Piston Everything (Almost) - rip post formatting edition
This mod adds in a long desired functionality to vanilla pistons and sticky pistons: the ability to move tile entities like chests and dispensers.It tries to be relatively small and non-invasive, as such, pistons behave exactly as they do in vanilla minecraft when pushing ordinary blocks. That means no moving bedrock or more than 12 blocks at a time.It adds no new blocks or items and should be compatible with nearly every Forge mod.
Important "just in case" Disclaimer Some blocks (especially from other mods) or piston device configurations may have a very small chance to behave funky, crash clients, or otherwise damage areas of your world, keep backups and test out things in a creative world if you're worried. This should only really apply to tile entity blocks and happen very rarely.
The config file generated when you run this mod has a black/whitelist filter option. By default, it is empty and functions as a blacklist.
You can add blocks to the filter, one per line as described in the config. Using it as a whitelist just requires making the whitelist option true.
For example, to blacklist vanilla chests, you would just put a line between the brackets with "minecraft:chest" for 1.7 or "54" for 1.6 (no quotes).
If you wanted to blacklist only chests facing South for some reason, you would put a line "minecraft:chest:3" for 1.7 or "54:3" for 1.6 (no quotes).
video because a screenshot aint much use
Miscl. Info
In general, any weirdness or ill behaivor with blocks is completely expected and should NOTbe reported as a bug to other mod authors or myself. Lots of tile entities just never expect to be picked up and moved like this.
Blocks fall back to rendering as obsidian blocks if normal renders fail.
This mod is actually a "coremod" and does runtime patching of some minecraft classes. This isn't too important but I figure I should point it out somewhere.
Known Issues
Chests can make goofy quadruple chests if you push them together the right way.
Downloads and Installation
Source code, changes, and downloads for all versions of the mod are availablehere on github
The mod is also on curseforge (it says 1.7.10 but it works on any 1.7 version): Piston Everything 1.0.4 for Minecraft 1.7.X
Why!!? Has no one done this before? This seems so simple. I will have to see if any of my tile entities can make the game crash. Sounds like a challenge.
Updated to v1.0.3, worked things out so blocks will try to actually render properly now instead of as obsidian. Things will still fall back to that if something completely fails but it works for the most part. This is probably the last release for 1.6, next I'll start trying to get it working on 1.7. Hopefully that goes smoothly
Good news, the mod has been updated to 1.7! Even better news, it worked on 1.7.10 without any hassle! The only big change is that the config uses the string ids for blocks now.
On another note, the post formatting went a little nuts with the forum update, but it's ... readable.
By default, you shouldn't have to add anything to the config since it's in blacklist mode. In whitelist mode, you'd have to just put minecraft:lit_pumpkin.
However, the mod doesn't actually change some of the vanilla piston/block mechanics so unfortunately things like jack o lanterns will just pop off like in vanilla. I've thought about trying to add that kind of functionality but it wasn't a very high priority.
Piston Everything (Almost) - rip post formatting edition
This mod adds in a long desired functionality to vanilla pistons and sticky pistons: the ability to move tile entities like chests and dispensers.It tries to be relatively small and non-invasive, as such, pistons behave exactly as they do in vanilla minecraft when pushing ordinary blocks. That means no moving bedrock or more than 12 blocks at a time.It adds no new blocks or items and should be compatible with nearly every Forge mod.
Important "just in case" Disclaimer
Some blocks (especially from other mods) or piston device configurations may have a very small chance to behave funky, crash clients, or otherwise damage areas of your world, keep backups and test out things in a creative world if you're worried. This should only really apply to tile entity blocks and happen very rarely.
You can add blocks to the filter, one per line as described in the config. Using it as a whitelist just requires making the whitelist option true.
For example, to blacklist vanilla chests, you would just put a line between the brackets with "minecraft:chest" for 1.7 or "54" for 1.6 (no quotes).
If you wanted to blacklist only chests facing South for some reason, you would put a line "minecraft:chest:3" for 1.7 or "54:3" for 1.6 (no quotes).
Miscl. Info
Known Issues
Downloads and Installation
The mod is also on curseforge (it says 1.7.10 but it works on any 1.7 version):
Piston Everything 1.0.4 for Minecraft 1.7.X
Piston Everything 1.0.2 for Minecraft 1.6.X
Piston Everything 1.0.1 for Minecraft 1.6.X
To install the mod, first install a decently recent version of Minecraft Forge, then place the mod jar into the mods folder. ez pz
You're free to include it in any modpacks without asking for permission (if you ask I probably won't respond).
Please see the varying license documents in the source code or the jar file for other details.
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On another note, the post formatting went a little nuts with the forum update, but it's ... readable.
in the cfg do i need to have it say minecraft:lit_pumpkin=true or just minecraft:lit_pumpkin?
However, the mod doesn't actually change some of the vanilla piston/block mechanics so unfortunately things like jack o lanterns will just pop off like in vanilla. I've thought about trying to add that kind of functionality but it wasn't a very high priority.
Wish it worked with the More Pistons mod, but I suppose that's up to the more pistons guy...
why is this not in vanilla??? great mod btw
hey, good mod but can you make it so its not only on forge because i canot use forge