The default configs have redstone working, and nether quartz can be enabled by adding 153:0 to the pickaxe whitelist. This can be achieved ingame by
Are you using a modpack?
I just tested with FTB Monster and Railcraft pickaxes work on both Nether Quartz and Redstone with their configs.
Edit: I am running a madpack server.
You need to update VeinMiner Mod Support
You need to install it on the server, not just the client.
What gets vein mined:
some various ores
What doesnt get mined:
oak wood with an axe
stone with a pickaxe (as should be enabled via overides)
sand/gravel/dirt/grass with a fist (as should be enabled via overides)
Any Ideas as to why it isn't working for me?
You need to add cobble to the pickaxe block whitelist. Have a look at the config file.
Sorry, can't do that. I just call the destroy-block method that the tool normally uses, so I have no control over drop rates.
Applied Energistics 2 Developer
AE2:Intelligent Energistics Developer
They are in the changelog show with each download.
Yes, but you can configure the tools it works with in the config file.
It's a bug. It will be fixed soon.
It has been fixed now.
Should I redownload?
Ensure you are on the latest version. Try again. If it still fails, make a ticket on the issue tracker with a log of it not loading up.
The same way you change any other keybind, in the controls menu in-game.
I put the VeinMiner0.9.3_MC16.jar in my "mods" folder. After I launched the server, It started up, but crashed. Here is the crash report:
Here is the output directly from the server:
Anything I need to do? does it have to be in a zip? Please help me, I really need some help here. I appreciate any responses!
-submitted by ButtonPusher, original designer of proof-of-concept Alpha Omega 1.6.4 modpack (400+ mods)-
title screen at 10 minutes into video - http://www.twitch.tv/button_pusher_/v/49042838