thing I use it for other than //repl so I can change the top layer of bedrock in my mine to stone to make it look nicer.
Personal preference I guess but I've played vanilla too much and starting out slow bores the hell out of me. I'm playing M4 with Railcraft and Buildcraft now which seems like a beautiful combination to me. Lots of new ores, tons of new uses for it and so many different blocks added by BC like stone brick wall and all the other wall types, concrete stairs, etc. To say nothing of the TUNNEL BORE and the BC quarry *Angelic Chorus*
Maybe for 1.8 a recipe could be added to create slimeballs/blocks by taking tar and adding cactus green. I know it's lame but I'd be OK with that.
Just made my first trip to the nether last night using M4 and I have to say it was pretty neat. Gotta love the crusher. Probably my favorite machine in all 3 mods.
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Freedom is more important than health, more important than safety or security. A life's worth is not measured by its length but by the length it is lived with liberty. Freedom above all.
The current config (Metallurgy.cfg)
under manganese the ores_per_vein (blocks spawning together) and veins_per_chunk (how many groups of ore in each chunk) can be raised to give a higher spawn.
At the top of the config: B:ore_particales=true Set to false and see if that helps.
I did not see that in the configs... thank you lol man need to double check to make sure next time
The question of course that comes to mind now is... is this in the metallurgy config file or the metallurgyCore config. Looking in both I don't see such an option.
In Metallurgy.cfg You might double check and make sure you have latest release and/or back up your configs, delete and let them re-create in the config folder.
So like:
*I say "Iron Bucket" with a star because it might be reasonable to have the best bucket require a higher material (say Steel), or perhaps even a trip to the Nether (I don't know enough about Nether metals), in which case it'd be a Nether Bucket and the earlier one would just be a Bucket. Unless you can think of a reason to have four tiers. Regardless, there should be a config list of which metals can make which bucket; I'd have the low-tier bucket be Copper, Brass, or Tin and the higher bucket be Iron or maybe Steel. Would it be difficult to just have two lists of approved materials, where the materials could be used in any combination to make the bucket, or is it best to stick to a variety of single-metal recipes?
Anyway, the Wooden Bucket gives Tar a bit more usefulness early on (I'm certainly finding Bitumen everywhere I look), and if you also require Tar in crafting a Boat (as in real life) it'll bump the boat slightly up the tech tree, which I think is useful. Of course, the non-tar recipes should work if the Utility Ores have been turned off or if the config says tar is unnecessary.
My YouTube channel is currently on hiatus, but I hope to get back to it at some point. Content is fairly random, but can be enjoyable, and is mostly game footage (mostly random Minecraft clips) from my nephews and me. Most popular MC vid so far is the one Vechs laughed at on Twitter!
Something planned, that is a place holder that got renamed
Yeah the weapons includes the tools,
I think fine tuning the recipes can be done already with Minetweaker and Modtweaker,
But, if I have a lot of demand for this feature to be added I might do it.
Your bucket idea is interesting, I will look more into it.
Tar is oredictionared with slimeball, so any recipe requires slimeball will have a Tar one as a replacement
The boat requires Tar idea falls under fine tuning the recipes, plus I don't have intentions to modify vanilla recipes
I don't know if I asked this before, but can I use this mod in my modpack?
Click on this spoiler to see mods and ideas that I support!
You are welcome to use any of Team Metallurgy mods, just add credit, and link back to the post
I like the addition of a wooden bucket but I would do it this way: it requires only wood (wooden barrels need no sealant) and can transport water, oil, fuel etc.. but not lava or molten metals. Tar is used as a sealant, yes, but maybe it could be used for pipes instead of cactus green since not everyone spawns near a desert.
Flint and steel... eh. I don't know about this one. Maybe, maybe not. You don't need steel to make them or even iron in some cases. Considering their limited utility I don't think there's any point in making them hard to get.
Wood and stone tools I'd personally leave alone. As ridiculous as they are you need to start somewhere.
I don't really see the copper bucket idea being useful because the standard ore generation gets me iron way faster than copper.
I also think buckets should be steel and not iron as Iron is not malleable enough to make a "bucket". A cast iron bucket would have to be around 1/4" thick and be heavy as hell because it can't be pressed and formed like steel. I realize this isn't real life but maybe, just maybe, get rid of iron buckets and make them steel instead. Steel buckets would take longer to get but be the only bucket that could carry lava source blocks. Right now I have almost no use for steel at all except with Railcraft. Steel tools are a joke because diamond lasts far longer and manganese is so hard to find.
Tar would be better off used as an alternative to slimballs because I would like to see all mob-drop items replaced by craftable ones. Monsters in this game were always a tacked-on thing for me. They still feel like they have no place within the context of the game.
Also I'd like to see manganese generation rates increase or, better yet, make the steel recipe a 10:1 iron to manganese ratio because real steel has very low manganese content as well as other alloying metals. Stuff to think about.
Sorry if I'm not clear about the distinction between my preferred play style (which I will be achieving through various mods) and the suggestions for Metallurgy (which must appeal to a wider audience than just me). The "disabling wooden and stone hoes" bit is about a different mod that I am using, so therefore I only need copper and copper would be my first type of hoe. It ensures that hoe is further down the tech tree than the tools you start with. (My Roughin' It mod proposal goes a bit further, and establishes Flint tools that you don't have to punch trees or have a crafting bench to make, but that may be a long time in coming.)
The tar sealant for wooden buckets, too, is not just a minor inconvenience tacked onto a perfectly good recipe, but rather a calculated move to make the bucket (and thus the movement of water) at least a little further down the tech tree than just punching your first tree. I don't think you should be able to move water immediately, and adding tar as a requirement ensures that you've at least gotten to mining and built a furnace. Note: I would be okay with adding Pitch as a substitute, if Pine trees (or possibly all trees) dropped occasional Pitch.
As for the lava-toting buckets to require steel, I'd be in favor of that (if it's something you can mess with in the configs, because I'm sure not everyone wants to mess with alloys in the first place). And I'd totally be in favor of mixing eight iron to one manganese for steel, which is about the ratio Minecraft can deal with without invoking intermediary steps.
Though you might look into Custom Ore Gen mod, because you can totally make Manganese drop as readily as Iron does if you care to, or make Iron spawn lower in the map and Copper more abundantly, tweaking it as desired to get a decent set of drops in a decent tier system. It also does some neat things with placement, such as veins and motherloads. I've been trying to put together what I think is a decent set of criteria, and I'm a little stymied by the code right now (man, back in college I would've been all over that syntax instead of rubbing my eyes at it), but it's certainly going to be better than the random-ores-are-everywhere distribution that Metallurgy currently seems to be. For example, the fantasy ores will be primarily under fantasy-style biomes (I'm using Biomes o' Plenty; in vanilla I'd have to figure out a different correlation), iron will be abundant in the reddish biomes, sulfur in the "stinky" or inhospitable biomes and especially hot springs and volcanoes, bitumen and coal in the swamps (with abundant resources in the Fens and few in the Bogs, since IRL Fens attract heavy minerals and Bogs see them washed away due to their particular topography), and so forth. And I'll be having alloys generally found in the same place, so if you find one half of the puzzle you'll find the other just by digging down further.
And yeah, Tar is an alternative to Slimeballs -- isn't that what it has been for a long time? -- but I don't see Tar as having many applications, really, in MC. Slimes are, what, sticky pistons and leashes? Tar can't possibly be the basis for the 1.8 bouncy slime cubes, at least not without some kind of catalyst to alter its structure significantly. Blocks of tar would be useful as traps, either making entities stick to them or slowly sink through them. Maybe a block of bitumen would have the quicksand quality (like the seepage in the La Brea tar pits) while a block of tar would have the sticky quality, maybe making it even harder to move than on soul sand.
My YouTube channel is currently on hiatus, but I hope to get back to it at some point. Content is fairly random, but can be enjoyable, and is mostly game footage (mostly random Minecraft clips) from my nephews and me. Most popular MC vid so far is the one Vechs laughed at on Twitter!
I Have 200 Mods But I Tested Also Using Only 100 And 50 Mods Without See Any Difference When I Tested Minecraft With And Without It :1
Mc: 1.7.10
Ver: 4.03 And Last
Sir, That Would Be Your Problem Aside From Using Caps In Front Of Every God Damn Word.
Sir, Read The Whole Post Before Comment.
Also, Deal With It.
I Tested Using:
50 Mods With Metallurgy = Lagged
70 Mods Without Metallury = Didn't Lagged
Just Posted The Number Of Mods For Prevent That Retards Start Asking About Mods Number But Didn't Worked.
aNd yOu, Of cOuRSe, rEmeMBErED tO mAKe sUre tHat IT hAd AlL tHE SAmE 50 mODs thE sECoND tIMe tHAt wERe IN tHE fIrST tesT?
Yes, Due The Anomality Of The Problem I Did Many Diferent Tests To Confirm That This Was The Mod That Caused The Lag Problem.
under manganese the ores_per_vein (blocks spawning together) and veins_per_chunk (how many groups of ore in each chunk) can be raised to give a higher spawn.
At the top of the config: B:ore_particales=true Set to false and see if that helps.
Not sure if you have this already, but I highly, highly suggest using FastCraft in 1.7.10. Generation is absolutely horrible in it, and FastCraft is a miracle-worker in regards to it.
Gonna Try It Later.
Personal preference I guess but I've played vanilla too much and starting out slow bores the hell out of me. I'm playing M4 with Railcraft and Buildcraft now which seems like a beautiful combination to me. Lots of new ores, tons of new uses for it and so many different blocks added by BC like stone brick wall and all the other wall types, concrete stairs, etc. To say nothing of the TUNNEL BORE
Maybe for 1.8 a recipe could be added to create slimeballs/blocks by taking tar and adding cactus green. I know it's lame but I'd be OK with that.
Just made my first trip to the nether last night using M4 and I have to say it was pretty neat. Gotta love the crusher. Probably my favorite machine in all 3 mods.
I did not see that in the configs... thank you lol man need to double check to make sure next time
The question of course that comes to mind now is... is this in the metallurgy config file or the metallurgyCore config. Looking in both I don't see such an option.
generators {
copper {
S:dimensions=0 2-100000
tin {
S:dimensions=0 2-100000
manganese {
S:dimensions=0 2-100000
eximite {
meutoite {
prometheum {
S:dimensions=0 2-100000
deepiron {
S:dimensions=0 2-100000
infuscolium {
S:dimensions=0 2-100000
oureclase {
S:dimensions=0 2-100000
astralsilver {
S:dimensions=0 2-100000
carmot {
S:dimensions=0 2-100000
mithril {
S:dimensions=0 2-100000
rubracium {
S:dimensions=0 2-100000
orichalcum {
S:dimensions=0 2-100000
adamantine {
S:dimensions=0 2-100000
atlarus {
S:dimensions=0 2-100000
ignatius {
shadowiron {
lemurite {
midasium {
vyroxeres {
ceruclase {
alduorite {
kalendrite {
vulcanite {
sanguinite {
zinc {
S:dimensions=0 2-100000
silver {
S:dimensions=0 2-100000
platinum {
S:dimensions=0 2-100000
sulfur {
S:dimensions=0 2-100000
phosphorite {
S:dimensions=0 2-100000
saltpeter {
S:dimensions=0 2-100000
magnesium {
S:dimensions=0 2-100000
bitumen {
S:dimensions=0 2-100000
potash {
S:dimensions=0 2-100000
items {
items {
In Metallurgy.cfg You might double check and make sure you have latest release and/or back up your configs, delete and let them re-create in the config folder.