I've spent most of yesterday's afternoon and a decent part of today's afternoon messing around with the beta, and I'm enjoying it so far. But I'm curious about something - Is there a decent source of permutatio anywhere within vanilla MC or TC? Because I haven't found one yet, and I'm just hoping that I'm not blind.
Noticed a possible glitch/bug. Not sure if it is reproduceable by anyone else but I wanted to post it.
I made a very small pack (with the Twitch app) to test TC6. I did include Inventory Tweaks. The first thing I noticed was when I logged back in after a while, the number of Vis crystals I had in a chest dropped to one each. I had all six types of multiple quantities.. The next thing that occurred was when I gathered more Ordo crystals. I dropped them on the ground (not using Q) to scan them and when I picked them back up, only a quantity of one appeared in my inventory.
The last thing so far I noticed is when both Vis crystals and Nitor are in a chest, and when I moused over and hit shift, the quantity changed to one, even though I had more than one of the item. When I clicked on the items to pick them up, the quantity changed back to its correct number.
Mod list:
Base metals 1.10.2-
Baubles 1.10.2-1.3.13
Compatlayer 1.10-0.3.0
FTB Utilities 1.1x-3.6.5
FTBLib 1.1x-3.6.5
Inv Tweaks 1.61-58
JourneyMap 1.10.2-5.6.062
JEI 1.10.2-
MMD Orespawn 1.10.2-
Otifine 1.10.2-HD-U-U8
Quick Leaf Decay 1.10.2-1.2.3
TC 1.10.2-6.0.Beta2
WAILA 1.7.0-B3-1.9.4
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"We live on a placid island of ignorance in the midst of black seas of infinity, and it was not meant that we should voyage far."
The in game config gui doest work, so I had to go to the cfg file. For some reason, the cfg entry for the cheat sheet is buried in the custom enchantments section. I assume its not supposed to be there?
Noticed a possible glitch/bug. Not sure if it is reproduceable by anyone else but I wanted to post it.
I made a very small pack (with the Twitch app) to test TC6. I did include Inventory Tweaks. The first thing I noticed was when I logged back in after a while, the number of Vis crystals I had in a chest dropped to one each. I had all six types of multiple quantities.. The next thing that occurred was when I gathered more Ordo crystals. I dropped them on the ground (not using Q) to scan them and when I picked them back up, only a quantity of one appeared in my inventory.
Did you scan the chest at any point?
There is an issue already filed about very similar behavior to this. In short, if you scan something with an inventory (a chest, a barrel, a shelf, all inventory types so far tried) containing vis crystals, all stacks of vis crystals in that inventory get reduced to one crystal.
I've tested the behavior you describe and can reproduce it. In particular, under some conditions (which I'm not completely sure of yet), when you drop a stack of crystals directly from your inventory onto the ground it will appear to be a single crystal rather than a stack of crystals. If it looks like a stack, you're good. Scan away. If it looks like a single crystal, you can immediately pick it back up without scanning it and it will still be a stack. But if it looks like a single crystal and you scan it, when you pick it back up it will be a single crystal.
Without any exception I've yet found, if a dropped stack looks like a single crystal and you pick it back up and drop it again, it will unequivocally be a stack. The "looks like a single crystal" state seems to occur only the very first time you drop a particular stack from your inventory. I'm not certain what other conditions have to be met for it to happen.
How do you craft salis mundas? I saw what you use, 3 vis crystal, flint, a bowl and a handful of redstone but that doesn't really clear up how you make it or even if its a crafting table recipe...
How do you craft salis mundas? I saw what you use, 3 vis crystal, flint, a bowl and a handful of redstone but that doesn't really clear up how you make it or even if its a crafting table recipe...
It is a crafting table recipe. If you tried it in a crafting table and it didn't work then maybe read the part where it says 3 different crystals.
I've spent most of yesterday's afternoon and a decent part of today's afternoon messing around with the beta, and I'm enjoying it so far. But I'm curious about something - Is there a decent source of permutatio anywhere within vanilla MC or TC? Because I haven't found one yet, and I'm just hoping that I'm not blind.
In vanilla, droppers and dispensers have it. And if you have it, copper once again is a source.
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"We live on a placid island of ignorance in the midst of black seas of infinity, and it was not meant that we should voyage far."
The only unbalancement I found are crafting theories for Alchemy is quite costy unlike for almost everything else but Eldritch (obviously) and finding rabbit hide. The hide is way to rare for the first gauntlet in my opinion. Earliest the second is what I would say.
Plus, am I supposed to have extremely frequent headaches and sound halluzinations even though the only warping thing I have done is reading a certain book? I know that in both TC4 and TC5 there was less frequency when being insane enough for a revelation!
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Yes, I AM a Vampire. Nice of you to notice.
Why is that box so big? What do you mean I should stop breaking the fourth wall?
I have played TC6 Beta 2 for 2 days a lot, I really like most of new mechanics.
I miss the repair enchant, I think that it good opposing of mending vanilla enchant, I think you can make this enchant more expensive or something like that, but I really miss it..
And may be it is a bug, but recipe of Essence harvester enchant doesn't show, instead it shows Burrowing enchant (In thaumonomicon).
So I research everything except, Alchemical Metallurgy (Need to discover research.c_voidstuff.text) and Flux (Need to discover research.f.toomuchflux.text) but i still can't unlock elemental tools, fortress armor nor arcane bore. What to do?
So I research everything except, Alchemical Metallurgy (Need to discover research.c_voidstuff.text) and Flux (Need to discover research.f.toomuchflux.text) but i still can't unlock elemental tools, fortress armor nor arcane bore. What to do?
I'd try to go for those researches, as they may unlock the ones you're looking for.
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I just took the Minecraft Noob test! Check out what I scored. Think you can beat me?!
That's a good question, and I have yet to find a good source myself in TC6 for Praecantatio. Enchanted objects, enchanted books, some potions, one or two other magically crafted things, but nothing close to a pure source.
Netherwart used to be a wonderful source of Praecantatio. It no longer has any.
Indeed, salis mundus is one of the few things that contains Praecantatio. But not very much, and it's an expensive way to get it. Possibly slightly better once you have researched and constructed a thaumatorium.
Another thing about Thaumcraft 6 is that unless you're excruciatingly careful, ... well, actually, even IF you are excruciatingly careful, you're going to generate a lot of flux, possibly enough to limit your ability to craft things to help you produce less flux. You ... might wanna consider doing your alchemy and essentia refining in a safe spot well away from your main base, just in case of mishaps.
I just came to the realization that salis mundus is actually really cheap. The recipe calls for 3 different crystals. It doesn't matter what kind of crystals they need to be. There is an alchemy recipe that uses quartz slivers and 2 essentia to create a crystal. So the only cost is going to be the quartz and redstone. This also gives you a good way to get rid of any leftover essentia from other alchemy projects.
I just came to the realization that salis mundus is actually really cheap. The recipe calls for 3 different crystals. It doesn't matter what kind of crystals they need to be. There is an alchemy recipe that uses quartz slivers and 2 essentia to create a crystal. So the only cost is going to be the quartz and redstone. This also gives you a good way to get rid of any leftover essentia from other alchemy projects.
Yeah, that's true, but remember that every time you create a vis crystal this way, half the essentia you put in is lost as flux. And I haven't found out yet whether there is any kind of flux scrubber in TC6.
I've spent most of yesterday's afternoon and a decent part of today's afternoon messing around with the beta, and I'm enjoying it so far. But I'm curious about something - Is there a decent source of permutatio anywhere within vanilla MC or TC? Because I haven't found one yet, and I'm just hoping that I'm not blind.
Noticed a possible glitch/bug. Not sure if it is reproduceable by anyone else but I wanted to post it.
I made a very small pack (with the Twitch app) to test TC6. I did include Inventory Tweaks. The first thing I noticed was when I logged back in after a while, the number of Vis crystals I had in a chest dropped to one each. I had all six types of multiple quantities.. The next thing that occurred was when I gathered more Ordo crystals. I dropped them on the ground (not using Q) to scan them and when I picked them back up, only a quantity of one appeared in my inventory.
The last thing so far I noticed is when both Vis crystals and Nitor are in a chest, and when I moused over and hit shift, the quantity changed to one, even though I had more than one of the item. When I clicked on the items to pick them up, the quantity changed back to its correct number.
Mod list:
Base metals 1.10.2-
Baubles 1.10.2-1.3.13
Compatlayer 1.10-0.3.0
FTB Utilities 1.1x-3.6.5
FTBLib 1.1x-3.6.5
Inv Tweaks 1.61-58
JourneyMap 1.10.2-5.6.062
JEI 1.10.2-
MMD Orespawn 1.10.2-
Otifine 1.10.2-HD-U-U8
Quick Leaf Decay 1.10.2-1.2.3
TC 1.10.2-6.0.Beta2
WAILA 1.7.0-B3-1.9.4
"We live on a placid island of ignorance in the midst of black seas of infinity, and it was not meant that we should voyage far."
The in game config gui doest work, so I had to go to the cfg file. For some reason, the cfg entry for the cheat sheet is buried in the custom enchantments section. I assume its not supposed to be there?
My first mod =D
Ah, here's another missing research I found.
Did you scan the chest at any point?
There is an issue already filed about very similar behavior to this. In short, if you scan something with an inventory (a chest, a barrel, a shelf, all inventory types so far tried) containing vis crystals, all stacks of vis crystals in that inventory get reduced to one crystal.
I've tested the behavior you describe and can reproduce it. In particular, under some conditions (which I'm not completely sure of yet), when you drop a stack of crystals directly from your inventory onto the ground it will appear to be a single crystal rather than a stack of crystals. If it looks like a stack, you're good. Scan away. If it looks like a single crystal, you can immediately pick it back up without scanning it and it will still be a stack. But if it looks like a single crystal and you scan it, when you pick it back up it will be a single crystal.
Without any exception I've yet found, if a dropped stack looks like a single crystal and you pick it back up and drop it again, it will unequivocally be a stack. The "looks like a single crystal" state seems to occur only the very first time you drop a particular stack from your inventory. I'm not certain what other conditions have to be met for it to happen.
But now you know what to look out for.
How do you craft salis mundas? I saw what you use, 3 vis crystal, flint, a bowl and a handful of redstone but that doesn't really clear up how you make it or even if its a crafting table recipe...
It is a crafting table recipe. If you tried it in a crafting table and it didn't work then maybe read the part where it says 3 different crystals.
It didn't say 3 different crystals, it said three of those strange crystals. Never specified it being 3 different kinds...
Edit: My fault, I didn't see the part where it said therehad to be 3 different types, I feel like such an idiot now.
No worries mate. I missed it the first time too.
Thanks for the info. "Knowing is half the battle."
"We live on a placid island of ignorance in the midst of black seas of infinity, and it was not meant that we should voyage far."
In vanilla, droppers and dispensers have it. And if you have it, copper once again is a source.
"We live on a placid island of ignorance in the midst of black seas of infinity, and it was not meant that we should voyage far."
Now time for me to start one in German
Yes, I AM a Vampire. Nice of you to notice.
Why is that box so big? What do you mean I should stop breaking the fourth wall?
The only unbalancement I found are crafting theories for Alchemy is quite costy unlike for almost everything else but Eldritch (obviously) and finding rabbit hide. The hide is way to rare for the first gauntlet in my opinion. Earliest the second is what I would say.
Plus, am I supposed to have extremely frequent headaches and sound halluzinations even though the only warping thing I have done is reading a certain book? I know that in both TC4 and TC5 there was less frequency when being insane enough for a revelation!
Yes, I AM a Vampire. Nice of you to notice.
Why is that box so big? What do you mean I should stop breaking the fourth wall?
Thank you Azanor very much!
I have played TC6 Beta 2 for 2 days a lot, I really like most of new mechanics.
I miss the repair enchant, I think that it good opposing of mending vanilla enchant, I think you can make this enchant more expensive or something like that, but I really miss it..
And may be it is a bug, but recipe of Essence harvester enchant doesn't show, instead it shows Burrowing enchant (In thaumonomicon).
So I research everything except, Alchemical Metallurgy (Need to discover research.c_voidstuff.text) and Flux (Need to discover research.f.toomuchflux.text) but i still can't unlock elemental tools, fortress armor nor arcane bore. What to do?
I'd try to go for those researches, as they may unlock the ones you're looking for.
I just took the Minecraft Noob test! Check out what I scored. Think you can beat me?!
To take the test, check out
Don't click this link, HE is haunting it...
@Azanor the link says Thaumcraft Beta 3 but it downloads Thaumcraft Beta 2.
Indeed it does
Yes, I AM a Vampire. Nice of you to notice.
Why is that box so big? What do you mean I should stop breaking the fourth wall?
I just came to the realization that salis mundus is actually really cheap. The recipe calls for 3 different crystals. It doesn't matter what kind of crystals they need to be. There is an alchemy recipe that uses quartz slivers and 2 essentia to create a crystal. So the only cost is going to be the quartz and redstone. This also gives you a good way to get rid of any leftover essentia from other alchemy projects.
Yeah, that's true, but remember that every time you create a vis crystal this way, half the essentia you put in is lost as flux. And I haven't found out yet whether there is any kind of flux scrubber in TC6.