Have you thought of continuing Shadowclaimer's work on the Balkon's Weapons Mod support? I think it was ditched in development of the original but I think it could be workable.
Either that, or could you please add Mine & Blade Battlegear support? Would be cool to rock around with a Tartarite sword and shield, or go bezerk with dual wielding a adamantine mace and battleaxe, or ride a mount, Exumite spear included!
also, it would be cool to see more horse armour types, and an overhaul of vanilla horse armour. Riding your horse into the thick of battle is pointless if your horse is far weaker than you in your tricked out enchanted Tartarite armour set.
Absolutely amazing mod. I really LOVE it!! I'm having a lot of fun playing it! Uhm... Just wondering, Iron ingots won't smelt in the regular furnace since I installed this mod. Is there a way to get around this or is it just a bug?
Please ignore this, another mod was conflicting.
Absolutely wonderful mod btw!
Edit 2: erm... what are the big IV blocks? can anyone please tell me what these are? I mean, I know they're utility ores but... why are they big IV's? Thanks in advance!
Idea could you make mixtures of metals(not just things like copper and tin)like lets say adamite and steel or copper and taratite and things like that to increse amount of metal but not to make it OP just get more of middleranged metal or to slightl increse efishency like lets say 10 copper and 1 iron
I have been thinking of custom alloys for metallurgy from awhile, maybe if I have the time to create a system for it
Have you thought of continuing Shadowclaimer's work on the Balkon's Weapons Mod support? I think it was ditched in development of the original but I think it could be workable.
Either that, or could you please add Mine & Blade Battlegear support? Would be cool to rock around with a Tartarite sword and shield, or go bezerk with dual wielding a adamantine mace and battleaxe, or ride a mount, Exumite spear included!
also, it would be cool to see more horse armour types, and an overhaul of vanilla horse armour. Riding your horse into the thick of battle is pointless if your horse is far weaker than you in your tricked out enchanted Tartarite armour set.
I will see what I can do regarding M&B support
The horse armor is messy in code and it will not be an easy task to add, but we will see.
Absolutely amazing mod. I really LOVE it!! I'm having a lot of fun playing it! Uhm... Just wondering, Iron ingots won't smelt in the regular furnace since I installed this mod. Is there a way to get around this or is it just a bug?
Please ignore this, another mod was conflicting.
Absolutely wonderful mod btw!
Edit 2: erm... what are the big IV blocks? can anyone please tell me what these are? I mean, I know they're utility ores but... why are they big IV's? Thanks in advance!
IV or 4 for Metallurgy 4 is a texture place holders, you shouldn't see those in game.
Glassmaker, do you think you can add more uses for Fantasy Metals?
Or at least re-add the alternate textures for Vanilla Tools?
Having TiC (which is almost required for the usefulness of this mod) is game-breaking.
A TiC Smeltery can...
Double Ore value (Crusher purpose)
Create advanced Alloys (Alloyer purpose)
Use lava to cook Ores (Forge purpose)
Please add more purposes to the new machines if you're going to replace the old ones.
I was kinda thinking of uses for these machines even with a TiC smeltery, and maybe:
- Alloyer is REQUIRED to smelt down really powerful Metallurgy ores, e.g. Mithril + Blaze Powder = Mithril Chunk, which is smeltable in a Smeltery.
- Forge has a heat level (Like an IC2 Induction Furnace), and the more smelting process is goes through or adding blaze rods/powder will increase it's speed to ludicrous speeds, much faster than a Smeltery. Adding upgrades can either increase heating speed or allow better storage of the internal heat buffer.
- And I dunno about the Crusher.
Personally, I've never liked TiC to begin with. Being able to use Metallurgy metals with it made it somewhat tolerable, but it's always been poorly balanced. With Metallurgy 4 dropping 90% of its internal progression and making the tiers that much less important, I really can't justify using them together anymore. Piling one system that makes most materials pointless on top of another system that makes most materials pointless doesn't improve either, it just means you have to look at a cheat sheet.
I have a question about the crusher. We all know how autofurnaces work. Chest and hopper on top for smeltables, chest and hopper into the left side for the fuel. I tried to apply this to the crusher so I wouldn't have to sit around and wait to load 10 different kinds of ore dust one at a time. BUT, when I set it up like that with lava buckets they went in the fuel slot AND into the smeltables slot. I've done a bunch of autofurnaces before, my biggest used 21 furnaces fed with ONE chest of lava buckets so I'm not doing it wrong. Is this just a bug or is there a special way you have to do it with Metallurgy 4? It's not a humongous issue if it can't be done because at least the smeltables side works properly. I'll just have to load the buckets one at a time.
Hey so we noticed some ores giving XP and some are not. Bitumen, Sulphur, Magnesium and such are not dropping exp (despite being an item drop and not a drop block like Iron) and should be giving exp. Is this a configuration option we missed?
This mod isn't finished yet, and with the crew behind Forge working on getting that up and running on 1.8 (which will take some time with all the changes to how Minecraft handles items and other things, not to mention the fixes that the Forge crew has in mind for code efficiency/speed) I imagine a lot of the crew (is it just one person, or a team?) behind M4 is hard at work making sure that their code is ready for 1.8, as well as adding in old features (uses for the utility ores) and new ones that they have been teasing us with. I think I read somewhere that getting the M4 machines working with hopper set-ups is a future goal. Also, I don't remember utility ores ever dropping exp. Perhaps that is something that will be added in the future? Again, the mod is still under construction.
Oh, something I forgot to add: For those using IC2, Refined Iron is really tough to get right now, because you have to play with new machines that don't have much in the way for documentation, so you basically have to figure out how to use them on your own, right? Wrong! M4 steel, when placed in the metal former on the setting with the picture of the hammer (words are failing me right now ) produces refined iron plates, an item used for some of the more high-end IC2 items.
Oh, something I forgot to add: For those using IC2, Refined Iron is really tough to get right now, because you have to play with new machines that don't have much in the way for documentation, so you basically have to figure out how to use them on your own, right? Wrong! M4 steel, when placed in the metal former on the setting with the picture of the hammer (words are failing me right now ) produces refined iron plates, an item used for some of the more high-end IC2 items.
Yeah, it's cool. I still use my crusher with a hopper setup but it only loads items into the smeltable slot so I add the fuel manually. It's not a big deal, everything else from Railcraft and Buildcraft is working perfectly with M4 and I couldn't be happier. Finally MC is interesting again!
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Freedom is more important than health, more important than safety or security. A life's worth is not measured by its length but by the length it is lived with liberty. Freedom above all.
Hey, I'm having some issues that I'm hoping maybe you could help with (or someone here). I took a bare bones technic pack and added this mod, with Tinkers construct and iguana tweaks for Tinkers Construct. Well, for some reason, I can't get the ores from Metallurgy to smelter in the tinkers construct smeltery. Yet, in the Blood and Bones pack, it has no problem doing so. So, what I did to make sure I got the right versions and configurations was I deleted all the files from the technic pack that involved all three mods and copied them to mine, as well as the config files. After all...if they worked on Blood and Bones, then they should work on mine, right?
Wrong....after I did a complete copy over, I threw Mithril in the smeltery and it still would not melt.
...and I don't understand it. What am I doing wrong? How can it work in one pack, and not work on another??
So, I'm stuck and not sure what to do. I really want to try your mod out, but it's just not working for some reason. Help??
Hey, I'm having some issues that I'm hoping maybe you could help with (or someone here). I took a bare bones technic pack and added this mod, with Tinkers construct and iguana tweaks for Tinkers Construct. Well, for some reason, I can't get the ores from Metallurgy to smelter in the tinkers construct smeltery. Yet, in the Blood and Bones pack, it has no problem doing so. So, what I did to make sure I got the right versions and configurations was I deleted all the files from the technic pack that involved all three mods and copied them to mine, as well as the config files. After all...if they worked on Blood and Bones, then they should work on mine, right?
Wrong....after I did a complete copy over, I threw Mithril in the smeltery and it still would not melt.
...and I don't understand it. What am I doing wrong? How can it work in one pack, and not work on another??
So, I'm stuck and not sure what to do. I really want to try your mod out, but it's just not working for some reason. Help??
You need ExtraTiC to get Metallurgy metals to work with the Smeltery.
OMG, thank you! I did everything trying to get it to work, and couldn't understand why it wouldn't! Thanks a bunch!
Um...tried it and something weird came up. Yeah, that program definitely got it to smelt the ores. But now since I got that part working, Iguana Tweaks don't seem to be working right, now. I attempted to use the Mithril pick axe head I made from the smeltery, but it doesn't want to go on my pickaxe. I'm a little confused about this.....why would it affect that? o.O
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As a longtime fan of the metallurgy series, I have to wonder what will be done with the "utility" ores that would otherwise make their logistical facilitation far more interesting and useful for helping along other mods that, say, require lots of gunpowder or other similar substances.
Have a 1.7.2 build going and just ran across a wall filled with blocks with a big IV on them, and when I copied them in Creative to see what they were it said "tile.metal.block.utility.ore.name." Is this a problem with Metallurgy, or one with Underground Biomes Construct (which sticks regular ores into its own style of stone)? If Metallurgy, is there a fix, is this a mod conflict, what's going on?
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My YouTube channel is currently on hiatus, but I hope to get back to it at some point. Content is fairly random, but can be enjoyable, and is mostly game footage (mostly random Minecraft clips) from my nephews and me. Most popular MC vid so far is the one Vechs laughed at on Twitter!
OMG, thank you! I did everything trying to get it to work, and couldn't understand why it wouldn't! Thanks a bunch!
Um...tried it and something weird came up. Yeah, that program definitely got it to smelt the ores. But now since I got that part working, Iguana Tweaks don't seem to be working right, now. I attempted to use the Mithril pick axe head I made from the smeltery, but it doesn't want to go on my pickaxe. I'm a little confused about this.....why would it affect that? o.O
That's odd, report the issue to boni on iguana's tinkers tweaks post.
As a longtime fan of the metallurgy series, I have to wonder what will be done with the "utility" ores that would otherwise make their logistical facilitation far more interesting and useful for helping along other mods that, say, require lots of gunpowder or other similar substances.
Have a 1.7.2 build going and just ran across a wall filled with blocks with a big IV on them, and when I copied them in Creative to see what they were it said "tile.metal.block.utility.ore.name." Is this a problem with Metallurgy, or one with Underground Biomes Construct (which sticks regular ores into its own style of stone)? If Metallurgy, is there a fix, is this a mod conflict, what's going on?
Either that, or could you please add Mine & Blade Battlegear support? Would be cool to rock around with a Tartarite sword and shield, or go bezerk with dual wielding a adamantine mace and battleaxe, or ride a mount, Exumite spear included!
also, it would be cool to see more horse armour types, and an overhaul of vanilla horse armour. Riding your horse into the thick of battle is pointless if your horse is far weaker than you in your tricked out enchanted Tartarite armour set.
I'm having a lot of fun playing it! Uhm... Just wondering, Iron ingots won't smelt in the regular furnace since I installed this mod. Is there a way to get around this or is it just a bug?Edit:
Please ignore this, another mod was conflicting.
Absolutely wonderful mod btw!
Edit 2: erm... what are the big IV blocks? can anyone please tell me what these are? I mean, I know they're utility ores but... why are they big IV's? Thanks in advance!
I have been thinking of custom alloys for metallurgy from awhile, maybe if I have the time to create a system for it
I will see what I can do regarding M&B support
The horse armor is messy in code and it will not be an easy task to add, but we will see.
IV or 4 for Metallurgy 4 is a texture place holders, you shouldn't see those in game.
Or at least re-add the alternate textures for Vanilla Tools?
Having TiC (which is almost required for the usefulness of this mod) is game-breaking.
A TiC Smeltery can...
I was kinda thinking of uses for these machines even with a TiC smeltery, and maybe:
- Alloyer is REQUIRED to smelt down really powerful Metallurgy ores, e.g. Mithril + Blaze Powder = Mithril Chunk, which is smeltable in a Smeltery.
- Forge has a heat level (Like an IC2 Induction Furnace), and the more smelting process is goes through or adding blaze rods/powder will increase it's speed to ludicrous speeds, much faster than a Smeltery. Adding upgrades can either increase heating speed or allow better storage of the internal heat buffer.
- And I dunno about the Crusher.
This mod isn't finished yet, and with the crew behind Forge working on getting that up and running on 1.8 (which will take some time with all the changes to how Minecraft handles items and other things, not to mention the fixes that the Forge crew has in mind for code efficiency/speed) I imagine a lot of the crew (is it just one person, or a team?) behind M4 is hard at work making sure that their code is ready for 1.8, as well as adding in old features (uses for the utility ores) and new ones that they have been teasing us with. I think I read somewhere that getting the M4 machines working with hopper set-ups is a future goal. Also, I don't remember utility ores ever dropping exp. Perhaps that is something that will be added in the future? Again, the mod is still under construction.
Gotta love the ore dictionary!
I will see what I can do with the uses and vanilla textures
It's already there o.o
if you mean the tool stats, they are coming next update
Wrong....after I did a complete copy over, I threw Mithril in the smeltery and it still would not melt.
...and I don't understand it. What am I doing wrong? How can it work in one pack, and not work on another??
So, I'm stuck and not sure what to do. I really want to try your mod out, but it's just not working for some reason. Help??
You need ExtraTiC to get Metallurgy metals to work with the Smeltery.
Um...tried it and something weird came up. Yeah, that program definitely got it to smelt the ores. But now since I got that part working, Iguana Tweaks don't seem to be working right, now. I attempted to use the Mithril pick axe head I made from the smeltery, but it doesn't want to go on my pickaxe. I'm a little confused about this.....why would it affect that? o.O
My YouTube channel is currently on hiatus, but I hope to get back to it at some point. Content is fairly random, but can be enjoyable, and is mostly game footage (mostly random Minecraft clips) from my nephews and me. Most popular MC vid so far is the one Vechs laughed at on Twitter!
That's odd, report the issue to boni on iguana's tinkers tweaks post.
the gunpowder recipe is making a comeback
Well, that is odd it shouldn't do that.
Try creating a new world and see if it happens
Hilariously I just got done installing the previous version again last night to make it work with ChocolateQuest. This should make it easier~