EnderNet is a modification that adds inter-server, inter-modpack item transport. It lets you send items or ComputerCraft messages, locally or across servers. It has no extra dependencies and has a ton of security features. See endernet.cfg for config details.
Inter-server item and message transmission
Sending and converting redstone between vanilla, MineFactory Reloaded and RedLogic (bundled/RedNet, too)
Chat-radius system (see: Essentials)
Permission support for whitelisting servers to communicate with
Works with different mods & IDs (yes, the IDs do NOT have to match!)
Two questions! First is, does this work for SSP?
Second is, if not, any chance that that's something you could do?
This is exactly what I was looking for for the LAN games me and my friends play. Either way, cool mod idea.
Yes. It works within one server as well. You can also communicate over LAN, or even between two Minecraft instances on one computer (as long as the HTTP server ports are different - see endernet.cfg)
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Modder. The poster behind the pre-acquisition post #15000.
If you're trying to reach me, MCF posts/PMs are unlikely to reach me quickly. Try an e-mail instead!
Yes. It works within one server as well. You can also communicate over LAN, or even between two Minecraft instances on one computer (as long as the HTTP server ports are different - see endernet.cfg)
How do you set this up on SSP? I tried it with two instances of Minecraft running, and I couldn't get it to work. A tutorial on how to work the machines would be helpful! Do you need fuel? How do you need to set up the configs? Thanks!
How do you set this up on SSP? I tried it with two instances of Minecraft running, and I couldn't get it to work. A tutorial on how to work the machines would be helpful! Do you need fuel? How do you need to set up the configs? Thanks!
I will prepare a tutorial when I release beta3 later today.
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Modder. The poster behind the pre-acquisition post #15000.
If you're trying to reach me, MCF posts/PMs are unlikely to reach me quickly. Try an e-mail instead!
Would this preserve the data on an AE 64k data storage unit? Is that meta-data preserved in transit? If so this makes making temp lifeboat servers when rebuilding or switching modpacks possible.
Would this preserve the data on an AE 64k data storage unit? Is that meta-data preserved in transit? If so this makes making temp lifeboat servers when rebuilding or switching modpacks possible.
Not yet. Most blocks which have NBT metadata (damage and enchanted values are supported, though) will not be sendable yet.
Ok I have a couple bug reports and feature requests.
1: shift-rightclicking a transmitter crahses with this error
2: RS transmit doesnt keep the analog state and there doesnt seem to be a place to do so
3: Project Red support would be nice
4: when the chunk is reloaded if you break redstone connected to a transmitter, the receiver stays powered till a block update
1. Thanks, I'll fix that in rc2.
2. It is not supposed to, at least in the current version - it functions entirely digitally.
3. Project: Red support is awaiting for a bugfix from ChickenBones that will let me do so.
4. I WANTED to fix that in RC2, but that is impossible unless i make transmission load chunks, which is scarily abusable in itself
Hey Asie its me Yashagoro from Resonant Rise's Test Server 3 :D. I tried your mod out in the newest version of rr 2.5.4 and when I send a Thermal Expansion wrench through it on the other side comes out a multimeter XD.
Hey Asie its me Yashagoro from Resonant Rise's Test Server 3 . I tried your mod out in the newest version of rr 2.5.4 and when I send a Thermal Expansion wrench through it on the other side comes out a multimeter XD.
I am aware of that bug. Another thing for rc2... which should come out by the end of this year. (While I work on it, enjoy your free multimeter!)
Hi Asie great mod you got going here but i need some help. Me and my brother want to trade items between us on the same router/network, both on the same modpack(Resonant Rise), and on different computers but we don't know what to put on the transmitter where it says local.
Any help would be greatly appreciated, and this looks like an awesome mod if we could get it to work.
I'm going to imagine if you can build a good turtle mining thing you can just run an instance with a turtle mining a world made of [Insert Required Resource Here] and sending it through one of these to get tons of stuff to build a house with.
Modder. The poster behind the pre-acquisition post #15000.
If you're trying to reach me, MCF posts/PMs are unlikely to reach me quickly. Try an e-mail instead!
Albert Einstein
Second is, if not, any chance that that's something you could do?
This is exactly what I was looking for for the LAN games me and my friends play. Either way, cool mod idea.
Yes. It works within one server as well. You can also communicate over LAN, or even between two Minecraft instances on one computer (as long as the HTTP server ports are different - see endernet.cfg)
Modder. The poster behind the pre-acquisition post #15000.
If you're trying to reach me, MCF posts/PMs are unlikely to reach me quickly. Try an e-mail instead!
How do you set this up on SSP? I tried it with two instances of Minecraft running, and I couldn't get it to work. A tutorial on how to work the machines would be helpful! Do you need fuel? How do you need to set up the configs? Thanks!
I will prepare a tutorial when I release beta3 later today.
Modder. The poster behind the pre-acquisition post #15000.
If you're trying to reach me, MCF posts/PMs are unlikely to reach me quickly. Try an e-mail instead!
Modder. The poster behind the pre-acquisition post #15000.
If you're trying to reach me, MCF posts/PMs are unlikely to reach me quickly. Try an e-mail instead!
1: shift-rightclicking a transmitter crahses with this error
2: RS transmit doesnt keep the analog state and there doesnt seem to be a place to do so
3: Project Red support would be nice
4: when the chunk is reloaded if you break redstone connected to a transmitter, the receiver stays powered till a block update
Not yet. Most blocks which have NBT metadata (damage and enchanted values are supported, though) will not be sendable yet.
1. Thanks, I'll fix that in rc2.
2. It is not supposed to, at least in the current version - it functions entirely digitally.
3. Project: Red support is awaiting for a bugfix from ChickenBones that will let me do so.
4. I WANTED to fix that in RC2, but that is impossible unless i make transmission load chunks, which is scarily abusable in itself
Modder. The poster behind the pre-acquisition post #15000.
If you're trying to reach me, MCF posts/PMs are unlikely to reach me quickly. Try an e-mail instead!
I am aware of that bug. Another thing for rc2... which should come out by the end of this year. (While I work on it, enjoy your free multimeter!)
Modder. The poster behind the pre-acquisition post #15000.
If you're trying to reach me, MCF posts/PMs are unlikely to reach me quickly. Try an e-mail instead!
Any help would be greatly appreciated, and this looks like an awesome mod if we could get it to work.
You might want to wait a few days. I'm quite ill and that's why I wasn't able to answer all the questions, bugs and issues.
Modder. The poster behind the pre-acquisition post #15000.
If you're trying to reach me, MCF posts/PMs are unlikely to reach me quickly. Try an e-mail instead!