TheMasterCaver's World (TMCW) is essentially a "total conversion" / "alternate development path" mod reflecting my own vision of the game as it might have evolved since 1.6.4, the most recent version I've ever played on due to changes in later versions, which partly influenced the development of this mod (I never actually made it with the intent to be a "fork" of the game but simply a collection of features made to enhance my own enjoyment of the game, as well as the enjoyment of modding itself, which led to the addition of many "secondary" features).
This includes many of my own unique features in addition to my own ideas of how some newer features could have been implemented, such as 1.9's "attack cooldown", Mending, favoring mining instead of resource farms, and especially terrain generation, the original and still main focus of this mod, hence its name (suggested by ScottishMushroom).
There are also features which are directly based on newer versions, if not functionally identical, including biomes, blocks, mobs, and game mechanics; as well as features restored from previous versions or even never properly implemented, and features taken from suggestions made by others (both for this mod and vanilla itself). In total, there are more than 500 new blocks/items/biomes/entities, and as many as a thousand additions and changes in total.
Another major focus of this mod is optimizations and bugfixes, including bugs which still haven't been fixed, or at least reduced, in the latest vanilla version, and bugs introduced by the client-server merge in 1.3.1, which ended the "golden age" for many players due to previously multiplayer-only bugs and latency/desync issues in singleplayer. Despite the amount of content added the footprint of the game is no higher than, or even lower than, vanilla 1.6.4 (the usual recommendations for modded versions, e.g. allocate more memory, are irrelevant).
Note that I primarily made this mod, and mods in general, for my own use and this affects the development/update schedule of this mod (I've not made significant updates for several years at a time while playing on my first world/other worlds; major updates (version 1, 2, etc) reflect major changes to world generation/internal mechanics and are not guaranteed to be backwards-compatible with older worlds), as well as what features/suggestions I may implement.
Installation instructions for the official launcher (also included in a Readme in the download; note that other than the name of the installation "TMCW" must match the name of the json file in the download, e.g. TMCWv5):
1. Create a new installation named TMCW with 1.6.4 as the version and click Play to download 1.6.4 (if you don't already have it), then close the launcher.
2. Go to the versions folder in .minecraft (%appdata% on Windows) and copy the 1.6.4 folder and rename it and the jar inside to TMCW.
3. Replace 1.6.4.json with the TMCW.json file in the download.
4. Using a zip utility like 7Zip or WinRar, add the contents of the "Mod" folder to TMCW.jar and delete the META-INF folder (note that the contents of the "Mod" folder were merged into the jar, don't add the folder itself, or anything else in the download).
5. Open the launcher and edit the installation you made to choose TMCW from the versions list; select it and you should be able to launch the game; since TMCWv4.5 successful installation is easy to confirm since the title of the game window will be "TheMasterCaver's World (version #)", otherwise, the changes to world generation will be obvious (e.g. "-123775873255737467" in vanilla 1.6.4) and the player skin will be my own skin (1.6.4 used an old skin server which no longer works, requiring a resource pack to change).
6. If the game fails to launch you may have misspelled something (e.g. "Failed to download file ... Exists: Nonexistent") or added files incorrectly (e.g. "NoClassDefFoundError") or forgot the delete META-INF (e.g. "SHA-256 digest error for aab.class", or similar). Newer Java versions (e.g. Java 17) have not been tested but if vanilla 1.6.4 runs then so should TMCW, but it is usually recommended to use e.g. Java 8 to run older versions.), the default player skin is also my own skin.
I highly advise changing the game directory (you can simply add a folder name to the end of the default path without creating one; e.g. ".minecraft\TMCW", which will be automatically created when you launch the game), both to avoid issues with the game crashing due to loading invalid settings from options.txt (since TMCWv4.5 this is no longer an issue) and/or resetting them as well as loading a world in the wrong version (since TMCWv5 only worlds it created can be opened, and it also stores statistics files under a different name, but vanilla can still see/load worlds it created).
Also, if Optifine (only supported by TMCWv4 and earlier) is used it should be installed first by manually copying the contents of the Optifine jar to the Minecraft jar (same process as described for TMCW), not by using its installer (the order the files are added may not matter but I installed TMCW after Optifine). There are no other mods that TMCW is compatible / have been tested with, including other mods I've made, so don't try to mix them.
This is also a singleplayer-only mod; I have not written it to be compatible with multiplayer, but open to LAN appears to work, and since TMCWv5 all custom client-server communications use network packets (this mainly impacts the "attack penalty" feature added in TMCWv4).
Version 5.10 / 10th anniversary update:
The most significant update since version 5, TMCWv5.10, named after the fact it was released on the 10th anniversary of the first public release of TMCW, while not radically altering world generation / game mechanics (this is the criteria I've used to denote major version number changes), adds dozens of new blocks and items, a new biome, Cherry Grove, new world types, a new villager type, and many other features including ones from as of yet unreleased vanilla versions (as of its release).
This update had been released in two parts, the first of which was the final update to TMCWv5 and included dozens of bugfixes and improvements (as usual most of them are to fix vanilla issues, including many more issues that had been brought on by 1.3.1, one of the most notorious updates in the game's history due to making singleplayer run on an integrated server, with multiple issues due to poorly / not implemented networking code, e.g. the "damage tilt" used to follow the direction you took damage in). It also made improvements to maps, adding two more zoom levels, up to level 6 or 8192x8192 blocks, mainly for very large scale mapping without needing so much space (larger maps are also much cheaper to make than multiple smaller maps), but at the cost of detail:
This is one of the more significant fixes; in vanilla you can repair and even disenchant (replacing previous enchantments) items by trading with a priest, who will now only accept unenchanted items and preserve their durability (this is likely why Mojang removed these trades in 1.8, instead combining trades for armor/tools and enchanting):
Another notable bug that was fixed causes you to deal the incorrect amount of damage when attacking immediately after switching items, and is still unresolved as of this time (the number of bugs that date back over a decade yet still haven't been fixed is astounding):
An example of what can happen due to this bug, which may be less apparent in modern versions due to the always-present "cooldown" but TMCW does not have nay such penalty (only for attacking mobs while they are damage-immune, or missing too often):
Incorrect (only adds Sharpness damage to sword, should be 14.25):
Health: 0.0; damage taken: 7.25; health lost: 5.9700003; attacking item: 276
Incorrect (adds sword's damage to unarmed damage, should be 1):
Health: 0.61000013; damage taken: 8.0; health lost: 7.36; attacking item: 297
An example of levels 0-6 (top rows) and some areas mapped at level 6, which updates an area 3-4 pixels across:
More colors were also added, including biome-specific water colors, and instead of using the most common block to determine the color of a pixel maps now use the most common block color, giving more accurate results for levels 1+:
Example of a cave map before and after (note that cave maps still only go up to level 4 since they would have so little detail as to be useless):
Maps can also be recentered to the chunk the player is in by crafting them with a compass:
New game rules have been added to facilitate customizing gameplay, including replacing separate class file patches that had previously been made to toggle things like the attack penalty or make mobs only spawn in complete darkness (due to popular request), as well as enable an older way of centering maps (based on the player's position when zooming, not just initializing for the first time, and aligned to a different grid, the latter being a more significant change):
attackPenalty, which defaults to true and enables the attack penalty feature.
doWeatherCycle, which defaults to true and disables the weather cycle when false.
noLightSpawning, which defaults to false and only allows hostile mobs in the Overworld to spawn in complete darkness when true.
oldMapCentering, which defaults to false and enables the old way of centering maps for compatibility with old worlds, or user preference.
randomTickSpeed, which defaults to 3 and ranges from 0 (disabled) to 300 (100 times faster).
sleepSpawning, which defaults to true and enables the mechanic from Beta where a mob spawns next to an unsafe bed.
limitMobDrops, which defaults to true and enables restrictions on mob drops (e.g. mobs spawned from spawners temporarily stop dropping loot if too many spawn too quickly and drops like iron from iron golems require a player kill).
The second part of the update, released as TMCWv5.10 proper, adds content which had been in development and/or planned to be added for much of the past year:
Many new blocks and block variants have been added, including many new variants of wood-based blocks for all wood types, such as doors and signs, as well as colored beds (existing beds will become white) and a new sign variant, hanging; fence gates also now have proper variants instead of just using the variant of wooden fence they were next to, and a new "iron fence gate", which is only activated with redstone, was added, as well as nether brick variants:
New mobs / mob variants have been added, including a new type of spider, "brown", which spawns in various biomes and deals twice as much damage (4 vs 2) and inflicts Weakness or Slowness (only one at a time); the color/texture is based on one from a very early developmental version which was never released. A new skeleton, variant, "bogged", which is being added in 1.21, now spawn in swamps and their attacks deal Poison for 4 seconds. Wolves now have wolf armor, another new vanilla item, except I based it off of horse armor, with all the same mechanics and being found in structure loot chests (as opposed to being crafted, having limited durability, and incredibly, negating all damage like shields (a very broken modern vanilla feature). A couple new biome-specific rabbit variants were also added; the pink variant is exclusive to Cherry Grove (all other colors have a small chance of appearing as a random mutation):
Other mobs have also recently had various AI improvements; spiders will now lose their grip so they drop down on the player when they walk under them (related to MC-151054, which sounds worse than it is in 1.6.4). and in a similar manner to spiders Endermen no longer become neutral immediately (or with a longer delay) when exposed to sunlight (this does have the advantage of them not just teleporting away if you see one during the day so it can be easier to hunt them, I know that collecting enough ender pearls can be a chore), and all mobs can now see and attack through transparent blocks (MC-3626; e.g. in vanilla you can safely wade though a cave spider corridor by just staying in the cobwebs); skeletons and creepers have a reduced attack radius when their sight is blocked by transparent blocks. Explosions similarly ignore / are attenuated less by such blocks (MC-145 and MC-59425; e.g. creeper explosion on lower slabs dealing little damage to nearby blocks and entities. Oddly enough, blocks not being damaged is considered to be a bug while entities not being damaged is "works as intended". I made them still reduce damage, roughly by half).
The Cherry Grove biome from 1.20 has been added in pretty much the same way, including all its new blocks, including the first-ever actual new wood variant (until now all trees used the four variants in vanilla 1.6.4, and still do; in a 1.7 snapshot acacia used jungle wood and dark oak used spruce wood, hence why I made them like that). There is also a new underground biome variation, with stone and granite reversed so the majority of the underground is granite, with stone appearing in pockets (ores are still stone; it is very difficult to see iron ore on a background of granite), and mineshafts using cherry wood:
The biome was added by replacing 1/128 of biomes in "normal" regions and adding it as a sub-biome of various other biomes (the second example above), including Plains and Meadow, both spawn biomes so there is a good chance you may spawn by one. Due to the way it was added the overall biome map did not change so existing worlds will generate normally, unless a Cherry Grove biome happened to be along the new-old chunk boundary (this is much like how Poplar Grove and a higher limit on terrain were added in version 3).
Another major new feature is several new world types; "Medium Biomes", with a biome size of 5, between Default (4) and Large biomes (6), offering a good compromise between the latter two (Default is probably too small for many people especially with there being so many biomes so two of the same biomes are much less likely to connect; many "individual" biomes in vanilla 1.6.4 are multiple smaller units joined together, where a single unit averages 256x256 blocks); "Oceanic" which greatly reduces the size of landmasses and makes "Survival Island" or "ocean exploration"-type worlds possible again (other world types always spawn you on a large continent with the nearest ocean being 500-1000 blocks away); and "Single Biome", which allows you to choose any of 129 biomes, even the Nether and End, which were modified to properly generate in the Overworld (vanilla adds Nether decorations as part of the the dimension itself):
A comparison of all world types from Default, Medium, Large, and Oceanic; note that due to the way world generation works in TMCW the area closer to the origin is not an exact zoomed-out replica, but it is further away:
An Oceanic world as seen on an in-game map and MCMap rendering (this is the same seed as I used for this world I played on):
The create new world GUI when the world type is set to Single Biome; a field for inputting a biome ID is enabled, with the biome name displayed:
The Nether and End in a "debug_biomes" world (all biomes laid out in a grid by naming a world starting with "debug_biomes", a debug feature that I left enabled so one can easily see every biome):
The Nether in a single biome world, terrain is quite variable over large scales due to the custom noise field that modulates the height parameters of most biomes:
The underground is similar to Badlands, with Nether features like glowstone:
It is also possible to find water in the form of "nether desert wells", a feature exclusive to the Overworld, also visible to the left are some "nether dead bushes", a variant which grows on netherrack (much like normal dead bushes they can be bonemealed to get more, this makes it possible, via stick planks, to get wood in the Nether):
The Nether itself (dimension) also has an interesting new feature - Wither skeleton dungeons, which exclusively spawn Wither skeletons (as skeleton dungeons do normal skeletons) which never drop a skull:
While not noticeably impacting most seeds the End was also modified to fix a rare chance of the island generating very small or deformed (e.g. the seed "3761987256467393916" in vanilla 1.6.4) by ensuring the middle is filled in:
A new villager type, "Woodworker", and village building, "Woodshop" were added, making use of the unused green villager skin ("nitwit" in modern versions) and enabling various wood-related items to be traded, and splitting off more tool trades from the overly-endowed blacksmith, which no longer sells axes, with woodworkers now selling them, as well as hammers (iron and diamond). Woodshops were based on butcher shops, with a tree in the fenced-in area. There is also a loot chest (a barrel behind the stairs in the corner) with relevant items, including saplings, which were moved from blacksmiths:
I also made a major change to trading mechanics - butchers and blacksmiths no longer accept charcoal, only coal, while woodworkers only accept charcoal, at a lower price (I really think it is easier to collect mass amounts of coal, even without Fortune. You'll also have to grind through a long list of trades to possibly unlock it as the final offer, aka a "perfect villager", so it is more of something to get pass in order to get the tool trades). Conversely, any type of wood (logs) can be given to a woodworker even though they are two separate block IDs (items sold by a woodworker, such as fences, may be of any wood type but they will only offer one type per block type).. Village generation was also tweaked so buildings can no longer touch each other (much like how mineshafts were previously fixed so they can't run right above/below themselves).
Version 5 update:
The product of years of development, TMCWv5 adds more new content than all previous versions combined, bringing the total number of features added by all versions to 325 blocks, 103 biomes, 45 entities/variants, 34 items, and 7 enchantments, in addition to dozens of new structures, trees, changes to game mechanics, and more (these include nonfunctional features present in vanilla such as giants, bark logs, and even 2x2 oak trees, and does not include variants of blocks that do not have an item form, such as plant variations in flower pots, only the addition of large flower pots). Note that due to the scale of the changes TMCWv5 cannot load worlds created in earlier versions; they will not even appear in the saves menu, only worlds it created (all other files are now completely separate from vanilla so the only issue with sharing game directories is loading a world created with TMCW in vanilla).
One of the biggest changes is a complete rewrite of world generation, which consequently generates completely different worlds from earlier versions and was a major reason for the delay in releasing TMCWv5; some of the core changes and new blocks were added in an intermediate update, TMCWv4.5. Cave generation in particular is much more varied with many new variations added, as well as increases to the size of the largest caves, which can exceed a million blocks in volume, 600000 for ravines and 1.7 million for a giant cave region (for comparison, in previous versions they could reach about 500000, 425000 and 1.3 million respectively), and large caves are significantly more common. Also, only the very largest caves are now excluded from generating near the origin; due to this the "NoExclusion" patch that previously disabled this exclusion has been dropped, partly also to ease maintenance:
This is one of the largest single caves that I have found, with a volume of nearly 1.1 million blocks, located at at 420, -956 in the seed "6511199847387183207" (it is at the bottom-center of the image above, with the small cave to its lower-left representative of a typical "large cave" in vanilla 1.6.4, with the largest known such cave having a volume of about 26,000 blocks):
The same seed also has an enormous ravine at -620, 112, and they can get much larger - up to 368 blocks long and 50 blocks wide. This also shows how underground biomes now extend all the way down to and even including bedrock, with ore and bedrock variants added to match the "biome stone" blocks (these are a stone-like block variant which has the same properties as stone, thus you need Haste II + Eff V to instantly mine "sandstone biome stone", as opposed to earlier versions where it was real sandstone/snow/ice/etc, but it was limited to the upper third of the underground, and only lined caves before TMCWv4):
Another significant change to world generation is that the area within about 1000 blocks of the origin is always entirely non-ocean biomes - it is highly unlikely that spawn will be in/next to an ocean or on a small island, and it will be within a relatively flat and open biome (plains, tropical swamp, meadow, mega tree plains, bushlands, or oasis) in the Default world type; Large Biomes may place biomes too far away to be detected, and also has different origin continent generation so oceans aren't so far away (due to this Large Biomes is not simply an upscaled version of Default until you get further from the origin). Land is also more common, making up about a third of the world, compared to about a fifth in vanilla (about 75% ocean, plus "rivers" along shorelines). Here is a large-scale land/ocean map:
Also, all world generation (caves, terrain, feature placement) now fully utilizes a 64 bit seed; previously, and in vanilla, only biome generation used all 64 bits with the result that any seed which differed by a multiple of 2^48 had the same non-biome dependent features, and even the biome generator itself had "shadow seeds" which reduced the number of unique biome maps to 2^63, but this was fixed. Text seeds also now use a 64 bit hash function instead of 32 bit (e.g. "TMCWv4" now hashes to "-4968953994433483799" instead of "-1816924181"), and the selection of a random seed enables any 64 bit seed to be chosen (it was previously based on Random, with 2^48 possible 64 bit values, some of which likely had the same lower 48 bits), and a random seed is now only used if the textbox is completely empty so you can directly enter 0 as a seed (there was no technical reason why this wasn't allowed):
"-123775873255737467" and "-556121437483305083" in vanilla 1.6.4, showing similar biome and river borders (these have the same lower 48 bits and should produce very different biome maps since the biome generator uses a 64 bit RNG, but due to a poor algorithm there are only 2^63 unique biome maps and many of those have many similarities when only higher-order bits change. TMCW previously used the same methods as vanilla):
The same two seeds in TMCWv5, which are entirely unique down to river and biome borders:
"-2143500864" and "-7379792618385405355" in vanilla 1.6.4 (these are "shadow seeds", which give the same biome map but different terrain and reduces the number of unique biome layouts to 2^63 since every seed is one of a pair):
The same two seeds in TMCWv5, which again produce completely different worlds:
There are also several new biomes added, as well as many minor biome variants to improve existing biomes (e.g. Ice Hills now has its own "river" variant which uses the same generation as its parent biome):
Tropical Ocean, which has coral reefs, which can also be found in small patches in all non-frozen ocean variants. Tropical Ocean generates alongside "hot" biomes as well as in large patches in open oceans, and the seafloor is entirely covered in sand, predominately quartz sand. Also shown is a Quartz Beach, which generate alongside "tropical" biomes like Jungle and Tropical Swamp, and has quartz sand and sandstone instead of regular/yellow sand and sandstone:
Frozen Ocean now generates as a proper biome, instead of in tiny patches around the edges of Ice Plains (most of the "frozen" water alongside them in older versions/vanilla are actually Frozen River); similar to Tropical Ocean it can be found alongside snowy biomes and in patches of open ocean; unlike other biomes they try to avoid generating right next to opposite extremes. As shown here they also have icebergs made out of packed ice and Polar Bears, one of three variants of bears. The seafloor is also entirely gravel:
Oceans also have Shipwrecks, which come in 3 different sizes with the largest having a chest hidden below the deck (all sizes are fairly common but the largest size with loot is much rarer than in 1.13+):
Quartz Desert, which includes a new structure, Quartz Desert Pyramids, which has a main pyramid and two smaller pyramids; the main pyramid contains a maze inside which leads to a treasure room at the top which has the same loot as desert/jungle temples. One of the most notable features is that the walls are made out of "Reinforced Quartz Sandstone", which takes an extremely long time to mine even with an Efficiency V amethyst pickaxe; however, once you reach the treasure room there is a button which when pressed will convert it into normal quartz sandstone. There are also mob spawners hidden under the walls in the maze which spawn skeletons and white husks. Also visible in the distance are Saguaro Cactus, a large branched form of cactus (like normal cacti breaking the base will cause the entire plant to break; however, instead of dropping itself it drops saplings; if Silk Touch is used (blocks must be broken from top-down for efficiency) they drop logs which work the same way as wood logs (Silk Touch is not required):
Mushroom Forest, which has uniquely blue-green foliage, even affecting the color of spruce leaves (the only biome that currently does so), and huge mushrooms in all colors:
Mesa Plateau Forest, which generates at the top of Mesa Plateau and provides a source of wood and passive mobs in an otherwise barren biome which only has rabbits:
Another feature of Mesa biomes is the addition of mineshafts that generate above sea level; these are in addition to normal mineshafts and are smaller with spruce wood supports and gold ore which generates as part of the structure (it can only be found in mineshafts). Unlike underground mineshafts they only generate sections that have at least one block without sky exposure above them (this is only applied to mesa mineshafts, and only in non-Superflat worlds, avoiding the bugs that 1.10's implementation brought). Another change made to mesas is the addition of a red variant of clay which replaces the normal gray clay that previously generated:
Mineshafts in general were improved by adding platforms below all pieces, not just corridors, and they can no longer intersect themselves vertically (the "floor" of a piece, where the wooden platforms are, is now included when checking for intersections), and the type of wood is based on the types of trees found in the most common biome around the central room/start (most treeless biomes default to oak with some having other types of wood):
Badlands; this is not a rename of Mesa but an entirely new biome which is a combination of Mesa with different colors and a red sand desert; below the surface stone is replaced with red sandstone with pockets of red clay and red sand:
Icelands, a frozen version of Mesa and Badlands made out of snow blocks and packed ice, including new opaque and blue ice variants, as well as "vegetation" made out of ice and scattered blocks of "dry ice" underground:
Uniquely, instead of having lava caves in Icelands, as well as Ice Hills and Ice Plains Spikes, contain water instead of lava, and no lava is allowed to generate within these biomes (it may flow into them; low-level lava/water is separated as shown here). Also visible are Glow Squid, which can be found in any body of water below the surface:
Big Birch Forest, which includes two new variants of birch trees, including a 2x2 form, both of which also occasionally generate in normal birch forests, much as big oak trees do:
Autumnal Forest, based on a suggestion, including many of the mobs; including Black Bears, which are smaller than other variants and always hostile and never naturally spawn as babies; Autumnal Creepers, which are similar to normal creepers but have rubies added as a rare drop, making it renewable; Vampires, which have a chance of inflicting Poison when attacking and if attacked may spawn bats at the player's location which will chase them until the vampire is killed; and a new structure, Pumpkin House, which appears as a large pumpkin and contains two witches, a black cat, and a chest with loot. There are also 4 new variants of "autumnal" trees and bushes with their own leaf and sapling blocks, thus can they be grown anywhere. Despite appearances this is not a "hot/dry" biome; my custom biome coloring system allows them to be separate from the color:
Villages can now generate in Savanna Plateau and use "compressed cobblestone" variants and all-bark logs; villages in general are also more common for a given area of spawn biomes (the spacing was reduced and up to 3 attempts are made if a village failed to generate; they are still confined to their spawn biomes to help avoid derpy villages), and additional torches were added to ensure that every building is lit and the smallest houses now have doors:
Roofed Forests now have Woodland Mansions; a large cubical structure similar in design to my bases which has many different rooms in various combinations inhabited by witches and cave spiders (the whole structure acts like a witch hut with cave spiders added to the spawn list). Similar to 1.11 they are fairly rare but nowhere near as much; this one was found at -688, -816 in the seed "6511199847387183207" and a sampling of 10 Roofed Forests had 2 mansions (the sheer number of biomes makes any one biome fairly rare; the grid size for mansions is only 14x14 chunks vs 80x80 in 1.11 but there is an 80% failure rate due to terrain that is too hilly):
Mushroom Islands are much more colorful with more colors of mushrooms and Mooshrooms to match - green, blue and purple in addition to red and brown (brown was added in a later vanilla version):
Last, but not least, the Nether has finally had new content added, after having been neglected until now (one reason is because I barely spend any time in it, mainly using it to collect quartz for XP and my main base, never returning afterwards); including new mobs, Nether Husks, Nethermites, naturally spawning Endermen, dungeons (nether husk, witch, normal skeleton, zombie pigman. Similar to Endermen dungeons in the Overworld zombie pigmen spawned form spawners are always hostile but will not alert other pigmen when attacked), red and brown huge mushrooms, veins and lakes of magma blocks, lava lakes (small lakes that appear anywhere as in the Overworld), veins of gravel and soul sand (gravel does not fall during world generation), Nether gold ore, and significantly more "normal" caves, including larger variants and ravines (the ratio of air:solid blocks was slightly reduced to offset the increase in caves, there are still large empty areas though. Caves also form a secondary "lava level" at y=4):
Here are some of the many mobs/mob/entity variants that were added, not including ones mentioned above, along with some notable changes to existing game mechanics:
Zombies now have a Husk variant, which comes in 4 different colors; yellow, red, while, and pink ("nether"), with Giants having all the same variants except for pink as they do not spawn in the Nether (the code does fully support it though). The color generally matches the biome they are found in; yellow = desert, red = mesa and badlands, white = volcanic wasteland and rocky mountains, pink = Nether) and they all have similar behavior as the ones added in 1.10 (the duration of Hunger is lower due to draining much faster but costs more hunger overall). Nether husks also spawn with golden equipment and drop gold ingots, nether brick item, and glowstone dust as rare drops; the Giant form drops its corresponding color of sand (1-2 and up to 5 when killed with Looting). Also, they can spawn anywhere within their respective biomes (including below sea level), as well as exclusively from husk spawners found in various structures:
Endermites and Nethermites were added; Endermites may spawn when an Enderman teleports after being attacked by a player while both variants are an uncommon natural spawn in the Overworld/End and Nether respectively (this represents the only change that TMCW has made to the End so far, besides just refactoring the world generation code).
Skeletons now have a baby variation with similar behavior to baby zombies (move faster and fit in 1 block high spaces), and a Stray variant was added which mainly spawns in snowy biomes and a few other biomes (as with Husks they spawn anywhere as 50% of skeletons). There is also a chance, based on difficulty, that a skeleton will spawn with a sword instead of bow:
Added rabbits, which come in 10 variants, including a new red variant and naturally spawning killer rabbits (using the original name/texture), and spawn in most biomes, most notably in biomes which previously had no passive mobs, such as deserts; they are also immune to fall damage and cactus as they otherwise tend to kill themselves too easily:
Added 8 new tamed cat variants; black cats also spawn in witch huts and pumpkin houses, and ocelots were added to the passive mob spawn list and these do not despawn (only one spawned as "hostile" mobs), making them easier to find, including on Peaceful difficulty:
Similar to husks there are yellow, red, and while silverfish variants, and silverfish now naturally spawn in any biome below sea level (naturally spawned silverfish cannot enter blocks unless they have been attacked by a player). There are also more variants of monster eggs, renamed to Infested (block) for mossy/cracked stone bricks, the 1.8 stone types, and red sandstone (red sandstone always spawns red silverfish while other types depend on the biome they are in):
Fish now spawn in oceans, lake biomes, rivers, and swamps, can can be caught with a water bucket, giving a Bucket of Fish which can then be placed as water/fish; the model is based on the cod model for 1.13 while the color is based on the 1.6.4 "fish" item, which was not changed:
Another notable change to mobs is that nametagged hostile mobs and tiny slimes will not despawn and turn passive on Peaceful (interestingly, according to the code tiny slimes are not supposed to despawn on Peaceful in vanilla):
Hostile mobs also now require a block light level of 5 or less to spawn (sky light is still 7 or less, and the failure rate is still level/8 so a block light level of 5 gives a 5/8 failure rate); this complements the minimum light level that cave maps will map (6 or more).
Items and XP orbs also now float in water:
Here are screenshots of all the new blocks and items, excluding "similar" variants (e.g. infested granite, which looks just like granite, or mushroom blocks other than caps):
New items/item models, as well as a new item frame rotation mechanic (beds at the top); many redundant items were eliminated by having blocks drop themselves (e.g. bed block vs bed item,, which used a different ID), which enabled custom 3D block models to be used instead of the generic "2D with thickness" item model:
These are all the plants that can be placed in flower pots, with additional models obtainable by right-clicking them while sneaking; the tree models are different at every coordinate for a virtually infinite number of possible forms (not shown - every color of huge mushroom model, which are all the same as the brown ones shown). Also visible in the lower-left is a large variant of flower pot, crafted with a U of bricks (including the lower corners), which may be more aesthetically pleasing for larger plants:
Glow Ink Sacs can be used to make glowing item frames, signs, and paintings (added later); signs have white text instead of black and only the text glows. These are also shown inside a cage of Obsidian Glass, which blocks light while letting you see through:
Stalagmites are one of the most complex and varied blocks that I've added with a total of 21 item forms/base variants (7 each of small/large/giant) and 168 total variations when including complete render-only forms (you can also individually mine the blocks from larger variants; the item that drops will depend on how many blocks were above/below the one that was mined as also indicated by the size of the selection box and breaking animation, which covers up to 3 blocks at once):
Stalagmites also make renewable lava possible; if you place a liquid source block above the block a stalagmite is on and if it drips the corresponding liquid (usually water but netherrack, and stone in volcanic wasteland, drip lava) it will gradually fill a cauldron:
There are also dozens of new variants of ores to match their corresponding biome-specific underground blocks (only gold has a netherrack variant); this also shows the variants of sandstone from the side as well as 12 new bookshelf variants, corresponding to 0-11 books which can be added/removed by right-clicking them (the original recipe crafts a "normal" bookshelf which cannot store/remove books, same for any naturally generated bookshelves):
Several new additions, Hammers, Smelting, Vein Miner, Luck Of the Sea/fishing non-fish items, and Dry Ice/ice generators, completely change or add fundamental new game mechanics, respectively allowing uncrafting, using Fortune on iron and gold and/or not needing a furnace to smelt them, mining multiple blocks at once (besides blocks like cactus which cause other blocks to lose support), and a new way to obtain various items:
Hammers function as a multipurpose mining tool (i.e. they can mine and harvest stone, wood, and many other blocks faster, even blocks like glass) and more signif8natly, an uncrafting tool - many blocks will drop some of the materials they were made with when mined instead of themselves, or turn into entirely different blocks, such as cobblestone, which turns into gravel, then gravel sand, then sand, making it renewable with some effort. Storage blocks, such as iron/coal/etc blocks, as well as quartz blocks, are converted with 100% efficiency, otherwise Fortune can increase the drop rate (Silk Touch does not work on hammers). Notably, when used on iron and gold ore they drop "raw" items which are affected by Fortune:
Also shown is the effect of "Smelting" a new enchantment which directly converts iron and gold ore into ingots, and enables the full effect of Fortune (hammers only apply half the effect, up to 1.6 items/block as opposed to 2.2; along with raw iron/gold blocks being crafted with 4 items this helps make Smelting much more desirable than easily obtained hammers).
Another new enchantment is Vein Miner, which allows you to mine up to 8 ore blocks at once (4 * level, with 2 levels) when applied to a pickaxe (completely mining most single ore veins other than coal/quartz), and up to 3 wood blocks above/below you when applied to an axe (ideal for carving a staircase up a 2x2 or 3x3 tree; only level 1 is needed):
Both Smelting and Vein Miner are classified as "true treasure" enchantments, meaning they can only be found in naturally generated chest loot (for comparison, Mending is only excluded from the enchantment table), and Vein Miner can only be found as a level 1 enchantment, except in "double dungeons", where both enchantments are most likely to be found (each is about 15 times more common than other enchantments in the first of 2-3 chests; double dungeons are about 1 in 16 dungeons, 1 in 5 in network cave regions), they are also about twice as likely in nether dungeons.
Also, fishing rods can now get Luck Of the Sea (via a book) and can catch items other than fish, even enchanted books (but not Smelting or Vein Miner), and the time between catches is shorter and less random (this was mainly added due to the addition of fish mobs, which otherwise makes fishing obsolete once you've found a river/lake/ocean). Note that Luck of the Sea is required to catch any treasure, and the area has to be "open" (similar to newer versions) as a strong nerf to AFK fishing farms (the way Mending works is also a major nerf as you can't automatically repair items; still, this would allow unenchanted fishing rods to be used if they could catch treasure by default).
Additional enchantments include Swift Sneak, functionally identical to the enchantment added in 1.19 (increases sneak speed by 15% per level, from 30% to 75% at level 3), and Long Fall, which allows you to fall one block further per level (up to 7 blocks at level 4) without taking damage, useful in situations where you frequently fall a bit too far (it is incompatible with Feature Falling but Protection is compatible and reduces fall damage), with both most commonly found in abandoned mineshafts (unlike Smelting and Vein Miner they can be obtained from the enchantment table and trading but at a reduced chance).
An interesting new block, Dry Ice, now allows you to make ice/packed ice generators in a similar manner to cobblestone generators; when water touches dry ice it will freeze and turn into ice (flowing water) or packed ice (water source); ice can be directly harvested while packed ice can be obtained by mining the ice with a non-Silk Touch tool, which will create a source block which then turns into packed ice (it may be easier to just craft packed ice from ice):
Notably, the idea for dry ice came from a suggestion which has unfortunately since been deleted and it was never properly archived; as in the sugguestion the main source is the surface is Ice Plains Spikes, where it generates in patches, along with single blocks in caves underground, including in Ice Hills and Icelands.
Other notable features include barrels, a cheaper, lag-free alternative to chests (I did previously improve the performance of chests but they are still rendered as entities), and composters, which give dirt instead of bonemeal and can compost more blocks and items than the 1.14 version.
Maps have also been completely reworked, including dozens of new colors, the ability to map the Nether, End, and most significantly, caves:
These are "cave maps", which will map areas with a light level of at least 6 within 8 blocks (taxicab distance and going around, not through, walls) of a player-placed torch (naturally generated torches do not count); this is similar to "MCMap", the mapping tool that I use to create renderings like this:
A surface map showing how different biomes have different colors (only general biome colors are used due to a limited palette); block variants, such as stained clay and wool, also have their own colors:
A map in the End, which was previously unmappable (they would show a grainy pattern). You can also see another feature of maps; while viewing a map your coordinates are displayed in the upper-left (this applies to surface maps as well, the screenshot above was taken before I added this):
Cave maps can be used to map the Nether (surface maps do not work); as mentioned above, this requires that you place torches regardless of visibility; this also shows how they work in more detail, notice the isolated diamond that corresponds to the torch at the top-center of the image:
Despite all of the content that has been added over the years TMCW remains incredibly lightweight; baseline memory usage is less than 30 MB (on a default Superflat world at 8 chunk render distance; the only thing a normal world changes is the amount of blocks loaded, depending on render distance every 16 block increase in depth (based on loaded sections, which is 1 for default Superflat) requires up to 21 MB of additional memory), and the size of the 1.6.4 jar plus TMCWv5 is smaller than vanilla 1.8 despite having far more content and a lot of redundant/dead code from unused vanilla classes:
A full list of all additions and changes can be found in the "Documentation" folder of the download.
Descriptions for earlier updates have been moved to the comment section to reduce the size of this post (it exceeded the character limit and had nearly 200 images), and reduce the amount of formatting that I need to fix every time I update it:
This is an adaptation of MCMap by WRIM, itself an adaptation of the original made by Zahl, both of which are unfortunately no longer readily available as Zahl's thread was deleted and WRIM's website expired (archived version of Zahl's thread with a link to WRIM's website; the link above is to WRIM's GitHub) which correctly renders most new blocks and block variants in TMCWv5 and contains bugfixes and improves its cave rendering mode, the one feature that makes it stand out from most map rendering tools (unlike most such tools it only renders caves that have been explored, specifically, if there are torches in/near them; this is much like how my cave maps work except walls are ignored, but by using a realistic range false positives are minimized):
A comparison of the same world rendered with Minutor and MCMap:
For comparison, this is how MCMap 2.4.3 renders the same world; it is possible to fix some of the colors with its colors.txt file but the majority of blocks in TMCWv5 are variants of existing blocks and what blocks have what variants is hardcoded into the program (for this reason I have not provided a colors.txt), and some blocks do not render at all:
Examples of the underground rendering mode, including an animation of what I explored over 10 days, showing how only explored caves (with torches) are rendered:
An example of the output window when underground mode is used; the original version prints out the location of every torch it finds (appears to be debug output that was left in), which I removed and replaced with the total number of torches found when finished. This and other changes help speed it up as well:
i think ill download this after school this looks awesome
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
White coats to bind me, out of control
I live alone inside my mind
World of confusion, air filled with noise
Who says that my life's such a crime?
Trapped in this nightmare
I wish I'd wake
As my whole life begins to shake
four walls surround me
an empty gaze
I can't find my way out of this maze
'Cause I don't care
Fall in, fall out
Gone without a doubt, help me
I can't take the blame
They don't feel the shame
It's a madhouse
Or so they claim
It's a madhouse
Oh, am I insane?
My fears behind me, what can I do
My dreams haunt my sleep at night
Oh no, won't learn their lesson, white fills my eyes
And only then they see the light
First, I added many new biomes to the normal 1.6.4 biomes, many of which were also tweaked, with a general increase in terrain variability by modifying the min/max height ranges so that normal biomes have a range similar to the normal X-Hills biomes (e.g. Forest -> Forest Hills) and those biomes in turn have a range closer to that of Extreme Hills (which were also modified a bit, though things get wacky with much more increase in height):
Big Oak Forest: Forest exclusively populated with big oak trees, including a 2x2 variant:
Birch Forest: Pretty similar to the biome with the same name in 1.7:
Bushlands: Plains-like biome with small bushes dotting the landscape (a modified form of the bushes in jungle biomes but with spruce leaves and variable size; the smallest bushes also have the log generated in the ground so they can have just one layer of leaves above ground):
Forest Mountains: A mountainous biome similar to Extreme Hills but heavily forested; oak, birch, and spruce trees generate in this biome:
Hilly Plains: Similar to plains but with hills and even mountains but usually more flat than mountainous; because this biome is based off the plains biome horses spawn here as well, though villages only spawn in vanilla plains, which were made slightly flatter in turn:
Ice Hills: Mountains made of ice covering snow found in Ice Plains, replacing 1/3 of normal Ice Mountains as a technical biome; caves in the mountains also have walls made of snow/ice:
Lake: A biome that is entirely underwater, forming large shallow lakes; islands consisting of plains, forest, jungle, taiga, and desert generate as technical biomes:
Mega Forest: Forest with enormous trees, able to exceed cloud level from near sea level; trees were modified from jungle trees (oak leaves and wood). Regular and big oak trees and bushes (see Bushlands) can also be found. (note that this biome in particular can lag chunk generation due to the size and number of trees):
Mega Taiga: Taiga biome with enormous spruce trees (3x3 trunks), regular spruce trees, and moss stone/cobblestone boulders (the last taken from 1.7):
Mega Tree Plains: Similar to Mega Forest (see above) except trees are much more scattered and there are no understory trees/bushes:
Mesa: Like the biome in 1.7, except caves and ores generate in the clay (stone replaced with clay as a final decoration step) and dirt/gravel pockets are replaced with clay. Dead bushes and cacti, which can be placed on hardened clay, generate. Occasional dead trees (based on big oak trees but not generating leaves) can also be found (I entirely made this myself, not by copying over code from 1.7):
Mixed Forest: A forest containing oak trees, birch trees, spruce trees and small jungle trees, the latter modded to be taller:
Mountainous Desert: A much more mountainous version of the normal desert biome, which, similar to plains, has a slightly decreased max height. Also, exposed stone in mountains is avoided by replacing exposed blocks with sand or sandstone, including inside caves near/above sea level, which can also cut though the surface, same for the normal desert (caves were modded to cut though all blocks except bedrock; floating sand is avoided by replacing sand blocks over air with sandstone, this also applies to beach biomes):
Snowless Taiga: Same as taiga biome but without snow; unlike 1.7, the regular taiga biome is the default snow-covered taiga (which IMO should have been left alone in 1.7):
Spruce Hills: Generates as a technical biome in Mega Tree Plains:
Tropical Swamp: Variant of swamp biome with bright jungle-green grass/leaves and small jungle trees and a great number of water lakes at the surface; average ground level is mostly above sea level otherwise:
Volcanic Wasteland: A mountainous biome with a great deal of lava lakes and lava springs, both on the surface and underground. Mountains are covered with patches of obsidian, cobblestone, gravel, and less commonly grass with occasional stands of trees with few leaves and no branches (i.e. like a volcanic eruption blew them off). Oases of desert, plains, and forest also generate as technical biomes, so the whole area isn't a barren wasteland. In addition, ores of all types except emerald are more abundant in this biome, being found up to 1.5x their normal heights (50% more coal and iron density-wise); magma cubes also spawn, regardless of light level:
Aside from these new biomes and small changes to some existing ones, I also tweaked several existing biomes, such as Extreme hills, which have more trees including spruce trees. Caves are also MUCH more abundant in Extreme Hills, with extra caves generated above y=32 (normal cave systems aren't affected); many of the mountains are truly Swiss cheese, though caves don't cut through the surface unless they are "large caves" (circular chambers) or stone is exposed. Note also that iron ore can be found to y=127 at 1/3 the abundance below sea level, same for everywhere else:
Jungles: Melons naturally spawn in jungles, the only source of melons as melon (and pumpkin) seeds don't generate in mineshaft chests (ETA: readded as of 5/26):
Ice Plains: 2/3rds of Ice Plains were replaced with other biomes (within the normal Ice Plains area, not the entire biome), avoiding vast frozen wastelands, as seen below. Trees also mostly occur in clusters instead of single isolated trees and include spruce trees:
Islands: Islands with actual biomes in oceans are much more common, done by making Mushroom Islands 15 times more common, then making 14/15 of those other biomes (so Mushroom Islands have the same frequency). The min/max height of oceans was also tweaked to make "ocean" islands less common (due to the seafloor rising above the surface, biome is still ocean):
Also of note is that I modded new biomes in even as I was playing my current world; I did so in such a way that existing biomes at the edges of what I explored were unaffected (avoiding sudden terrain changes), but no matter if biomes fully in it were; it is impossible to recreate my world for this reason as the plains biome I spawned in is now a mesa biome when the world is recreated, and spawn is now a few hundred blocks to the south (the game is coded so that only certain biomes are valid spawning areas).
Another change to world generation is the removal of the upper layers of bedrock and lowering of rarer ores (other than iron and coal), as caves go 5 layers deeper before becoming filled with lava; diamond is only found to y=10 instead of y=15 (5 layers above lava in caves).
Here is a comparison between vanilla 1.6.4 and my modded world generation; AMIDST actually does work with my mod but uses the 1.7 biome names in place of mine and shows some villages in the wrong biomes (apparently it looks at the biome ID and not whether it is actually a savanna):
In addition, here is a list of biomes with the (approximate) probability of generating in a given area; the biomes I added together have about the same occurrence as vanilla biomes, but mostly rarer individually:
Vanilla biomes (47.3% of all biomes; default is 14.3% of each, excluding areas with only Ice plains and associated Taiga, and forests as a technical biome in Plains):
Plains: 4.5%
Desert: 4.5%
Forest: 6.8%
Jungle: 4.5%
Swamp: 9%
Taiga: 9%
Extreme Hills: 9%
Modded biomes (52.1% of all biomes, total 99.4% due to rounding):
Hilly Plains: 4.5%
Forest Mountains: 9%
Mountainous Desert: 4.5%
Tropical Swamp: 4.5%
Mixed Forest: 4.5%
Bushlands: 3.4%
Mega Tree Plains: 2.3% (contains Spruce Hills as a technical biome)
Mesa: 2.3%
Birch Forest: 2.3% (contains plains and hilly plains as technical biomes)
Mega Forest: 2.3%
Snowless Taiga: 2.3%
Volcanic Wasteland: 2.3% (contains plains, desert, and forest as technical biomes)
Lake: 4.5% (contains plains, desert, forest, taiga, jungle as technical biomes/islands)
Ice Hills: (33% chance of replacing Ice Mountains)
Mega Taiga: 1.1% (6.6% of areas normally Ice Plains, which in turn take up 33% of their normal area with the rest the normal biome mix and taiga)
Big Oak Forest: 2.3%
Islands in oceans have the same mix of biomes, after a 6.7% chance of Mushroom Island.
Now, for non-biome related changes, I modified the generation of many structures:
Abandoned Mineshafts: Instead of generating in any random chunk, mineshafts generate to a fixed grid with a spacing of 14 chunks, generating at 7,0 and 0,7 relative to the grid, with a 40% chance of generating at a point, thus an overall chance of about 0.004 (default is 0.01 pre-1.7 and 0.004 after) while a decrease in frequency within 80 chunks of the origin was removed so they generate at the same frequency everywhere. The size of mineshafts was also made variable, with the default size being 8 sections from the start (dirt room) and the variable size being 5-10 sections, weighted towards the lower end (average size is smaller than vanilla); for example, here is a relatively small one (smaller mineshafts also have a higher chance of chests per length of corridor, inversely proportional to the size, although often still have none):
Based on a look at Mineshaft.dat using NBTExplorer they can contain anywhere from 10 to 275 children (structure components, equivalent to the distance between two supports in corridors, crossings, and stairs), with vanilla mineshafts averaging around 125.
In addition, I fixed the bug noted here, which causes "bubbles" in oceans (also in solid ground) and messed-up connections to the starting room. Astonishingly, despite a fix (which I used) provided over a year ago, Mojang still hasn't fixed this very easy to fix bug (well, yeah).
Caves: Similar to mineshafts, large cave systems are generated every 14 chunks at relative coordinates 0,0 and 7,7, plus a variation of +/- 1 chunk from these points, with a 70% probability of generating at each point for an overall frequency of 1/140 (vanilla 1.6.4 caves are generated with a frequency of 1/15 and 1.7+ caves 1/7); while much lower than vanilla, the minimum size is 16 with a max of 40 (max is 40 in vanilla 1.6.4 and 15 in 1.7+), weighted towards the low end; overall, there are more large cave systems as this comparison between my current world and my first main world (vanilla shows), but as you can see vanilla has more huge cave complexes formed by many cave systems generating in close proximity due to the random placement:
Modded generation:
Vanilla pre-1.7 generation, same scale:
There are also small caves randomly generated across the map, similar to caves in 1.7+, with a size of 10 and frequency of 7. However, in extreme hills, extra caves with a size of 2015 and frequency of 10 generate above y=32, in addition to all of the aforementioned; mesa also has extra caves but a smaller size of 10 and volcanic wasteland size 5/frequency 5.
In addition, large cave systems have a 1-in-50 chance of becoming a colossal cave system, intentionally made to approximate the largest known cave system in vanilla (which has around 120 caves across 6 cave systems generated within a few chunks of each other, determined by having the game print out the size and location of cave systems); they are generated as 6 separate cave systems with a size of 20, plus a size 16 system, within 10 chunks of each other (made so they don't generate too close to each other), otherwise impossible due to the non-random placement mentioned above:
Typical "colossal" cave system:
Largest known cave system in vanilla (seed -123775873255737467 in 1.6.4 or earlier at -800, -1050):
One thing to note in the comparison above is the number of caves that break the surface (green areas); individual caves in large cave systems have a 50% chance of only being able to cut through stone, while small caves have a 100% chance of doing so, except in Extreme Hills.
Also of note, caves and ravines that pass under bodies of water will generate normally but only remove stone blocks, instead of simply glitching out (the game checks for water and normally doesn't generate any part with water in the path); the floating sand removal mentioned above also means that sand under bodies of water won't collapse into caves (sometimes still happens if there is gravel underneath); caves under oceans and lakes are much less likely to be flooded out (a sandstone roof generates if a cave directly hits water, as with exposed stone on the seabed). I also tweaked the generation so that individual caves (not cave systems) and ravines have more variability; caves can get up to three times bigger, but averaging the same size as vanilla, while ravines can be from half to twice as long, wider/narrower, and deeper/shallower, and more curved, again averaging close to vanilla.
Here are several examples of just how big caves can get:
Strongholds: Normally in vanilla caves and ravines "cut" apart strongholds because they are coded so that walls only generate if there are solid non-air blocks where they would otherwise be; I avoid this by modifying the code so that walls are always generated regardless, similar to other structures. Also, I removed code that checks for liquid in the bounding boxes so pieces can generate under water and lava; this avoids stuff like End Portal rooms separated from the rest of a stronghold, barring any other possible generation bugs (End Portal rooms always generate but not other parts) and allows it to generate as fully as it can:
Also, they are more dangerous:
Yes, that is a creeper spawner you see in the first one, with silverfish spawners randomly placed in libraries (as real-life silverfish eat books); dungeons can also have them along with other mobs not found in vanilla dungeons, plus they spawn mobs at a much faster rate, 5-10 seconds and 12/6 mobs for zombies, skeletons, spiders and silverfish; 10-20 seconds and 6/4 mobs for cave spiders, Endermen, and creepers; and 10-30 seconds and 4/2 mobs for witches (vanilla is 10-40 seconds and 4/6 mobs; 4 spawned per cycle and 6 within range):
These dungeons are rarer though, with 36% being zombies, 18% each of skeletons and spiders (vanilla is 50% zombie and 25% each of skeletons and spiders) and 9% each of creeper, enderman or witch dungeons.
Mob spawners were also made explosion-proof (includes TNT), but creepers can still blow up chests.
The upside is that they contain better loot, as other structure chests do, proportional to their rarity (even diamond tools/armor in some chests; of course, rarer than other items), with no useless items (if you want string, just kill some spiders, etc) and more items (chest slots) possible.
Desert Temples: Ever found a temple that just has a cave under it? That's because a mob spawned in the loot chamber and blew it up. Well, not here, as I replaced the pressure plate with trapped chests, with an extra TNT under each one (13 total, meaning a bigger explosion if you set it off), plus an example of chest loot; note the lack of rotten flesh and bones, which is compensated for by adding zombie and skeleton spawners (randomly selected):
Jungle Temples: Similar to desert temples, except the trap was buffed by adding fire charges in addition to arrows (may or may not have both):
These are both rarer though due to all the added biomes.
Witches and cave spiders also spawn naturally, witches at the same rate in 1.7, and cave spiders at twice the rate of witches and restricted to bellow sea level (as they are called cave spiders, not abandoned mineshaft spiders, though you won't encounter more than 1-2 at once outside of them). In addition, giants naturally spawn, only above sea level at 1/5 the frequency of witches; they are also a bit different from vanilla in that they deal 5 hearts instead of 25 (on Normal), drop 20 XP instead of 5, and burn in daylight (given lava damage in addition to fire damage so they take about the same amount of time to die) and set you on fire for longer than normal zombies and all the time.
Updated 6/18 - the inventory screen (only in Survival mode) now shows your "score" and coordinates in the upper-left, stats for ores mined and mob kills (counts 8 common Overworld mobs only) during the current session (not total mined as seen in the statistics) below that (the "R" key switches between a list of totals, percentage of total, number of ore mined relative to coal, and individual mob kill counts), and death point in the upper-right (only if you died since starting the current session; "R" clears this and hides the display):
Ender chests can also hold a double chest of items, done by simply changing the number of slots from 27 to 54:
Other changes are as follows:
Buffed zombies, which can spawn reinforcements (not just call for help) on Normal difficulty, although with a minimum distance from the player (so not in your face), as well as doubling a bunch of values like "leader zombie bonus". Baby zombies can also fit in 1 block high openings, similar to 1.7, and also drop XP (12 XP instead of 5, also the same as 1.7) and items, including picked up items (so you don't have to worry about losing stuff). Also carry more weapons, with axes and pickaxes added, and a 1-in-5 chance of diamond items instead of iron.
Bats drop experience (1-3) when killed, like passive mobs and squid.
Fixed infinite animal panic bug (animals run around forever after getting hit instead of calming down; fixed in 1.7).
Fixed sprint-jumping only adding exhaustion of normal jumping when it should be 4x higher (also fixed in 1.7, leading many people to report huge increases in hunger depletion - but why sprint-jump all over the place? Only PvP really warrants it).
Fixed/reduced server lag due to zombie pathfinding, using a combination of Forge source code and another fix.
Removed enchanted item glint from held items (still present on armor and in inventory).
Distance flown stat only counts actual Creative-mode flying, mainly because of misunderstandings when I post my stats and they see that I've "flown" (otherwise, the game thinks you are "flying" when you sprint-jump or get knocked back by mobs).
Game waits for internal server to finish shutting down when you quit before returning to title screen (displays "Shutting down internal server..."), avoiding chunk corruption and not saving properly, also the cause of worlds not deleting properly (i.e. you quit a world then delete it right after, the server is still saving so the delete fails; then you make a new world with the same name and you get chunks from the first world in the second).
All pieces of armor have the same durability as a chestplate, which may be good or bad depending (i.e. if you made a full set at once they will all break at the same time leaving you with zero protection). Diamond armor is also as relatively durable as iron armor is compared to iron tools with a durability of 1500 (241/251 * 1562), instead of just 1/3 as durable as diamond tools; this does increase the repair cost though (repair cost solely depends on durability, not material).
The amount of protection per armor point was changed from 4 to 3.5% so full armor points provides 70% damage reduction instead 80%, making diamond armor about a third better than iron (diamond tools mine about a third faster than iron, so basically diamond armor has the same advantages as tools do); other types of armor have slightly different amounts of points to closely match with vanilla (e.g. leather has 8 armor points for 28% protection, iron has 17 for 59.5%, up from 7 (4x7 = 28) and 15 (4x15 = 60) respectively).
Added a fix for mob pathfinding that causes a northwest bias over time, particularly noticeable with villagers and likely contributing to their tendency to crowd into one house; from a test I did, they now wander around much more of the village and even recognized more doors (only seen within 16 blocks).
Removed void fog, which is otherwise very dense due to lowering the bottom of the world by 5 blocks (added 5/11; I didn't add this sooner because I just used Optifine to disable it).
Enabled growing Mega Trees and Mega Taiga trees from saplings, in a similar manner to giant jungle trees; see this post for details.
Fixed leaf decay issues with big oak trees by adding extra logs to branches (extending upwards into leaf bunches, instead of ending at the bases); this issue was so bad that they were mostly removed from natural world generation in 1.7 due to lag. 6/4 - a similar fix was done to jungle trees by modifying their branches, although some leaves still occasionally generate disconnected from the canopy.
Saplings grow into biome-specific trees in most biomes; here is a full list of biome-specific trees (regular size trees); otherwise growing as normal:
Oak trees: Grow as swamp trees in (Tropical) Swamp biomes; exclusively grow as big oak trees in Big Oak Forest. 2x2 trees grow as giant oak trees in Big Oak Forest and otherwise grow as Mega Trees.
Spruce trees: Both variants (tall type and Christmas tree-like type, only the latter normally grow) grow in Taiga (all variants), Ice Plains and Forest Mountain biomes with 50/50 of each type. In Bushlands and Mega Tree biomes they grow as bushes (excluding the smallest variant, which replaces the ground under it with a log). Only the tall variant grows in Spruce Hills.
Jungle trees: Generate with vines and cocoa pods in Jungle and Tropical Swamp; grow taller than usual in Mixed Forest.
Also, I decided to add a couple silly things that can be seen as Easter eggs:
Really? It's supposed to be a secret.
Is that a baby zombie on a cave spider? Yes, 1% of cave spider spawns (making it extremely rare even though I decided to make cave spiders twice as common, which is still rarer than most other mobs) are cave spider jockeys (an allusion to chicken jockeys, which I've tried to add but couldn't figure out how to make the chicken hostile (tried adding player as attack target, etc); not so much of a problem disabling egg-laying and despawning them though, a must to avoid problems):
Wait, what did that bat just drop? Yes, bats can drop torches (0-2, like other mobs), rather silly and pointless given how many I use but could help you if you ever ran out (makes some sense as real-life bats easily navigate in caves and torches help you navigate in caves; come to think of it, it would have made more sense for a bat drop to be used to make Night Vision potions than golden carrots):
(this used to be in the OP but it got too large(!) so the descriptions for all previous updates have been moved to separate comments which originally described features added by that update)
This is a look at my current world, which shows some of the biomes I added (the seed is -123775873255737467, but note that if you use it it won't look the same close to spawn, where my base is, which is a mesa biome instead of plains and spawn is in a jungle to the south):
Note that to find all biomes you'll need to travel quite a bit due to their number/low frequency, even with no temperature system causing clustering of similar biomes (of course, 1.7 is much worse because of this)
These spawn 1/5 as often as witches, only above sea level, and have 50 hearts of health, deal 5 hearts of damage on Normal, and drop 20 XP, somewhat changed from the vanilla values (10 instead of 50 damage, which is a little OP, and 20 instead of 5 XP). Also, like normal zombies they burn in daylight (extra damage done so they die faster than otherwise) and set you on fire for longer (5 seconds on Easy - 15 seconds on Hard) with a 100% chance regardless of difficulty.
Dude, I love this mod. I was hoping someone would make a mod that added some of the 1.7 biomes to 1.6, especially since mods haven't really updated to 1.7 yet. Love the lake biomes, I think they are a great addition. I like the bigger caves too, I like to live in cave systems and make this huge rambling base out of them. Nice big spaces are great to work with. 10/10 best mod ever.
This is fantastic, I love it. I will have to try it out. The biomes seem very thought out and creative, and the new mesa is great. I like the changes to ender chests, I have always wanted them to hold more.
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Vanilla is the best way to play Minecraft, In my opinion. Plugins suck.
Please use proper spelling and grammar in your posts.
I made another change; baby zombies will now drop items they picked up, along with normal drops, so you don't have to worry about losing items if they killed you; this also applies to zombie pigmen.
Also, I saw a discussion of this bug and decided to add the fix provided, which was finally implemented in the 1.8 snapshots; it fixes a northwest bias in mob wandering which is particularly noticeable with villagers; at least from a test they now actually move around more and at night they went into more than one house, if still mostly only in 2-3 houses (I loaded the region files from my world into a test world in MCP to test it):
Interestingly enough, according to NBT Explorer the number of valid doors also went from 28 to 54(!), along with multiple baby villagers appearing immediately after I tested the fix; evidently they didn't recognize all of the doors because some were too far away as they stayed in one area (the large house seen on the right; I thought there was something going on as I knew there were more than 28 doors and I was sure they were all valid, except perhaps a couple I put on balconies, and even those are counted as most are at y=64 but two are at y=67 and y=70 respectively).
I mentioned that caves can become up to three times larger than vanilla; here are a couple such caves that I've come across to give you an idea of their size (the second one was taken before I mined it out; it contained over 300 ores by itself, not counting caves branching off of it):
These caves are located at -680, 16, 370 and -540, 8, 630 using the seed -123775873255737467 if you want to check them out yourself (note - if you downloaded the mod previously I recommend updating it).
I mentioned that diamond armor has 6 times the durability of iron, consistent with tools, while still having the same protection otherwise; I decided to slightly reduce the protection provided to balance it out a bit; instead of 20 armor points full diamond now gives you 17 armor points for 68% protection, which still gives you 31.25 hearts of health in full armor, compared to 25 in full iron, a 25% increase (compared to 50/100% in vanilla).
Note that when you compare the mining speeds of iron and diamond tools that diamond tools are about 33% faster, so diamond armor overall now has a similar advantage over iron armor as tools do.
ETA: I decided to make each armor point count as 3.5% damage reduction instead of 4 to allow for a full armor bar, and tweaked the values for other pieces of armor to match the vanilla values as closely as possible; e.g. iron armor now has 17 armor points for 59.5% protection and diamond armor (same points per piece as vanilla) has 70% protection, making the advantage 35%, closer to 33% than 25% and allowing for a full armor bar.
It looks like Mojang implemented one of my modifications; they made it so that caves now cut through the surface in desert and mesa biomes (previously they stopped at the sandstone/clay layer):
Can you add in undead miners that spawn in mineshafts and add in silverfish infested undead that will spawn in strongholds?
Can you show a picture of the double enderchest?
Can you add in undead miners that spawn in mineshafts and add in silverfish infested undead that will spawn in strongholds?
Can you show a picture of the double enderchest?
All of the changes I've made are only modifications of vanilla, I didn't add in any new mobs, blocks, or items; it is much easier to simply use what already exists than add in new mobs, etc (if you loaded a modded world into vanilla no items or blocks will disappear, except for the extra 27 Ender chest slots). The Ender chest looks and acts like a normal Ender chest except it has 54 slots.
That said, cave spiders in mineshafts can be quite challenging due to the higher spawn rate and the inability to blow up spawners (i.e. drop TNT on top of it).
Also, if you omit the net folder and don't delete META-INF (simply add the other files to the jar) you can use the mod in the server jar (tested with Minecraft Land Generator, which uses the server jar to pregenerate worlds; didn't actually try connecting to it though but don't think there should be any problems).
I decided to add another biome, Big Oak Forest (biome ID 39), which consists of big oak trees (a slightly tweaked version of normal big oaks (other biomes, saplings), made to average a bit taller) and generates in place of 25% of regular forest biomes (about 2.3% of all biomes), with other biomes generating the same way as seen in the AMIDST maps, so if you already generated a world and update biomes will generate without chunk borders; in the case of a forest biome turning into Big Oak Forest, it will simply change tree cover (biome otherwise is identical) and be otherwise indistinguishable from a normal forest-big oak biome transition (note - there is no x-hills counterpart, which may cause localized cliffs but probably unlikely due to biome abundance; in my world only one forest (unchanged) borders the edge of generated chunks):
After; note that some forests are now "Mesa Plateau" biomes, such as near spawn, which is now half forest and half Big Oak Forest:
(this was inspired by this thread, big oak trees were made much rarer in 1.7 due to "lag" - I blame not the trees but whatever "optimization" Mojang did to make even their (presumably high-end) computers lag)
Also, I'm wondering what AMIDST does if you add a biome that it doesn't recognize (1.7 biome IDs go to 39, then skip to 129; the maximum number of biome IDs is 256, or 0-255).
It is now possible to grow the giant trees in Mega Forest/Mega Tree Plains and Mega Taiga biomes, using the same methods as giant jungle trees; note that the mega taiga trees require 9 saplings instead of four, consistent with the trunks being 3x3:
These trees have incredible amounts of wood, as many as 500 and 600 logs in a single tree (averaging 313 and 440 out of 10 of each type; you'll definitely want an Efficiency V diamond axe for these!); here are the same trees picture above with leaves removed with MCEdit; note the Mega Taiga trees have a nice orderly array of branches so are easy to harvest (for Mega Trees I added in a bunch of random logs, surrounded by leaves where exposed, in addition to normal Jungle tree-like branches to help prevent leaf decay, which also adds randomness to the canopy):
Note that they will grow through obstructions (but not replace blocks in the way - ETA: updated so they only grow around leaves, wood, dirt, and grass blocks); Mega Trees require 66 blocks of headroom (height of tallest tree possible based on artificially setting the height to the max instead of randomized) and 10 blocks around the trunk and Mega Taiga trees 41 blocks and 8 blocks around the trunk (they are so big that when naturally generated I had to add extra room to avoid "already decorating" crashes, as features generated as a single piece can't be more than 1 chunk wide unless more centered in the populated chunk, with a max of 32 blocks if exactly in the center).
They'll even grow next to existing trees, as shown here, with 9 and 4 of each tree respectively (note that if you actually planted a 6x6 array of saplings they would likely not grow in this manner as any 2x2 or 3x3 set can turn into a tree, the trees also produce enough shade to uproot surrounding saplings without additional light, even spawn hostile mobs during the day as you can see under the tree to the left):
The following arrangements enable you to grow them next to each other without having to grow one at a time:
Hmmmmm... looks cool, but is it possible to get melon seeds at ALL without other mods?
You can find melons in jungles, which aren't that hard to find (I've found several in my world); I basically copied the melon-generating code from 1.7.
Also of note, I fixed the leaf decay issue with large oak trees which caused them to be mostly removed from world generation in 1.7 due to lag; the solution was to add in extra logs extending upwards into leaf bunches (branches otherwise only reach the bases); this was 100% effective at avoiding leaf decay in a Superflat test world set to Big Oak Forest (the new trees that I made are also mostly decay-free, although I've seen a few leaves decay on certain sizes, but not that many).
(it is also interesting to note how often I've been updating this mod compared to the official game/snapshots, with more developers working on it)
Nice mod! I like the biome with the massive oak trees! I could put on an ewok skin!
Making the trunks would be a problem, as I've only reused vanilla blocks to make new trees and don't want to add new blocks (loading a world generated with this mod in vanilla wouldn't cause any problems as long as you didn't generate new chunks or stored items in the second half of an Ender chest); the closest I can come is to use fences as trunks with a wood block in the canopy, or generate them with permanent leaves, which wouldn't be an issue with small trees mainly intended as decoration (this is actually something I've done as decoration (player-built), as seen here).
Also, I decided to add a couple silly things that can be seen as Easter eggs:
Really? It's supposed to be a secret.
Is that a baby zombie on a cave spider? Yes, 1% of cave spider spawns (making it extremely rare even though I decided to make cave spiders twice as common, which is still rarer than most other mobs) are cave spider jockeys (an allusion to chicken jockeys, which I've tried to add but couldn't figure out how to make the chicken hostile (tried adding player as attack target, etc); not so much of a problem disabling egg-laying and despawning them though, a must to avoid problems):
Wait, what did that bat just drop? Yes, bats can drop torches (0-2, like other mobs), rather silly and pointless given how many I use but could help you if you ever ran out (makes some sense as real-life bats easily navigate in caves and torches help you navigate in caves; come to think of it, it would have made more sense for a bat drop to be used to make Night Vision potions than golden carrots):
Yeah, but what about melon SEEDS? I don't think you can get them from melon blocks.
You can get them from melon slices, which can be crafted into seeds. In any case, I added them back in, but it is probably easier to just find a jungle and break a melon and turn the melons into seeds.
(regarding 1.7 in particular, I'm surprised they didn't re-add cocoa beans (removed in 1.6) to dungeon chests as jungles can be very hard to find; note that with my mod you can also find them in Tropical Swamp biomes, which, together with jungles, occupy 9% of biomes)
This includes many of my own unique features in addition to my own ideas of how some newer features could have been implemented, such as 1.9's "attack cooldown", Mending, favoring mining instead of resource farms, and especially terrain generation, the original and still main focus of this mod, hence its name (suggested by ScottishMushroom).
There are also features which are directly based on newer versions, if not functionally identical, including biomes, blocks, mobs, and game mechanics; as well as features restored from previous versions or even never properly implemented, and features taken from suggestions made by others (both for this mod and vanilla itself). In total, there are more than 500 new blocks/items/biomes/entities, and as many as a thousand additions and changes in total.
Another major focus of this mod is optimizations and bugfixes, including bugs which still haven't been fixed, or at least reduced, in the latest vanilla version, and bugs introduced by the client-server merge in 1.3.1, which ended the "golden age" for many players due to previously multiplayer-only bugs and latency/desync issues in singleplayer. Despite the amount of content added the footprint of the game is no higher than, or even lower than, vanilla 1.6.4 (the usual recommendations for modded versions, e.g. allocate more memory, are irrelevant).
Note that I primarily made this mod, and mods in general, for my own use and this affects the development/update schedule of this mod (I've not made significant updates for several years at a time while playing on my first world/other worlds; major updates (version 1, 2, etc) reflect major changes to world generation/internal mechanics and are not guaranteed to be backwards-compatible with older worlds), as well as what features/suggestions I may implement.
Version 5.10:
Version 5:
Version 4.5:
Version 4:
Version 3:
Version 2:
Version 1:
Installation instructions for the official launcher (also included in a Readme in the download; note that other than the name of the installation "TMCW" must match the name of the json file in the download, e.g. TMCWv5):
Version 5.10 / 10th anniversary update:
This update had been released in two parts, the first of which was the final update to TMCWv5 and included dozens of bugfixes and improvements (as usual most of them are to fix vanilla issues, including many more issues that had been brought on by 1.3.1, one of the most notorious updates in the game's history due to making singleplayer run on an integrated server, with multiple issues due to poorly / not implemented networking code, e.g. the "damage tilt" used to follow the direction you took damage in). It also made improvements to maps, adding two more zoom levels, up to level 6 or 8192x8192 blocks, mainly for very large scale mapping without needing so much space (larger maps are also much cheaper to make than multiple smaller maps), but at the cost of detail:
Another notable bug that was fixed causes you to deal the incorrect amount of damage when attacking immediately after switching items, and is still unresolved as of this time (the number of bugs that date back over a decade yet still haven't been fixed is astounding):
MC-28289 Switching items at the same time as attacking ignores the item attributes
An example of what can happen due to this bug, which may be less apparent in modern versions due to the always-present "cooldown" but TMCW does not have nay such penalty (only for attacking mobs while they are damage-immune, or missing too often):
An example of levels 0-6 (top rows) and some areas mapped at level 6, which updates an area 3-4 pixels across:
More colors were also added, including biome-specific water colors, and instead of using the most common block to determine the color of a pixel maps now use the most common block color, giving more accurate results for levels 1+:
Example of a cave map before and after (note that cave maps still only go up to level 4 since they would have so little detail as to be useless):
Maps can also be recentered to the chunk the player is in by crafting them with a compass:
New game rules have been added to facilitate customizing gameplay, including replacing separate class file patches that had previously been made to toggle things like the attack penalty or make mobs only spawn in complete darkness (due to popular request), as well as enable an older way of centering maps (based on the player's position when zooming, not just initializing for the first time, and aligned to a different grid, the latter being a more significant change):
The second part of the update, released as TMCWv5.10 proper, adds content which had been in development and/or planned to be added for much of the past year:
Many new blocks and block variants have been added, including many new variants of wood-based blocks for all wood types, such as doors and signs, as well as colored beds (existing beds will become white) and a new sign variant, hanging; fence gates also now have proper variants instead of just using the variant of wooden fence they were next to, and a new "iron fence gate", which is only activated with redstone, was added, as well as nether brick variants:
New mobs / mob variants have been added, including a new type of spider, "brown", which spawns in various biomes and deals twice as much damage (4 vs 2) and inflicts Weakness or Slowness (only one at a time); the color/texture is based on one from a very early developmental version which was never released. A new skeleton, variant, "bogged", which is being added in 1.21, now spawn in swamps and their attacks deal Poison for 4 seconds. Wolves now have wolf armor, another new vanilla item, except I based it off of horse armor, with all the same mechanics and being found in structure loot chests (as opposed to being crafted, having limited durability, and incredibly, negating all damage like shields (a very broken modern vanilla feature). A couple new biome-specific rabbit variants were also added; the pink variant is exclusive to Cherry Grove (all other colors have a small chance of appearing as a random mutation):
Other mobs have also recently had various AI improvements; spiders will now lose their grip so they drop down on the player when they walk under them (related to MC-151054, which sounds worse than it is in 1.6.4). and in a similar manner to spiders Endermen no longer become neutral immediately (or with a longer delay) when exposed to sunlight (this does have the advantage of them not just teleporting away if you see one during the day so it can be easier to hunt them, I know that collecting enough ender pearls can be a chore), and all mobs can now see and attack through transparent blocks (MC-3626; e.g. in vanilla you can safely wade though a cave spider corridor by just staying in the cobwebs); skeletons and creepers have a reduced attack radius when their sight is blocked by transparent blocks. Explosions similarly ignore / are attenuated less by such blocks (MC-145 and MC-59425; e.g. creeper explosion on lower slabs dealing little damage to nearby blocks and entities. Oddly enough, blocks not being damaged is considered to be a bug while entities not being damaged is "works as intended". I made them still reduce damage, roughly by half).
The Cherry Grove biome from 1.20 has been added in pretty much the same way, including all its new blocks, including the first-ever actual new wood variant (until now all trees used the four variants in vanilla 1.6.4, and still do; in a 1.7 snapshot acacia used jungle wood and dark oak used spruce wood, hence why I made them like that). There is also a new underground biome variation, with stone and granite reversed so the majority of the underground is granite, with stone appearing in pockets (ores are still stone; it is very difficult to see iron ore on a background of granite), and mineshafts using cherry wood:
The biome was added by replacing 1/128 of biomes in "normal" regions and adding it as a sub-biome of various other biomes (the second example above), including Plains and Meadow, both spawn biomes so there is a good chance you may spawn by one. Due to the way it was added the overall biome map did not change so existing worlds will generate normally, unless a Cherry Grove biome happened to be along the new-old chunk boundary (this is much like how Poplar Grove and a higher limit on terrain were added in version 3).
Another major new feature is several new world types; "Medium Biomes", with a biome size of 5, between Default (4) and Large biomes (6), offering a good compromise between the latter two (Default is probably too small for many people especially with there being so many biomes so two of the same biomes are much less likely to connect; many "individual" biomes in vanilla 1.6.4 are multiple smaller units joined together, where a single unit averages 256x256 blocks); "Oceanic" which greatly reduces the size of landmasses and makes "Survival Island" or "ocean exploration"-type worlds possible again (other world types always spawn you on a large continent with the nearest ocean being 500-1000 blocks away); and "Single Biome", which allows you to choose any of 129 biomes, even the Nether and End, which were modified to properly generate in the Overworld (vanilla adds Nether decorations as part of the the dimension itself):
An Oceanic world as seen on an in-game map and MCMap rendering (this is the same seed as I used for this world I played on):
The create new world GUI when the world type is set to Single Biome; a field for inputting a biome ID is enabled, with the biome name displayed:
The Nether and End in a "debug_biomes" world (all biomes laid out in a grid by naming a world starting with "debug_biomes", a debug feature that I left enabled so one can easily see every biome):
The Nether in a single biome world, terrain is quite variable over large scales due to the custom noise field that modulates the height parameters of most biomes:
The underground is similar to Badlands, with Nether features like glowstone:
It is also possible to find water in the form of "nether desert wells", a feature exclusive to the Overworld, also visible to the left are some "nether dead bushes", a variant which grows on netherrack (much like normal dead bushes they can be bonemealed to get more, this makes it possible, via stick planks, to get wood in the Nether):
The Nether itself (dimension) also has an interesting new feature - Wither skeleton dungeons, which exclusively spawn Wither skeletons (as skeleton dungeons do normal skeletons) which never drop a skull:
While not noticeably impacting most seeds the End was also modified to fix a rare chance of the island generating very small or deformed (e.g. the seed "3761987256467393916" in vanilla 1.6.4) by ensuring the middle is filled in:
A new villager type, "Woodworker", and village building, "Woodshop" were added, making use of the unused green villager skin ("nitwit" in modern versions) and enabling various wood-related items to be traded, and splitting off more tool trades from the overly-endowed blacksmith, which no longer sells axes, with woodworkers now selling them, as well as hammers (iron and diamond). Woodshops were based on butcher shops, with a tree in the fenced-in area. There is also a loot chest (a barrel behind the stairs in the corner) with relevant items, including saplings, which were moved from blacksmiths:
I also made a major change to trading mechanics - butchers and blacksmiths no longer accept charcoal, only coal, while woodworkers only accept charcoal, at a lower price (I really think it is easier to collect mass amounts of coal, even without Fortune. You'll also have to grind through a long list of trades to possibly unlock it as the final offer, aka a "perfect villager", so it is more of something to get pass in order to get the tool trades). Conversely, any type of wood (logs) can be given to a woodworker even though they are two separate block IDs (items sold by a woodworker, such as fences, may be of any wood type but they will only offer one type per block type).. Village generation was also tweaked so buildings can no longer touch each other (much like how mineshafts were previously fixed so they can't run right above/below themselves).
Version 5 update:
One of the biggest changes is a complete rewrite of world generation, which consequently generates completely different worlds from earlier versions and was a major reason for the delay in releasing TMCWv5; some of the core changes and new blocks were added in an intermediate update, TMCWv4.5. Cave generation in particular is much more varied with many new variations added, as well as increases to the size of the largest caves, which can exceed a million blocks in volume, 600000 for ravines and 1.7 million for a giant cave region (for comparison, in previous versions they could reach about 500000, 425000 and 1.3 million respectively), and large caves are significantly more common. Also, only the very largest caves are now excluded from generating near the origin; due to this the "NoExclusion" patch that previously disabled this exclusion has been dropped, partly also to ease maintenance:
This is one of the largest single caves that I have found, with a volume of nearly 1.1 million blocks, located at at 420, -956 in the seed "6511199847387183207" (it is at the bottom-center of the image above, with the small cave to its lower-left representative of a typical "large cave" in vanilla 1.6.4, with the largest known such cave having a volume of about 26,000 blocks):
The same seed also has an enormous ravine at -620, 112, and they can get much larger - up to 368 blocks long and 50 blocks wide. This also shows how underground biomes now extend all the way down to and even including bedrock, with ore and bedrock variants added to match the "biome stone" blocks (these are a stone-like block variant which has the same properties as stone, thus you need Haste II + Eff V to instantly mine "sandstone biome stone", as opposed to earlier versions where it was real sandstone/snow/ice/etc, but it was limited to the upper third of the underground, and only lined caves before TMCWv4):
Another significant change to world generation is that the area within about 1000 blocks of the origin is always entirely non-ocean biomes - it is highly unlikely that spawn will be in/next to an ocean or on a small island, and it will be within a relatively flat and open biome (plains, tropical swamp, meadow, mega tree plains, bushlands, or oasis) in the Default world type; Large Biomes may place biomes too far away to be detected, and also has different origin continent generation so oceans aren't so far away (due to this Large Biomes is not simply an upscaled version of Default until you get further from the origin). Land is also more common, making up about a third of the world, compared to about a fifth in vanilla (about 75% ocean, plus "rivers" along shorelines). Here is a large-scale land/ocean map:
Also, all world generation (caves, terrain, feature placement) now fully utilizes a 64 bit seed; previously, and in vanilla, only biome generation used all 64 bits with the result that any seed which differed by a multiple of 2^48 had the same non-biome dependent features, and even the biome generator itself had "shadow seeds" which reduced the number of unique biome maps to 2^63, but this was fixed. Text seeds also now use a 64 bit hash function instead of 32 bit (e.g. "TMCWv4" now hashes to "-4968953994433483799" instead of "-1816924181"), and the selection of a random seed enables any 64 bit seed to be chosen (it was previously based on Random, with 2^48 possible 64 bit values, some of which likely had the same lower 48 bits), and a random seed is now only used if the textbox is completely empty so you can directly enter 0 as a seed (there was no technical reason why this wasn't allowed):
The same two seeds in TMCWv5, which are entirely unique down to river and biome borders:
"-2143500864" and "-7379792618385405355" in vanilla 1.6.4 (these are "shadow seeds", which give the same biome map but different terrain and reduces the number of unique biome layouts to 2^63 since every seed is one of a pair):
The same two seeds in TMCWv5, which again produce completely different worlds:
There are also several new biomes added, as well as many minor biome variants to improve existing biomes (e.g. Ice Hills now has its own "river" variant which uses the same generation as its parent biome):
Frozen Ocean now generates as a proper biome, instead of in tiny patches around the edges of Ice Plains (most of the "frozen" water alongside them in older versions/vanilla are actually Frozen River); similar to Tropical Ocean it can be found alongside snowy biomes and in patches of open ocean; unlike other biomes they try to avoid generating right next to opposite extremes. As shown here they also have icebergs made out of packed ice and Polar Bears, one of three variants of bears. The seafloor is also entirely gravel:
Oceans also have Shipwrecks, which come in 3 different sizes with the largest having a chest hidden below the deck (all sizes are fairly common but the largest size with loot is much rarer than in 1.13+):
Quartz Desert, which includes a new structure, Quartz Desert Pyramids, which has a main pyramid and two smaller pyramids; the main pyramid contains a maze inside which leads to a treasure room at the top which has the same loot as desert/jungle temples. One of the most notable features is that the walls are made out of "Reinforced Quartz Sandstone", which takes an extremely long time to mine even with an Efficiency V amethyst pickaxe; however, once you reach the treasure room there is a button which when pressed will convert it into normal quartz sandstone. There are also mob spawners hidden under the walls in the maze which spawn skeletons and white husks. Also visible in the distance are Saguaro Cactus, a large branched form of cactus (like normal cacti breaking the base will cause the entire plant to break; however, instead of dropping itself it drops saplings; if Silk Touch is used (blocks must be broken from top-down for efficiency) they drop logs which work the same way as wood logs (Silk Touch is not required):
Mushroom Forest, which has uniquely blue-green foliage, even affecting the color of spruce leaves (the only biome that currently does so), and huge mushrooms in all colors:
Mesa Plateau Forest, which generates at the top of Mesa Plateau and provides a source of wood and passive mobs in an otherwise barren biome which only has rabbits:
Another feature of Mesa biomes is the addition of mineshafts that generate above sea level; these are in addition to normal mineshafts and are smaller with spruce wood supports and gold ore which generates as part of the structure (it can only be found in mineshafts). Unlike underground mineshafts they only generate sections that have at least one block without sky exposure above them (this is only applied to mesa mineshafts, and only in non-Superflat worlds, avoiding the bugs that 1.10's implementation brought). Another change made to mesas is the addition of a red variant of clay which replaces the normal gray clay that previously generated:
Mineshafts in general were improved by adding platforms below all pieces, not just corridors, and they can no longer intersect themselves vertically (the "floor" of a piece, where the wooden platforms are, is now included when checking for intersections), and the type of wood is based on the types of trees found in the most common biome around the central room/start (most treeless biomes default to oak with some having other types of wood):
Badlands; this is not a rename of Mesa but an entirely new biome which is a combination of Mesa with different colors and a red sand desert; below the surface stone is replaced with red sandstone with pockets of red clay and red sand:
Icelands, a frozen version of Mesa and Badlands made out of snow blocks and packed ice, including new opaque and blue ice variants, as well as "vegetation" made out of ice and scattered blocks of "dry ice" underground:
Uniquely, instead of having lava caves in Icelands, as well as Ice Hills and Ice Plains Spikes, contain water instead of lava, and no lava is allowed to generate within these biomes (it may flow into them; low-level lava/water is separated as shown here). Also visible are Glow Squid, which can be found in any body of water below the surface:
Big Birch Forest, which includes two new variants of birch trees, including a 2x2 form, both of which also occasionally generate in normal birch forests, much as big oak trees do:
Autumnal Forest, based on a suggestion, including many of the mobs; including Black Bears, which are smaller than other variants and always hostile and never naturally spawn as babies; Autumnal Creepers, which are similar to normal creepers but have rubies added as a rare drop, making it renewable; Vampires, which have a chance of inflicting Poison when attacking and if attacked may spawn bats at the player's location which will chase them until the vampire is killed; and a new structure, Pumpkin House, which appears as a large pumpkin and contains two witches, a black cat, and a chest with loot. There are also 4 new variants of "autumnal" trees and bushes with their own leaf and sapling blocks, thus can they be grown anywhere. Despite appearances this is not a "hot/dry" biome; my custom biome coloring system allows them to be separate from the color:
Villages can now generate in Savanna Plateau and use "compressed cobblestone" variants and all-bark logs; villages in general are also more common for a given area of spawn biomes (the spacing was reduced and up to 3 attempts are made if a village failed to generate; they are still confined to their spawn biomes to help avoid derpy villages), and additional torches were added to ensure that every building is lit and the smallest houses now have doors:
Roofed Forests now have Woodland Mansions; a large cubical structure similar in design to my bases which has many different rooms in various combinations inhabited by witches and cave spiders (the whole structure acts like a witch hut with cave spiders added to the spawn list). Similar to 1.11 they are fairly rare but nowhere near as much; this one was found at -688, -816 in the seed "6511199847387183207" and a sampling of 10 Roofed Forests had 2 mansions (the sheer number of biomes makes any one biome fairly rare; the grid size for mansions is only 14x14 chunks vs 80x80 in 1.11 but there is an 80% failure rate due to terrain that is too hilly):
Mushroom Islands are much more colorful with more colors of mushrooms and Mooshrooms to match - green, blue and purple in addition to red and brown (brown was added in a later vanilla version):
Last, but not least, the Nether has finally had new content added, after having been neglected until now (one reason is because I barely spend any time in it, mainly using it to collect quartz for XP and my main base, never returning afterwards); including new mobs, Nether Husks, Nethermites, naturally spawning Endermen, dungeons (nether husk, witch, normal skeleton, zombie pigman. Similar to Endermen dungeons in the Overworld zombie pigmen spawned form spawners are always hostile but will not alert other pigmen when attacked), red and brown huge mushrooms, veins and lakes of magma blocks, lava lakes (small lakes that appear anywhere as in the Overworld), veins of gravel and soul sand (gravel does not fall during world generation), Nether gold ore, and significantly more "normal" caves, including larger variants and ravines (the ratio of air:solid blocks was slightly reduced to offset the increase in caves, there are still large empty areas though. Caves also form a secondary "lava level" at y=4):
Here are some of the many mobs/mob/entity variants that were added, not including ones mentioned above, along with some notable changes to existing game mechanics:
Endermites and Nethermites were added; Endermites may spawn when an Enderman teleports after being attacked by a player while both variants are an uncommon natural spawn in the Overworld/End and Nether respectively (this represents the only change that TMCW has made to the End so far, besides just refactoring the world generation code).
Skeletons now have a baby variation with similar behavior to baby zombies (move faster and fit in 1 block high spaces), and a Stray variant was added which mainly spawns in snowy biomes and a few other biomes (as with Husks they spawn anywhere as 50% of skeletons). There is also a chance, based on difficulty, that a skeleton will spawn with a sword instead of bow:
Added rabbits, which come in 10 variants, including a new red variant and naturally spawning killer rabbits (using the original name/texture), and spawn in most biomes, most notably in biomes which previously had no passive mobs, such as deserts; they are also immune to fall damage and cactus as they otherwise tend to kill themselves too easily:
Added 8 new tamed cat variants; black cats also spawn in witch huts and pumpkin houses, and ocelots were added to the passive mob spawn list and these do not despawn (only one spawned as "hostile" mobs), making them easier to find, including on Peaceful difficulty:
Similar to husks there are yellow, red, and while silverfish variants, and silverfish now naturally spawn in any biome below sea level (naturally spawned silverfish cannot enter blocks unless they have been attacked by a player). There are also more variants of monster eggs, renamed to Infested (block) for mossy/cracked stone bricks, the 1.8 stone types, and red sandstone (red sandstone always spawns red silverfish while other types depend on the biome they are in):
Fish now spawn in oceans, lake biomes, rivers, and swamps, can can be caught with a water bucket, giving a Bucket of Fish which can then be placed as water/fish; the model is based on the cod model for 1.13 while the color is based on the 1.6.4 "fish" item, which was not changed:
Another notable change to mobs is that nametagged hostile mobs and tiny slimes will not despawn and turn passive on Peaceful (interestingly, according to the code tiny slimes are not supposed to despawn on Peaceful in vanilla):
Hostile mobs also now require a block light level of 5 or less to spawn (sky light is still 7 or less, and the failure rate is still level/8 so a block light level of 5 gives a 5/8 failure rate); this complements the minimum light level that cave maps will map (6 or more).
Items and XP orbs also now float in water:
Here are screenshots of all the new blocks and items, excluding "similar" variants (e.g. infested granite, which looks just like granite, or mushroom blocks other than caps):
New items/item models, as well as a new item frame rotation mechanic (beds at the top); many redundant items were eliminated by having blocks drop themselves (e.g. bed block vs bed item,, which used a different ID), which enabled custom 3D block models to be used instead of the generic "2D with thickness" item model:
These are all the plants that can be placed in flower pots, with additional models obtainable by right-clicking them while sneaking; the tree models are different at every coordinate for a virtually infinite number of possible forms (not shown - every color of huge mushroom model, which are all the same as the brown ones shown). Also visible in the lower-left is a large variant of flower pot, crafted with a U of bricks (including the lower corners), which may be more aesthetically pleasing for larger plants:
Glow Ink Sacs can be used to make glowing item frames, signs, and paintings (added later); signs have white text instead of black and only the text glows. These are also shown inside a cage of Obsidian Glass, which blocks light while letting you see through:
Stalagmites are one of the most complex and varied blocks that I've added with a total of 21 item forms/base variants (7 each of small/large/giant) and 168 total variations when including complete render-only forms (you can also individually mine the blocks from larger variants; the item that drops will depend on how many blocks were above/below the one that was mined as also indicated by the size of the selection box and breaking animation, which covers up to 3 blocks at once):
Stalagmites also make renewable lava possible; if you place a liquid source block above the block a stalagmite is on and if it drips the corresponding liquid (usually water but netherrack, and stone in volcanic wasteland, drip lava) it will gradually fill a cauldron:
There are also dozens of new variants of ores to match their corresponding biome-specific underground blocks (only gold has a netherrack variant); this also shows the variants of sandstone from the side as well as 12 new bookshelf variants, corresponding to 0-11 books which can be added/removed by right-clicking them (the original recipe crafts a "normal" bookshelf which cannot store/remove books, same for any naturally generated bookshelves):
Several new additions, Hammers, Smelting, Vein Miner, Luck Of the Sea/fishing non-fish items, and Dry Ice/ice generators, completely change or add fundamental new game mechanics, respectively allowing uncrafting, using Fortune on iron and gold and/or not needing a furnace to smelt them, mining multiple blocks at once (besides blocks like cactus which cause other blocks to lose support), and a new way to obtain various items:
Also shown is the effect of "Smelting" a new enchantment which directly converts iron and gold ore into ingots, and enables the full effect of Fortune (hammers only apply half the effect, up to 1.6 items/block as opposed to 2.2; along with raw iron/gold blocks being crafted with 4 items this helps make Smelting much more desirable than easily obtained hammers).
Another new enchantment is Vein Miner, which allows you to mine up to 8 ore blocks at once (4 * level, with 2 levels) when applied to a pickaxe (completely mining most single ore veins other than coal/quartz), and up to 3 wood blocks above/below you when applied to an axe (ideal for carving a staircase up a 2x2 or 3x3 tree; only level 1 is needed):
Both Smelting and Vein Miner are classified as "true treasure" enchantments, meaning they can only be found in naturally generated chest loot (for comparison, Mending is only excluded from the enchantment table), and Vein Miner can only be found as a level 1 enchantment, except in "double dungeons", where both enchantments are most likely to be found (each is about 15 times more common than other enchantments in the first of 2-3 chests; double dungeons are about 1 in 16 dungeons, 1 in 5 in network cave regions), they are also about twice as likely in nether dungeons.
Also, fishing rods can now get Luck Of the Sea (via a book) and can catch items other than fish, even enchanted books (but not Smelting or Vein Miner), and the time between catches is shorter and less random (this was mainly added due to the addition of fish mobs, which otherwise makes fishing obsolete once you've found a river/lake/ocean). Note that Luck of the Sea is required to catch any treasure, and the area has to be "open" (similar to newer versions) as a strong nerf to AFK fishing farms (the way Mending works is also a major nerf as you can't automatically repair items; still, this would allow unenchanted fishing rods to be used if they could catch treasure by default).
Additional enchantments include Swift Sneak, functionally identical to the enchantment added in 1.19 (increases sneak speed by 15% per level, from 30% to 75% at level 3), and Long Fall, which allows you to fall one block further per level (up to 7 blocks at level 4) without taking damage, useful in situations where you frequently fall a bit too far (it is incompatible with Feature Falling but Protection is compatible and reduces fall damage), with both most commonly found in abandoned mineshafts (unlike Smelting and Vein Miner they can be obtained from the enchantment table and trading but at a reduced chance).
An interesting new block, Dry Ice, now allows you to make ice/packed ice generators in a similar manner to cobblestone generators; when water touches dry ice it will freeze and turn into ice (flowing water) or packed ice (water source); ice can be directly harvested while packed ice can be obtained by mining the ice with a non-Silk Touch tool, which will create a source block which then turns into packed ice (it may be easier to just craft packed ice from ice):
Notably, the idea for dry ice came from a suggestion which has unfortunately since been deleted and it was never properly archived; as in the sugguestion the main source is the surface is Ice Plains Spikes, where it generates in patches, along with single blocks in caves underground, including in Ice Hills and Icelands.
Other notable features include barrels, a cheaper, lag-free alternative to chests (I did previously improve the performance of chests but they are still rendered as entities), and composters, which give dirt instead of bonemeal and can compost more blocks and items than the 1.14 version.
Maps have also been completely reworked, including dozens of new colors, the ability to map the Nether, End, and most significantly, caves:
A surface map showing how different biomes have different colors (only general biome colors are used due to a limited palette); block variants, such as stained clay and wool, also have their own colors:
A map in the End, which was previously unmappable (they would show a grainy pattern). You can also see another feature of maps; while viewing a map your coordinates are displayed in the upper-left (this applies to surface maps as well, the screenshot above was taken before I added this):
Cave maps can be used to map the Nether (surface maps do not work); as mentioned above, this requires that you place torches regardless of visibility; this also shows how they work in more detail, notice the isolated diamond that corresponds to the torch at the top-center of the image:
Despite all of the content that has been added over the years TMCW remains incredibly lightweight; baseline memory usage is less than 30 MB (on a default Superflat world at 8 chunk render distance; the only thing a normal world changes is the amount of blocks loaded, depending on render distance every 16 block increase in depth (based on loaded sections, which is 1 for default Superflat) requires up to 21 MB of additional memory), and the size of the 1.6.4 jar plus TMCWv5 is smaller than vanilla 1.8 despite having far more content and a lot of redundant/dead code from unused vanilla classes:
A full list of all additions and changes can be found in the "Documentation" folder of the download.
Descriptions for earlier updates have been moved to the comment section to reduce the size of this post (it exceeded the character limit and had nearly 200 images), and reduce the amount of formatting that I need to fix every time I update it:
Version 4.5 update
Version 4 update
Version 3 update
Version 2 update
Version 1 update
MCMap for TMCWv5:
This is an adaptation of MCMap by WRIM, itself an adaptation of the original made by Zahl, both of which are unfortunately no longer readily available as Zahl's thread was deleted and WRIM's website expired (archived version of Zahl's thread with a link to WRIM's website; the link above is to WRIM's GitHub) which correctly renders most new blocks and block variants in TMCWv5 and contains bugfixes and improves its cave rendering mode, the one feature that makes it stand out from most map rendering tools (unlike most such tools it only renders caves that have been explored, specifically, if there are torches in/near them; this is much like how my cave maps work except walls are ignored, but by using a realistic range false positives are minimized):
For comparison, this is how MCMap 2.4.3 renders the same world; it is possible to fix some of the colors with its colors.txt file but the majority of blocks in TMCWv5 are variants of existing blocks and what blocks have what variants is hardcoded into the program (for this reason I have not provided a colors.txt), and some blocks do not render at all:
Examples of the underground rendering mode, including an animation of what I explored over 10 days, showing how only explored caves (with torches) are rendered:
An example of the output window when underground mode is used; the original version prints out the location of every torch it finds (appears to be debug output that was left in), which I removed and replaced with the total number of torches found when finished. This and other changes help speed it up as well:
TheMasterCaver's First World - possibly the most caved-out world in Minecraft history - includes world download.
TheMasterCaver's World - my own version of Minecraft largely based on my views of how the game should have evolved since 1.6.4.
Why do I still play in 1.6.4?
White coats to bind me, out of control
I live alone inside my mind
World of confusion, air filled with noise
Who says that my life's such a crime?
Trapped in this nightmare
I wish I'd wake
As my whole life begins to shake
four walls surround me
an empty gaze
I can't find my way out of this maze
'Cause I don't care
Fall in, fall out
Gone without a doubt, help me
I can't take the blame
They don't feel the shame
It's a madhouse
Or so they claim
It's a madhouse
Oh, am I insane?
My fears behind me, what can I do
My dreams haunt my sleep at night
Oh no, won't learn their lesson, white fills my eyes
And only then they see the light
-Joey Belladonna, Anthrax
Version 1 update:
Big Oak Forest: Forest exclusively populated with big oak trees, including a 2x2 variant:
Birch Forest: Pretty similar to the biome with the same name in 1.7:
Bushlands: Plains-like biome with small bushes dotting the landscape (a modified form of the bushes in jungle biomes but with spruce leaves and variable size; the smallest bushes also have the log generated in the ground so they can have just one layer of leaves above ground):
Forest Mountains: A mountainous biome similar to Extreme Hills but heavily forested; oak, birch, and spruce trees generate in this biome:
Hilly Plains: Similar to plains but with hills and even mountains but usually more flat than mountainous; because this biome is based off the plains biome horses spawn here as well, though villages only spawn in vanilla plains, which were made slightly flatter in turn:
Ice Hills: Mountains made of ice covering snow found in Ice Plains, replacing 1/3 of normal Ice Mountains as a technical biome; caves in the mountains also have walls made of snow/ice:
Lake: A biome that is entirely underwater, forming large shallow lakes; islands consisting of plains, forest, jungle, taiga, and desert generate as technical biomes:
Mega Forest: Forest with enormous trees, able to exceed cloud level from near sea level; trees were modified from jungle trees (oak leaves and wood). Regular and big oak trees and bushes (see Bushlands) can also be found. (note that this biome in particular can lag chunk generation due to the size and number of trees):
Mega Taiga: Taiga biome with enormous spruce trees (3x3 trunks), regular spruce trees, and moss stone/cobblestone boulders (the last taken from 1.7):
Mega Tree Plains: Similar to Mega Forest (see above) except trees are much more scattered and there are no understory trees/bushes:
Mesa: Like the biome in 1.7, except caves and ores generate in the clay (stone replaced with clay as a final decoration step) and dirt/gravel pockets are replaced with clay. Dead bushes and cacti, which can be placed on hardened clay, generate. Occasional dead trees (based on big oak trees but not generating leaves) can also be found (I entirely made this myself, not by copying over code from 1.7):
Mixed Forest: A forest containing oak trees, birch trees, spruce trees and small jungle trees, the latter modded to be taller:
Mountainous Desert: A much more mountainous version of the normal desert biome, which, similar to plains, has a slightly decreased max height. Also, exposed stone in mountains is avoided by replacing exposed blocks with sand or sandstone, including inside caves near/above sea level, which can also cut though the surface, same for the normal desert (caves were modded to cut though all blocks except bedrock; floating sand is avoided by replacing sand blocks over air with sandstone, this also applies to beach biomes):
Snowless Taiga: Same as taiga biome but without snow; unlike 1.7, the regular taiga biome is the default snow-covered taiga (which IMO should have been left alone in 1.7):
Spruce Hills: Generates as a technical biome in Mega Tree Plains:
Tropical Swamp: Variant of swamp biome with bright jungle-green grass/leaves and small jungle trees and a great number of water lakes at the surface; average ground level is mostly above sea level otherwise:
Volcanic Wasteland: A mountainous biome with a great deal of lava lakes and lava springs, both on the surface and underground. Mountains are covered with patches of obsidian, cobblestone, gravel, and less commonly grass with occasional stands of trees with few leaves and no branches (i.e. like a volcanic eruption blew them off). Oases of desert, plains, and forest also generate as technical biomes, so the whole area isn't a barren wasteland. In addition, ores of all types except emerald are more abundant in this biome, being found up to 1.5x their normal heights (50% more coal and iron density-wise); magma cubes also spawn, regardless of light level:
Aside from these new biomes and small changes to some existing ones, I also tweaked several existing biomes, such as Extreme hills, which have more trees including spruce trees. Caves are also MUCH more abundant in Extreme Hills, with extra caves generated above y=32 (normal cave systems aren't affected); many of the mountains are truly Swiss cheese, though caves don't cut through the surface unless they are "large caves" (circular chambers) or stone is exposed. Note also that iron ore can be found to y=127 at 1/3 the abundance below sea level, same for everywhere else:
Jungles: Melons naturally spawn in jungles, the only source of melons as melon (and pumpkin) seeds don't generate in mineshaft chests (ETA: readded as of 5/26):
Ice Plains: 2/3rds of Ice Plains were replaced with other biomes (within the normal Ice Plains area, not the entire biome), avoiding vast frozen wastelands, as seen below. Trees also mostly occur in clusters instead of single isolated trees and include spruce trees:
Islands: Islands with actual biomes in oceans are much more common, done by making Mushroom Islands 15 times more common, then making 14/15 of those other biomes (so Mushroom Islands have the same frequency). The min/max height of oceans was also tweaked to make "ocean" islands less common (due to the seafloor rising above the surface, biome is still ocean):
Also of note is that I modded new biomes in even as I was playing my current world; I did so in such a way that existing biomes at the edges of what I explored were unaffected (avoiding sudden terrain changes), but no matter if biomes fully in it were; it is impossible to recreate my world for this reason as the plains biome I spawned in is now a mesa biome when the world is recreated, and spawn is now a few hundred blocks to the south (the game is coded so that only certain biomes are valid spawning areas).
Another change to world generation is the removal of the upper layers of bedrock and lowering of rarer ores (other than iron and coal), as caves go 5 layers deeper before becoming filled with lava; diamond is only found to y=10 instead of y=15 (5 layers above lava in caves).
Here is a comparison between vanilla 1.6.4 and my modded world generation; AMIDST actually does work with my mod but uses the 1.7 biome names in place of mine and shows some villages in the wrong biomes (apparently it looks at the biome ID and not whether it is actually a savanna):
In addition, here is a list of biomes with the (approximate) probability of generating in a given area; the biomes I added together have about the same occurrence as vanilla biomes, but mostly rarer individually:
Plains: 4.5%
Desert: 4.5%
Forest: 6.8%
Jungle: 4.5%
Swamp: 9%
Taiga: 9%
Extreme Hills: 9%
Modded biomes (52.1% of all biomes, total 99.4% due to rounding):
Hilly Plains: 4.5%
Forest Mountains: 9%
Mountainous Desert: 4.5%
Tropical Swamp: 4.5%
Mixed Forest: 4.5%
Bushlands: 3.4%
Mega Tree Plains: 2.3% (contains Spruce Hills as a technical biome)
Mesa: 2.3%
Birch Forest: 2.3% (contains plains and hilly plains as technical biomes)
Mega Forest: 2.3%
Snowless Taiga: 2.3%
Volcanic Wasteland: 2.3% (contains plains, desert, and forest as technical biomes)
Lake: 4.5% (contains plains, desert, forest, taiga, jungle as technical biomes/islands)
Ice Hills: (33% chance of replacing Ice Mountains)
Mega Taiga: 1.1% (6.6% of areas normally Ice Plains, which in turn take up 33% of their normal area with the rest the normal biome mix and taiga)
Big Oak Forest: 2.3%
Islands in oceans have the same mix of biomes, after a 6.7% chance of Mushroom Island.
Now, for non-biome related changes, I modified the generation of many structures:
Abandoned Mineshafts: Instead of generating in any random chunk, mineshafts generate to a fixed grid with a spacing of 14 chunks, generating at 7,0 and 0,7 relative to the grid, with a 40% chance of generating at a point, thus an overall chance of about 0.004 (default is 0.01 pre-1.7 and 0.004 after) while a decrease in frequency within 80 chunks of the origin was removed so they generate at the same frequency everywhere. The size of mineshafts was also made variable, with the default size being 8 sections from the start (dirt room) and the variable size being 5-10 sections, weighted towards the lower end (average size is smaller than vanilla); for example, here is a relatively small one (smaller mineshafts also have a higher chance of chests per length of corridor, inversely proportional to the size, although often still have none):
Based on a look at Mineshaft.dat using NBTExplorer they can contain anywhere from 10 to 275 children (structure components, equivalent to the distance between two supports in corridors, crossings, and stairs), with vanilla mineshafts averaging around 125.
In addition, I fixed the bug noted here, which causes "bubbles" in oceans (also in solid ground) and messed-up connections to the starting room. Astonishingly, despite a fix (which I used) provided over a year ago, Mojang still hasn't fixed this very easy to fix bug (well, yeah).
Caves: Similar to mineshafts, large cave systems are generated every 14 chunks at relative coordinates 0,0 and 7,7, plus a variation of +/- 1 chunk from these points, with a 70% probability of generating at each point for an overall frequency of 1/140 (vanilla 1.6.4 caves are generated with a frequency of 1/15 and 1.7+ caves 1/7); while much lower than vanilla, the minimum size is 16 with a max of 40 (max is 40 in vanilla 1.6.4 and 15 in 1.7+), weighted towards the low end; overall, there are more large cave systems as this comparison between my current world and my first main world (vanilla shows), but as you can see vanilla has more huge cave complexes formed by many cave systems generating in close proximity due to the random placement:
Vanilla pre-1.7 generation, same scale:
There are also small caves randomly generated across the map, similar to caves in 1.7+, with a size of 10 and frequency of 7. However, in extreme hills, extra caves with a size of 2015 and frequency of 10 generate above y=32, in addition to all of the aforementioned; mesa also has extra caves but a smaller size of 10 and volcanic wasteland size 5/frequency 5.
In addition, large cave systems have a 1-in-50 chance of becoming a colossal cave system, intentionally made to approximate the largest known cave system in vanilla (which has around 120 caves across 6 cave systems generated within a few chunks of each other, determined by having the game print out the size and location of cave systems); they are generated as 6 separate cave systems with a size of 20, plus a size 16 system, within 10 chunks of each other (made so they don't generate too close to each other), otherwise impossible due to the non-random placement mentioned above:
Largest known cave system in vanilla (seed -123775873255737467 in 1.6.4 or earlier at -800, -1050):
One thing to note in the comparison above is the number of caves that break the surface (green areas); individual caves in large cave systems have a 50% chance of only being able to cut through stone, while small caves have a 100% chance of doing so, except in Extreme Hills.
Also of note, caves and ravines that pass under bodies of water will generate normally but only remove stone blocks, instead of simply glitching out (the game checks for water and normally doesn't generate any part with water in the path); the floating sand removal mentioned above also means that sand under bodies of water won't collapse into caves (sometimes still happens if there is gravel underneath); caves under oceans and lakes are much less likely to be flooded out (a sandstone roof generates if a cave directly hits water, as with exposed stone on the seabed). I also tweaked the generation so that individual caves (not cave systems) and ravines have more variability; caves can get up to three times bigger, but averaging the same size as vanilla, while ravines can be from half to twice as long, wider/narrower, and deeper/shallower, and more curved, again averaging close to vanilla.
Here are several examples of just how big caves can get:
Strongholds: Normally in vanilla caves and ravines "cut" apart strongholds because they are coded so that walls only generate if there are solid non-air blocks where they would otherwise be; I avoid this by modifying the code so that walls are always generated regardless, similar to other structures. Also, I removed code that checks for liquid in the bounding boxes so pieces can generate under water and lava; this avoids stuff like End Portal rooms separated from the rest of a stronghold, barring any other possible generation bugs (End Portal rooms always generate but not other parts) and allows it to generate as fully as it can:
Also, they are more dangerous:
Yes, that is a creeper spawner you see in the first one, with silverfish spawners randomly placed in libraries (as real-life silverfish eat books); dungeons can also have them along with other mobs not found in vanilla dungeons, plus they spawn mobs at a much faster rate, 5-10 seconds and 12/6 mobs for zombies, skeletons, spiders and silverfish; 10-20 seconds and 6/4 mobs for cave spiders, Endermen, and creepers; and 10-30 seconds and 4/2 mobs for witches (vanilla is 10-40 seconds and 4/6 mobs; 4 spawned per cycle and 6 within range):
These dungeons are rarer though, with 36% being zombies, 18% each of skeletons and spiders (vanilla is 50% zombie and 25% each of skeletons and spiders) and 9% each of creeper, enderman or witch dungeons.
Mob spawners were also made explosion-proof (includes TNT), but creepers can still blow up chests.
The upside is that they contain better loot, as other structure chests do, proportional to their rarity (even diamond tools/armor in some chests; of course, rarer than other items), with no useless items (if you want string, just kill some spiders, etc) and more items (chest slots) possible.
Desert Temples: Ever found a temple that just has a cave under it? That's because a mob spawned in the loot chamber and blew it up. Well, not here, as I replaced the pressure plate with trapped chests, with an extra TNT under each one (13 total, meaning a bigger explosion if you set it off), plus an example of chest loot; note the lack of rotten flesh and bones, which is compensated for by adding zombie and skeleton spawners (randomly selected):
Jungle Temples: Similar to desert temples, except the trap was buffed by adding fire charges in addition to arrows (may or may not have both):
These are both rarer though due to all the added biomes.
Witches and cave spiders also spawn naturally, witches at the same rate in 1.7, and cave spiders at twice the rate of witches and restricted to bellow sea level (as they are called cave spiders, not abandoned mineshaft spiders, though you won't encounter more than 1-2 at once outside of them). In addition, giants naturally spawn, only above sea level at 1/5 the frequency of witches; they are also a bit different from vanilla in that they deal 5 hearts instead of 25 (on Normal), drop 20 XP instead of 5, and burn in daylight (given lava damage in addition to fire damage so they take about the same amount of time to die) and set you on fire for longer than normal zombies and all the time.
Updated 6/18 - the inventory screen (only in Survival mode) now shows your "score" and coordinates in the upper-left, stats for ores mined and mob kills (counts 8 common Overworld mobs only) during the current session (not total mined as seen in the statistics) below that (the "R" key switches between a list of totals, percentage of total, number of ore mined relative to coal, and individual mob kill counts), and death point in the upper-right (only if you died since starting the current session; "R" clears this and hides the display):
Ender chests can also hold a double chest of items, done by simply changing the number of slots from 27 to 54:
Other changes are as follows:
Buffed zombies, which can spawn reinforcements (not just call for help) on Normal difficulty, although with a minimum distance from the player (so not in your face), as well as doubling a bunch of values like "leader zombie bonus". Baby zombies can also fit in 1 block high openings, similar to 1.7, and also drop XP (12 XP instead of 5, also the same as 1.7) and items, including picked up items (so you don't have to worry about losing stuff). Also carry more weapons, with axes and pickaxes added, and a 1-in-5 chance of diamond items instead of iron.
Bats drop experience (1-3) when killed, like passive mobs and squid.
Fixed infinite animal panic bug (animals run around forever after getting hit instead of calming down; fixed in 1.7).
Fixed sprint-jumping only adding exhaustion of normal jumping when it should be 4x higher (also fixed in 1.7, leading many people to report huge increases in hunger depletion - but why sprint-jump all over the place? Only PvP really warrants it).
Fixed/reduced server lag due to zombie pathfinding, using a combination of Forge source code and another fix.
Removed enchanted item glint from held items (still present on armor and in inventory).
Distance flown stat only counts actual Creative-mode flying, mainly because of misunderstandings when I post my stats and they see that I've "flown" (otherwise, the game thinks you are "flying" when you sprint-jump or get knocked back by mobs).
Game waits for internal server to finish shutting down when you quit before returning to title screen (displays "Shutting down internal server..."), avoiding chunk corruption and not saving properly, also the cause of worlds not deleting properly (i.e. you quit a world then delete it right after, the server is still saving so the delete fails; then you make a new world with the same name and you get chunks from the first world in the second).
All pieces of armor have the same durability as a chestplate, which may be good or bad depending (i.e. if you made a full set at once they will all break at the same time leaving you with zero protection). Diamond armor is also as relatively durable as iron armor is compared to iron tools with a durability of 1500 (241/251 * 1562), instead of just 1/3 as durable as diamond tools; this does increase the repair cost though (repair cost solely depends on durability, not material).
The amount of protection per armor point was changed from 4 to 3.5% so full armor points provides 70% damage reduction instead 80%, making diamond armor about a third better than iron (diamond tools mine about a third faster than iron, so basically diamond armor has the same advantages as tools do); other types of armor have slightly different amounts of points to closely match with vanilla (e.g. leather has 8 armor points for 28% protection, iron has 17 for 59.5%, up from 7 (4x7 = 28) and 15 (4x15 = 60) respectively).
Added a fix for mob pathfinding that causes a northwest bias over time, particularly noticeable with villagers and likely contributing to their tendency to crowd into one house; from a test I did, they now wander around much more of the village and even recognized more doors (only seen within 16 blocks).
Removed void fog, which is otherwise very dense due to lowering the bottom of the world by 5 blocks (added 5/11; I didn't add this sooner because I just used Optifine to disable it).
Enabled growing Mega Trees and Mega Taiga trees from saplings, in a similar manner to giant jungle trees; see this post for details.
Fixed leaf decay issues with big oak trees by adding extra logs to branches (extending upwards into leaf bunches, instead of ending at the bases); this issue was so bad that they were mostly removed from natural world generation in 1.7 due to lag. 6/4 - a similar fix was done to jungle trees by modifying their branches, although some leaves still occasionally generate disconnected from the canopy.
Saplings grow into biome-specific trees in most biomes; here is a full list of biome-specific trees (regular size trees); otherwise growing as normal:
Wait, what did that bat just drop? Yes, bats can drop torches (0-2, like other mobs), rather silly and pointless given how many I use but could help you if you ever ran out (makes some sense as real-life bats easily navigate in caves and torches help you navigate in caves; come to think of it, it would have made more sense for a bat drop to be used to make Night Vision potions than golden carrots):
(this used to be in the OP but it got too large(!) so the descriptions for all previous updates have been moved to separate comments which originally described features added by that update)
TheMasterCaver's First World - possibly the most caved-out world in Minecraft history - includes world download.
TheMasterCaver's World - my own version of Minecraft largely based on my views of how the game should have evolved since 1.6.4.
Why do I still play in 1.6.4?
Note that to find all biomes you'll need to travel quite a bit due to their number/low frequency, even with no temperature system causing clustering of similar biomes (of course, 1.7 is much worse because of this)
TheMasterCaver's First World - possibly the most caved-out world in Minecraft history - includes world download.
TheMasterCaver's World - my own version of Minecraft largely based on my views of how the game should have evolved since 1.6.4.
Why do I still play in 1.6.4?
These spawn 1/5 as often as witches, only above sea level, and have 50 hearts of health, deal 5 hearts of damage on Normal, and drop 20 XP, somewhat changed from the vanilla values (10 instead of 50 damage, which is a little OP, and 20 instead of 5 XP). Also, like normal zombies they burn in daylight (extra damage done so they die faster than otherwise) and set you on fire for longer (5 seconds on Easy - 15 seconds on Hard) with a 100% chance regardless of difficulty.
TheMasterCaver's First World - possibly the most caved-out world in Minecraft history - includes world download.
TheMasterCaver's World - my own version of Minecraft largely based on my views of how the game should have evolved since 1.6.4.
Why do I still play in 1.6.4?
TheMasterCaver's First World - possibly the most caved-out world in Minecraft history - includes world download.
TheMasterCaver's World - my own version of Minecraft largely based on my views of how the game should have evolved since 1.6.4.
Why do I still play in 1.6.4?
Interestingly enough, according to NBT Explorer the number of valid doors also went from 28 to 54(!), along with multiple baby villagers appearing immediately after I tested the fix; evidently they didn't recognize all of the doors because some were too far away as they stayed in one area (the large house seen on the right; I thought there was something going on as I knew there were more than 28 doors and I was sure they were all valid, except perhaps a couple I put on balconies, and even those are counted as most are at y=64 but two are at y=67 and y=70 respectively).
TheMasterCaver's First World - possibly the most caved-out world in Minecraft history - includes world download.
TheMasterCaver's World - my own version of Minecraft largely based on my views of how the game should have evolved since 1.6.4.
Why do I still play in 1.6.4?
These caves are located at -680, 16, 370 and -540, 8, 630 using the seed -123775873255737467 if you want to check them out yourself (note - if you downloaded the mod previously I recommend updating it).
TheMasterCaver's First World - possibly the most caved-out world in Minecraft history - includes world download.
TheMasterCaver's World - my own version of Minecraft largely based on my views of how the game should have evolved since 1.6.4.
Why do I still play in 1.6.4?
Note that when you compare the mining speeds of iron and diamond tools that diamond tools are about 33% faster, so diamond armor overall now has a similar advantage over iron armor as tools do.
ETA: I decided to make each armor point count as 3.5% damage reduction instead of 4 to allow for a full armor bar, and tweaked the values for other pieces of armor to match the vanilla values as closely as possible; e.g. iron armor now has 17 armor points for 59.5% protection and diamond armor (same points per piece as vanilla) has 70% protection, making the advantage 35%, closer to 33% than 25% and allowing for a full armor bar.
TheMasterCaver's First World - possibly the most caved-out world in Minecraft history - includes world download.
TheMasterCaver's World - my own version of Minecraft largely based on my views of how the game should have evolved since 1.6.4.
Why do I still play in 1.6.4?
Notable changes:
Of course, they probably did this on their own.
TheMasterCaver's First World - possibly the most caved-out world in Minecraft history - includes world download.
TheMasterCaver's World - my own version of Minecraft largely based on my views of how the game should have evolved since 1.6.4.
Why do I still play in 1.6.4?
Can you show a picture of the double enderchest?
All of the changes I've made are only modifications of vanilla, I didn't add in any new mobs, blocks, or items; it is much easier to simply use what already exists than add in new mobs, etc (if you loaded a modded world into vanilla no items or blocks will disappear, except for the extra 27 Ender chest slots). The Ender chest looks and acts like a normal Ender chest except it has 54 slots.
That said, cave spiders in mineshafts can be quite challenging due to the higher spawn rate and the inability to blow up spawners (i.e. drop TNT on top of it).
Also, if you omit the net folder and don't delete META-INF (simply add the other files to the jar) you can use the mod in the server jar (tested with Minecraft Land Generator, which uses the server jar to pregenerate worlds; didn't actually try connecting to it though but don't think there should be any problems).
TheMasterCaver's First World - possibly the most caved-out world in Minecraft history - includes world download.
TheMasterCaver's World - my own version of Minecraft largely based on my views of how the game should have evolved since 1.6.4.
Why do I still play in 1.6.4?
After; note that some forests are now "Mesa Plateau" biomes, such as near spawn, which is now half forest and half Big Oak Forest:
(this was inspired by this thread, big oak trees were made much rarer in 1.7 due to "lag" - I blame not the trees but whatever "optimization" Mojang did to make even their (presumably high-end) computers lag)
Also, I'm wondering what AMIDST does if you add a biome that it doesn't recognize (1.7 biome IDs go to 39, then skip to 129; the maximum number of biome IDs is 256, or 0-255).
TheMasterCaver's First World - possibly the most caved-out world in Minecraft history - includes world download.
TheMasterCaver's World - my own version of Minecraft largely based on my views of how the game should have evolved since 1.6.4.
Why do I still play in 1.6.4?
These trees have incredible amounts of wood, as many as 500 and 600 logs in a single tree (averaging 313 and 440 out of 10 of each type; you'll definitely want an Efficiency V diamond axe for these!); here are the same trees picture above with leaves removed with MCEdit; note the Mega Taiga trees have a nice orderly array of branches so are easy to harvest (for Mega Trees I added in a bunch of random logs, surrounded by leaves where exposed, in addition to normal Jungle tree-like branches to help prevent leaf decay, which also adds randomness to the canopy):
Note that they will grow through obstructions (but not replace blocks in the way - ETA: updated so they only grow around leaves, wood, dirt, and grass blocks); Mega Trees require 66 blocks of headroom (height of tallest tree possible based on artificially setting the height to the max instead of randomized) and 10 blocks around the trunk and Mega Taiga trees 41 blocks and 8 blocks around the trunk (they are so big that when naturally generated I had to add extra room to avoid "already decorating" crashes, as features generated as a single piece can't be more than 1 chunk wide unless more centered in the populated chunk, with a max of 32 blocks if exactly in the center).
They'll even grow next to existing trees, as shown here, with 9 and 4 of each tree respectively (note that if you actually planted a 6x6 array of saplings they would likely not grow in this manner as any 2x2 or 3x3 set can turn into a tree, the trees also produce enough shade to uproot surrounding saplings without additional light, even spawn hostile mobs during the day as you can see under the tree to the left):
The following arrangements enable you to grow them next to each other without having to grow one at a time:
TheMasterCaver's First World - possibly the most caved-out world in Minecraft history - includes world download.
TheMasterCaver's World - my own version of Minecraft largely based on my views of how the game should have evolved since 1.6.4.
Why do I still play in 1.6.4?
You can find melons in jungles, which aren't that hard to find (I've found several in my world); I basically copied the melon-generating code from 1.7.
Also of note, I fixed the leaf decay issue with large oak trees which caused them to be mostly removed from world generation in 1.7 due to lag; the solution was to add in extra logs extending upwards into leaf bunches (branches otherwise only reach the bases); this was 100% effective at avoiding leaf decay in a Superflat test world set to Big Oak Forest (the new trees that I made are also mostly decay-free, although I've seen a few leaves decay on certain sizes, but not that many).
(it is also interesting to note how often I've been updating this mod compared to the official game/snapshots, with more developers working on it)
TheMasterCaver's First World - possibly the most caved-out world in Minecraft history - includes world download.
TheMasterCaver's World - my own version of Minecraft largely based on my views of how the game should have evolved since 1.6.4.
Why do I still play in 1.6.4?
Nice mod! I like the biome with the massive oak trees! I could put on an ewok skin!
I have a new account called "Mushroomsock" now, so please do not send me PMs.
Making the trunks would be a problem, as I've only reused vanilla blocks to make new trees and don't want to add new blocks (loading a world generated with this mod in vanilla wouldn't cause any problems as long as you didn't generate new chunks or stored items in the second half of an Ender chest); the closest I can come is to use fences as trunks with a wood block in the canopy, or generate them with permanent leaves, which wouldn't be an issue with small trees mainly intended as decoration (this is actually something I've done as decoration (player-built), as seen here).
Also, I decided to add a couple silly things that can be seen as Easter eggs:
Wait, what did that bat just drop? Yes, bats can drop torches (0-2, like other mobs), rather silly and pointless given how many I use but could help you if you ever ran out (makes some sense as real-life bats easily navigate in caves and torches help you navigate in caves; come to think of it, it would have made more sense for a bat drop to be used to make Night Vision potions than golden carrots):
TheMasterCaver's First World - possibly the most caved-out world in Minecraft history - includes world download.
TheMasterCaver's World - my own version of Minecraft largely based on my views of how the game should have evolved since 1.6.4.
Why do I still play in 1.6.4?
You can get them from melon slices, which can be crafted into seeds. In any case, I added them back in, but it is probably easier to just find a jungle and break a melon and turn the melons into seeds.
(regarding 1.7 in particular, I'm surprised they didn't re-add cocoa beans (removed in 1.6) to dungeon chests as jungles can be very hard to find; note that with my mod you can also find them in Tropical Swamp biomes, which, together with jungles, occupy 9% of biomes)
TheMasterCaver's First World - possibly the most caved-out world in Minecraft history - includes world download.
TheMasterCaver's World - my own version of Minecraft largely based on my views of how the game should have evolved since 1.6.4.
Why do I still play in 1.6.4?