- About -
A satellite mod which ports from SimpleOres the old silver, which position is now replaced by tin in the original mod, to the ongoing environment. New features such as the Silver Golem and customisable ore generation are also included.
Could you be so kind as to post the stats (hardness, mining speed, durability) of silver, and perhaps include iron and/or gold for reference? I never used the original Simple Ores.
Also, do zombies and skeletons wear, and drop, silver equipment? Can I find it in dungeon chests?
I do have a little suggestion for new textures though, why don't you make it a darker hue? I get really confused when I put tin and silver ores next to each other
I do have a little suggestion for new textures though, why don't you make it a darker hue? I get really confused when I put tin and silver ores next to each other
How about this one? ->
Maybe I should just make a totally different one like metallury does
Zot201 has kindly allowed me to make a very small mod plug-in to his Only Silver plug-in. (A mini-mod-mod.)
Since most everyone here is likely from AleXndr's Simple Ore 2 mod thread, many have seen my post with my two Fusion Furnace recipe packs. The main package is the Simple Fusion Recycling pack, which allows you to use the Fusion Furnace (hence, it requires Simple Ores 2) to recycle your badly damaged items into one (occasionally two) ore blocks. It has recipes for all vanilla and Simple Ores crafting materials.
Now, I've added Recycle Your Silver!
Recycle Your Silver is a tiny addition that adds the same set of recipes to recycle Silver in zot201's Only Silver mod. Badly damaged items, including drops from skeletons and zombies, can be recycled into Silver Ore blocks, which are then smelted into Silver ingots. The basic recipe is that a silver item is fused with a gravel block, using coal as a catalyst, and the fusion creates one Silver Ore block (two for chest plates and leggings).
As noted, it requires Simple Ores 2 (for the Fusion Furnace). It also has a hard dependency on Only Silver. If you remove Only Silver, Recycle Your Silver must also be removed, or Minecraft will not start, giving you an error that "onlysilver" cannot be found.
Further, it requires a minimum of Only Silver 1.1.1. The API was added in 1.1.0, but the recycling recipes requires the Silver ore block, which was added in 1.1.1. It has been successfully tested with the new 1.2.2 version, but versions before 1.1.1 will cause errors.
The recipes currently cover the base armor/tool items, as well as the Silver rod and bow. If an update to Only Silver adds new items, the current version of Recycle Your Silver will work, and the new items will be added in updates to my mod.
As my mod does not add items, if it is removed, nothing from inventory will be lost. The Fusion Furnace recipes will simply stop working.
The page for my mods, including Reycle Your Silver, is here:
Zot201 has allowed me to make a very small mod plug-in to his Only Silver plug-in. (A mini-mod-mod.)
Since most everyone here is likely from AleXndr's Simple Ore 2 mod thread, many have seen my post with my two Fusion Furnace recipe packs. The main one is the Simple Fusion Recycling pack, which allows you to use the Fusion Furnace (hence, it requires Simple Ores 2) to recycle your badly damaged items into one (occasionally two) ore blocks. It has recipes for all vanilla and Simple Ores crafting materials.
Now, I've added Recycle Your Silver!
Recycle Your Silver is a tiny addition that adds the same set of recipes to recycle Silver in zot201's Only Silver mod. Badly damaged items, including drops from skeletons and zombies, can be recycled into Silver Ore blocks, which are then smelted into Silver ingots. The basic recipe is that a silver item is fused with a gravel block, using coal as a catalyst, and the fusion creates one Silver Ore block (two for chest plates and leggings).
As noted, it requires Simple Ores 2 (for the Fusion Furnace). It also has a hard dependency on Only Silver. If you remove Only Silver, Recycle Your Silver must also be removed, or Minecraft will not start, giving you an error that "onlysilver" cannot be found.
Further, it requires a minimum of Only Silver 1.1.1. The API was added in 1.1.0, but the recycling recipes requires the Silver ore block, which was added in 1.1.1. It has been successfully tested with the new 1.2.2 version, but versions before 1.1.1 will cause errors.
The recipes currently cover the base armor/tool items, as well as the Silver rod and bow. If an update to Only Silver adds new items, the current version of Recycle Your Silver will work, and the new items will be added in updates to my mod.
As my mod does not add items, if it is removed, nothing from inventory will be lost. The Fusion Furnace recipes will simply stop working.
The page for my mods, including Reycle Your Silver, is here:
Zot201 has kindly allowed me to make a very small mod plug-in to his Only Silver plug-in. (A mini-mod-mod.)
Now, I've added Recycle Your Silver!
Recycle Your Silver is a tiny addition that adds the same set of recipes to recycle Silver in zot201's Only Silver mod.
As my mod does not add items, if it is removed, nothing from inventory will be lost. The Fusion Furnace recipes will simply stop working.
Finally, a bit "Thank you!" to zot201 for allowing this.
I have enough of a pre-release of Simple Ores 2 to start updating my recipes. An issue with the hard dependency requires testing in a live environment, so unfortunately, I will have to re-release Reyclce Your Silver after Simple Ores 2 goes live. When you update Simple Ores 2, delete Recycle Your Silver. The re-release will be up within a few days after.
EDIT : Simple Ores 2 update is out. If you use Recycle Your Silver, please delete it when you update Simple Ores. You will obviously need the Fusion Furnace expansion/version for my recycling pack. I am planning on installing the new version and testing everything in the live world tonight, then re-posting.
The final release, and first update, of Simple Ores 2 with the API is out. I have updated Recycle Your Silver to work with the new API. If you use Recycle Your Silver, you must have Simple Ores 2 with the Fusion Furnace. The new Recycle Your Silver version has been tested with Only Silver 1.2.3. Recycling grants 10 experience orbs for most silver items, 20 for chest plates and leggings.
Hey, do you mind if I make alternate textures for OCD pack by Disco?
EDIT: I've done them, OCD only uses block textures so I didn't need to show items or amour
There's silver next to simple ores blocks
That's just silver and tin next to each other, as you can see, tin is a little more on the grey side.
EDIT2: And if you need the link to the patch for putting in the main post or in an alternate textures thread, just quote this giving me permission to release this and I'll give you the link.
Hey, do you mind if I make alternate textures for OCD pack by Disco?
EDIT: I've done them, OCD only uses block textures so I didn't need to show items or amour
There's silver next to simple ores blocks
That's just silver and tin next to each other, as you can see, tin is a little more on the grey side.
EDIT2: And if you need the link to the patch for putting in the main post or in an alternate textures thread, just quote this giving me permission to release this and I'll give you the link.
If zot doesn't reply (and I hope s/he (?) has not abandoned this, I would like to see this become an active Simple Ores plugin, as it would be good for alloys), technically zot gave permission to be used in mod packs, as long as there is proper attribution, and no Ad Fly links. I guess you could argue that a texture pack is like a mod pack...
Hey, do you mind if I make alternate textures for OCD pack by Disco?
EDIT: I've done them, OCD only uses block textures so I didn't need to show items or amour
There's silver next to simple ores blocks
That's just silver and tin next to each other, as you can see, tin is a little more on the grey side.
EDIT2: And if you need the link to the patch for putting in the main post or in an alternate textures thread, just quote this giving me permission to release this and I'll give you the link.
It is OK of course. You are so much welcome to do so.
And, sorry for the late reply.
Can you please give me the source?
I am a beginner at Modding and i want to know how your coding is.
please send it to: [email protected].
Thank you
Sorry, as I'm not planning to open the source to public at this stage. I would suggest you could look at the source of SimpleOres instead, which is open source. Or if you would like to know about the different parts on OnlySilver when compared to the SimpleOres, You are welcome to make a question about it to me.
Although my code is not open, I would also suggest you to decompile it. Pass the mod through BON, which deobfuscate the mod, and open it with jd-gui and you would see the decompiled code, which is not very much different to my code, as I have not much organised my code by adding lines of comment or something else to it.
- About -
A satellite mod which ports from SimpleOres the old silver, which position is now replaced by tin in the original mod, to the ongoing environment. New features such as the Silver Golem and customisable ore generation are also included.
- Downloads -
- OnlySilver-1.9.4-1.7.2
- OnlySilver-1.6.8-1.6.4
- OnlySilver-1.9.3-1.7.2
- OnlySilver-1.9.1-1.7.2
- OnlySilver-1.7.6-1.7.2
- OnlySilver-1.7.5-1.7.2
- OnlySilver-1.7.4-1.7.2
- OnlySilver-1.7.2-1.7.2
- OnlySilver-1.6.8-1.7.2
- OnlySilver-1.6.6-1.7.2
- OnlySilver-1.6.6-1.6.4
- OnlySilver-1.6.5-1.6.4
- OnlySilver-1.6.4-1.7.2
- OnlySilver-1.6.4-1.6.4
- OnlySilver-1.6.3-1.7.2
- OnlySilver-1.6.3-1.6.4
- OnlySilver-1.6.2-1.7.2
- OnlySilver-1.6.1-1.7.2
- OnlySilver-1.6.0-1.7.2
- OnlySilver-1.5.5-1.6.4
- OnlySilver-1.5.4-1.6.4
- OnlySilver-1.5.2-1.6.4
- OnlySilver-1.4.6-1.6.4
- OnlySilver-1.3.9-1.6.4
- OnlySilver-1.2.3-1.6.2
- OnlySilver-1.2.2-1.6.2
- OnlySilver-1.1.1-1.6.2
- OnlySilver-1.0.1-1.6.2
- Add-on Downloads -
Ex Nihilo Add-on v1.1 for MC1.6.4 (Minecraft 1.6.4 / 1.6.2)
Thaumcraft Add-on v1.0 for MC1.6.4 (Minecraft 1.6.4 / 1.6.2)
OnlySilver-1.6.3-1.6.4 or above is preferred.
- Installation -
Have Forge Installed and put the zip or jar file downloaded in the 'mods' folder.
Also, make sure you are using Java 8 or above.
- Resource Packs -
guekho64 64x64 Textures for OnlySilver by guekho64
Faithful 32x32 Pack for OnlySilver by helpful people
oCd pack for OnlySilver 1.2.3 by Enderman967392
- Credits -
Original mod by AleXndrTheGr8st, who gave approval to this mod.
Feel free to give me an PM if you have any question not suitable to be asked here.
Could you be so kind as to post the stats (hardness, mining speed, durability) of silver, and perhaps include iron and/or gold for reference? I never used the original Simple Ores.
Also, do zombies and skeletons wear, and drop, silver equipment? Can I find it in dungeon chests?
Thank you.
Yes. Unless specified, the mod does all the same as SimpleOre 1.5.2_1
Maybe I should just make a totally different one like metallury does
That seems slightly better, but I still think you should make the silver texture darker, and maybe make the colouring more... silver and less white
Zot201 has kindly allowed me to make a very small mod plug-in to his Only Silver plug-in. (A mini-mod-mod.)
Since most everyone here is likely from AleXndr's Simple Ore 2 mod thread, many have seen my post with my two Fusion Furnace recipe packs. The main package is the Simple Fusion Recycling pack, which allows you to use the Fusion Furnace (hence, it requires Simple Ores 2) to recycle your badly damaged items into one (occasionally two) ore blocks. It has recipes for all vanilla and Simple Ores crafting materials.
Now, I've added Recycle Your Silver!
Recycle Your Silver is a tiny addition that adds the same set of recipes to recycle Silver in zot201's Only Silver mod. Badly damaged items, including drops from skeletons and zombies, can be recycled into Silver Ore blocks, which are then smelted into Silver ingots. The basic recipe is that a silver item is fused with a gravel block, using coal as a catalyst, and the fusion creates one Silver Ore block (two for chest plates and leggings).
As noted, it requires Simple Ores 2 (for the Fusion Furnace). It also has a hard dependency on Only Silver. If you remove Only Silver, Recycle Your Silver must also be removed, or Minecraft will not start, giving you an error that "onlysilver" cannot be found.
Further, it requires a minimum of Only Silver 1.1.1. The API was added in 1.1.0, but the recycling recipes requires the Silver ore block, which was added in 1.1.1. It has been successfully tested with the new 1.2.2 version, but versions before 1.1.1 will cause errors.
The recipes currently cover the base armor/tool items, as well as the Silver rod and bow. If an update to Only Silver adds new items, the current version of Recycle Your Silver will work, and the new items will be added in updates to my mod.
As my mod does not add items, if it is removed, nothing from inventory will be lost. The Fusion Furnace recipes will simply stop working.
The page for my mods, including Reycle Your Silver, is here:
Finally, a bit "Thank you!" to zot201 for allowing this.
You can rotate the image 180 degrees, or do a horizontal flip. That will make the pattern different from tin.
Please fix this
A minimum version of Forge should be required in order to render it correctly.
Oh, didn't know that Thanks (I hardly ever update my forge :P)
I have enough of a pre-release of Simple Ores 2 to start updating my recipes. An issue with the hard dependency requires testing in a live environment, so unfortunately, I will have to re-release Reyclce Your Silver after Simple Ores 2 goes live. When you update Simple Ores 2, delete Recycle Your Silver. The re-release will be up within a few days after.
EDIT : Simple Ores 2 update is out. If you use Recycle Your Silver, please delete it when you update Simple Ores. You will obviously need the Fusion Furnace expansion/version for my recycling pack. I am planning on installing the new version and testing everything in the live world tonight, then re-posting.
The final release, and first update, of Simple Ores 2 with the API is out. I have updated Recycle Your Silver to work with the new API. If you use Recycle Your Silver, you must have Simple Ores 2 with the Fusion Furnace. The new Recycle Your Silver version has been tested with Only Silver 1.2.3. Recycling grants 10 experience orbs for most silver items, 20 for chest plates and leggings.
EDIT: I've done them, OCD only uses block textures so I didn't need to show items or amour
There's silver next to simple ores blocks
That's just silver and tin next to each other, as you can see, tin is a little more on the grey side.
EDIT2: And if you need the link to the patch for putting in the main post or in an alternate textures thread, just quote this giving me permission to release this and I'll give you the link.
Waiting on a reply...
Oh and
If zot doesn't reply (and I hope s/he (?) has not abandoned this, I would like to see this become an active Simple Ores plugin, as it would be good for alloys), technically zot gave permission to be used in mod packs, as long as there is proper attribution, and no Ad Fly links. I guess you could argue that a texture pack is like a mod pack...
It is OK of course. You are so much welcome to do so.
And, sorry for the late reply.
Sorry, as I'm not planning to open the source to public at this stage. I would suggest you could look at the source of SimpleOres instead, which is open source. Or if you would like to know about the different parts on OnlySilver when compared to the SimpleOres, You are welcome to make a question about it to me.
Although my code is not open, I would also suggest you to decompile it. Pass the mod through BON, which deobfuscate the mod, and open it with jd-gui and you would see the decompiled code, which is not very much different to my code, as I have not much organised my code by adding lines of comment or something else to it.