The Meaning of Life, the Universe, and Everything.
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can you add the default day length to the config without having to use the /time command for new worlds?
Yes, I agree that there should be a setting for a default day length so I will add it.
Also, I'm not really sure how to increase the time skip for sleep so it can go by faster.
In the advancetime.cfg file, there is an entry called "Long_Sleep_Tick=1440". AdvanceTime temporarily uses 1440 tick day length to advance the night. To make the night shorter use a smaller value such as 600 ticks, or in other words 15 seconds to sleep the night away. The formula: Long_Sleep_Tick = (seconds to sleep) * 40
Also could you please explain what exactly happens in a mystcraft world? They are other dimensions, so I guess they would just have their own separate system... I don't wanna try it if it might break my mystcraft dimensions.
I run mystcraft on personal server,, and my experience is that mystcraft can have multiple sun and moons. When I try setting the day length value other than 24000 ticks, the sun(s) and moon(s) will either randomly skip through the sky or return back to their starting position. So I normally don't set the day length in a mystcraft age and play as intended. I do however have a plan to make mystcraft work with AT, but it has to wait for the time being.
The Meaning of Life, the Universe, and Everything.
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Hello, I am requesting permission to use your mod within our mod pack distributor PackAssembler, which allows mod packs to be created on the fly. The permissions for each mod on the site are maintained as well, they can be viewed in the details of each mod page. We generally follow instructions for modpack distribution, except when information specific to providing the mod individually is given, like the license for AdvanceTime Mod. Therefore, I was wondering if I could get a waiver for your license and have permission to distribute AdvanceTime Mod freely.
Thank you,
Stephen McIntosh
Stephen McIntosh,
Thank you for asking permission and sharing the PackAssembler website. I like the website for its clean and simple interface and a convenient location to create mod packs, however I will have to decline PackAssembler website permission to host AdvanceTime files.
PackAssembler website is a mod distributer in which I have no control over. There should be a mod author section of the web site where mod authors can manage their files and presentation of their mod, like CurseForge, or have the mod author themselves provide a direct link for a download.
I'm skeptical about the emptiness of the website. How is the website maintained financially? What guarantee, if given permission, is there that there will there be no ads in the future generating revenue for the website owner but not the mod author.
I allow server owners to distribute their mod pack that includes AdvanceTime; publicly or privately. However, server owners must get AdvanceTime through my server at or for security reasons.
Thank you for asking permission and sharing the PackAssembler website. I like the website for its clean and simple interface and a convenient location to create mod packs, however I will have to decline PackAssembler website permission to host AdvanceTime files.
PackAssembler website is a mod distributer in which I have no control over. There should be a mod author section of the web site where mod authors can manage their files and presentation of their mod, like CurseForge, or have the mod author themselves provide a direct link for a download.
I'm skeptical about the emptiness of the website. How is the website maintained financially? What guarantee, if given permission, is there that there will there be no ads in the future generating revenue for the website owner but not the mod author.
I allow server owners to distribute their mod pack that includes AdvanceTime; publicly or privately. However, server owners must get AdvanceTime through my server at or for security reasons.
Noel Williams
Hello Neometron,
I'm Dark_Hunter, I help run the PackAssembler system.
Thank you for bringing some concerns to our attention. Let me answer them for you.
I'm skeptical about the emptiness of the website. How is the website maintained financially? What guarantee, if given permission, is there that there will there be no ads in the future generating revenue for the website owner but not the mod author.
At this moment in time the site is hosted on his home computer and so there isn't any financial costs at this time. If the there was a cost at anytime, they would be the server itself and not to sell off mods such as yours.
I allow server owners to distribute their mod pack that includes AdvanceTime; publicly or privately. However, server owners must get AdvanceTime through my server at or for security reasons.
There is a ability that allows files to be linked to another location if the mod dev prefers this.
PackAssembler website is a mod distributer in which I have no control over. There should be a mod author section of the web site where mod authors can manage their files and presentation of their mod, like CurseForge, or have the mod author themselves provide a direct link for a download.
You are happy to sign up to the site and control will be give to you at anytime, just let us know. Your mod, your page, your way. As for direct links you can do such thing.
I am certain to be a nuisance, but i must ask. Is there a foreseeable update to include an option to disable server messages? on page 2 you mentioned it would be released in the next update, and from what i can tell the mod has undergone 2 updates since, but for the life of me i cannot find the option to disable them. i run a very heavily modified worldgen with right around 200 mods(its a private pack btw) and everything works fine, with some lag of course, and the server console just erupts in messages lol. it normally wouldn't bother me, but its almost to the extent it starts lagging my computer from the messages. once again, just wondering if i'm missing something or if its still WIP... great mod btw, a must have for almost every minecrafter
The Meaning of Life, the Universe, and Everything.
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Sorry for the late reply:
Is there a foreseeable update to include an option to disable server messages?
Yes; however, it has to wait till college semester is over. To give a heads up on my mod status: I have three AdvanceTime 1.2 projects where I have one for 1.6.2, 1.6.4, and 1.7.2. During spring break I have gotten 1.7.2 to compile without error, however I have to change how I do my ASM transformation to get the base functionality of the mod to work. I'm shooting for AdvanceTime 1.3 where it will incorporate the added features. As for a time frame, I think I can have it ready before May is over.
i run a very heavily modified worldgen with right around 200 mods
I only managed to get around 80 mods with minimal lag to no lag.
wondering if i'm missing something or if its still WIP
It's a WIP. I've been contemplating an alternate mean of displaying lag other than dumping it into the log file. I feel your pain with the log file spam. I had to dump my logs a number of times to make room for more; it's unacceptable.
great mod btw, a must have for almost every minecrafter
MCPC is now called Cauldron and they updated it, I'm wondering if advanced time works on it? I'm currently running a server and I use the commands but it just sets time to there a way to fix this?
why has this function been such a difficulty for the minecraft modding community?
whats preventing a good mod like this from coming up and staying updated?
i would have thought something like this would have been dealt with a long time ago.. it would be so nice to have longer days in minecraft, and shorter nights, for more building time , and less fighting/ hiding time.
For some reason every time I load up my world I get this error, any one know how to fix it?
2015-05-03 09:13:03 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] The following problems were captured during this phase
2015-05-03 09:13:03 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Caught exception from advancetime
java.lang.RuntimeException: Unknown character ' in 'C:/Users/John/AppData/Roaming/.minecraft/saves/Campa_ Time and Soul/DIM-37/advancetime.dimension:1'
Yes, I agree that there should be a setting for a default day length so I will add it.
In the advancetime.cfg file, there is an entry called "Long_Sleep_Tick=1440". AdvanceTime temporarily uses 1440 tick day length to advance the night. To make the night shorter use a smaller value such as 600 ticks, or in other words 15 seconds to sleep the night away. The formula: Long_Sleep_Tick = (seconds to sleep) * 40
I run mystcraft on personal server,, and my experience is that mystcraft can have multiple sun and moons. When I try setting the day length value other than 24000 ticks, the sun(s) and moon(s) will either randomly skip through the sky or return back to their starting position. So I normally don't set the day length in a mystcraft age and play as intended. I do however have a plan to make mystcraft work with AT, but it has to wait for the time being.
Stephen McIntosh,
Thank you for asking permission and sharing the PackAssembler website. I like the website for its clean and simple interface and a convenient location to create mod packs, however I will have to decline PackAssembler website permission to host AdvanceTime files.
PackAssembler website is a mod distributer in which I have no control over. There should be a mod author section of the web site where mod authors can manage their files and presentation of their mod, like CurseForge, or have the mod author themselves provide a direct link for a download.
I'm skeptical about the emptiness of the website. How is the website maintained financially? What guarantee, if given permission, is there that there will there be no ads in the future generating revenue for the website owner but not the mod author.
I allow server owners to distribute their mod pack that includes AdvanceTime; publicly or privately. However, server owners must get AdvanceTime through my server at or for security reasons.
Noel Williams
Hello Neometron,
I'm Dark_Hunter, I help run the PackAssembler system.
Thank you for bringing some concerns to our attention. Let me answer them for you.
At this moment in time the site is hosted on his home computer and so there isn't any financial costs at this time. If the there was a cost at anytime, they would be the server itself and not to sell off mods such as yours.
There is a ability that allows files to be linked to another location if the mod dev prefers this.
You are happy to sign up to the site and control will be give to you at anytime, just let us know. Your mod, your page, your way. As for direct links you can do such thing.
Let me know if this changes anything.
I'll take a look again and sign up to see how it is. Thank you for your reply
Yes; however, it has to wait till college semester is over. To give a heads up on my mod status: I have three AdvanceTime 1.2 projects where I have one for 1.6.2, 1.6.4, and 1.7.2. During spring break I have gotten 1.7.2 to compile without error, however I have to change how I do my ASM transformation to get the base functionality of the mod to work. I'm shooting for AdvanceTime 1.3 where it will incorporate the added features. As for a time frame, I think I can have it ready before May is over.
I only managed to get around 80 mods with minimal lag to no lag.
It's a WIP. I've been contemplating an alternate mean of displaying lag other than dumping it into the log file. I feel your pain with the log file spam. I had to dump my logs a number of times to make room for more; it's unacceptable.
Thank you
Server Owner, Causal Gamer, Possible Friend.
whats preventing a good mod like this from coming up and staying updated?
i would have thought something like this would have been dealt with a long time ago.. it would be so nice to have longer days in minecraft, and shorter nights, for more building time , and less fighting/ hiding time.
I have a quick question, How do I change the names of days and months?
For some reason every time I load up my world I get this error, any one know how to fix it?
2015-05-03 09:13:03 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] The following problems were captured during this phase
2015-05-03 09:13:03 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Caught exception from advancetime
java.lang.RuntimeException: Unknown character ' in 'C:/Users/John/AppData/Roaming/.minecraft/saves/Campa_ Time and Soul/DIM-37/advancetime.dimension:1'