NVM i fixed it, is the SAO UI Mod.
So I downloaded the Life in the woods launcher from here. Then ran the windows installer which created a shortcut on my desktop. I then launched the Life in the Woods launcher and clicked install. After that was done, I copied the XRay jar file into .litwrl\games\LitWR.Basic\mods. After that I clicked play and entered Minecraft with no problems. Oddly I was never asked to login, however I'm not familiar with this launcher at all. Let me know if you're doing something different than me, because right now everything seems to be working fine on my end. For reference, the version of Life in the Woods launcher I have is 1.2.10
Forge compatible, configurable, and easily installable.
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is there anyway you can bring back the redstone finder or is it easy to setup a profile for it?
I'm going to probably add back a profile for it in the future due to the high demand. But until then, it's not too hard to setup a profile for it yourself with the new user interface.
A "select all" button would make this process even easier, so i'll be adding that to the user interface as well soon.
Forge compatible, configurable, and easily installable.
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Please add {RenderedEntities} and {TotalEntities} to 1.8.
I am very happy you added it to 1.9, I requested it along time ago and was really wanting it because of it's ability to find raids on faction servers.
But unfortunately most servers are still running on 1.8 and therefore I am unable to use it. :/
I'll be adding {RenderedEntities} and {TotalEntities} to the rest of the supported versions soon.
Forge compatible, configurable, and easily installable.
Click here for more information.
Hey I have activated fly. However it won't allow me to fly higher. only at the level i activate it from. What do i do?
Maker - Forge has updated their version so I tried it, still crashed. Here's the report.
how can i use fly ?
After you activate fly, press space/jump.
I'm looking into a fix for this now.Should be fixed in version 10.
Assign a keybinding to Fly in the controls - then press that to enable fly. Make sure survival fly is enabled in the user interface first.
Forge compatible, configurable, and easily installable.
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I used the z command to enable flight, but my control's xray section doesn't have a place to put a keybind to start flight. It goes from
cave mode (c), to
speed up (right arrow)
slow down (left arrow)
I managed to activate it once during a keyboard flail (<--fumble fingers), but have no idea what I pressed.
I'm using the new xray with the editable coordinates, but no place to put the fly keybind... wanna screenshot?
Nevermind, I'm using version 7. Will update.
I have uploaded version 10 which I believe fixes this crash.
Forge compatible, configurable, and easily installable.
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Make sure fly is enabled in the user interface. By default it is disabled and you have to manually enable it.
Forge compatible, configurable, and easily installable.
Click here for more information.
Was using version7, but now have 10 up. =)
You have a list of all the coordinate options? Was looking for the direction. (eg: north/south thing)
There's an incomplete list on the main post which I'm going to update and reformat soon.
The option that gives the direction you're facing is {Compass}
Forge compatible, configurable, and easily installable.
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Version 10 crashing on startup MC1.6.4 modpack/forge
I'll look into this. Thanks.
This is a problem with 1.9 or Intel's drivers. Enable VBO and VSync in video settings.
Forge compatible, configurable, and easily installable.
Click here for more information.
Yep that worked on my other pc, good lookin out ambient!
OMG, you are the man/woman!
No more crashing! Woot You are a lifesaver. I really do appreicate all the hard work you have done. You made doing my job as an admin that much easier. Hell, even the transition to xray and back is very smooth.