Have some questions you need answered, or need some help, or just wanna chat? Come join us in #joshie on espernet
What is Mariculture? Mariculture's main focus is the Aquatic Environment. It adds terrain generation to the oceans, with things like coral and kelp, to improve the visuals of the underwater world. The mod also expands upon the vanilla fishing system, adding various types of rods and loot you can catch with them, while requiring you to use bait in order to operate these new fishing rods. As well as this, Mariculture introduces fish breeding, which can be a handy way to get your hand on various resources, slowly but surely. There is also jewelry that you can enchant made from pearls, as well as various new objects, that will help with exploring under and above water. Mariculture also adds various machines, that use or create Redstone Flux, with a focus on water related things to power them, or function.
Wiki? Books? If you are stuck, as long as you have the mod Enchiridion installed alongside Mariculture, you will have books that you can read that will help explain many more indepth things about the mod. The first one will usually be given to you on the creation of a new world. The magic book will be given when you harvest a pearl from an oyster. And the three other books will be given to you, when you craft the following: Iron Wheel, Reed Fishing Rod, and Snorkel.
Further Information Videos
1.2.X Videos
1.1.X Videos
The Mod?
Mariculture is split in to 8 Different Modules. These barring Core, can all be enabled or disabled in the modules.cfg. Each of these modules is distinct, and relies on nothing from the others, (except the core module), but they do have cross-module features, making sure the mod still stays as a whole. The modules are the following:
Core This module, contains all the basic items and machines, that all the other modules rely on. It includes the generation of the ores, as well as the crafting items, used throughout the rest of the mod. It also contains the basic machines, like the vat and crucible furnace, which are intended for combining certain items and liquids, or melting things respectively. More details exactly about the core module can be found in the ingame books are provided. The processing book is the one you are after.
Aesthetics The Aesthetics module adds a couple of things for decoration, mostly limestone at the moment and a few pearl bricks.
Diving The Diving module adds three types of gear for exploring underwater. You have your basic Snorkel which just helps you breathe a little longer. The Diving Gear, which requires an Air Pump to get working, Allowing for better vision/speed underwater and the Scuba Gear, setting you to flight underwater and letting you breathe for miles, as well as better vision. To read up more about these, craft yourself a snorkel and it will give you more information about how everything operates when it spawns in the Diving Book!
Factory The Factory module introduces, ways to produce Redstone Flux in the form of the Turbines. It also lets you create custom blocks, in stairs and other designs, with different textures per side. There is also the Auto-Dictionary which is a block to help with unifying ores. The module also includes the F.L.U.D.D. a fun way to get around the world! As well as the Mechanized Sponge, helpful for clearing out large swathes of water. To find out more about all the blocks in this module, simply craft an iron wheel and you will get the Factory book, detailing various information about all the blocks and items.
Fishery This module, adds 40 new fish, to catch and to breed! Fish can be placed in a fish feeder, where they will produce various different items for you. Once done they produce egg, which can be hatched in to more fish. The module adds a ton of loot that you can catch with fishing rods, as well as introducing various new rods, that need to bait work. If you really hate fishing there is the autofisher, which will let you sit back and relax, though it isn't quite as efficient with it's bait as a player is. To find out more information about this module, crafting a Reed Fishing Rod and it will give you the fishing book which contains plenty of information about how to get started.
Magic This module adds various new enchantments that can only be placed on Jewelry. The semantics of how this system works depends on your Mariculture version, whether you are on 1.6 or 1.7. To find out more, simply harvest a pearl, and you will get the book! (Note: the book is outdated for 1.7 currently but will be fixed in the future!)
Transport Currently this module only adds the speedboat, this is an unbreakable boat(except by player), that goes at a fast speed across the water!
World Warning with this module, the generation can be quite intense, so for those with weaker computers, I'd recommend disabling it! Currently this module adds Kelp and Coral to the Oceans, as well as generally making them deeper. Kelp is a good source of food, while coral is great for dyes!
Mod Compatibility
Mariculture has plugins setup to add extra features with various different mods. These plugins can all be individually disabled in modules.cfg. Here's a list of which mods and how it interacts. Blood Magic With Blood Magic installed, a new fishing rod is available, the bound fishing rod, you can make it using the ritual of binding on a Titanium Fishing Rod. This bound rod uses rotten flesh and blood shards as bait. To use beast mode, you need to use blood shards. There is also a new ritual, Ritual of The Blood River. This doubles the chance of mutation in an incubator(Make sure the incubator is directly above the master ritual stone).
Biomes O Plenty Mariculture has config options to make it's coral and kelp generate in the BOP biomes. It also adds temperature/salinity support for the vast number of BOP biomes, with custom values.
Forestry Mariculture let's you craft forestry bees in to bee bait which can be used for fishing, you can eat them if you like! It also adds an Aquatic backpack, for storing all your watery goodies.
Hunger Overhaul Mariculture automatically nerfs it's food with Hunger Overhaul installed, as well as adding some nasty effects!
Not Enough Items Mariculture adds NEI integeration, so you can see various different recipes through it's handlers.
Railcraft Mariculture adds melting for steel tools, and let's you make the sheets in a rolling machine.
Thermal Expansion Mariculture adds a couple of recipes to the pulverizer as well as letting you melt redstone in it's crucible furnace.
Tinker's Construct Mariculture adds Titanium tool parts, as well as letting you perform various recipes in the smeltery. There is also a pearl modifier, which lets you put mariculture pearls on a tinkers tool, this will increase mining speed underwater.
Thaumcraft A lot of the Mariculture stuff should have their unique aspects, some may be missing, but the most common items should have them!
Waila Mariculture has a plugin that let's you see the contents of a Vat!
Can I use this mod in modpack X?
Yes. Please do not ask me.
How do I disable certain Enchantments?
Change their ids in the ids.cfg to 0, this ONLY works with Enchantments.
I can't craft recipe x with recipe y, it used to work; I don't know how to craft X
Recipes may change, the most up to data information should be find in nei, followed by my books. If you can't find how to craft something via those methods ask in this topic.
How can I get in contact with you?
You will often find me on irc.espernet in the #mariculture and #kihira channels, or you can find me on twitter @joshiejack
Install Instructions
Download the latest version of Forge, for your version of Minecraft.
Place my mod in to your mods folder
You should be good to go! You may end up with some conflicts but, you can fix those in my configs.
Reporting Bugs
From now on, I will ignore any bugs that are reported in this thread. Please ensure that you report them to my issue tracker. It is much easier to keep track of what I need to fix. Also make sure you check if a bug has been reported, before you report one(Checked closed as well), crash's without reports/details will closed. Mariculture Issue Tracker
Supporting Development
If you enjoyed this mod, and feel like chipping in to the modding effort, feel free to donate. You do NOT need to do this. I appreciate every one of my users so do not feel pressured. You can do this one of two ways, either via Patreon, where you donate a certain amount per month, or you can use the donate button below! Link to Patreon: http://www.patreon.com/joshiejack
If you are feeling brave, Mariculture has a jenkins It's not recommended to use these builds on servers especially as they are a work in progress. Cutting Edge Mariculture Builds
Nice, but is it Compatible with Biomes O plenty Kelp and Coral ?
Yes indeed. They will both only generate in those biomes too. So Kelp Forests only generate in Kelp Forest Biomes and Coral Reefs only generate in Coral Reef Biomes
Aquaculture adds its own fish that can be caught, and adds a few new fishing rods. Perhaps being able to breed aquaculture fish? It also has enchantments for fishing rods.
I was also wondering, and please, I am not saying this as a demand or even request , but to add a bit more flare to the fish tank, perhaps you could make particles(or mobs :P) emit from the fish feeder similarly to how the bee particles come out of apiaries in forestry. Just thought that that would give it that final spark that would make me say... This is officially the best mod in the entire universe! SO sorry to take your time if you even read this! I still have utter respect for you and everything you do!
I was also wondering, and please, I am not saying this as a demand or even request , but to add a bit more flare to the fish tank, perhaps you could make particles(or mobs :P) emit from the fish feeder similarly to how the bee particles come out of apiaries in forestry. Just thought that that would give it that final spark that would make me say... This is officially the best mod in the entire universe! SO sorry to take your time if you even read this! I still have utter respect for you and everything you do!
I do plan to eventually have models of the fish swimming around the feeder eventually. I just didn't feel up for making 30 models, one for each fish species :P. Would take a while, had other things I wanted to do first. I guess I could just have the item fish float around but that would probably look a little silly. Particles work too, I guess, but I had more ambitious mind xD.
I do plan to eventually have models of the fish swimming around the feeder eventually. I just didn't feel up for making 30 models, one for each fish species . Would take a while, had other things I wanted to do first. I guess I could just have the item fish float around but that would probably look a little silly.
Cool! This mod is awesome for me because I have a interest in marine biology. I even recall thinking to myself while making a bee farm "This would be way cooler with fish". This is really impressive. I can tell a ton of effort went into making it! I really hope this mod becomes uber-popular... and there are a lot of good modelers that may help you make the fish, i mean, I would if I could
Have some questions you need answered, or need some help, or just wanna chat?
Come join us in #joshie on espernet
What is Mariculture?
Mariculture's main focus is the Aquatic Environment. It adds terrain generation to the oceans, with things like coral and kelp, to improve the visuals of the underwater world. The mod also expands upon the vanilla fishing system, adding various types of rods and loot you can catch with them, while requiring you to use bait in order to operate these new fishing rods. As well as this, Mariculture introduces fish breeding, which can be a handy way to get your hand on various resources, slowly but surely. There is also jewelry that you can enchant made from pearls, as well as various new objects, that will help with exploring under and above water. Mariculture also adds various machines, that use or create Redstone Flux, with a focus on water related things to power them, or function.
Wiki? Books?
If you are stuck, as long as you have the mod Enchiridion installed alongside Mariculture, you will have books that you can read that will help explain many more indepth things about the mod. The first one will usually be given to you on the creation of a new world. The magic book will be given when you harvest a pearl from an oyster. And the three other books will be given to you, when you craft the following: Iron Wheel, Reed Fishing Rod, and Snorkel.
Further Information
1.1.X Videos
The Mod?
This module, contains all the basic items and machines, that all the other modules rely on. It includes the generation of the ores, as well as the crafting items, used throughout the rest of the mod. It also contains the basic machines, like the vat and crucible furnace, which are intended for combining certain items and liquids, or melting things respectively. More details exactly about the core module can be found in the ingame books are provided. The processing book is the one you are after.
The Aesthetics module adds a couple of things for decoration, mostly limestone at the moment and a few pearl bricks.
The Diving module adds three types of gear for exploring underwater. You have your basic Snorkel which just helps you breathe a little longer. The Diving Gear, which requires an Air Pump to get working, Allowing for better vision/speed underwater and the Scuba Gear, setting you to flight underwater and letting you breathe for miles, as well as better vision. To read up more about these, craft yourself a snorkel and it will give you more information about how everything operates when it spawns in the Diving Book!
The Factory module introduces, ways to produce Redstone Flux in the form of the Turbines. It also lets you create custom blocks, in stairs and other designs, with different textures per side. There is also the Auto-Dictionary which is a block to help with unifying ores. The module also includes the F.L.U.D.D. a fun way to get around the world! As well as the Mechanized Sponge, helpful for clearing out large swathes of water. To find out more about all the blocks in this module, simply craft an iron wheel and you will get the Factory book, detailing various information about all the blocks and items.
This module, adds 40 new fish, to catch and to breed! Fish can be placed in a fish feeder, where they will produce various different items for you. Once done they produce egg, which can be hatched in to more fish. The module adds a ton of loot that you can catch with fishing rods, as well as introducing various new rods, that need to bait work. If you really hate fishing there is the autofisher, which will let you sit back and relax, though it isn't quite as efficient with it's bait as a player is. To find out more information about this module, crafting a Reed Fishing Rod and it will give you the fishing book which contains plenty of information about how to get started.
This module adds various new enchantments that can only be placed on Jewelry. The semantics of how this system works depends on your Mariculture version, whether you are on 1.6 or 1.7. To find out more, simply harvest a pearl, and you will get the book! (Note: the book is outdated for 1.7 currently but will be fixed in the future!)
Currently this module only adds the speedboat, this is an unbreakable boat(except by player), that goes at a fast speed across the water!
Warning with this module, the generation can be quite intense, so for those with weaker computers, I'd recommend disabling it! Currently this module adds Kelp and Coral to the Oceans, as well as generally making them deeper. Kelp is a good source of food, while coral is great for dyes!
Mod Compatibility
Blood Magic
With Blood Magic installed, a new fishing rod is available, the bound fishing rod, you can make it using the ritual of binding on a Titanium Fishing Rod. This bound rod uses rotten flesh and blood shards as bait. To use beast mode, you need to use blood shards. There is also a new ritual, Ritual of The Blood River. This doubles the chance of mutation in an incubator(Make sure the incubator is directly above the master ritual stone).
Biomes O Plenty
Mariculture has config options to make it's coral and kelp generate in the BOP biomes. It also adds temperature/salinity support for the vast number of BOP biomes, with custom values.
Mariculture let's you craft forestry bees in to bee bait which can be used for fishing, you can eat them if you like! It also adds an Aquatic backpack, for storing all your watery goodies.
Hunger Overhaul
Mariculture automatically nerfs it's food with Hunger Overhaul installed, as well as adding some nasty effects!
Not Enough Items
Mariculture adds NEI integeration, so you can see various different recipes through it's handlers.
Mariculture adds melting for steel tools, and let's you make the sheets in a rolling machine.
Thermal Expansion
Mariculture adds a couple of recipes to the pulverizer as well as letting you melt redstone in it's crucible furnace.
Tinker's Construct
Mariculture adds Titanium tool parts, as well as letting you perform various recipes in the smeltery. There is also a pearl modifier, which lets you put mariculture pearls on a tinkers tool, this will increase mining speed underwater.
A lot of the Mariculture stuff should have their unique aspects, some may be missing, but the most common items should have them!
Mariculture has a plugin that let's you see the contents of a Vat!
Yes. Please do not ask me.
How do I disable certain Enchantments?
Change their ids in the ids.cfg to 0, this ONLY works with Enchantments.
I can't craft recipe x with recipe y, it used to work; I don't know how to craft X
Recipes may change, the most up to data information should be find in nei, followed by my books. If you can't find how to craft something via those methods ask in this topic.
How can I get in contact with you?
You will often find me on irc.espernet in the #mariculture and #kihira channels, or you can find me on twitter @joshiejack
Install Instructions

Download the latest version of Forge, for your version of Minecraft.
Place my mod in to your mods folder
You should be good to go! You may end up with some conflicts but, you can fix those in my configs.
Reporting Bugs
From now on, I will ignore any bugs that are reported in this thread. Please ensure that you report them to my issue tracker. It is much easier to keep track of what I need to fix. Also make sure you check if a bug has been reported, before you report one(Checked closed as well), crash's without reports/details will closed.
Mariculture Issue Tracker
Supporting Development
If you enjoyed this mod, and feel like chipping in to the modding effort, feel free to donate. You do NOT need to do this. I appreciate every one of my users so do not feel pressured. You can do this one of two ways, either via Patreon, where you donate a certain amount per month, or you can use the donate button below! Link to Patreon: http://www.patreon.com/joshiejack
Enchiridion 1.2b
Minecraft 1.7.10
If you are feeling brave, Mariculture has a jenkins
It's not recommended to use these builds on servers especially as they are a work in progress.
Cutting Edge Mariculture Builds
Click here for Older Versions
My Role-Play Characters:
-Gemma Landline
-Xavier Rideout
-Ben Jones
Yes indeed. They will both only generate in those biomes too. So Kelp Forests only generate in Kelp Forest Biomes and Coral Reefs only generate in Coral Reef Biomes
(sorry, couldn't help myself)
In what sort of way are you thinking of?
Aquaculture adds its own fish that can be caught, and adds a few new fishing rods. Perhaps being able to breed aquaculture fish? It also has enchantments for fishing rods.
I do plan to eventually have models of the fish swimming around the feeder eventually. I just didn't feel up for making 30 models, one for each fish species :P. Would take a while, had other things I wanted to do first. I guess I could just have the item fish float around but that would probably look a little silly. Particles work too, I guess, but I had more ambitious mind xD.
Come on, just click that subscribe button! I promise ya, you won't regret it
I have a close connection to mod creator, i will get a mod spotlight made ASAP showing off everything in the awesome mod
Yes it does work with biomes o plenty and he is planning to add config options for enchants