Thanks, I'm also investigating other possible ways to get water in. What about the Aqueous Accumulator from TE? Will it have be able to provide water quickly enough? This leaves me wondering how the volume a certain water pump can handle is actually measured with regards to different mods doing similar things.
Author of RFTools, RFTools Control, RFTools Dimensions, Deep Resonance, Immersive Craft, CombatHelp, NICE, Aqua Munda, Ariente, XNet, Interaction Wheel, The Lost Cities, Lost Souls, Need To Breathe, EFab, The One Probe and co-author of Not Enough Wands and RF Lux.
YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCYMg1JQw3syJBgPeW6m68lA?view_as=subscriber
Support me at my Patreon page (http://www.patreon.com/McJty) or directly on my Paypal account ([email protected]). Thanks
I tried using Aqueous Accumulators with Fluiducts. Good for small towers, but when you start laying down a lot of mirrors, the pipe actually melts into lava because of the heat. The RotaryCraft Pump should be more than sufficient, and as far as I know, the pipe shouldn't melt.
So there's a chart for block hardness for vanilla blocks, but is there a quick way to find out block hardness for custom blocks, maybe in-game with some sort of tool? Or would I have to trawl through the code to find those numbers?
Oh, does it really get *that* hot there.. I'm currently using only 25 mirrors but I plan to add more later. I'm currently using EnderIO fluiducts and I'm hoping they can withstand the heat. I like to use them because they can be neatly hidden inside other blocks using 'conduit facades'. Is there a way (besides experimentation) to find out if a certain object will be able to withstand the heat or not?
Author of RFTools, RFTools Control, RFTools Dimensions, Deep Resonance, Immersive Craft, CombatHelp, NICE, Aqua Munda, Ariente, XNet, Interaction Wheel, The Lost Cities, Lost Souls, Need To Breathe, EFab, The One Probe and co-author of Not Enough Wands and RF Lux.
YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCYMg1JQw3syJBgPeW6m68lA?view_as=subscriber
Support me at my Patreon page (http://www.patreon.com/McJty) or directly on my Paypal account ([email protected]). Thanks
a small (8 fuel core) fission reactor.I also had trouble getting the pebble bed reactor over 500c but I didn't play with that reactor for long so that could just me not knowing how to use it
EDIT: tried to make hot carbon dioxide with a fission reactor, poor choice
There is no such code. You have a control in the GUI; is that enabled?
Is this in the overworld? I saw the same in a MystCraft age yesterday, and it happened only sporadically.
This was fixed in v16, three months ago.
No, I have not changed standard fission reactor code.
Also, change your configs such that the Corium ID+1 is not occupied; that is why you have machines under the reactor.
I will make the mod force this in v20.
This exact bug was posted and replied to less than 12 hours ago.
Go ahead.
I like the idea of a chart for vanilla blocks and some special-cased mod ones. Something like this maybe?
Fixed in v19b.
It will always try and shock you due to how the toroid draws its current. Do not activate it until you are nearby.
Yes, newly generated world with Biomes o' plenty generation
I like.
I cannot reproduce this reliably.
Anyone want to make one?
Also, I made the defence turrets much less computationally intensive, and gave them an aiming boost:
Also, should I add the ability for the bedrock axe to cut a 5x5x5 or 3x3x3 of leaves, like the TiC scythe?
until? or 'if'?
Can this be fixed or changed or perhaps some way of insulating players against it be provided? it's incredibly frustrating.
The permissions for each mod on the site are maintained as well, they can be viewed at the bottom of each mod page on each mod we distribute.
Thank you, and I look forward to your reply.
How does this affect adherence to the rules and enforcement thereof?
Mistype. I mean "until you are not nearby". Use a clutch or something.
Wearing leather cuts the damage by half, as does any special armor.
The system creates public mod packs on the fly, as you have requested we get permission for such thing, and have asked.
No, what I mean is, how does this ensure that the packs created follow the rules?
Access can be revoked at any time.
Hello, I'm the creator of PackAssembler and would like to explain a bit: the modpacks are not technically mod packs, they are desciptor files which require the client to download each mod individually. In order to (lots of) save time, the permissions are resolved when the mod is hosted on the site (individually), rather than at the pack level.
Therefore, we can not ensure that packs follow all the rules, though the only one that seems to apply is "Don't use things that mess with me mod".
Drops are on. Watched it for a bit, Saltpeter and Ruby make it through just fine, but pretty much everything else does not. I put an Efficiency 4 enchantment on it, and I'm giving it this much power. Maxed out 4 Magnetostatics and using a 4:1 Bedrock Gearbox for speed. Removing the chest on the side does not affect the behaviour, it rarely ever spits anything out.
EDIT : Now that is VERY interesting. Did some testing, it's not the Magnetostatic Engine that's the issue, it's gearboxes. I don't know why they'd be causing it, but when I have a gearbox right against the back of the boring machine with no shafts in between, drops are voided. Adding a shaft or removing the gearbox returns normal functionality. This applies to RotaryCraft power gen as well, not just Magnetostatics.
I knew it was awhile back, but not THAT far back. Guy must be using a very early version of a pack on a server or something. I guess I'll stop worrying about him.
Would that be a secondary behaviour you could use on anything tree related with some sort of toggle, or a fallback for when a tree doesn't match anything in your registry? Or is it just for leaves and ignores wood?
EDIT : Ah jeez, I think Railcraft registered its Abyssal Stone hardness wrong, since 131kNm of torque with Efficiency 4 is still not enough to break through 21 blocks, let alone the full 35, and the wiki says it has a hardness of 2.