Yeah, wands could be used for fine-tuned manipulation of aura and gauntlets could be the more offensive type.
Personally, i had the idea that wands are instead used as conduits/fuses/capacitors for the more magical machinery, storing Vis for internal processes and acting as magic circuit breakers that break when overloaded, sparing the machine any damage at the cost of its work being interrupted. Or perhaps just being used to divert flux effects of infusion somewhere else, either diverting it or leading it somewhere specific.
I like the wisp lantern idea, Very nice. I never can't help but imagine a whole industry dedicated for wisps really, to the point it could be compared to the robots from Factorio. With "Lighthouse" lanterns where a large amounts of wisps can rest. Hoops that that they fly through, directing them where to go over long distances much like Embers treats their "energy" transport. Input/output ports on flat machinery, no larger than Extra Utilities's transfer nodes, with wisps flitting in and out as they bring items over and around. Etc.
Then again, i have a habit of over-aggrandizing animate scenes of things in my mind. Aah, The wonders of the mind.
It's too bad the images don't stick around for long enough for me to reliably replicate them into image.
Heck, with the words, "Wisp Infusion" alone i imagined a tower structure, much like the infusion pillars, but with a Thaumatorium-ish structure on-top, doubling the size. Fragments and essentia are absorbed, glowy and fancy stuff, lightning strikes, and the "Creation Chamber" splits open, The Wisp flying out...
Say, on the topic of thauma-toriums, You wouldn't happen to have a Infusion-torium laying around would ya? I kid, kid!
I mean, Geeze, how would you even balance that?
Uhm, of course, anything we get is likely to impress regardless. Say, i wonder if tamed wisps responds to sound, specifically, Music. Perhaps they are likely to change their "tune" (heh) if you play them some notes? Though hauling around a note block or such is rather cumbersome, perhaps a harmonica, or a mouth harp like instrument would suit better.
Mh-Blagh. I really wish i had something more to contribute, even if it was just theory-crafting, but my mind's drawing up a blank today.
I could say a thousand words, and they still wouldn't be enough to capture how dear this mod is to me. Ahh, To discover it for the first time again, all the way back in TC2. What a magical time we've had over the years. So nice to see it back.
So my question is: How attached are you guys to golems? What if they were wisps instead?
For the record, golems are one of my absolute favorite parts, not just of Thaumcraft, but of modded Minecraft in general. I would be very sad to see them go, and I know a lot of other people would as well.
Wisps just don't have the some loveability. You can't put monocles or a fez on a wisp. What's the point?
Apologies for two very large posts in one page, but I've been holding out on posting this for quite a while. These are thoughts, suggestions, and ideas I had while playing through Beta3 to Beta6.
(also I would like to bring your attention once again to my wisp integration idea a few posts above)
Thaumcraft 6 Thoughts (as of BETA 3 4 5 6):
-Theorycrafting needs a bit of a rework. As it stands, earlygame theorycrafting is difficult due to the large number of varied areas, but also the types of items that are requested. At one point, an Artiface card asked for an entire Anvil. That's 31 iron. Another (Alchemy?) asked from a Chorous Fruit, a Post-Enderdragon material, claiming it was a basic material. Golemancy has far too few cards, or at least it seems so. Suggestions: Rework resources that can be requested, perhaps based on how many researches are unlocked in the given category. Early Alchemy theorywork will ask for primal crystals, for example, or common secondary crystals, or semi-simple materials, etc. Also add in a button to, perhaps at the cost of 1 inspiration (or just restarting entirely), redraw cards instead of needing to break the table if you hit a dead end. Okay that’s been added now. Nice! Now we just need a trashcan block that fills up with crumpled papers as you throw out theories, which you can kick over in frustration.
-Vanilla aspect distribution could still use some work. Permutatio, Praecantatio, Instrumentatum, Mortuus (or was it Eximus?) all seem a bit too rare.
-Needing glowstone to begin is crummy, since it requires visiting the Nether or getting very lucky with Witches like I did. Needing Redstone and a pretty large number of all 6 types of primal crystal is a bit nuts. I understand you only need 3 to start, technically, but you need enough for 4 thaumometers (4 of each, plus 9 more for 3 salis mundus for the table, crucible, and thaumonomicon) for your basic tools: Thaumometer, Caster Gauntlet, and Goggles of Revealing. It took me probably a good 4-5 hours of searching just to find all 6 crystal types, and not in a very good quantity. Getting started with the mod is now extremely slow, and even once started, it can take hours until you can even begin to craft anything more useful than Nitor, depending on your luck with the RNG theorycrafting and resources, whereas before all you needed was a couple iron, a couple gold, and some sticks.
-The Diotropa or whatever it's called is kind of confusing. It says it uses a 13 chunk radius (so a 26 chunk by 26 chunk area), yet has a 12x12 grid... which would make each grid segment cound as like... 2.17 chunks. Unless the grid points are actually the chunks, which is unintuitive since Chunks are typically represented as a grid, but that's still strange.
-I assume there will be Caster Gauntlet Upgrades? It says in the entry that Iron is all there is to work with yet, but yet after discovering Brass and Thaumium, or having Gold, there's no addendums about making it stronger (preferably without needing to re-craft it completely)
-Suggestions: Perhaps it already exists, but if it does, I missed it. The ability to give a created Focus a unqiue name upon construction would be cool. As would Golem construction. I understand an Anvil and Name Tags could likely be used respectively, but still.
-I understand this will probably be dealt with in a later Beta, since finishing touches and all, but there are a lot of grammatical and spelling errors in the Thaumonomicon. Also, every message in the mod seems to switch between first (I) and second (You) person constantly, which is annoying. Sometimes in the same sentence. Also, some pages (Basic Golemancy) have no description or name, some blocks (Everfull Urn) have no name, and some pages have duplicate descriptions from completely different items (Warded Jars, pre-research, has the same description as the Essentia Smelter, I think?)
-Things I am hoping make a return soon (unless they're already there and i just haven't found them yet):
Thaumostatic Harness (perhaps as a bauble rather than as a chestpiece), Some equivalent to Void Seals (say, a Mirror that has been stabilized somehow, possibily utilizing Eldritch Tech, since how cool would it be to have a starry-void in your mirror that you could use to teleport long distances? It's been a long time since we had a Thaumic method of proper teleporation.)
-The amount of warp gained from the very few (current) forbidden researches seems negligable. I didn't even get the warp-gain message when I researched the Brain in a Jar. It is also said that Warp affects the body. I hope we get to see some more of those effects in the future, perhaps even weird phsyical mutations that come and go as your mind and body become more attuned to the void.
-Suggestion: A page to track what items have what aspects would be useful. (I am using the Thaumic JEI addon currently, thank goodness for that or else I would have gone insane, and not in the fun Eldritch knowledge way) Also maybe a way to auto-scan unscanned items that you pick up/look at, as a mid-late game alternative to pulling out your Thaumometer all the time.
-Foci may still need a bit of balancing. Not sure as of the latest Betas.
-If the Rift Focus cannot create a rift that attaches to somewhere, it should just not create, period. As it stands, a misclick can have you at the bottom of a pit which seals and suffocates you... Granted, this DOES make it the single best offensive focus currently in the game (as you can trap any non-flying, non-stationary enemy and have them suffocate, and their drops convieniently bump up to the surface) but I do not believe that is the intention.
-Suggestion: Perhaps make Taint “clean up” poorly after enough flux has drained? Similar how it turned to dust in TC5, becoming useless and barren. Like how there's porous stone, tainted soil, tainted wood, etc. would become like...barren soil that cannot be planted on or get grass, and petrified wood which is just useless. The swollen growths would turn to decayed husks, formerly tainted crystals would become dead, vis-free crystals, and absolutely no mobs would spawn on any of this. Keep it a scar on the world after it's dealt with. Also if it's not too difficult, introduce stair and slab versions of tainted/porous rock so that structures made with those convert properly.
-Suggestion: Remove Helmet of Revealing, perhaps. Goggles are Baubles now, and don't conflict with the helmet slot so it's kind of pointless. Instead perhaps make a helmet that scans unscanned objects automatically and shows the aura meter like the Thaumometer does.
-Suggestion: Make the Gauntlet function correctly in offhand. It seems this functionality is partially there, in that you can use it and bring up the focus menu in offhand, however the vis meter and focus display do not show up, and you cannot actually select foci from the menu as your cursor does not become free.
-Suggestion: Also, make the UI element positions configurable. As it stands, the Gauntlet UI conflicts with the default (and for me, preferred) placement of enemy healthbar mods and damage indicators. Being able to at least choose the side/top/bottom it shows in would be helpful.
-Suggestion: Combat gauntlets. I was going to make this a mod one day, however my Java skills are not well developed so I didn't. This is the perfect opportunity, however. They could be an alternative to staffs: Melee-combat capable casting devices. Perhaps even implement a way so that on one right click, offhand (shield) is used, and on a fast double-rightclick, the focus is used. Just affix claws to the gauntlet! Or knuckles. This goes well hand-in-hand with my thought above about upgradeable gauntlet materials. (And come on, admit it, you want to be able to punch things to death with your magic fist of doom.)
-Another Gauntlet Suggestion: Touch up the model to be a bit more... gauntlet-ey. Just make the metal knuckle parts protrude a bit, even, to give it some more definition other than strange brownish-grey rectangle. I mean, I knoooowwwww our hands are just strange, various-colored rectangles but... This is Thaumcraft! Thaumcraft has non-rectangeles and fancy models and... um... Gauntlet!!
-Another suggestion to do with cosmetics: Do a pass over the spritework to try to make everything a bit more consistent. For example, the sanity checker sprite looks almost like the pre-3d placeholder Thaumometer sprite, in that it has a thick outline and looks kind of undetailed. The hand mirror, for another example, has a thick, very black outline on the bottom, and no outline on the top, making it look like two sprites cobbled together. The cloudstepper ring has a fancy high-quality particle effect when vanilla smoke would be just as effective, although I understand high-res fancy particles are part of the Thaumcraft experience.
-Larger Golems. Again, come on, everyone(*) wants huge guardian statues at the front door of their lab. Or a big one walking behind with a pech-sized backpack to carry your loot as you go dungeoning. Go a step further! Put YOUR brain in a golem! BECOME THE GOLEM. Ehehehehe- e-er... I think I may need to make some more sanity soap.
-GRAPPLE FOCUS. Come on. This was a brilliant idea. Please bring it back! Spiderthaumaturge, Spiderthaumaturge, does whatever a Spider... actually Minecraft spiders don't swing from webs so... ANALOGY! REFERENCE! RELEVANCE!
-I'm not saying you should bring back wands and staffs... but it would be a cool option! Even if they're less effective than the gauntlet(s). Just as an option mid-game or something, to reconnect with your roots. (Also I just like hitting things on the head with a staff. Hehehe.)
-More forbidden research! Not that I particularily... Okay yes I want more. More. More knowledge. More. More. More. I must know ALL. SURPASS EVEN THE ELDRITCH OF ANCIENT LORE!
cough-cough- er...
-Making taint seeds take damage when there's no flux is cool and all... But ineffective. Giant Taint Seeds regen health just as fast as they lose it, and since the seeds constantly produce flux, the only way to actually keep them taking damage is to spam a Creative Mode Flux Sponge constantly since the moment there's even 1 flux, they stop dying and just recover their health.
-Bug: The rendering of bolt foci seems to be broken, as they now make a large colored blob of a bolt that stays in place for a few seconds before just popping out of existence.
May be fixed in BETA5?
-Bug: Shifting over items now displays aspects above the tooltip, and where aspects should be displayed, instead displays glitched out text.
May be fixed in BETA5?
-Bug: Infusion Enchantment Research cannot be started, as it does not detect a Sharpness I enchanted book, even if you have one in your inventory.
Fixed in BETA5.
i didn’t even get to try this one before it was replaced. These notes are getting more and more outdated as time goes on. Aaaaaa. I need to actually post them eventually.
Yeah, wands could be used for fine-tuned manipulation of aura and gauntlets could be the more offensive type.
Hmm, I feel it should be other way around. Even in real world, You usually use your digits for fine work and different kinds of specially crafted murder-sticks for smacking enemies or shooting projectiles at them.
Regarding the golems and whisps; i kinda like the idea of golems being the tier 1 servants. Being a bit slow and clunky by design, and then having whisps being the tier 2 servants, being more efficient and having an easier way to traverse the landscape, but also being harder to get and more expensive. Also i don't see a whisp being able to push a button or do similar tasks.
Hmm, so tier 3 can be elementals, or daemons? Or possibility to summon animals or villagers? Or necromancy. Just imagine assault of crimson cultist accompanied by winged demon... ...and these can open doors have chest on back and auto loot on its own?
One idea I had is that 'wild' wisps would once again drop wisp essences when killed. You can then take those essences and craft them into a 'tame' wisp (via infusion crafting or something new). The essences you use determines the abilities and stats of the wisp.
That must be something new. I would imagine a new type of "alchemy" station where the wisp esence gets liquified and them poured upon a "wisp core" creating a wisp
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Yes, I AM a Vampire. Nice of you to notice.
Why is that box so big? What do you mean I should stop breaking the fourth wall?
Hmm, I feel it should be other way around. Even in real world, You usually use your digits for fine work and different kinds of specially crafted murder-sticks for smacking enemies or shooting projectiles at them.
I feel gauntlets are more like Iron Man's repulsors: Mainly used for offensive abilities, like the foci. Wands are used for tapping the aura and recharging itself for arcane crafting.
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I just took the Minecraft Noob test! Check out what I scored. Think you can beat me?!
Hmm, so tier 3 can be elementals, or daemons? Or possibility to summon animals or villagers? Or necromancy. Just imagine assault of crimson cultist accompanied by winged demon... ...and these can open doors have chest on back and auto loot on its own?
as cool as it is i think the things your suggesting are, most things, notabley, necromancy and demon summoning doesnt feel thaumcraft to me. how ive seen thaumcraft, especially with the recent incarnations, is a mix of clockpunk and lovecraft, i dont think those would have a place in the mod, im no mod dev but "you should add flying combat minions, and the ability to summon cultists, and they have storage space, and they can auto loot" sounds like a lot to throw into a mod whereas it might not fit thematically to begin with
That said for a craft able minion/mob suggestion the one i remember the most and feel would fit were the clockwork horse ideas that were thrown around way back when.
Edit: Actually went back a few pages to read up on what i missed on the thread, but i do stand by a "why not both" idea if keeping golems maintained isnt too much to ask for, i'd love wisps, but the golems can give a sense of livelyhood that i dont think a ball of light hovering around would. its a lot easier to assign a pet name to something humanoid, that sorta stuff.
It revolves around Wisps 1. acting much like other tameable mobs 2. loving vis 3. hating taint.
- Wisps can be tamed with food, food being Vis crystals. Wisps prefer crystals of similar types. They can also led around by holding a crystal in hand
- Wisps are curious about all kind of magic machinery, so are likely to stay around your base.
- Wisps have to be fed crystals occasionally. Otherwise they will steal them from inventories such as chests and TC crafting table.
- Wisps can grow in size, strength and durability if you do... not sure what. Maybe, feed them some specific crystal types?
- Wisps hate taint. They will scrub taint from atmosphere at moderate speed (depending on Wisp size). If taint level will grow dangerously high, they will act very distressful - they will make unhappy sounds, shockbolt machines that produce taint (no effect) and players and mobs around them. They can also try to use other methods to disable them - from removing fuel to breaking blocks themselves.
- Wisps attack taint mobs always. Also, if they are friendly to you enough, they attacks mobs that attack you, and eventually - mobs of same type. I.e. after you have been attacked by skeletons few times when sip is around, it will start attacking on sight.
- Wisps that are strong enough can teleport around, even across dimensions. They can teleport away when on low health to regenerate, or teleport to you if they have lost you. Maybe even teleport to base to drop down some loot for you.
Perhaps instead of taming them you create a flytrap that attracts and traps wisps? Perhaps tethers them to a block so they can't escape.
This block could then be upgraded to make the wisps do things within the tether.
Reminds me of that event where a ball lightning got stuck on a car, that may or may not have happened
And yes, the wisps themselves will be entirely clientside and effectively just particle FX created by a block. I am still playing around with the details, but my current thoughts are a "wisp lantern" you place. You place the crafted wisps inside the lantern - visually they will then float around the lantern and be sent out to do stuff. There could be different tiers of lanterns that can house more wisps and possibly special upgrade items that improved the housed wisps.
Obviously wisps will have to be more common. Actually that gives me an idea - in the current version most wisps are spawned due to high flux. There could be something you place in the world that encourages flux events that spawn wisps instead of the other nasty stuff like taint. Hmmmm, two birds one stone.
Would the production of wisps in the area resultant of high flux, lower the flux as well? For numbers example, lets say there was 400 flux in the area while the minimum to spawn wisps would be, lets say 350 and each wisp that spawned due to this would consume 25 flux meaning you would only get two wisps without raising the flux further. You could also have it to where for wisps to function, they consume flux while in the area too, so that would mean you would have to produce flux on purpose for them to work. This would add a whole new aspect to flux management, so where before flux was bad in all aspects, now it would be seen as a necessity to have wisps.
Also you could have it where too high a flux and they go out of control and super charge, making them multiple times stronger than before, and subsequently much more dangerous to yourself. Of course you would want the stipulations for minimum flux to only apply to tamed ones. You could have it say something along the lines of "You have discovered a way to manipulate the flux in the area, propelling these creatures of pure energy to do your bidding, the result being that the continuous manipulation seems to drain the flux in the area. Whether this is a blessing or a curse is yet to be seen. You feel wary though, knowing that too much flux and you won't be able to manipulate that massive amount of raw magic."
Speaking of rarity: the world generation has significantly changed with 1.10 compared to 1.7. While swamp is a common biome, so you usually have one in a 1k block radius around you, jungle is now a rare biome, which means: to get the cocoa beans requires for the harvest seal you might have to travel 10k blocks or more to find a jungle biome.
So it is actually faster to respawn worlds till you start in a jungle biome, then do all the research again, than to find a jungle biome in most worlds.
I will just toss in a mention here for the Nature's Compass mod.
However, I'll also toss in a related caveat. In an RTG world, it appears Magical Forest biomes do not spawn at all. Nature's Compass works in an RTG world on any other biome, and will direct me to where a Magical Forest should be ... but there is no Magical Forest biome there when I get there. I'm still researching this, but I suspect it has something to do with a message on the server console during boot about RTG being unable to find a "realistic version" of the Magical Forest biome.
Hi Azanor. First off, let me say how happy I am that you are back and working on Thaumcraft. It's still my favourite mod of all time and that's not changing any time soon.
Saying that, here are a few (hopefully constructive) criticisms of the current beta:
Boring Aura
My problem with the current incarnation of the Aura is that it seems to serve no purpose. Does it encourage me to explore my surroundings to find better sources of Vis? No, most chunks seem to have a decent amount. Does it entice me in the early game to think up improvements to my Vis delivery system, supported by new technology I can research? No, it seems you fairly quickly hit a cap on the things you can do to manipulate the aura beyond plopping down a Workbench Charger. I expect this will change with the (possible?) reintroduction of nodes but it's worth pointing out.
Vis, currently, only serves to slow down crafting. It always comes down to “Is this number on my workbench bigger or smaller than the number I need for the item I'm crafting?”. It doesn't feel very magical and with so few ways to engineer yourself out of this problem, there is no reward to be had. Only pain.
Speed Bumps or “How Research Ruined My Early Game”
First off, I like the new research system, in essence. But, it's currently far from perfect. To save space here, I will simply quote a section from Shaadaris's rather thorough review from the previous page:
-Needing glowstone to begin is crummy, since it requires visiting the Nether or getting very lucky with Witches like I did. Needing Redstone and a pretty large number of all 6 types of primal crystal is a bit nuts. I understand you only need 3 to start, technically, but you need enough for 4 thaumometers (4 of each, plus 9 more for 3 salis mundus for the table, crucible, and thaumonomicon) for your basic tools: Thaumometer, Caster Gauntlet, and Goggles of Revealing. It took me probably a good 4-5 hours of searching just to find all 6 crystal types, and not in a very good quantity. Getting started with the mod is now extremely slow, and even once started, it can take hours until you can even begin to craft anything more useful than Nitor, depending on your luck with the RNG theorycrafting and resources, whereas before all you needed was a couple iron, a couple gold, and some sticks.
Let me put it another way: now that research requires you to craft things, you need a lot more resources up-front before you can get stuck-in to the nuts and bolts of the mod. Basically, you now have hard cap on progression, where before it was softer; only requiring a bit of research “grind”.
I'll give one other example to illustrate the point: lets say I'm low on string in the early game, a common problem. If I want to use alchemy to get more string, I first need to complete Hedge Alchemy pt. 2, which requires slime balls. If you've ever spawned in a world far from a swamp, you will know how long it can take to get access to slime balls.
Side note: as others have mentioned, there needs to be feedback feedback of what you've discovered, whenever a discovery is made. I have a very hard time figuring it out just from inside the Thaumonomicon.
The Death of Wands
I'm going to say it. It's not a popular opinion, but it's my opinion: I don't like Gauntlets. I was excited when they were announced, “Hey, look, another cool new toy to add to my collection and a new way to interact with foci”. At the time, I had not even considered that this might mean the death of one of my most beloved aspects of Thaumcraft: wands.
Now I know what you're thinking, “But Barleypaper, gauntlets are just wands but better!”. And to that I say yes, and no. Yes, magitech Ironman is cool. But, no, gauntlets are inferior to wands in numerous and significant ways which relate to some of the fundamentals of the mod.
To be as brief as possible: wands added complexity. To everything. The artifice research trees were more complex and, in my opinion, interesting to explore when there were a wide range of wand and focus techs available. Shafts, caps, staves, scepters, multiple foci, infusion recipes, powerful endgame customisation, multiple materials, all combined to make just crafting wands an extremely interesting challenge. Wands even managed to add an additional layer of complexity to other crafting recipes by being so tightly coupled to the workbench mechanics: vis capacity, aspect attunement, discounts, etc. Lastly, wands were thematically and aesthetically perfect for this mod.
Now, don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that the only solution here is to remove gauntlets and bring back wands. But something needs to be done to address this gaping hole in Thaumcraft which the removal of wands has created. This is currently my biggest gripe with TC6.
To Wisp or not to Wisp
Golems vs wisps feels like a very similar conundrum to wands vs gauntlets. In other words: I think you should be careful that you're not stripping away too much of the complexity to for sake of, whatever is it. Convenience, efficiency?
Side node: I can't help but relate the wisp idea to the idea of bots in Factorio. Bots are great, and handy, but they don't offer as many interesting engineering challenges as belts.
My vote would be to add wisps but keep golems. If that's too much development effort (an important consideration), then just keep golems; they're cute.
Nice Things, Yay
I really like some of the changes! Unifying Vis crystals all into one item is such a nice way of handling them. The new way of crafting the crystals has also made alchemy, for me, way more intuitive and fun than it used to be.
The new research system has a lot of potential. The new Vis system, while currently less interesting than the old one, also has potential if more gadgets (and hopefully nodes) are added. I also really like the new baubles: being able to wear goggles in a different slot is super handy. And the new infusion enchantments, which compliment rather than conflict with the vanilla ones (that's always been my favourite thing about this mod).
Wisps, such strange creatures. Contently debated whether they are alive or not.
In my mind, golems is used for material tasks, such as chopping trees, butchering, crafting. While wisps would be used more for inventory sorting, item transport, and maybe building and/or multi-block forming.
It would be really cool if you could use a focus to set a boundary, like buildcraft's quarries, and then essentially copy, cut, or paste, into that area.
Wisps would be flying around, grabbing or placing materials in a chest as they tear down or assemble a structure.
You'd need something like a Architects Table, to instruct wisps on how to read the schematic, And maybe to view what you've copied yourself. Perhaps giving them instructions through various bells and instruments attached to the table. Anyways, i'm getting ahead of myself.
I'd love to have that though, Wisps flitting back and forth, breaking and placing blocks as they either flatten terrain, hollow out mountains, or just build a house or tower, perhaps just extending on your own home.
Using them to copy-paste a feature you find beautiful, or just to move your entire structure which you've spent hours making, just a few block to the side because you didn't plan its placement just right, or calculated wrong and didn't notice before it was to late, Etc.
It would be very useful, is what i'm saying.
(You could also use it to have users give you their own structures easily, Just by sharing the schematics. Potentially good for enriching the world-gen.)
Gauntlets, the refinement of knowledge lost ages past. A gauntlet could be composed into a few different categories:
Vis resonator(the Circle,Focus), Channel medium(Fingertips,Metal), Grip(Binding,Leather), and Storage/Conduit(Internal,Material).
These four would be laid out on different parts of a schematic parchment with the overlay of a gauntlet, where you could exchange them.
The Vis resonator acts as a mixture of the caps and core of the wands. with greater focus on the core parts, such as focii-type affinities.
The Channel Medium is like the caps of a wand, with different metals altering its effects and bonuses for channeling Vis.
The grip determines how easily it is to move your hand in the gauntlet, a metal grip won't be very useful for crafting, but grant bonus to focii usage, whereas a cloth grip wont be very good for combat, but will be more efficient in its Vis use.
The Storage/Conduit determines the gauntlets affinity and, well, storage. Or rather how much Vis it can channel through a focus at the same time, A better Storage/Conduit material gives your focii more Oomph so to say.
Of course, i'm just brainstorming here.
Minor gripes, the consequence of unresolved issues and opinions.
There aren't many, the only most prominent one being the pipes. Their "steam" seem to act sometimes as if they're still connected to the same network instead of separated when you use the wand to redirect them, could just be my imagination though. Also, it is still a bit finicky. having had to move a jar to make the Thaumatorium seemingly register it through the pipes.
I do kinda wish that you could place multiple pipes in the same block-space though (EnderIO has spoiled me greatly), switches and such being placed on the pipes and not as whole sections.
Well, Dreams are dreams. Hmm, I wonder if a Thaumaturge could make a bed that advances time to night instead of day?
Ah, yes. You have no way of knowing what is the breaking point of flux, such as when it can start to produce taint. A tiny notch, or number on the gauge would be helpful. And prevent me from panicking just because the alembics are out-putting double digits of flux into the aura when mass-smelting.
Aura, the ephemeral energy of quintessential reality.
It... Doesn't really feel alive right now i've gotta agree. It would me nice if it shifted and flowed, like the weather. Though that might be a bit much to ask.
"weather" events could be neat as well. just semi-random conditions that changes the amount, increasing or decreasing the amount available for about a day, like a passing high-front, or low-front. Let's just pretend such things wouldn't bring anything nasty, like say aura version of tornadoes, with them.
Whup, brain empty. gotta talk(write) more later.
Ah well, have a good day. Or at least, have A day.
I thought the research game in Thaumcraft 6 started you out with ten inspiration. I just got established enough in this world to get back to bootstrapping Thaumcraft and I'm being presented with five. That doesn't seem right...
...OK, so after making a thaumometer and scanning my entire storeroom (139 observations worth), now I have six inspiration and am on my way to my first epiphany.
Please make the gauntlet's vis level to be shown when used in the offhand.
Personally, i had the idea that wands are instead used as conduits/fuses/capacitors for the more magical machinery, storing Vis for internal processes and acting as magic circuit breakers that break when overloaded, sparing the machine any damage at the cost of its work being interrupted. Or perhaps just being used to divert flux effects of infusion somewhere else, either diverting it or leading it somewhere specific.
I like the wisp lantern idea, Very nice. I never can't help but imagine a whole industry dedicated for wisps really, to the point it could be compared to the robots from Factorio. With "Lighthouse" lanterns where a large amounts of wisps can rest. Hoops that that they fly through, directing them where to go over long distances much like Embers treats their "energy" transport. Input/output ports on flat machinery, no larger than Extra Utilities's transfer nodes, with wisps flitting in and out as they bring items over and around. Etc.
Then again, i have a habit of over-aggrandizing animate scenes of things in my mind. Aah, The wonders of the mind.
It's too bad the images don't stick around for long enough for me to reliably replicate them into image.
Heck, with the words, "Wisp Infusion" alone i imagined a tower structure, much like the infusion pillars, but with a Thaumatorium-ish structure on-top, doubling the size. Fragments and essentia are absorbed, glowy and fancy stuff, lightning strikes, and the "Creation Chamber" splits open, The Wisp flying out...
Say, on the topic of thauma-toriums, You wouldn't happen to have a Infusion-torium laying around would ya? I kid, kid!
I mean, Geeze, how would you even balance that?
Uhm, of course, anything we get is likely to impress regardless. Say, i wonder if tamed wisps responds to sound, specifically, Music. Perhaps they are likely to change their "tune" (heh) if you play them some notes? Though hauling around a note block or such is rather cumbersome, perhaps a harmonica, or a mouth harp like instrument would suit better.
Mh-Blagh. I really wish i had something more to contribute, even if it was just theory-crafting, but my mind's drawing up a blank today.
I could say a thousand words, and they still wouldn't be enough to capture how dear this mod is to me. Ahh, To discover it for the first time again, all the way back in TC2. What a magical time we've had over the years. So nice to see it back.
For the record, golems are one of my absolute favorite parts, not just of Thaumcraft, but of modded Minecraft in general. I would be very sad to see them go, and I know a lot of other people would as well.
Wisps just don't have the some loveability. You can't put monocles or a fez on a wisp. What's the point?
Apologies for two very large posts in one page, but I've been holding out on posting this for quite a while. These are thoughts, suggestions, and ideas I had while playing through Beta3 to Beta6.
(also I would like to bring your attention once again to my wisp integration idea a few posts above)
3 4 56):-Theorycrafting needs a bit of a rework. As it stands, earlygame theorycrafting is difficult due to the large number of varied areas, but also the types of items that are requested. At one point, an Artiface card asked for an entire Anvil. That's 31 iron. Another (Alchemy?) asked from a Chorous Fruit, a Post-Enderdragon material, claiming it was a basic material. Golemancy has far too few cards, or at least it seems so. Suggestions: Rework resources that can be requested, perhaps based on how many researches are unlocked in the given category. Early Alchemy theorywork will ask for primal crystals, for example, or common secondary crystals, or semi-simple materials, etc.
Also add in a button to, perhaps at the cost of 1 inspiration (or just restarting entirely), redraw cards instead of needing to break the table if you hit a dead end.Okay that’s been added now. Nice!Now we just need a trashcan block that fills up with crumpled papers as you throw out theories, which you can kick over in frustration.-Vanilla aspect distribution could still use some work. Permutatio, Praecantatio, Instrumentatum, Mortuus (or was it Eximus?) all seem a bit too rare.
-Needing glowstone to begin is crummy, since it requires visiting the Nether or getting very lucky with Witches like I did. Needing Redstone and a pretty large number of all 6 types of primal crystal is a bit nuts. I understand you only need 3 to start, technically, but you need enough for 4 thaumometers (4 of each, plus 9 more for 3 salis mundus for the table, crucible, and thaumonomicon) for your basic tools: Thaumometer, Caster Gauntlet, and Goggles of Revealing. It took me probably a good 4-5 hours of searching just to find all 6 crystal types, and not in a very good quantity. Getting started with the mod is now extremely slow, and even once started, it can take hours until you can even begin to craft anything more useful than Nitor, depending on your luck with the RNG theorycrafting and resources, whereas before all you needed was a couple iron, a couple gold, and some sticks.
-The Diotropa or whatever it's called is kind of confusing. It says it uses a 13 chunk radius (so a 26 chunk by 26 chunk area), yet has a 12x12 grid... which would make each grid segment cound as like... 2.17 chunks. Unless the grid points are actually the chunks, which is unintuitive since Chunks are typically represented as a grid, but that's still strange.
-I assume there will be Caster Gauntlet Upgrades? It says in the entry that Iron is all there is to work with yet, but yet after discovering Brass and Thaumium, or having Gold, there's no addendums about making it stronger (preferably without needing to re-craft it completely)
-Suggestions: Perhaps it already exists, but if it does, I missed it. The ability to give a created Focus a unqiue name upon construction would be cool. As would Golem construction. I understand an Anvil and Name Tags could likely be used respectively, but still.
-I understand this will probably be dealt with in a later Beta, since finishing touches and all, but there are a lot of grammatical and spelling errors in the Thaumonomicon. Also, every message in the mod seems to switch between first (I) and second (You) person constantly, which is annoying. Sometimes in the same sentence. Also, some pages (Basic Golemancy) have no description or name, some blocks (Everfull Urn) have no name, and some pages have duplicate descriptions from completely different items (Warded Jars, pre-research, has the same description as the Essentia Smelter, I think?)
-Things I am hoping make a return soon (unless they're already there and i just haven't found them yet):
Thaumostatic Harness (perhaps as a bauble rather than as a chestpiece), Some equivalent to Void Seals (say, a Mirror that has been stabilized somehow, possibily utilizing Eldritch Tech, since how cool would it be to have a starry-void in your mirror that you could use to teleport long distances? It's been a long time since we had a Thaumic method of proper teleporation.)
-The amount of warp gained from the very few (current) forbidden researches seems negligable. I didn't even get the warp-gain message when I researched the Brain in a Jar. It is also said that Warp affects the body. I hope we get to see some more of those effects in the future, perhaps even weird phsyical mutations that come and go as your mind and body become more attuned to the void.
-Suggestion: A page to track what items have what aspects would be useful. (I am using the Thaumic JEI addon currently, thank goodness for that or else I would have gone insane, and not in the fun Eldritch knowledge way) Also maybe a way to auto-scan unscanned items that you pick up/look at, as a mid-late game alternative to pulling out your Thaumometer all the time.
-Foci may still need a bit of balancing. Not sure as of the latest Betas.
-If the Rift Focus cannot create a rift that attaches to somewhere, it should just not create, period. As it stands, a misclick can have you at the bottom of a pit which seals and suffocates you... Granted, this DOES make it the single best offensive focus currently in the game (as you can trap any non-flying, non-stationary enemy and have them suffocate, and their drops convieniently bump up to the surface) but I do not believe that is the intention.
-Suggestion: Perhaps make Taint “clean up” poorly after enough flux has drained? Similar how it turned to dust in TC5, becoming useless and barren. Like how there's porous stone, tainted soil, tainted wood, etc. would become like...barren soil that cannot be planted on or get grass, and petrified wood which is just useless. The swollen growths would turn to decayed husks, formerly tainted crystals would become dead, vis-free crystals, and absolutely no mobs would spawn on any of this. Keep it a scar on the world after it's dealt with. Also if it's not too difficult, introduce stair and slab versions of tainted/porous rock so that structures made with those convert properly.
-Suggestion: Remove Helmet of Revealing, perhaps. Goggles are Baubles now, and don't conflict with the helmet slot so it's kind of pointless. Instead perhaps make a helmet that scans unscanned objects automatically and shows the aura meter like the Thaumometer does.
-Suggestion: Make the Gauntlet function correctly in offhand. It seems this functionality is partially there, in that you can use it and bring up the focus menu in offhand, however the vis meter and focus display do not show up, and you cannot actually select foci from the menu as your cursor does not become free.
-Suggestion: Also, make the UI element positions configurable. As it stands, the Gauntlet UI conflicts with the default (and for me, preferred) placement of enemy healthbar mods and damage indicators. Being able to at least choose the side/top/bottom it shows in would be helpful.
-Suggestion: Combat gauntlets. I was going to make this a mod one day, however my Java skills are not well developed so I didn't. This is the perfect opportunity, however. They could be an alternative to staffs: Melee-combat capable casting devices. Perhaps even implement a way so that on one right click, offhand (shield) is used, and on a fast double-rightclick, the focus is used. Just affix claws to the gauntlet! Or knuckles. This goes well hand-in-hand with my thought above about upgradeable gauntlet materials. (And come on, admit it, you want to be able to punch things to death with your magic fist of doom.)
-Another Gauntlet Suggestion: Touch up the model to be a bit more... gauntlet-ey. Just make the metal knuckle parts protrude a bit, even, to give it some more definition other than strange brownish-grey rectangle. I mean, I knoooowwwww our hands are just strange, various-colored rectangles but... This is Thaumcraft! Thaumcraft has non-rectangeles and fancy models and... um... Gauntlet!!
-Another suggestion to do with cosmetics: Do a pass over the spritework to try to make everything a bit more consistent. For example, the sanity checker sprite looks almost like the pre-3d placeholder Thaumometer sprite, in that it has a thick outline and looks kind of undetailed. The hand mirror, for another example, has a thick, very black outline on the bottom, and no outline on the top, making it look like two sprites cobbled together. The cloudstepper ring has a fancy high-quality particle effect when vanilla smoke would be just as effective, although I understand high-res fancy particles are part of the Thaumcraft experience.
-Larger Golems. Again, come on, everyone(*) wants huge guardian statues at the front door of their lab. Or a big one walking behind with a pech-sized backpack to carry your loot as you go dungeoning.
Go a step further! Put YOUR brain in a golem! BECOME THE GOLEM. Ehehehehe- e-er... I think I may need to make some more sanity soap.-GRAPPLE FOCUS. Come on. This was a brilliant idea. Please bring it back!
Spiderthaumaturge, Spiderthaumaturge, does whatever a Spider... actually Minecraft spiders don't swing from webs so... ANALOGY! REFERENCE! RELEVANCE!-I'm not saying you should bring back wands and staffs... but it would be a cool option! Even if they're less effective than the gauntlet(s). Just as an option mid-game or something, to reconnect with your roots. (Also I just like hitting things on the head with a staff. Hehehe.)
-More forbidden research! Not that I particularily... Okay yes I want more. More. More knowledge. More. More. More. I must know ALL. SURPASS EVEN THE ELDRITCH OF ANCIENT LORE!cough-cough- er...
-Making taint seeds take damage when there's no flux is cool and all... But ineffective. Giant Taint Seeds regen health just as fast as they lose it, and since the seeds constantly produce flux, the only way to actually keep them taking damage is to spam a Creative Mode Flux Sponge constantly since the moment there's even 1 flux, they stop dying and just recover their health.
-Bug: The rendering of bolt foci seems to be broken, as they now make a large colored blob of a bolt that stays in place for a few seconds before just popping out of existence.May be fixed in BETA5?
-Bug: Shifting over items now displays aspects above the tooltip, and where aspects should be displayed, instead displays glitched out text.May be fixed in BETA5?
-Bug: Infusion Enchantment Research cannot be started, as it does not detect a Sharpness I enchanted book, even if you have one in your inventory.Fixed in BETA5.
i didn’t even get to try this one before it was replaced. These notes are getting more and more outdated as time goes on. Aaaaaa. I need to actually post them eventually.
Hmm, I feel it should be other way around. Even in real world, You usually use your digits for fine work and different kinds of specially crafted murder-sticks for smacking enemies or shooting projectiles at them.
Hmm, so tier 3 can be elementals, or daemons? Or possibility to summon animals or villagers? Or necromancy. Just imagine assault of crimson cultist accompanied by winged demon... ...and these can open doors have chest on back and auto loot on its own?
That must be something new. I would imagine a new type of "alchemy" station where the wisp esence gets liquified and them poured upon a "wisp core" creating a wisp
Yes, I AM a Vampire. Nice of you to notice.
Why is that box so big? What do you mean I should stop breaking the fourth wall?
I feel gauntlets are more like Iron Man's repulsors: Mainly used for offensive abilities, like the foci. Wands are used for tapping the aura and recharging itself for arcane crafting.
I just took the Minecraft Noob test! Check out what I scored. Think you can beat me?!
To take the test, check out
Don't click this link, HE is haunting it...
as cool as it is i think the things your suggesting are, most things, notabley, necromancy and demon summoning doesnt feel thaumcraft to me. how ive seen thaumcraft, especially with the recent incarnations, is a mix of clockpunk and lovecraft, i dont think those would have a place in the mod, im no mod dev but "you should add flying combat minions, and the ability to summon cultists, and they have storage space, and they can auto loot" sounds like a lot to throw into a mod whereas it might not fit thematically to begin with
That said for a craft able minion/mob suggestion the one i remember the most and feel would fit were the clockwork horse ideas that were thrown around way back when.
Edit: Actually went back a few pages to read up on what i missed on the thread, but i do stand by a "why not both" idea if keeping golems maintained isnt too much to ask for, i'd love wisps, but the golems can give a sense of livelyhood that i dont think a ball of light hovering around would. its a lot easier to assign a pet name to something humanoid, that sorta stuff.
"Who am I, you may wonder?
I am someone you know very well.
For I am every man you meet
and I am every woman you meet."
Tried to flesh out my perception of Wisp-as-pets.
It revolves around Wisps 1. acting much like other tameable mobs 2. loving vis 3. hating taint.
- Wisps can be tamed with food, food being Vis crystals. Wisps prefer crystals of similar types. They can also led around by holding a crystal in hand
- Wisps are curious about all kind of magic machinery, so are likely to stay around your base.
- Wisps have to be fed crystals occasionally. Otherwise they will steal them from inventories such as chests and TC crafting table.
- Wisps can grow in size, strength and durability if you do... not sure what. Maybe, feed them some specific crystal types?
- Wisps hate taint. They will scrub taint from atmosphere at moderate speed (depending on Wisp size). If taint level will grow dangerously high, they will act very distressful - they will make unhappy sounds, shockbolt machines that produce taint (no effect) and players and mobs around them. They can also try to use other methods to disable them - from removing fuel to breaking blocks themselves.
- Wisps attack taint mobs always. Also, if they are friendly to you enough, they attacks mobs that attack you, and eventually - mobs of same type. I.e. after you have been attacked by skeletons few times when sip is around, it will start attacking on sight.
- Wisps that are strong enough can teleport around, even across dimensions. They can teleport away when on low health to regenerate, or teleport to you if they have lost you. Maybe even teleport to base to drop down some loot for you.
Reminds me of that event where a ball lightning got stuck on a car, that may or may not have happened
I made a D flip-flop!
Yes, I know, things change and I should be more open to new stuff...
- I miss my wand
- I miss going out and search for good nodes
- I miss putting the node in the HUGE glass jar construct to capture it in a normal one. poof!
- I miss bringing it home to my sinister lair and merge it with other to serve my needs, muhahaha, ops, where is my soap?
If I could have TC5 for 1.12.2...
Would the production of wisps in the area resultant of high flux, lower the flux as well? For numbers example, lets say there was 400 flux in the area while the minimum to spawn wisps would be, lets say 350 and each wisp that spawned due to this would consume 25 flux meaning you would only get two wisps without raising the flux further. You could also have it to where for wisps to function, they consume flux while in the area too, so that would mean you would have to produce flux on purpose for them to work. This would add a whole new aspect to flux management, so where before flux was bad in all aspects, now it would be seen as a necessity to have wisps.
Also you could have it where too high a flux and they go out of control and super charge, making them multiple times stronger than before, and subsequently much more dangerous to yourself. Of course you would want the stipulations for minimum flux to only apply to tamed ones. You could have it say something along the lines of "You have discovered a way to manipulate the flux in the area, propelling these creatures of pure energy to do your bidding, the result being that the continuous manipulation seems to drain the flux in the area. Whether this is a blessing or a curse is yet to be seen. You feel wary though, knowing that too much flux and you won't be able to manipulate that massive amount of raw magic."
Creator of Crystal MagiTech on curseforge
can someone explain how to get epiphany i only got one and used it on alchemy and i need another for artifice
i read the book and didn't really get what it ment
You'll need to research one of the important researches in alchemy to get another one.
ohh i didn't know that
thanks for the fast reply btw.
I will just toss in a mention here for the Nature's Compass mod.
However, I'll also toss in a related caveat. In an RTG world, it appears Magical Forest biomes do not spawn at all. Nature's Compass works in an RTG world on any other biome, and will direct me to where a Magical Forest should be ... but there is no Magical Forest biome there when I get there. I'm still researching this, but I suspect it has something to do with a message on the server console during boot about RTG being unable to find a "realistic version" of the Magical Forest biome.
Wisps, such strange creatures. Contently debated whether they are alive or not.
In my mind, golems is used for material tasks, such as chopping trees, butchering, crafting. While wisps would be used more for inventory sorting, item transport, and maybe building and/or multi-block forming.
It would be really cool if you could use a focus to set a boundary, like buildcraft's quarries, and then essentially copy, cut, or paste, into that area.
Wisps would be flying around, grabbing or placing materials in a chest as they tear down or assemble a structure.
You'd need something like a Architects Table, to instruct wisps on how to read the schematic, And maybe to view what you've copied yourself. Perhaps giving them instructions through various bells and instruments attached to the table. Anyways, i'm getting ahead of myself.
I'd love to have that though, Wisps flitting back and forth, breaking and placing blocks as they either flatten terrain, hollow out mountains, or just build a house or tower, perhaps just extending on your own home.
Using them to copy-paste a feature you find beautiful, or just to move your entire structure which you've spent hours making, just a few block to the side because you didn't plan its placement just right, or calculated wrong and didn't notice before it was to late, Etc.
It would be very useful, is what i'm saying.
(You could also use it to have users give you their own structures easily, Just by sharing the schematics. Potentially good for enriching the world-gen.)
Gauntlets, the refinement of knowledge lost ages past. A gauntlet could be composed into a few different categories:
Vis resonator(the Circle,Focus), Channel medium(Fingertips,Metal), Grip(Binding,Leather), and Storage/Conduit(Internal,Material).
These four would be laid out on different parts of a schematic parchment with the overlay of a gauntlet, where you could exchange them.
The Vis resonator acts as a mixture of the caps and core of the wands. with greater focus on the core parts, such as focii-type affinities.
The Channel Medium is like the caps of a wand, with different metals altering its effects and bonuses for channeling Vis.
The grip determines how easily it is to move your hand in the gauntlet, a metal grip won't be very useful for crafting, but grant bonus to focii usage, whereas a cloth grip wont be very good for combat, but will be more efficient in its Vis use.
The Storage/Conduit determines the gauntlets affinity and, well, storage. Or rather how much Vis it can channel through a focus at the same time, A better Storage/Conduit material gives your focii more Oomph so to say.
Of course, i'm just brainstorming here.
Minor gripes, the consequence of unresolved issues and opinions.
There aren't many, the only most prominent one being the pipes. Their "steam" seem to act sometimes as if they're still connected to the same network instead of separated when you use the wand to redirect them, could just be my imagination though. Also, it is still a bit finicky. having had to move a jar to make the Thaumatorium seemingly register it through the pipes.
I do kinda wish that you could place multiple pipes in the same block-space though (EnderIO has spoiled me greatly), switches and such being placed on the pipes and not as whole sections.
Well, Dreams are dreams. Hmm, I wonder if a Thaumaturge could make a bed that advances time to night instead of day?
Ah, yes. You have no way of knowing what is the breaking point of flux, such as when it can start to produce taint. A tiny notch, or number on the gauge would be helpful. And prevent me from panicking just because the alembics are out-putting double digits of flux into the aura when mass-smelting.
Aura, the ephemeral energy of quintessential reality.
It... Doesn't really feel alive right now i've gotta agree. It would me nice if it shifted and flowed, like the weather. Though that might be a bit much to ask.
"weather" events could be neat as well. just semi-random conditions that changes the amount, increasing or decreasing the amount available for about a day, like a passing high-front, or low-front. Let's just pretend such things wouldn't bring anything nasty, like say aura version of tornadoes, with them.
Whup, brain empty. gotta talk(write) more later.
Ah well, have a good day. Or at least, have A day.
I have yet to find a bunny o.o
I thought the research game in Thaumcraft 6 started you out with ten inspiration. I just got established enough in this world to get back to bootstrapping Thaumcraft and I'm being presented with five. That doesn't seem right...
...OK, so after making a thaumometer and scanning my entire storeroom (139 observations worth), now I have six inspiration and am on my way to my first epiphany.