tried with a stone pick, took out a ton of cobble (nearly 6 stacks) and destroyed 2 picks (im assuming that Inv_tweaks replaced the first pick and VM kept going) (i had 2 in my inv)
went with an iron pick next. destroyed the pick, but only gave 1 stack +54 cobble
I have been watching straymav (Twitch) play the mod pack overload (it has veinminer) and i think i saw him add a block id ingame. If it is possible would you please tell me how to do that. And can you add tools to???
Strange. An iron pick should give you about 6 stacks and 2 stone picks should get you just over 2 stacks.
I'll investigate, see if I can reproduce it and fix it.
Have you tried using ? The documentation is there. However, the in-game documentation might be terrible, in which case I am open to suggestions for improvement.
That is coming. Planning on adding support for both ores and logs (especially when using forestry and a biome mod, it can be a lot of IDs). Thinking on doing some stuff with tools as well.
When using the "activate on everything mineable" option it would be really nice to be able to blacklist block ID's. This would make it easy to have Veinminer work on every valuable block while disabling it for things like stone and dirt. It would save a lot of time setting up configs since it would mostly work automatically.
I do understand that this might not be very easy depending on how the mod is coded and that this might not happen, so I do want to emphasize that I really appreciate this mod and you making it!
Basically I broke a ticking tileEntity while being in creative. As far as I was concerned I didnt use the VeinMiner ability by pressing my custom key (set in config to use it)
I posted an Ticket.
Applied Energistics 2 Developer
AE2:Intelligent Energistics Developer
Otherwise, can you provide more specific info (What specific block did you try and break), as I fixed what I could find, even though I could not replicate the bug.
DieHardW - Minecraft Masteur
After you start it for the first time, there should be VeinMiner.cfg.
I know I put the correct id's in the right section but I think I'm just entering them wrong.
EDIT: Forgot to mention vanilla ores behave as I want it's just additional ores from certain FTB mods that this happens to.
EDIT 2: It would help if I used the latest version for 1.5.2. That might be what was wrong.
also, have you thought about making this mod into an enchant that you can put onto tools to get the mod's function to work? it'd be a nice challenging addition to the mod and might interest a larger group of users this way...
and when I'm low on hunger, I keep getting chatspammed that I'm too hungry to use veinminer, even when I'm not using it or disabled it with the hotkey
also, it seems gravel ore from Tinker's Construct doesn't work anymore with veinminer with the latest Tinker's Construct version. I've the gravel ores enabled, but the shovels are not veinmining them anymore
I cant find the veinminer.cfg file; does it come with the download?
EDIT: I used the in-game veinminer setting (/veinminer toollist add [tool]) but it doesnt work. ..
EDIT(2): Question, Is this mod for just Ubuntu???? just asking because of ur profile pic...... (and does it also work on windows 8???)
unleashed is 1.5, do you have a 1.5 version of veinminer?
Also, I'm having an issue myself, I added this to the 1.6 FTB Horizons Pack and everytime I try to veinmine redstone it doesn't work, it only minds the one block. It works with everything else that I have tried, but not redstone.
It's in the config for the mod
At the very bottom of your config file you will find:
# Allow all tools, including the open hand, to be used to mine blocks.
change the word "false" to "true" and then relaunch or game
1: the veinminer config file is created when you install the mod and launch your game, it can be found in your .minecraft folder (if you added it to a modpack, such as ftb, the location will be different)
2: whether or not this works is dependent on your minecraft game, having Windows8 shouldn't effect the functionality of the mod.
what is happening when you try to edit the config file?...
1 - Nether Quartz is being ignored COMPLETELY.
By which I mean, no matter what I do, I only ever get one block mined at a time. Whether the mode is set to auto or sneak, or whatever, no matter what tool I use (and have correctly added, believe me, railcraft steel pickaxes work fine for almost every ore (see problem 2) but nether quartz, nope) I get JUST THE ONE BLOCK AT A TIME.
2 - Redstone ore is being ignored (unless I ding each additional ore block so it's "lit up") and this seems stupid, since the lit and unlit redstone ore should have the same block ID, just different metadata (and using a blanket block ID works for mods that do that, like gregtech, or metallurgy) so I don't get this, either.