Open Source
Doomlike Dungeons
Poll: Should all dungeons be easy to find by default?
Ended May 24, 2019
Version 1.11.0 is out, and it allows the level and quantity of loot to be greatly configured. I actually plan now for that to be the final version.
Hello, I have a 1.7.10 modpack and am considering updating this mod. (From 1.8.7 to latest.)
Hopefully quick question; Can Forge version 1558 for 1.7.10 (full version number: forge-1.7.10- run the latest 1.7.10 version of this mod? Other mods don't like it when I update Forge so I'm kinda stuck with it.

Thanks in advance for an answer, and thank you for making an amazing dungeon mod too!
Check out my adventure modpack! 25+ carefully selected mods (Not counting Core Mods) and great for if you don't have that beefy of a computer. Plus it has over 2K downloads and counting so y'know it's good. Oh, and fully multiplayer compatible!
There's also the resource intensive version (if you can handle it) for a bigger experience!
Details of specific Forge versions is not some thing I know anything about -- I just know it works when I run it. The best idea, test it, use it with some of the debug cheats on a test world, or use the /dldspawn command (and dig down if there is no entrance). I don't think there'd be a problem, though someone claimed there were no chests the other day, so I don't know. Then, some dungeons have fewer chests than others.
Well, that was quick!
Yeah...I'll just test away and see if it works. (Gonna have to mod normal Minecraft to make sure it works, then update the Technic pack.)
Check out my adventure modpack! 25+ carefully selected mods (Not counting Core Mods) and great for if you don't have that beefy of a computer. Plus it has over 2K downloads and counting so y'know it's good. Oh, and fully multiplayer compatible!
There's also the resource intensive version (if you can handle it) for a bigger experience!
Let me know when your modpack is ready. I don't see a download for it now, but I might want to try it out.
Said modpack is in my signature (right below my posts) it's been ready for quite a while.
The modpack is played through Technic (a modpack hosting platform.)
The update worked fine! (Although I'm getting crashes occasionally, but all crashes don't reoccur from repeated actions and aren't related to said actions, so I bet I'm just running out of RAM from trying to host a resource intensive version LAN on my totally gud PC.)
Check out my adventure modpack! 25+ carefully selected mods (Not counting Core Mods) and great for if you don't have that beefy of a computer. Plus it has over 2K downloads and counting so y'know it's good. Oh, and fully multiplayer compatible!
There's also the resource intensive version (if you can handle it) for a bigger experience!
After all these months and starting some other projects I've come back to make a small but important tweak to the loot mechanics. Specifically, the level 8 ("special") loot that was intended only with literal bosses would become quite common if the loot options were configured even slightly generously. This should not happen now.
As for other plan and developments -- nope, this mod is basically all I'd hoped for and more. Not, dead (I hope), but done -- there really isn't anything more that can be added other than compatibility to new game versions as they come out. I'm not sure anything can be completely perfect, but this is as close to a perfect realization of what this mod was supposed to be as can probably be made.
One thing that worries me, though -- with talk of Minecraft 1.13 separating world gen on to separate threads (though some multi-threading already seems to be going on), and Lex Manos talking changes to Forge to for cleaner mod making I am worried. I hope concurency issues (problems with threading) or some strict new control to stop mods from creating "cascading world gen" doesn't kill this.
In the mean time be sure to check out Climatic Biomes, my new large-scale world gen mod.
I think its about time a declare that I am "retiring" from moding -- this and Climatic Biomes will most likely "die" in 1.12.2, and likely Dungeons Mobs (again) if Sunconure doen't fully take over. Climatic may get a few minor feature updats for the 1.12.2 edition. Of course, this assumes no one takes them over and continues them (they are open source).
I don't have the time, or at this point modtivation, to deal with updating to 1.13.2 with all its changes. If I find time to work on a game related project, at this point I'd rather start on my own game anyway.
Seeing as these forums are about to be closed I'd like to add one final message. Thank you to everyone who commented, complimented, and critiqued my mod. Thank you for the suggestions and the feedback, and for taking the time to try out and hopefully enjoy my this. Thank you to all the YouTubers who made and posted reviews, the modpack creators who found cool ways to use this, and my fellow modders who I've worked with or taken suggestions from -- the thanks to Minecraft Forums for giving me a place to share my little project with the rest of the world. To those I don't speak to again, farewell -- it was a good time and a good place.
Goodbye, thanks for the good times!
Generate doom dungeons in mc 1.12 -> copy chunk regions to vanilla 1.14 world -> enjoy. Even managed to make new mob spawners this way like vindicators, evokers that didn't exist in 1.12 but transfered to 1.14 anyways. Although, Evokers and Wex spawners made dungeon ultra hardcore, even super late game equipment is not quite enough, at least solo
That's good to know as a test in case I ever manage to updated -- or even for improved 1.12 -- evorkers make good elite mobs, not quite rakshasas (rakshasa are OP even alone), but good enough. You could add illusioners if you wanted, and pillagers and vindicators could be a good replacement for witches in versions where witches are neutral.
I sure did add most mobs 1.14 has to offer... Ender insects were passive as well as Pig Zombies, enderman. Big Ravagers could not spawn from floor spawners, even when they did they needed more space like ghasts. Illusioners are annoying cause blind was like 20sec, countered by wolves(mcmmo). Also my bad pc could not quite handle my server spawning mobs from 3 floors of dungeons on top of each other... I also merged doom dung with roguelike dungeons which had to be transfered from 1.12 too. Screenshots from 5 months ago, thinking of trying all this again.
And thanks for your work, I had alot of fun!
Where is this Config File, that is showcased here? I can't find it and i would really like to change the quantity of them
Version 1.14.8 (still for Minecraft 1.12.2) is now out and finally fixes (as far as I can tell) the "cascading world-gen" problem.[/b] After almost eight years, this is probably the final version; the mod does more than I ever originally planned it to, including things I would never have thought of at the time. I don't think there are any more features I'd want to add, and as I reach a point of having been tired of Minecraft for several years and look to pursuing other interests, I have "retired" from modding, so I don't think there will any other updates to the mod. Fair well, and thanks for the all the ideas, suggestions, appreciation, support, and kind/flattering words. I'm glad people have enjoyed my little project, it feels good to have made something many have enjoyed.
Neve rmind....
Doomlike Dungeons 2.0.0 for Minecraft 1.19.4 is now awaiting approval at Curse / Curse Forge; hopefully a version for 1.20.1 will be available soon.
Why 2.0.0? Well some of the changes in how its set up and how you change what it does make things completely different than for older versions -- data packs are now used instead of a bunch of files and the API. This basically breaks compatibility with set ups for older versions, which is the traditional basis for a major version change (major.minor.patch).
EDIT: And it live -- just be sure to use the latest version of Forge (for 1.19.4 that is).