I've got a bit of a problem. I'm trying to make a modpack for Minecraft 1.6.4 but I wanna do it without having to alter my current Minecraft.jar, such as via the Technic Launcher. I know there's a way how to do it, as it's been done before in previous releases via the universal downloads, but with the new launcher for Minecraft AND the previous reliance of 1.5 for every other modpack, I can't figure out how to install Forge, Optifine, and several other mods without the installer trying to take over for me and put it where I don't want.
Is there a way for me to be able to put Forge into a modpack without the need to ask the player to install forge on their minecraft first before launch? Please help! I've been looking for an answer for days and it's already starting to make me go a bit insane...
Any and all help on this situation is greatly appreciated.
I've got a bit of a problem. I'm trying to make a modpack for Minecraft 1.6.4 but I wanna do it without having to alter my current Minecraft.jar, such as via the Technic Launcher. I know there's a way how to do it, as it's been done before in previous releases via the universal downloads, but with the new launcher for Minecraft AND the previous reliance of 1.5 for every other modpack, I can't figure out how to install Forge, Optifine, and several other mods without the installer trying to take over for me and put it where I don't want.
Is there a way for me to be able to put Forge into a modpack without the need to ask the player to install forge on their minecraft first before launch? Please help! I've been looking for an answer for days and it's already starting to make me go a bit insane...
Any and all help on this situation is greatly appreciated.