AddedCompat now has a WIP wiki! Go to NOTE: Texturer needed: I am rubbish at texturing and would like a texturer to texture for me. Does anyone know how to register new crafting tables to NEI? Introduction:
Ever wondered why mods have such bad compatibility? Ever wanted someone else to fix that? Well here is the answer. As of version Beta 0.1, AddedCompat revolves mostly around alchemy, a spiritual successor to Equivalent Exchange 3 for 1.6.2. Currently, IC2 is supported but plans to support more mods exist. (Also when Applied Energistics actually adds documentation for their API)
Items and Blocks:
Sapphire Ore:This is where Sapphires come from. Default data value, 500.Ruby Ore:This is where Rubys come from. Default data value, 500:1.Sapphire:This is the raw Sapphire. It can be used to create Energy Crystals.Ruby:This is the raw Ruby. It can be used to create Lapotron Crystals.
Crafting Recipes: Note: Except for the first two, all the recipes have been moved to the Alchemy Table. NEI does not show alchemy table recipes but shows the recipe to create the alchemy table.
Alternate Energy CrystalAlternate Lapotron CrystalIron/Bronze AlchemyMoss Stone + End StoneNetherrack + Moss Stone (NEI Glitch)Diamonds to Gold vice versaGold to Iron vice versaBlaze Rod to Iron + Obsidian to IronCharcoal to Coal + Blaze Powder to Blaze RodThis may change but AddedCompat is 100% working with NEI (NotEnoughItems) by ChickenBones.
Version Beta 0.5: Added aesthetic fake quartz -Added the aesthetic fake quartz - crafting recipe in NEI Version Beta 0.4: Added Recipe -Added diamond from ruby and sapphire -Added cobblestone from dirt-Improved the Alchemy Table GUI Version Beta 0.3: Added Alchemy Table -Added Alchemy Table -Moved all alchemy recipes to the Alchemy Table Version Beta 0.2: Fixed Bugs -Fixed Sapphire and Ruby Ore not dropping Sapphire or Ruby. -Fixed Sapphire and Ruby Ore being broken by hand. Version Beta 0.1: Created Mod -Added Sapphire, Ruby and respective ores. -Added Alchemy Recipes.
1: Install MinecraftForge. (Google that)2: Run Minecraft once, then close it.3: Put the mod in your 'mods' folder.4: Run the game and enjoy. IC2 is required.
-Anyone from FTB is allowed to use my mod in their pack.-Anyone playing Technic Launcher is not allowed to use my mod in their pack.-Private packs are allowed without my permission (unless it is Technic).-Public packs will need my permission but I will likely say yes.
This mod is dead. Check out SpaceAge instead. For archiving reasons, the original text will remain above.
Oh, just found a bug. Sapphire Ore cannot be turned into Sapphire same as ruby. Hmm. Can't get another build out tonight so will have to happen tomorrow.
Is that cobble in the transmutation recipes? It's kind of OP :/
The recipes are not permanent, how should I change them? (If I can code well enough, I actually plan to utilise these recipes in an expensive crafting table thing.)
Beta 0.3 almost out. New 'alchemy table' (name uicgabn - until i can get a better name) almost ready. Any alchemy table crafting recipe suggestions? (as in how to craft the table)
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Check out SpaceAge, a new futuristic themed mod on GitHub: Link
Yeah, if you could make the alchemy table, then this mod would be amazing, I've been trying to find a substitute for EE2 and I think this will come close.
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come on you know you want to click on it.also do this link
Umm, well, the alchemy table is already made, errm, no EMC involved, no collectors or condensers. Really more like a separate table for EE3 instead of a minim stone. Oh yeah, not to mention a lot more late game than EE3. Any other suggestions (or texturers) much appreciated.
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Check out SpaceAge, a new futuristic themed mod on GitHub: Link
Umm, well, the alchemy table is already made, errm, no EMC involved, no collectors or condensers. Really more like a separate table for EE3 instead of a minim stone. Oh yeah, not to mention a lot more late game than EE3. Any other suggestions (or texturers) much appreciated.
I realized that...
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come on you know you want to click on it.also do this link
The thing about replicating something like the condensers is hard. I have no idea how it even works coding wise. But the new IC2 Replicators come close.
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Check out SpaceAge, a new futuristic themed mod on GitHub: Link
AddedCompat now has a WIP wiki! Go to NOTE: Texturer needed: I am rubbish at texturing and would like a texturer to texture for me. Does anyone know how to register new crafting tables to NEI? Introduction:
Oh, just found a bug. Sapphire Ore cannot be turned into Sapphire same as ruby. Hmm. Can't get another build out tonight so will have to happen tomorrow.,13601.0.html
It's how to make metadata blocks drop metadata items.
The recipes are not permanent, how should I change them? (If I can code well enough, I actually plan to utilise these recipes in an expensive crafting table thing.)
Version Beta 0.2 out now.
I realized that...
Also gonna try and make the Alchemy Table work like a Tinker's Crafting Station. Also gonna try and get NEI to work with it.
That sounds good!