I notice that typing an address into the DHD works, but clicking the runes on the DHD itself (as I prefer to do) gives the wrong address. DAADAFMAA becomes CAACAEJAA.
How does one actually power a stargate now? I placed a naquadah generator adjacent to the ring and put ten naquadah in it to bring it to 100% charge, placed a redstone torch to activate the generator, and tried to dial, but nothing happened and the stargate reports insufficient fuel to dial. Will a naquadah generator power a gate directly or is some energy conduit between the gate and generator required? Is one generator enough to power a gate?
(If a conduit is required, I hope for TE3 redstone conduits to eventually work. Buildcraft energy pipes are horrible, they are lossy by design and drain power even when you aren't drawing any.)
Also, naquadah generators appear to consume their naquadah even when they are switched off and not producing any power. So at this point I've gone through an entire stack of naquadah without a successful gate activation.
What does (or should) the little "note" icon to the right side of the gate ring GUI do? Is this possibly intended to automatically write down the address of the gate ... somewhere? It would be cool if pressing that button with a blank book in your inventory wrote the gate address in the book (if not already present). Especially if it also shiny-fied the book's cover appropriately in the process on the first use.
I placed a couple of Goa'uld patterned gold blocks, then broke them, and they broke to a question-mark textured block 'tile.lanteaDecor.0.name 4083'.
The gate and DHD textures look great. (I'm using 64x.) Naquadah generators look very cool, but could probably stand to be a bit larger if that's feasible.
What does (or should) the little "note" icon to the right side of the gate ring GUI do?
That copies the gate's address to your clipboard. You can then interact with a DHD and press CTRL-V to paste the address into the DHD (or paste the info anywhere, really).
The Meaning of Life, the Universe, and Everything.
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If dialing 9 symbols presses your geek button too much, you can use the shortcut system in RC1. If both gates are in the same dimension, you can drop the last two symbols. Kinda handy
nope as we have 100 mods (reports as 165 but is actually 100 seperate) this thread is 44 pages long, assume thats standard that would equal 4400 pages of posts, ok so thats not 4400 new pages but in total, so lets say each update theres only 4 new pages per mod (not realistic as some mods are hugely popular) thats 400 pages of posts to read every update..... so yeas i stand by my method read first page for OP updates+changelog(if easy to find)+last page for any pressing issues
also please note all gates now seem to have 9 chevlon addresses...from a cannon point of view that should send me to "Destiny" and blow up the overworld (sorry geek moment but just doesnt feel right dialing 9 )
Learn to skim. Seriously. I run 111 mods. I constantly update all and usually have no problem at least keeping a basic understanding of what direction the mod is heading and what major changes are planned/included in each release (translation: I have just as much of a load as you and have no problem reading the threads for the mods I use). The key is to skim through the threads and look for the posts that were written by the mod author(s). If something grabs your attention, look for the posts that go with it.
I notice that typing an address into the DHD works, but clicking the runes on the DHD itself (as I prefer to do) gives the wrong address. DAADAFMAA becomes CAACAEJAA.
How does one actually power a stargate now? I placed a naquadah generator adjacent to the ring and put ten naquadah in it to bring it to 100% charge, placed a redstone torch to activate the generator, and tried to dial, but nothing happened and the stargate reports insufficient fuel to dial. Will a naquadah generator power a gate directly or is some energy conduit between the gate and generator required? Is one generator enough to power a gate?
(If a conduit is required, I hope for TE3 redstone conduits to eventually work. Buildcraft energy pipes are horrible, they are lossy by design and drain power even when you aren't drawing any.)
Also, naquadah generators appear to consume their naquadah even when they are switched off and not producing any power. So at this point I've gone through an entire stack of naquadah without a successful gate activation.
What does (or should) the little "note" icon to the right side of the gate ring GUI do? Is this possibly intended to automatically write down the address of the gate ... somewhere? It would be cool if pressing that button with a blank book in your inventory wrote the gate address in the book (if not already present). Especially if it also shiny-fied the book's cover appropriately in the process on the first use.
I placed a couple of Goa'uld patterned gold blocks, then broke them, and they broke to a question-mark textured block 'tile.lanteaDecor.0.name 4083'.
The gate and DHD textures look great. (I'm using 64x.) Naquadah generators look very cool, but could probably stand to be a bit larger if that's feasible.
As for powering the gates, currently you power them as previously, the slots for the naquadah are still in the gate, just not on the GUI, put naquadah in the gate and it'll work. We ARe moving the power generation out of the gate soon though.
The Meaning of Life, the Universe, and Everything.
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Will Naquadah generators support Universal Electricity and Mekanism too?
EDIT: They already do support, didn't notice that before.. I think at it uses too much Naquadah, It runs out of that pretty quick.
EDIT 2: Universal Cable doesn't attach to Naquadah generator anymore.. It worked on other save and now it doesn't work for some reason. Anyone knows why's that?
EDIT 3: Oh and I won't mind if that's only because it's in development stage.
EDIT 4: I think at I figured out why it didn't want to attach to Naquadah generator - If you don't have IC2 or Buildcraft installed then UE wires won't attack to that generator. Can any of authors fix that issue?
As for powering the gates, currently you power them as previously, the slots for the naquadah are still in the gate, just not on the GUI, put naquadah in the gate and it'll work. We ARe moving the power generation out of the gate soon though.
Well, that's curious, because that's what I tried first and the gate ring wouldn't accept any naquadah. Which is why I started messing with the naquadah generators.
Well, that's curious, because that's what I tried first and the gate ring wouldn't accept any naquadah. Which is why I started messing with the naquadah generators.
The Gui is new but the slots for the fuel is Still there just hidden you can find the slot its at the end of the inventory grid on the upper right corner it will light up if you mouse over it.
I`m having a problem with Build #14 from the Lanteacraft website:
I used the Lanteacraft debugger to help you could use to fix this problem:
Data for (-399, 106, -636) side client:
type: TileEntityStargateBase
isValid: No
partCount: 0
Data for (-399, 106, -636) side server:
type: TileEntityStargateBase
isValid: No
partCount: 0
yes its a bug
do not blame them I and lots of other people asked for a pre-realese kowning there are lots of bugs and things that crash your game and they say clear that they are not responisible for broken worlds so anyone that has an problem with a world its you own problem
how hard it sounds the moment you instal an WIP mod (beta, alfa and expiremental are most liky unstabel)you know there is a chance that your game wil be broken i know its sucks yust had that problem whit 'dim doors'. I deleted it but now if i pass a generated structure of 'dim doors' the game craches and it doesnt counds anymore as a valid world
so it is not in the worlds list (stil in %appdata% but the size of the file is 10 times bigger) and i knew the chance exist but now i coppied my player data and some other data and i have the world kind of rebuild
I`m having a problem with Build #14 from the Lanteacraft website:
I used the Lanteacraft debugger to help you could use to fix this problem:
Data for (-399, 106, -636) side client:
type: TileEntityStargateBase
isValid: No
partCount: 0
Data for (-399, 106, -636) side server:
type: TileEntityStargateBase
isValid: No
partCount: 0
yes its a bug
ps srr for my english
Odd, it doesn't appear he is blaming anyone. It looks more like he's reporting a bug and trying to provide information about the bug and the circumstances that go with it...
Odd, it doesn't appear he is blaming anyone. It looks more like he's reporting a bug and trying to provide information about the bug and the circumstances that go with it...
i had to split it in two messages becuase the thing i wanned to say was its a bug to
and the other tings to the people that are complainging about there worlds
srr for the mis understanding and srr for my english
I'm back from a short real-life hiatus to see if I can fix this multiblock structure bug. I've just pushed RC1-15, it doesn't include any real major changes. Gates no longer require Naquadah (they'll later be powered alternately), so don't go hunting for invisible slots.
If you have been having issues with structures, you should upgrade to this build and re-test. Please submit any findings here only, I will not see bug-reports in this thread.
Also, I'm aware that the DHD GUI is a bit broken at the moment. I'm more focused on fixing this structure bug.
I read on the bug report page that the gate should deform if any blocks are placed in the ring.
Would it be possible to keep the gate formed but make it refuse to connect till the blockage is cleared
just wondering though im sure it will be cool either way
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: buildcraft/api/power/IPowerReceptor
at pcl.lc.blocks.BlockNaquadahGenerator.func_72274_a(BlockNaquadahGenerator.java:114)
at net.minecraft.block.Block.createTileEntity(Block.java:1794)
at net.minecraft.world.chunk.Chunk.func_76597_e(Chunk.java:991)
at net.minecraft.world.chunk.Chunk.func_76592_a(Chunk.java:763)
at net.minecraft.world.World.func_72832_d(World.java:559)
at net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock.placeBlockAt(ItemBlock.java:241)
at net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock.func_77648_a(ItemBlock.java:119)
at net.minecraft.item.ItemStack.func_77943_a(ItemStack.java:153)
at net.minecraft.client.multiplayer.PlayerControllerMP.func_78760_a(PlayerControllerMP.java:401)
at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.func_71402_c(Minecraft.java:1390)
at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.func_71407_l(Minecraft.java:1868)
at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.func_71411_J(Minecraft.java:910)
at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.func_99999_d(Minecraft.java:838)
at net.minecraft.client.main.Main.main(SourceFile:101)
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source)
at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source)
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source)
at net.minecraft.launchwrapper.Launch.launch(Launch.java:131)
at net.minecraft.launchwrapper.Launch.main(Launch.java:27)
Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: buildcraft.api.power.IPowerReceptor
at net.minecraft.launchwrapper.LaunchClassLoader.findClass(LaunchClassLoader.java:97)
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
... 20 more
Saved up issues, valid up to RC14:
I notice that typing an address into the DHD works, but clicking the runes on the DHD itself (as I prefer to do) gives the wrong address. DAADAFMAA becomes CAACAEJAA.
How does one actually power a stargate now? I placed a naquadah generator adjacent to the ring and put ten naquadah in it to bring it to 100% charge, placed a redstone torch to activate the generator, and tried to dial, but nothing happened and the stargate reports insufficient fuel to dial. Will a naquadah generator power a gate directly or is some energy conduit between the gate and generator required? Is one generator enough to power a gate?
(If a conduit is required, I hope for TE3 redstone conduits to eventually work. Buildcraft energy pipes are horrible, they are lossy by design and drain power even when you aren't drawing any.)
Also, naquadah generators appear to consume their naquadah even when they are switched off and not producing any power. So at this point I've gone through an entire stack of naquadah without a successful gate activation.
What does (or should) the little "note" icon to the right side of the gate ring GUI do? Is this possibly intended to automatically write down the address of the gate ... somewhere? It would be cool if pressing that button with a blank book in your inventory wrote the gate address in the book (if not already present). Especially if it also shiny-fied the book's cover appropriately in the process on the first use.
I placed a couple of Goa'uld patterned gold blocks, then broke them, and they broke to a question-mark textured block 'tile.lanteaDecor.0.name 4083'.
The gate and DHD textures look great. (I'm using 64x.) Naquadah generators look very cool, but could probably stand to be a bit larger if that's feasible.
That copies the gate's address to your clipboard. You can then interact with a DHD and press CTRL-V to paste the address into the DHD (or paste the info anywhere, really).
Hope that helps
Odd...it worked out of the box for me...
Learn to skim. Seriously. I run 111 mods. I constantly update all and usually have no problem at least keeping a basic understanding of what direction the mod is heading and what major changes are planned/included in each release (translation: I have just as much of a load as you and have no problem reading the threads for the mods I use). The key is to skim through the threads and look for the posts that were written by the mod author(s). If something grabs your attention, look for the posts that go with it.
As for powering the gates, currently you power them as previously, the slots for the naquadah are still in the gate, just not on the GUI, put naquadah in the gate and it'll work. We ARe moving the power generation out of the gate soon though.
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EDIT: They already do support, didn't notice that before.. I think at it uses too much Naquadah, It runs out of that pretty quick.
EDIT 2: Universal Cable doesn't attach to Naquadah generator anymore.. It worked on other save and now it doesn't work for some reason. Anyone knows why's that?
EDIT 3: Oh and I won't mind if that's only because it's in development stage.
EDIT 4: I think at I figured out why it didn't want to attach to Naquadah generator - If you don't have IC2 or Buildcraft installed then UE wires won't attack to that generator. Can any of authors fix that issue?
The Gui is new but the slots for the fuel is Still there just hidden you can find the slot its at the end of the inventory grid on the upper right corner it will light up if you mouse over it.
@MichiyoRavencroft @AfterLifeLochie and what is the lowwest payment that you woud be happy whit
yes its a bug
do not blame them I and lots of other people asked for a pre-realese kowning there are lots of bugs and things that crash your game and they say clear that they are not responisible for broken worlds so anyone that has an problem with a world its you own problem
how hard it sounds the moment you instal an WIP mod (beta, alfa and expiremental are most liky unstabel)you know there is a chance that your game wil be broken i know its sucks yust had that problem whit 'dim doors'. I deleted it but now if i pass a generated structure of 'dim doors' the game craches and it doesnt counds anymore as a valid world
so it is not in the worlds list (stil in %appdata% but the size of the file is 10 times bigger) and i knew the chance exist but now i coppied my player data and some other data and i have the world kind of rebuild
ps srr for my english
Odd, it doesn't appear he is blaming anyone. It looks more like he's reporting a bug and trying to provide information about the bug and the circumstances that go with it...
i had to split it in two messages becuase the thing i wanned to say was its a bug to
srr for the mis understanding and srr for my english
If you have been having issues with structures, you should upgrade to this build and re-test. Please submit any findings here only, I will not see bug-reports in this thread.
Also, I'm aware that the DHD GUI is a bit broken at the moment. I'm more focused on fixing this structure bug.
As usual, go here to get it.
Would it be possible to keep the gate formed but make it refuse to connect till the blockage is cleared
just wondering though im sure it will be cool either way
Its already in Just use the Config file for this.
// Why did you do that?
Time: 28.02.14 17:56
Description: Unexpected error
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: buildcraft/api/power/IPowerReceptor
at pcl.lc.blocks.BlockNaquadahGenerator.func_72274_a(BlockNaquadahGenerator.java:114)
at net.minecraft.block.Block.createTileEntity(Block.java:1794)
at net.minecraft.world.chunk.Chunk.func_76597_e(Chunk.java:991)
at net.minecraft.world.chunk.Chunk.func_76592_a(Chunk.java:763)
at net.minecraft.world.World.func_72832_d(World.java:559)
at net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock.placeBlockAt(ItemBlock.java:241)
at net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock.func_77648_a(ItemBlock.java:119)
at net.minecraft.item.ItemStack.func_77943_a(ItemStack.java:153)
at net.minecraft.client.multiplayer.PlayerControllerMP.func_78760_a(PlayerControllerMP.java:401)
at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.func_71402_c(Minecraft.java:1390)
at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.func_71407_l(Minecraft.java:1868)
at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.func_71411_J(Minecraft.java:910)
at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.func_99999_d(Minecraft.java:838)
at net.minecraft.client.main.Main.main(SourceFile:101)
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source)
at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source)
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source)
at net.minecraft.launchwrapper.Launch.launch(Launch.java:131)
at net.minecraft.launchwrapper.Launch.main(Launch.java:27)
Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: buildcraft.api.power.IPowerReceptor
at net.minecraft.launchwrapper.LaunchClassLoader.findClass(LaunchClassLoader.java:97)
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
... 20 more
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