That rule - aside from monetization - is one of the most important. Is it true that you can revoke access (essentially killing the pack) as needed?
Just leaves. Trees are still cut all at once.
Efficiency adds a speed boost; it does nothing to the torque requirement. Go ahead and look to the RailCraft source to check the hardness.
It's listed as 2.0f with a resistance of 10.0f. Now I'm really at a loss as to what is causing this; I'm going to see if filling in the empty spots will do anything.
EDIT : Lo and behold, it was those empty spots. I'm not sure if it was an issue with calculation, or if there was some invisible block that someone made with a strange hardness, but placing a couple blocks cause it to drill forwards again. I suspect Mariculture's Natural Gas, as I am getting Mining Fatigue and Weakness standing in the area.
Thanks for your time,
And yes, TE is installed - there's no trickery to force-enable them.
Do you want someone to come up with the hardness numbers for those blocks or do you already have them all and just need them to look pretty in a picture file?
Neutron reflector sounds nice. Not free extra energy since it also outputs more heat, but if you can manage it, it will allow for more efficiency in your design.
Yes, but it would be nice to avoid that, as it makes people unhappy. In true circumstances, we would put it in the public permission section (probably in all-caps
How would this affect the calculations of the Boring Machine? This is for Mariculture's Natural Gas block.
I redownloaded V19b to double check if it was simply a mislabel, and Induction Generators and Induction Motors are still dropping null-texture items. Curiously, placing down this null texture item places an Induction Generator. I tested it with the Generator and Motor, and it's always a generator, and it always faces a default direction. Attempts at rotating it with a screwdriver does not work.
Also, could you provide the power consumption of Induction Motors and the torque and speed of their output? I am considering using electricity to power less important aspects of my world - like lighting and lubricant production - and I'd like to know what I can and can't do with a single engine. Also, can an Engine Controller be used to throttle the engine to a lower power output?
And finally, a slight suggestion. When Electricraft is installed along-side Rotarycraft, can certain supplementary recipes be enabled regardless? I remember specifically that copper could be used in place of gold when crafting steam engines when Thermal Expansion is available. I'm not sure which Thermal Expansion expansion recipes are possible without electrum, but perhaps the recipes requiring electrum can be reworked to use platinum instead when using ElectriCraft? Just a thought.
It is fixed in my copy, so it will then be included with v20.
The motors are not power sources; they are converters. Their power output is dependent on the power input.
I will not allow platinum to be used in place of electrum - platinum is a poor conductor - but the copper recipes should already work.
Unbreakable blocks completely jam it.
Do you plan to actually enforce this? I do not have the time to do so.
I have said this a dozen times - and I am now going to put it on my FAQ:
Animations are not the source of your lag. It is no more difficult to render a part of a machine on a 22 or 137 degree angle than it is to render it upright.
As for the noise, you have literally five ways to reduce it.
This is not at all possible with the way turbines work. Additionally, this has also been discussed before.
I like this one; does such a thing really exist?
No, I am not going to rewrite everything and make it much more complex.
This is hardly necessary when an itemduct or any other system serves the same purpose. Also, it is likely that waste will be made not into an item to avoid people trashing it.
Use the GUI or shift-right-click with the screwdriver.
...I still cannot reproduce this.
You would need to calculate them. Keep in mind a few blocks have special overrides.
I did not do it intentionally, but I may prefer it. As long as the piping is obviously electromagnetic, it is fine, but if it was like TE conduits and a pneumatic engine, it would be a problem.
Not long, and you can use bonemeal. I am not sure it can fight an entire world of taint, however.
Hmmm. Well, I'm sure you're not willing to add special cases to the Boring Machine for every mod that wants to add invisible blocks with -1 hardness, so right I'm I'm trying to find out from Joshie how I can give it a finite hardness so that I can keep drilling without periodic interruptions. Although, is there something in the peripherals that determines whether or not the machine is jammed? It would be nice to hook it up to a light plainly in sight, and have it send a signal if it is jammed so I can go fix it.
Comparators already do this.
One more nugget of information. You've probably got a ton of these little features everywhere, but never mention them.
Also, I found some really really odd behaviour. I went to test the natural gas not breaking, but mined through it just fine. Then I placed down bedrock... and it mined through that too. At this point I'm wondering if another mod is heavily interfering.
I used "lag" to mean FPS drops, as that is the term - however inaccurate - that most people use.
It does not matter how many machines you have; animations will never be the source of the render load.
ItemDucts are from Thermal Expansion, a mod that is not only not mine, but designed to be nothing but light on load. My pneumatic item pumps do not even have special renders, so they are not causing render load either. Indeed, they are probably lighter on the computer than even itemducts. My other pipes have no render load either - they use ISBRHs, not TESRs, though they have CPU load.
Yes we can plan on enforcing if permission is granted to use.
Go ahead.
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