The Meaning of Life, the Universe, and Everything.
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This mod adds more crafting recipes in Minecraft. This mod also enables you to craft things that are creative only, items you can't obtain in survival, items which require silk touch and much more.
Version 2.2.0 is out for Minecraft 1.7.10!
Whats New:
-Craftable blaze rods -CruaverVoidDrake's idea!, magma cream, slime balls, nether warts & the nether star!
-Changed recipes for ores, chain armour & enchanting bottles (they were unbalanced).
-Removed recipe for wither skeleton skull (too easy to get such a rare item). New & changed recipes can be found in the crafting recipes spoiler Thanks everyone for downloading!
This Mod Requires Minecraft Forge For 1.7.10. Download It Below.
2.2.0: Added recipes for blaze rod, magma cream, slimeballs, nether warts and the nether star. Changed recipes for ores, chain armour, bottle o enchanting and the wither skeleton skull is no longer craftable.
2.1.2: Updated for Minecraft 1.7.10.
2.1.1: Added craftable horse armour, bedrock and the rest of the mob eggs.
2.1.0: Updated for minecraft 1.7.2. Added craftable podzol, red sand, packed ice and acacia and dark oak saplings. Made ore recipes and obsidian shapeless and changed recipes for mob eggs.
2.0.2: Updated 1.6.4 mod. Changed recipes for mob eggs and made ores and obsidian shapeless.
2.0.1: Fixed bug where obsidian recipe would give out nothing.
2.0.0: Added craftable vines, obsidian, ender dragon egg and heads.
1.3.0: Added craftable netherrack, soulsand and command blocks, also changed recipes for cobwebs and pig spawner (see the crafting spoiler).
1.2.3: Fixed few bugs.
1.2.2: Added craftable name tags.
1.2.1: Fixed bug which made user crash when placing crafted end portal frames.
1.2.0: Added craftable spawn eggs.
1.1.2: Fixed crash when minecraft was launched.
1.1.1: Fixed bug where you could only craft oak saplings.
1.1.0: Added craftable pig spawner.1.0.2: Fixed bug where you couldnt craft new items.1.0.1: Added music disks (13 and cat), end stone and end portal frame.
1.0.0: First release of the mod.
Mod Review By PAaL Gaming:
Mod Review By [LTSU] Medic:
Mod Review By 3040wilson2 (In Spanish):
How To Install Minecraft Forge:
1. Open the minecraft forge jar file. 2. Choose install client. 3. Wait for it to install. 4. There will be a new profile called "Forge", use that profile for this mod.
How To Install The Mod:
1. Locate your %appdata% folder. 2. Then go to Roaming. 3. Open ".minecraft". 4. There will be a folder called "mods".
5. Unzip the downloaded file and drag and drop the More Crafting Recipes Mod file into the "mods" folder.
Have an idea for a recipe? Suggest it below in the comments!
Wow! I just downloaded this mod and all I can say is: AMAZING!, This is actually the best mod I've had so far, Excellent job! Also, does this mod work with other forge mods?
Wow! I just downloaded this mod and all I can say is: AMAZING!, This is actually the best mod I've had so far, Excellent job! Also, does this mod work with other forge mods?
Thanks for the good feedback. Also, this mod is compatible with other forge mods. I currently have 9 installed and it works perfectly.
Here are some more u can use:
Slime Spawn Egg- 1 egg, 8 slimeballs
Command Block- 1 Diamond in middle, 1 gold block in each corner, 4 Redstone blocks in the last spaces
Enderman Spawn Egg- 1 egg, 8 Ender pearls
Mossy Cobblestone- 1 Cobblestone, 1 vines
Obsidian- 3 cobble stone on bottom, on the right middle row a water bucket, on the left middle row lava bucket
Wither Head- 9 soul sand
Zombie Head- 9 rotten flesh
Creeper Head- 9 gunpowder
Human Head- 9 iron ingots
Skeleton Head- 9 bones
Enderman Head- 9 Ender Pearls
Pig Head- 9 Cooked Porkchop
Chain Armour- Should be made of Flint
Sandstone- 8 sand, 1 stone
Leather- Smelt rotten flesh
Milk Bucket- Smelt Magma Cream
Plz use all of these
Note: Pig Head and Enderman Head do not exist. Still use them though
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
My Role-Play Characters:
-Kyle "Mr. Smiley" Prior
-Gemma Landline
-Xavier Rideout
-Ben Jones
Here are some more u can use:
Slime Spawn Egg- 1 egg, 8 slimeballs
Command Block- 1 Diamond in middle, 1 gold block in each corner, 4 Redstone blocks in the last spaces
Enderman Spawn Egg- 1 egg, 8 Ender pearls
Mossy Cobblestone- 1 Cobblestone, 1 vines
Obsidian- 3 cobble stone on bottom, on the right middle row a water bucket, on the left middle row lava bucket
Wither Head- 9 soul sand
Zombie Head- 9 rotten flesh
Creeper Head- 9 gunpowder
Human Head- 9 iron ingots
Skeleton Head- 9 bones
Enderman Head- 9 Ender Pearls
Pig Head- 9 Cooked Porkchop
Chain Armour- Should be made of Flint
Sandstone- 8 sand, 1 stone
Leather- Smelt rotten flesh
Milk Bucket- Smelt Magma Cream
Plz use all of these
Note: Pig Head and Enderman Head do not exist. Still use them though
Thanks for the suggestions :), ill try and see if I can get pig heads and endermen heads
Very nice mod been using quite a bit, one suggestion is i feel the spawner is rather op for the materials needed maybe add something more valuable to the recipe. Other than that great mod
ps. I would love to see a command block recipe.
Thanks for the positive feedback. I may change the recipe for the mob spawner and yes, I will add the command block
Hey dude, loved the mod. Did a mod showcase on it too, it will be on YouTube Wednesday 18:00 UK time. I will link you it on the day, would you feature it in your post? Awesome mod. Keep it up
Awsome! The video would be great, and yes I will feature it in the post
I got 3 overpowered but super original ideas:
Dragon Egg- 4 Nether Star's (1 in each corner), 1 command block in middle, 4 Endermen spawn eggs
Nether Portal- 8 Obsidian, 1 Flint + Steel- It is that pink stuff inside the Nether Portal
END Portal- 8 END Portal Frames, 1 Eye of Ender- Once again it's the stuff you jump into inside the END portal
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My Role-Play Characters:
-Kyle "Mr. Smiley" Prior
-Gemma Landline
-Xavier Rideout
-Ben Jones
I got 3 overpowered but super original ideas:
Dragon Egg- 4 Nether Star's (1 in each corner), 1 command block in middle, 4 Endermen spawn eggs
Nether Portal- 8 Obsidian, 1 Flint + Steel- It is that pink stuff inside the Nether Portal
END Portal- 8 END Portal Frames, 1 Eye of Ender- Once again it's the stuff you jump into inside the END portal
Dragon egg will be added in next update (still deciding on recipe), the portals may be added in the update after.
Version 2.2.0 is out for Minecraft 1.7.10!
Whats New:
-Craftable blaze rods -CruaverVoidDrake's idea!, magma cream, slime balls, nether warts & the nether star!
-Changed recipes for ores, chain armour & enchanting bottles (they were unbalanced).
-Removed recipe for wither skeleton skull (too easy to get such a rare item).
New & changed recipes can be found in the crafting recipes spoiler
Thanks everyone for downloading!
This Mod Requires Minecraft Forge For 1.7.10. Download It Below.
In this mod you are able to craft:
-Grass Block.
-Tall Grass.
-Dead Shrub.
-All Types Of Saplings.
-Wooden Planks.
-Red Sand
-Ice Block.
-Packed Ice.
-Flint From Gravel.
-End Stone.
-End Portal Frame.
-Mossy Cobblestone.
-Lily Pad.
-All Types Of Ore.
-Cracked Stone Bricks.
-Mossy Stone Bricks.
-Chiseled Stone Bricks.
-Enchanting Bottles.
-Music Disks (Disc 13 And Cat For Now)
-Chain Armour.
-All Types Of Mob Eggs.
-Name Tags.
-Monster Spawners (Currently Only Pigs Are Able To Be Spawned From Monster Spawners).
-Soul Sand.
-Command Blocks.
-Ender Dragon Egg.
-All Types Of Heads Except Wither Skeleton.
-Horse Armour.
-Blaze Rods.
-Magma Cream.
-Nether Warts.
-Nether Star.
Grass Block:
Oak Sapling:
Spruce Sapling:
Birch Sapling:
Jungle Sapling:
Acacia Sapling:
Dark Oak Sapling:
Tall Grass:
Dead Bush:
Wooden Planks:
Red Sand:
Packed Ice:
End Stone:
End Portal Frame:
Mossy Cobblestone:
Coal Ore:
Iron Ore:
Lapis Lazuli Ore:
Redstone Ore:
Gold Ore:
Diamond Ore:
Emerald Ore:
Nether Quartz Ore:
Mossy Stone Bricks:
Cracked Stone Bricks:
Chisiled Stone Bricks:
Bottle O Enchanting:
Music Disk 13:
Music Disk Cat:
Chain Helmet:
Chain Chestplate:
Chain Leggings:
Chain Boots:
Pig Spawn Egg:
Sheep Spawn Egg:
Cow Spawn Egg:
Chicken Spawn Egg:
Spuid Spawn Egg:
Wolf Spawn Egg:
Mooshroom Spawn Egg:
Ocelot Spawn Egg:
Horse Spawn Egg:
Villager Spawn Egg:
Creeper Spawn Egg:
Skeleton Spawn Egg:
Spider Spawn Egg:
Zombie Spawn Egg:
Slime Spawn Egg:
Ghast Spawn Egg:
Pigman Spawn Egg:
Enderman Spawn Egg:
Cave Spider Spawn Egg:
Silverfish Spawn Egg:
Blaze Spawn Egg:
Magma Cube Spawn Egg:
Bat Spawn Egg:
Witch Spawn Egg:
Name Tag:
Pig Spawner:
Soul Sand:
Command Block:
Obsidian: (Shapeless)
Ender Dragon Egg:
Steve Head:
Zombie Head:
Skeleton Skull:
Creeper Head:
Iron Horse Armour:
Gold Hourse Armour:
Diamond Horse Armour:
Blaze Rod:
Blaze Rod:
Slimeball: (Shapeless)
Magma Cream:
Nether Warts:
Nether Star:
Download Latest (2.1.1) For 1.7.2:
Download Latest (2.0.2) For 1.6.4:
2.1.2: Updated for Minecraft 1.7.10.
2.1.1: Added craftable horse armour, bedrock and the rest of the mob eggs.
2.1.0: Updated for minecraft 1.7.2. Added craftable podzol, red sand, packed ice and acacia and dark oak saplings. Made ore recipes and obsidian shapeless and changed recipes for mob eggs.
2.0.2: Updated 1.6.4 mod. Changed recipes for mob eggs and made ores and obsidian shapeless.
2.0.1: Fixed bug where obsidian recipe would give out nothing.
2.0.0: Added craftable vines, obsidian, ender dragon egg and heads.
1.3.0: Added craftable netherrack, soulsand and command blocks, also changed recipes for cobwebs and pig spawner (see the crafting spoiler).
1.2.3: Fixed few bugs.
1.2.2: Added craftable name tags.
1.2.1: Fixed bug which made user crash when placing crafted end portal frames.
1.2.0: Added craftable spawn eggs.
1.1.2: Fixed crash when minecraft was launched.
1.1.1: Fixed bug where you could only craft oak saplings.
1.1.0: Added craftable pig spawner.1.0.2: Fixed bug where you couldnt craft new items.1.0.1: Added music disks (13 and cat), end stone and end portal frame.
1.0.0: First release of the mod.
Mod Review By PAaL Gaming:
Mod Review By [LTSU] Medic:
Mod Review By 3040wilson2 (In Spanish):
How To Install Minecraft Forge:
1. Open the minecraft forge jar file.
2. Choose install client.
3. Wait for it to install.
4. There will be a new profile called "Forge", use that profile for this mod.
How To Install The Mod:
1. Locate your %appdata% folder.
2. Then go to Roaming.
3. Open ".minecraft".
4. There will be a folder called "mods".
5. Unzip the downloaded file and drag and drop the More Crafting Recipes Mod file into the "mods" folder.
Have an idea for a recipe? Suggest it below in the comments!
Slime Spawn Egg- 1 egg, 8 slimeballs
Command Block- 1 Diamond in middle, 1 gold block in each corner, 4 Redstone blocks in the last spaces
Enderman Spawn Egg- 1 egg, 8 Ender pearls
Mossy Cobblestone- 1 Cobblestone, 1 vines
Obsidian- 3 cobble stone on bottom, on the right middle row a water bucket, on the left middle row lava bucket
Wither Head- 9 soul sand
Zombie Head- 9 rotten flesh
Creeper Head- 9 gunpowder
Human Head- 9 iron ingots
Skeleton Head- 9 bones
Enderman Head- 9 Ender Pearls
Pig Head- 9 Cooked Porkchop
Chain Armour- Should be made of Flint
Sandstone- 8 sand, 1 stone
Leather- Smelt rotten flesh
Milk Bucket- Smelt Magma Cream
Plz use all of these
Note: Pig Head and Enderman Head do not exist. Still use them though
My Role-Play Characters:
-Gemma Landline
-Xavier Rideout
-Ben Jones
My Role-Play Characters:
-Gemma Landline
-Xavier Rideout
-Ben Jones
My Role-Play Characters:
-Gemma Landline
-Xavier Rideout
-Ben Jones
My Role-Play Characters:
-Gemma Landline
-Xavier Rideout
-Ben Jones
My Role-Play Characters:
-Gemma Landline
-Xavier Rideout
-Ben Jones
Dragon Egg- 4 Nether Star's (1 in each corner), 1 command block in middle, 4 Endermen spawn eggs
Nether Portal- 8 Obsidian, 1 Flint + Steel- It is that pink stuff inside the Nether Portal
END Portal- 8 END Portal Frames, 1 Eye of Ender- Once again it's the stuff you jump into inside the END portal
My Role-Play Characters:
-Gemma Landline
-Xavier Rideout
-Ben Jones
Dragon egg will be added in next update (still deciding on recipe), the portals may be added in the update after.