Yes, they do. Press 'p' to check your skills to make sure that you actually have the skill as well as to review the activation requirements.
I have the skills but the dodge skill doesn't work like in previous versions and you can't dodge projectiles now the skill Leaping Blow doesn't work the ground wave doesn't activate and if you try to do it again you get can't use leaping blow in the chat.
I have the skills but the dodge skill doesn't work like in previous versions and you can't dodge projectiles now the skill Leaping Blow doesn't work the ground wave doesn't activate and if you try to do it again you get can't use leaping blow in the chat.
That is a known bug with the leaping blow skill, coolalias is working to fix it, be patient.
I have the skills but the dodge skill doesn't work like in previous versions and you can't dodge projectiles now the skill Leaping Blow doesn't work the ground wave doesn't activate and if you try to do it again you get can't use leaping blow in the chat.
I can't reproduce your bug on 1.7.10-v1.6.3 with the recommended Forge version (1230).
I was able to dodge arrows, both before it hit me (as in I moved just as the skeleton was shooting, so the arrow wasn't even close to me) as well as right as the arrow should have hit me (got the 'dodge' sound), and I can activate Leaping Blow normally (with just a few occasions where it doesn't trigger, as discussed earlier). I was using WASD + mouse to activate these skills (the 'vanilla' style).
If I can't reproduce it, I can't fix it. Did you change your key binds or anything? Are you using the 'vanilla' activation style, or the arrow keys?
There may be a bug in the skill, leaping blow. After activating leaping blow underwater (ensured by change of pose from guarding without releasing block button or right-click when controlling with a mouse), The player doesn't perform leaping blow at the bottom of water. Furthermore, I can't do anything (wielding is possible when controlling with DSS keys) until I get out of water to actually release a leaping blow(or landing when not targeting, so the player not targeting an enemy can't even do anything either without landing). The previous mentioned still happens when I re-target an enemy with leaping blow activated underwater. I think maybe the player is still in the "leaping blow" state after it fails to perform the leaping blow at the bottom of water.
I can't reproduce your bug on 1.7.10-v1.6.3 with the recommended Forge version (1230).
I was able to dodge arrows, both before it hit me (as in I moved just as the skeleton was shooting, so the arrow wasn't even close to me) as well as right as the arrow should have hit me (got the 'dodge' sound), and I can activate Leaping Blow normally (with just a few occasions where it doesn't trigger, as discussed earlier). I was using WASD + mouse to activate these skills (the 'vanilla' style).
If I can't reproduce it, I can't fix it. Did you change your key binds or anything? Are you using the 'vanilla' activation style, or the arrow keys?
I am using the latest forge for 1.7.10 and I hold the vanilla block button then jump but when I land all steve does is a normal sword slash then when I try to do that again I get in the chat can not perform leaping blow.
I am using the latest forge for 1.7.10 and I hold the vanilla block button then jump but when I land all steve does is a normal sword slash then when I try to do that again I get in the chat can not perform leaping blow.
That issue is known and I'm working on fixing it, but what about Dodge? You mentioned it wasn't working for you - did you switch from single-tap on the arrow keys to using WASD to activate it? There is no single-tap capability when using WASD - you always have to double-tap.
Hey amazing mod but is there a way that i can use the skills with tinkers construct swords
Not at the moment, no. To quote the FAQ from my Zelda mod:
Q: Why can't I use skills with Tinker's Construct (or other mod) weapons! A: Any mod item that extends vanilla ItemSword is automatically considered a valid weapon for skills; many mods, however, create their own weapon classes, and I cannot know that such a class is a weapon / sword. I have a simple API for such cases: all the mod author need do is implement ISword to behave like a sword to allow all skills, or ISkillItem to allow more limited skill use. I am looking into ways around this, but that's the way it is for now.
Released a new version for both 1.7.10 and 1.8 that includes Version Checker support - see when the mod updates from directly within Minecraft!
The 1.8 version has had all major bugs (so far) fixed and is proving pretty stable, so I've bumped it to full release status. Do let me know if you encounter any bugs so I can fix them.
- Config: Moved client-side settings to their own category; these settings are not synced with the server
Fixed Bugs:
- Leaping Blow becomes stuck in the 'active' state when leaping into a liquid
- Mortal Draw inflicting punch damage instead of damage from sword used (always on 1.8, very rarely on 1.7.10)
- Certain config values which should only be set by the server were allowing the client to set them separately
- [1.7.10 only] Typo prevented translated text of 'key.dss.toggletp' from showing properly
I would really prefer not to do it that way because then you can put ANY item in there, even non-weapons such as flowers. Also, it doesn't give any control for items with subtypes or that rely on NBT to determine their 'weapon' traits.
But that would work, I suppose. Certainly not ideal, and it would be much less efficient checking if an item was allowed or not when there may be a huge list to look through instead of a simple instanceof check on the item itself.
Why...I find the aiming system hardly necessary. Why don't you take the stared mob as target automatically, instead of pressing a bottum to do so?
(The mod is awesome, and even better when I don't have to remember to press the aim buttom all the time.)
Why...I find the aiming system hardly necessary. Why don't you take the stared mob as target automatically, instead of pressing a bottum to do so?
(The mod is awesome, and even better when I don't have to remember to press the aim buttom all the time.)
Several reasons.
The main one, from a conscientious programmer's point of view, is that to do what you suggest would require constant checking to determine the current target, rather than just when you want it to, and all of the time in which you are not in combat that processing each tick would be wasted.
Another is that then you wouldn't have any way to turn it off, since as soon as you turn it off you would immediately re-acquire a target since you're still looking at it.
Finally, I like to think of it as a conscious decision to focus on a specific target, an actual decision to visit utter destruction upon a specific enemy, versus the more generic flailing of one's sword in all directions that is Minecraft combat, and to do so should require an actual action on the player's part (such as pressing a button) to represent that fact. That's what I like to think, anyway.
But why does your Zelda sword skills not ship the dynamic sword skills API, but instead reimplement the api.
Because it was originally part of ZSS, and then I extracted it to create Dynamic Sword Skills as a standalone mod. Ideally, they would be using the same API, but a lot of things in ZSS rely upon direct access to the skills (such as triggering achievements and such), making it difficult to separate them.
I have the skills but the dodge skill doesn't work like in previous versions and you can't dodge projectiles now the skill Leaping Blow doesn't work the ground wave doesn't activate and if you try to do it again you get can't use leaping blow in the chat.
That is a known bug with the leaping blow skill, coolalias is working to fix it, be patient.
I can't reproduce your bug on 1.7.10-v1.6.3 with the recommended Forge version (1230).
I was able to dodge arrows, both before it hit me (as in I moved just as the skeleton was shooting, so the arrow wasn't even close to me) as well as right as the arrow should have hit me (got the 'dodge' sound), and I can activate Leaping Blow normally (with just a few occasions where it doesn't trigger, as discussed earlier). I was using WASD + mouse to activate these skills (the 'vanilla' style).
If I can't reproduce it, I can't fix it. Did you change your key binds or anything? Are you using the 'vanilla' activation style, or the arrow keys?
I am using the latest forge for 1.7.10 and I hold the vanilla block button then jump but when I land all steve does is a normal sword slash then when I try to do that again I get in the chat can not perform leaping blow.
That issue is known and I'm working on fixing it, but what about Dodge? You mentioned it wasn't working for you - did you switch from single-tap on the arrow keys to using WASD to activate it? There is no single-tap capability when using WASD - you always have to double-tap.
Okay, and what did you do to get into that state? What version of DSS and Forge are you using (exact versions please, not just '1.7.10').
Not at the moment, no. To quote the FAQ from my Zelda mod:
Q: Why can't I use skills with Tinker's Construct (or other mod) weapons!
A: Any mod item that extends vanilla ItemSword is automatically considered a valid weapon for skills; many mods, however, create their own weapon classes, and I cannot know that such a class is a weapon / sword. I have a simple API for such cases: all the mod author need do is implement ISword to behave like a sword to allow all skills, or ISkillItem to allow more limited skill use. I am looking into ways around this, but that's the way it is for now.
The 1.8 version has had all major bugs (so far) fixed and is proving pretty stable, so I've bumped it to full release status. Do let me know if you encounter any bugs so I can fix them.
Change Log
1.7.10 v1.6.5 + 1.8 v2.0
+ Version Checker support:
- Config: Moved client-side settings to their own category; these settings are not synced with the server
Fixed Bugs:
- Leaping Blow becomes stuck in the 'active' state when leaping into a liquid
- Mortal Draw inflicting punch damage instead of damage from sword used (always on 1.8, very rarely on 1.7.10)
- Certain config values which should only be set by the server were allowing the client to set them separately
- [1.7.10 only] Typo prevented translated text of 'key.dss.toggletp' from showing properly
But that would work, I suppose. Certainly not ideal, and it would be much less efficient checking if an item was allowed or not when there may be a huge list to look through instead of a simple instanceof check on the item itself.
(The mod is awesome, and even better when I don't have to remember to press the aim buttom all the time.)
Several reasons.
The main one, from a conscientious programmer's point of view, is that to do what you suggest would require constant checking to determine the current target, rather than just when you want it to, and all of the time in which you are not in combat that processing each tick would be wasted.
Another is that then you wouldn't have any way to turn it off, since as soon as you turn it off you would immediately re-acquire a target since you're still looking at it.
Finally, I like to think of it as a conscious decision to focus on a specific target, an actual decision to visit utter destruction upon a specific enemy, versus the more generic flailing of one's sword in all directions that is Minecraft combat, and to do so should require an actual action on the player's part (such as pressing a button) to represent that fact. That's what I like to think, anyway.
Read the change log - it tells you which versions are the latest, and what has changed.
What do you mean? The API isn't something you would use unless you are a mod developer; are you coding a mod?
Because it was originally part of ZSS, and then I extracted it to create Dynamic Sword Skills as a standalone mod. Ideally, they would be using the same API, but a lot of things in ZSS rely upon direct access to the skills (such as triggering achievements and such), making it difficult to separate them.
I've got other things to do, so I'm not working on it right now. When it's ready, I will post it - i.e. you don't need to keep asking for updates.