This is the revival of the venerable Custom Ore Generation, last released for Minecraft 1.4.6. Custom Ore Generation was originally written by JRoush, and he/she deserves virtually all the credit for this work. Please see the original thread for most details. The current maintainer aims to keep the mod up to date with Minecraft, to fix bugs and to add a few features here and there. The configuration layout has changed since the times of JRoush.
Mod Support
Thanks mostly to the efforts of reteo and his Sprocket tool, we current support the ores from these mods:
Thanks to the efforts of reteo (and the help of his Sprocket tool), COG now has consistent support for a greatly expanded set of mods (see the spoiler above).
Reteo has also added a "huge veins" mode for most distributions.
Support restriction by block adjacency (PlacesAbove, PlacesBelow, PlacesBeside), see the github wiki for more details.
The GT5 config should now use the correct hardness values (thanks harveyt), and also places some limonite in the "iron sand" deposits to allow easier early game access to iron.
Fix Railcraft ore block names
SimpleOres options should now be visible
Remove obsolete Mystcraft symbol stuff from configs
Support Gregtech6, set Gregtech5 hardness values.
Add FirstOreDictBlock as alternative to OreBlock for placing the first block registered in the ore dictionary for some ore.
Add IfOreExists and oreExists() function for checking whether there is a block registered for an ore.
Increase tolerance for total match weight check to avoid precision-based errors.
Draco18s: Add Wald distribution type, which favors extreme values.
Draco18s: Add Pitch setting that specifically controls Y angle deviation for veins.
Fix Thaumcraft config (had wrong biome type for magical biomes)
Options not visible in the GUI are saved at the dimension level
Report error when using an invalid biome type
Fix overriding of distributions; solves conflict between Gregtech and Geologica.
Attempt to fix the infinite recursion caused by multiple chunk loaders.
Update to Chisel 2.0 block names, so version 2.0 is now required for Chisel support.
Fix accidental overriding of substitution distributions that could cause some vanilla and/or mod-default generation to leak into the world.
Gregtech generation always considers GregtechActive option; no longer removes GT ores in other dimensions.
Dimension-level option files only store options specifically set for that dimension, instead of holding *all* options. This will make options more sensitive to changes in defaults and the save-level options; please let me know if there are any issues.
Fix saving of options set via the console
Gregtech config fixes and tweaks
Fix PFAA + Gregtech compatibility; PFAA will override almost all GT generation, except for "native" ores (copper, gold, silver, electrum), lignite, lapis (lazurite and sodalite), the gold veins in the extreme hills, and the kimberlite diamond pipes w/ olivine. Note that you will need a source of redstone (like the default COG generation). This stuff is still not well tested. You will want the latest PFAA for better balance.
Add BETA Gregtech config; uses realistic patterns similar to those of PFAA Geologica.
Fix handling of air blocks (caused crash with Forestry apatite distribution)
Fix clearing of Mekanism-generated ores
Fix crash due to broken Gregtech config (disabled for now)
Rewrite of deferred generation algorithm; please test if interested. Hopefully this resolves the missed chunk issue.
Support NBT element as child of OreBlock; expects standard NBT JSON
Add Steamcraft (Mr. Flaxbeard's) support
Hopefully fix biome height scale for amplified world type
Started removing MystcraftSymbol stuff from configs, as Mystcraft and COG have evolved to be implicitly integrated, and the symbol stuff has not been supported for ages
Distributions will override preceding distributions of the same name, facilitating customization
No longer clear ThermalFoundation platinum and mithril ore (in case user configures them to generate in the world)
Update Forestry support for Forestry 3.0
Railcraft config is robust to configurations that completely remove the Railcraft ore block from the game
Fix failure to generate in Cold Taiga variants (temperature was outside of bounds).
Update for changes to biome dictionary, including config fixes.
No longer support matching by biome ID (just name, type and climate)
Fix Metallurgy 4 support (all utility ores had incorrect metadata, use /cogPopulate to fix).
Add dark iron support for Factorization (thanks Bakerman)
Add COGActive option, inspired by Keybounce's suggestion.
Add support for Mekanism, thanks Greylocke.
Update Galacticraft support for 1.7.
Update configs for Factorization and ThermalFoundation (was ThermalExpansion).
Update to 1.7.10.
Fix placement of fluid blocks by cloud distributions.
Sealevel height scale is fixed and is now half the ground level in hell worlds.
Update SimpleOres support for 1.7.
The element now matches exactly, which makes config loading much faster when there are many blocks. If you still need matching based on regular expressions, use .
Updated the Project RED config for 1.7.
1.0.25 (1.6.4): Updated to ATG API 0.9.5.
Add localization support for config strings visible in the configuration GUI.
Fix Railcraft config; abyssal geodes should actually be worth something now.
Hopefully fix Metallurgy config to avoid generating invalid blocks.
1.1.5: Fix Railcraft config.
Added Chisel config for its limestone and marble (thanks agilmore2).
Updated Metallurgy support for 1.7.2.
Restored integration with ATG (surface-relative height stuff works).
1.1.1: Fixed dependency metadata so that Geologica works.
1.1.0: Update to 1.7.2.
Configs should work for vanilla, Biomes O' Plenty, Forestry, IC2, Railcraft, Thaumcraft and Tinker's Construct.
Since Minecraft is moving away from integer IDs, configs need to identify blocks using the unique name (e.g., "minecraft:redstone_ore") instead of the ID or unlocalized name. Eventually (probably next version) matching will be by identity (rather than by regex). The motivation is performance (matching every descriptor against every block takes a long time in a modded environment), as well as safety (no accidental ambiguity). There will be a ReplacesPattern that implements the previous behavior.
1.0.24: Fixed deployment of the Galacticraft config.
Rework the height scaling (see github wiki)
Galacticraft config added (thanks to Gaelmare)
Leave saltpeter generation to Railcraft (thanks to Gaelmare)
Various mod config cleanups (thanks to Gaelmare)
Fix bug when substituting with air blocks, and issue with Railcraft sulfur
Dramatically speedup world loading with large ore dictionaries (like with Gregtech).
Support height scaling of certain settings like Height and Frequency. Supported scales are sealevel, biome average and surface (only ATG but currently broken). See the github wiki for documentation.
Hopefully fix the floating point imprecision issue when checking that the sum of ore weights adds up to 1.
Add SimpleOres2 support (only veins but not tested for balance).
Use block IDs for netherack and endstone to avoid conflicts between the Metallurgy config and the Chisel mod.
Deferred population range now defaults to 16 (big enough for vanilla clusters)
IC2: Options are hidden when ores do not exist (disabled in config)
Thaumcraft4: Fix typo for order shard clusters
Metallurgy: fixed utility ore labels, generalized biome support
Config expression functions like blockExists() fixed for attributes with default values.
Fix typo for tin clusters.
Rebalance configs for Tinker's Construct, Thaumcraft and Thermal Expansion.
Restore gravel/dirt generation when vanillaOreGen is disabled.
Support mod-added configs in modules/mods directory.
Add config for Thermal Expansion 3.
Add ReplacesOre element for replacing blocks according to ore dictionary key.
Standard configs now use ReplacesOre for stone, so mods like UndergroundBiomes work.
Fix generation of TC4 order and entropy infused stone.
Fix Railcraft sulfur generation when diamond veins were not enabled.
1.0.14: Fix compatibility with Mystcraft and above.
1.0.13: Hotfix disabling the experimental extra caves (oops).
Rework BiomesOPlenty, Railcraft and Thaumcraft configs; fix for Forestry since
Standard overworld configs now look for either RandomLevelSource or ATGLevelSource, rather than dimension ID 0.
Substitute determines surface based on block material (rock, sand, clay, etc) so that it is no longer fooled by trees; checks canBlockStay() before placing.
Surface-relative height for other distributions has been dropped for now, but we should be able to restore it for ATG.
1.0.11: Tweaked configuration management strategy to always export default base config. If you ran version 1.0.10, this version will crash with an error about the custom attribute. This is intentional; just delete the CustomOreGen/CustomOreGen_Config.xml config file.
Reworked configuration management strategy. Configs are now replaced by default.
Made BOP gem generation biome-specific, in the spirit of the mod.
Factorization, BOP and Metallurgy configs now check if mod is installed.
Fixed Substitute distribution (oops)
Remove stray Ruby symbols from Railcraft.xml
Added standard configs for BiomesOPlenty and Factorization, thanks to reteo.
Add support for surface-relative height specification; e.g., generate layers that follow the terrain (see the github wiki for documentation).
Support Alternate Terrain Generation by changing condition from requiring RandomLevelSource to requiring the overworld dimension.
Added standard configs for Railcraft and Thaumcraft 4, thanks to Sandwitches.
Fixed compability with Forestry (which we now require)
Added standard configs for TConstruct, ProjectRed, Dartcraft, and Metallurgy, thanks to Sandwitches and others.
Maybe fixed compatibility with True Randomite
Updated to 1.6.4
Options are now saved per-dimension, with the overwold in the DIM0 directory, regardless of whether a dimension has a config file. Only the visible options (those shown in GUI) are stored at the level of the save.
MinecraftOres.xml now only applies to the overworld.
1.0.5: Fixed expression evaluation (blockExists, biomeExists, isModInstalled, etc should work now).
1.0.4: Removed warning when Mystcraft is installed, fixed block counting for veins, clouds.
1.0.3: Renamed to Custom Ore Generation: First Revival first major release.
0.1.0: Added BiomeSet, BiomeType and climate attributes for Biome
0.0.0: Revived to 1.6.2 compatibility.
Ore distributions are specified by XML files. Since XML is often a headache, Reteo has made an extremely useful and convenient utility, Sprocket, that enables authoring of CustomOreGen configurations using a simple INI-based format.
For those brave enough to tackle the XML, all original features are documented on the original wiki. For new features listed in the changelog, see the github wiki.
See the original thread for some pictures (under the Distributions heading).
FAQ How do I configure distributions for a server? Choose one:
Easiest: Generate the world using a client (and thus the GUI), and copy to server.
Edit the CustomOreGen_Options.txt file from another world directory and save it to server config directory for CustomOreGen.
Options can be modified via the server/admin console (see wiki).
Can I use this mod in my mod pack? Sure, this is released under the terms of the Artistic 2.0 license.
Related mods
HarderOres makes ores... well.. harder.. and easier to find via a clever prospecting mechanic.
Geologica uses COG to add realistic distributions of virtually every economically important mineral, and petroleum.
The source is freely available on github and is subject to the Artistic 2.0 license. Collaborations and pull requests are welcome. Ideas for new development directions are listed here. If this maintainer falls off the grid, please revive the mod (and then it would be the second revival, and so on).
1.5.2 had Better Ore Distribution, and configuring it was a b****. This mod creates an excellent array of shapes. The freq./abundance sliders are very user friendly in combination with debug/wireframe mode THANK YOU for reviving it!
Now...if only I could figure out how to get the Ores from Biomes O' Plenty to spawn....
(In regard to a mod that gives realistic animal genetics):
Would you really rather have bees that make diamonds and oil with magical genetic blocks?
... did I really ask that?
Do you have up to date mystcraft integration?
Do you plan to restore mystcraft integration?
Yes, this is in the plans (see the Github wiki). Mystcraft is a lot more complicated now, so it would need to be largely reworked, both internally and in the way distributions are specified. Setting expressions would need access to the symbol modifiers. One thing I want to get away from is the constant if(age, ..., ...) syntax that pervades Mystcraft-aware configurations.
I love this mod and have waited a long time to get hands on a new version for the newer minecraft versions.
I have a few questions and little bug.
Can you exclude (comment out) the Mystcraft part easy? That would allow to use your mod with Mystcraft together. The integration of Mystcraft symbols would be a nice feature but not necessary for first releases.
Removed this harmless warning.
Can I include your mod in my mod pack?
Yes, this is permitted by the Artistic 2.0 license, as long as the credits (metadata) are preserved. If you modify the mod at all, the changes need to be well documented, i.e., it should be obvious that you are distributing a modified version.
Here is a small bug, very small but necessary to balance ore generation:
I can read all Information with the command:
/cogInfo .* placedBlocks|populatedChunks
The values seem to be correct with substitution classes:
[2013-08-15 16:01:53] coalSubstitute (2/10 settings):
[2013-08-15 16:01:53] populatedChunks = [Integer] 1285
[2013-08-15 16:01:53] placedBlocks = [Long] 214513
But the values are not correct with distribution classes:
[2013-08-15 16:01:53] CoalCeins (2/32 settings):
[2013-08-15 16:01:53] populatedChunks = [Integer] 1285
[2013-08-15 16:01:53] placedBlocks = [Long] 0
For JRoush's, you would use a /cogPopulate command, and tell it which distribution to use (otherwise it would default to redoing all distributions -- if you have substitute, this might cause issues; if you don't, it should be identical. Note that substitute is the default.)
I haven't played with this version yet. (Planning the 162 update this weekend actually)
(In regard to a mod that gives realistic animal genetics):
Would you really rather have bees that make diamonds and oil with magical genetic blocks?
... did I really ask that?
For JRoush's, you would use a /cogPopulate command, and tell it which distribution to use (otherwise it would default to redoing all distributions -- if you have substitute, this might cause issues; if you don't, it should be identical. Note that substitute is the default.)
I haven't played with this version yet. (Planning the 162 update this weekend actually)
I started a new world after the 1.6.2 update and back then Buildcraft was not updated. It was updated few days ago. I though it will be able to spawn oil in the chunks that i havent explored. But i was wrong.
Also i didnt understand a word you said on how to spawn oil if it is possible.
Is it possible to spawn oil from Buildcraft in an existing world. If you can, can you tell me how?
Please check out the documentation. It will be tough if not impossible to exactly recapitulate the BC oil spawns. However, you could, for example, model something off of the vertical veins used for e.g. redstone (should be able to find the block ID in the BC config file).
Please check out the documentation. It will be tough if not impossible to exactly recapitulate the BC oil spawns. However, you could, for example, model something off of the vertical veins used for e.g. redstone (should be able to find the block ID in the BC config file).
I dont even know how to use this mod. I read on the internet that you can spawn oil with this mod.
I dont even know how to use this mod. I read on the internet that you can spawn oil with this mod.
Short answer = Not really.
Long answer = Yes, it is technically possible to spawn oil source blocks using this mod. However, it would be nearly impossible for a new user to re-create the oil spawning that BC does. IE, you won't get dynamic oil spouts and underground pockets. You won't get oil pools. Someone very experienced with this mod might be able to set up a config for all that, but it would take a LOT of work.
Short answer = Not really.
Long answer = Yes, it is technically possible to spawn oil source blocks using this mod. However, it would be nearly impossible for a new user to re-create the oil spawning that BC does. IE, you won't get dynamic oil spouts and underground pockets. You won't get oil pools. Someone very experienced with this mod might be able to set up a config for all that, but it would take a LOT of work.
So a better long answer: COG has a few types of distributions. One models vanilla's small lumps. One makes motherlodes and veins. And one makes "3d ovals" (sorry, can't remember the exact name).
Mods can program in custom distribution patterns. And when they do, that custom pattern cannot be matched exactly.
(In regard to a mod that gives realistic animal genetics):
Would you really rather have bees that make diamonds and oil with magical genetic blocks?
... did I really ask that?
First off thanx for taking the time to keep a mod up to date that seems like a mountain of work. Secondly I didn't see anyone else directly ask this so do you have any intentions of making a 1.5.x version for all the sad people stuck on an outdated FTB server. Thanks a bunch for all your work.
Genesis, I would love to use this in my modpack i'm working on, however it doesn't seem to be compatible with underground biomes, as it replaces all the stone with different types..
Is there some way I could change what block this mod looks for when generating ores?
I have come across a problem that new chunks don't always populate ores correctly - they use the vanilla ore generation rather than the rules from COG.
I suspect that when I was running/sprinting looking for animals and the world had to load/populate a lot of new chunks when it got corrupted, but I haven't been able to confirm this as yet.
I don't know if you have already experienced this / know about this.
I have experienced this, I think. But I wasn't entirely certain whether it was a bug in the mod or an issue with my config. Hopefully we can better characterize this.
Genesis, I would love to use this in my modpack i'm working on, however it doesn't seem to be compatible with underground biomes, as it replaces all the stone with different types..
Is there some way I could change what block this mod looks for when generating ores?
Sure, you would just need to change the config so that replace block descriptor matches the IDs used by Underground Biomes. You might be able to use a regular expression for this. The changes will be pretty extensive though. One way to make this easier in the future would be to have BlockSet elements, like the BiomeSets.
CustomOreGen has detected an error while trying to load its config files.
At this time you may:
(1) Abort loading and close Minecraft (click 'Abort').
(2) Try to fix the error and then reload the config files (click 'Retry').
(3) Ignore the error and continue without loading the config files (click 'Ignore').
It is strongly recommended that you do not ignore the error.
------ Error Message ------
CustomOreGen Config Error at Element <Default> [line 28]: At (4-15) blockExists : Unexpected token.
Can you help me ? sry for my english
Sorry, should be fixed in the latest version, 1.0.5.
This is the revival of the venerable Custom Ore Generation, last released for Minecraft 1.4.6. Custom Ore Generation was originally written by JRoush, and he/she deserves virtually all the credit for this work. Please see the original thread for most details. The current maintainer aims to keep the mod up to date with Minecraft, to fix bugs and to add a few features here and there. The configuration layout has changed since the times of JRoush.
Mod Support
Minecraft 1.6.4, Forge
CustomOreGenRevived 1.0.25
Old Downloads (Universal)
CustomOreGen 1.2.20
CustomOreGen 1.2.19
CustomOreGen 1.2.18
CustomOreGen 1.2.17
CustomOreGen 1.2.16
CustomOreGen 1.2.15
CustomOreGen 1.2.14
CustomOreGen 1.2.13
CustomOreGen 1.2.12
CustomOreGen 1.2.11
CustomOreGen 1.2.10
CustomOreGen 1.2.9
CustomOreGen 1.2.7
CustomOreGen 1.2.6
CustomOreGen 1.2.5
CustomOreGen 1.2.4
CustomOreGen 1.2.3
CustomOreGen 1.2.2
CustomOreGen 1.2.1
CustomOreGen 1.2.0
Minecraft 1.7.2, Forge
CustomOreGen 1.1.7
1.1.0: Update to 1.7.2.
1.0.13: Hotfix disabling the experimental extra caves (oops).
1.0.4: Removed warning when Mystcraft is installed, fixed block counting for veins, clouds.
1.0.3: Renamed to Custom Ore Generation: First Revival first major release.
0.1.0: Added BiomeSet, BiomeType and climate attributes for Biome
0.0.0: Revived to 1.6.2 compatibility.
Ore distributions are specified by XML files. Since XML is often a headache, Reteo has made an extremely useful and convenient utility, Sprocket, that enables authoring of CustomOreGen configurations using a simple INI-based format.
For those brave enough to tackle the XML, all original features are documented on the original wiki. For new features listed in the changelog, see the github wiki.
See the original thread for some pictures (under the Distributions heading).
How do I configure distributions for a server? Choose one:
Can I use this mod in my mod pack? Sure, this is released under the terms of the Artistic 2.0 license.
Related mods
The source is freely available on github and is subject to the Artistic 2.0 license. Collaborations and pull requests are welcome. Ideas for new development directions are listed here. If this maintainer falls off the grid, please revive the mod (and then it would be the second revival, and so on).
Good thing you are carrying on with this mod, this one is very nice and adds lots of realism to ore generation.
Now...if only I could figure out how to get the Ores from Biomes O' Plenty to spawn....
Do you plan to restore mystcraft integration?
* Promoting this week: Captive Minecraft 4, Winter Realm. Aka: Vertical Vanilla Viewing. Clicky!
* My channel with Mystcraft, and general Minecraft Let's Plays:
* See all my video series:
(In regard to a mod that gives realistic animal genetics):
Would you really rather have bees that make diamonds and oil with magical genetic blocks?
... did I really ask that?
Yes, this is in the plans (see the Github wiki). Mystcraft is a lot more complicated now, so it would need to be largely reworked, both internally and in the way distributions are specified. Setting expressions would need access to the symbol modifiers. One thing I want to get away from is the constant if(age, ..., ...) syntax that pervades Mystcraft-aware configurations.
Removed this harmless warning.
Yes, this is permitted by the Artistic 2.0 license, as long as the credits (metadata) are preserved. If you modify the mod at all, the changes need to be well documented, i.e., it should be obvious that you are distributing a modified version.
Thanks, this is fixed in 1.0.4.
For JRoush's, you would use a /cogPopulate command, and tell it which distribution to use (otherwise it would default to redoing all distributions -- if you have substitute, this might cause issues; if you don't, it should be identical. Note that substitute is the default.)
I haven't played with this version yet. (Planning the 162 update this weekend actually)
* Promoting this week: Captive Minecraft 4, Winter Realm. Aka: Vertical Vanilla Viewing. Clicky!
* My channel with Mystcraft, and general Minecraft Let's Plays:
* See all my video series:
(In regard to a mod that gives realistic animal genetics):
Would you really rather have bees that make diamonds and oil with magical genetic blocks?
... did I really ask that?
I started a new world after the 1.6.2 update and back then Buildcraft was not updated. It was updated few days ago. I though it will be able to spawn oil in the chunks that i havent explored. But i was wrong.
Also i didnt understand a word you said on how to spawn oil if it is possible.
Please check out the documentation. It will be tough if not impossible to exactly recapitulate the BC oil spawns. However, you could, for example, model something off of the vertical veins used for e.g. redstone (should be able to find the block ID in the BC config file).
I dont even know how to use this mod. I read on the internet that you can spawn oil with this mod.
Short answer = Not really.
Long answer = Yes, it is technically possible to spawn oil source blocks using this mod. However, it would be nearly impossible for a new user to re-create the oil spawning that BC does. IE, you won't get dynamic oil spouts and underground pockets. You won't get oil pools. Someone very experienced with this mod might be able to set up a config for all that, but it would take a LOT of work.
So a better long answer: COG has a few types of distributions. One models vanilla's small lumps. One makes motherlodes and veins. And one makes "3d ovals" (sorry, can't remember the exact name).
Mods can program in custom distribution patterns. And when they do, that custom pattern cannot be matched exactly.
* Promoting this week: Captive Minecraft 4, Winter Realm. Aka: Vertical Vanilla Viewing. Clicky!
* My channel with Mystcraft, and general Minecraft Let's Plays:
* See all my video series:
(In regard to a mod that gives realistic animal genetics):
Would you really rather have bees that make diamonds and oil with magical genetic blocks?
... did I really ask that?
Is there some way I could change what block this mod looks for when generating ores?
I have experienced this, I think. But I wasn't entirely certain whether it was a bug in the mod or an issue with my config. Hopefully we can better characterize this.
Sure, you would just need to change the config so that replace block descriptor matches the IDs used by Underground Biomes. You might be able to use a regular expression for this. The changes will be pretty extensive though. One way to make this easier in the future would be to have BlockSet elements, like the BiomeSets.
Sorry, should be fixed in the latest version, 1.0.5.