The reason Godzilla 2014 failed was because there was no Mothra in it.
Mothra is the only reason Godzilla is good. Mothra saved the movie industry. If Mothra never existed nobody would like movies. The reason many people hate Call of Duty is because it lacks Mothra.
I changed my name to MothraFanboy27.
The crafting recipe for Grated Hoppers is very over powering vs normal sort setup. You may want have iron bar + comparator + hopper = Grated Hoppers.
Found Bug:
When the redstone with blue circle became active it fire off dropper. The other-side where orange circle is should stay inactive like it should. As show in the picture. However when I replace the redstone with orange circle with duct and readstone with blue circle is active it lock the duct.
The crafting recipe for Grated Hoppers is very over powering vs normal sort setup. You may want have iron bar + comparator + hopper = Grated Hoppers.
They're not quite as versatile as your traditional pipe sorting systems so it's a bit trickier to judge balance. A comparator would also mean they would have to visit the nether first, which I'm iffy about. But if people really find it overpowered then I could always add in an alternate recipe selectable in the config, though.
Found Bug:
When the redstone with blue circle became active it fire off dropper. The other-side where orange circle is should stay inactive like it should. As show in the picture. However when I replace the redstone with orange circle with duct and readstone with blue circle is active it lock the duct.
I'm not sure if that's a bug without knowing more, since it's a bit hard to tell what's connected to where. But if the block next to where you're placing the duct is being powered by a repeater/comparator, then that's considered a strong redstone signal by some things. Also, keep in mind that ducts are essentially modified hoppers, so if the duct is locking, I bet that a regular hopper would lock in the same location. You might try recreating that by sticking a normal hopper and chest there as a test to see what happens. Then we'll have a better idea if it's an actual bug or just vanilla behavior showing.
But if people really find it overpowered then I could always add in an alternate recipe selectable in the config, though.
Thank you for taking my comment into consideration
I'm not sure if that's a bug without knowing more, since it's a bit hard to tell what's connected to where. But if the block next to where you're placing the duct is being powered by a repeater/comparator, then that's considered a strong redstone signal by some things. Also, keep in mind that ducts are essentially modified hoppers, so if the duct is locking, I bet that a regular hopper would lock in the same location. You might try recreating that by sticking a normal hopper and chest there as a test to see what happens. Then we'll have a better idea if it's an actual bug or just vanilla behavior showing.
Tested with hopper and seems it vanilla behavior. So when the dropper is powered it act like open trap-chest, and block hopper/duct input. Side note seem hopper would work after moving some duct around, because it's not affected by cooldownTime.
Question about the cooldownTime. Seem this timer only apply when duct redstone power is cut before items start moving, Correct?
Would adding a runThroughTime which controls the time it takes for a item to run through duct(s), help with lag?
Once again, thank your for mod. Between my Mass Storage, red touch towers in spawn chuck took my FPS between 15 to 8 sometimes. Now the games playable.
Hello, I am requesting permission to use your mod within our mod pack distributor PackAssembler, this site allows mod packs to be created on the fly.
The permissions for each mod on the site are maintained as well, they can be viewed at the bottom of each mod page on each mod we distribute.
PackAssembler follows the public mod pack policy, if mods need to public permission such is the one I'm getting permission for can be found at the link here.
Question about the cooldownTime. Seem this timer only apply when duct redstone power is cut before items start moving, Correct? Would adding a runThroughTime which controls the time it takes for a item to run through duct(s), help with lag?
The cooldown time is taken into consideration before everything else. Nothing else executes until the cooldown time hits 0. When that happens, it does the redstone test, and if there's no redstone signal then it attempts to insert something from its inventory slot into the connected inventory. If it accomplishes this then the cooldown time is set again and it waits.
I'm glad you asked about this, because it resulted in me looking through the code to verify the order of execution, and I realized something. People have mentioned that hoppers aren't very CPU-friendly, and I think I see why. If an inventory is full and the hopper or duct isn't able to insert the item into it, then no cooldown time is set after the attempt. So it attempts to insert the item again on the very next tick. If the inventory stays full, then the attempt to insert the item continues every single tick from then on. The reason this is particularly bad is because the attempt to insert an item into the inventory means it's checking every single slot in the target inventory. The larger the chest, the longer the amount of time it's going to take looking for an available slot. And for vanilla hoppers it's doing this five times for every hopper slot!
I'm now going to make the ducts and grated hoppers respond to the cooldown time no matter whether the item was inserted into the target inventory or not!
Anyone else having any issues with this on 1.7.2? I added this to my server just a few minutes ago then hopped ingame to try it out and its not working. Well its half working I guess. I cant see the ducts when I play them. I can use them and interact with them but I cant SEE them. And when I break them with a pickaxe I get iron pickaxes instead of ducts.
Anyone else having any issues with this on 1.7.2? I added this to my server just a few minutes ago then hopped ingame to try it out and its not working. Well its half working I guess. I cant see the ducts when I play them. I can use them and interact with them but I cant SEE them. And when I break them with a pickaxe I get iron pickaxes instead of ducts.
Any ideas?
That's definitely a weird one. I'd need to see a mod list at least to know more, I guess.
I figured out why I cant see them but still not why I get iron picks from it when I break the ducts. I also get iron shovels when I break the grated hoppers
The problem with not seein them was because of the 3d objects mod. It makes stuff like grass and flowers 3d instead of flat sprites in the world. Apparently some of the rendering changes it did messed up not just this mod but others too. It took a bit of messing around with my client mods to figure out what was goin on
Sorry if I missed an earlier post about this, but...
I was trying to place some mine track over a grated hopper like you do with a vanilla hopper, and it didn't work for me.
I also tried torches, redstone dust, etc, and it worked with vanilla hoppers, but not grated hoppers or ducts (I didn't expect it to work for ducts, actually, but I decided to try it out). Carpet works though.
Is this intentional, or am I doing something wrong?
Thanks for the most useful/unobtrusive Minecraft mod I've downloaded, btw.
Sorry if I missed an earlier post about this, but...
I was trying to place some mine track over a grated hopper like you do with a vanilla hopper, and it didn't work for me.
I also tried torches, redstone dust, etc, and it worked with vanilla hoppers, but not grated hoppers or ducts (I didn't expect it to work for ducts, actually, but I decided to try it out). Carpet works though.
Is this intentional, or am I doing something wrong?
Definitely not intentional, I just never realized. Thanks for pointing it out. I'll look into how to deal with that.
Thanks for the most useful/unobtrusive Minecraft mod I've downloaded, btw.
The Meaning of Life, the Universe, and Everything.
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Ooh, 1.7 update. Now if ender storage would just update, I'd be all set for my main item storage and transport mods. xD
Hey fyber, did you ever consider that liquid hoppers idea that someone suggested? It would be really nice if this mod could add a vanilla style way of moving liquids around and storing them. I know that's probably difficult, but it would be the coolest thing ever, since vanilla is severely lacking in ways to store liquids, and people might not want full-blown tech mods to do it.
Would it be possible to make it so items could be sent in two different directions? Also, make it funnel items equally to both or allow the new block to have an ability to choose a ratio like 2:1 where two Items go one way and 1 item to the other.(I am a noob D: ) Another thing that would be very nice is if the grated hoppers had a priority IE items further to left get drawn out before those on the right.My Auto smelter is clogged with wood to be smelted into charcoal. it'd be nice to have it prioritize other things like food, ores, and stone to be funneled out first if there are no such items it begins grabbing the next lower priority item.So if the furnace is currently smelting wood and you put stone in the chest above the grated hopper and stone had a higher priority it would stop refilling the wood in the furnace let it all smelt out then start filling it up with stone.Still one of my favorite mods (So much so I made an account just to post this suggestion )
When you set cooldownTime below 5/6 it seems the duct has issues of locking up, meaning items stop moving. After removing the item that lock duct system start working again. Also seem that Grated Hoppers are unable to grab items from duct when below.
I change the cooldownTime because I'm draining (items) from my Mass Storage Sorting System (MSSS) while I'm switching old sorters to Grated Hoppers, and piping (hopper) to ducts..
Side note MCEdit telling me that the MSSS itself has over 1,000 ducts, not include farms I have connect to it.
... ducts are essentially modified hoppers ...
If I made mass of duct system from spawn chuck where my MSSS to farm be it witch farm or ice farm it could create correct? I would hope not. Anyway allow items pass through duct and not loading whole chuck? Or only that chuck where items are moving in duct?
The Meaning of Life, the Universe, and Everything.
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College of Winterhold
Suicida1 Cheese
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you did a very good job with this mod, i only have one gripe really, connecting a chest, and furnace is a bit weird. the duct doesnt seem to want to connect together sometimes either. all i had to do was go from where i was trying to connect to the chest and everything connected just fine. a few suggestions make the filtered hoppers stack able, like when one is on top of the other the filters combine so you have more five spaces in a single filter, the downside being your hopper is twice as tall or however tall you make it. i think an awesome addition to this mod also would be an Ender Hopper. basically a hopper that can connect to an ender chest. great job with this FyberOptic really great mod:)
The Meaning of Life, the Universe, and Everything.
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College of Winterhold
Suicida1 Cheese
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after messing around with a storage system im making, i ran into a problem when trying to get my furnace to autofill itself from the main sorting box and the coal storage box, but i did come up with an easy solution it would need something like this,
so its a filtered duct. but its bent directly sideways into the top of the hopper, the duct will only automatically connect to the direction the hopper is facing, it would be awesome if some f these things were possible, also the ability to connect box's together with ducts and and sub divide the sacks based on how many chests are accessible in the connected duct.
Seem there issues with the duct & Grated Hopper.
(Using picture because better then try type out..)
* Main Sort Duct is item that still need be sorted.
* Overflow Duct is item that have been sorted but the storage is overflowing and can't accept anymore items.
There NO redstone that will block/lock hopper.
EDIT: Testing in test world and my play world. Seem problem have been when duct output is facing negative Z. Still need to run more test another day....
Unable to see the whole picture but it seem the issues maybe in the class BlockHopperDuct.
case 2:
z1 = 0.0F; break;
case 3:
z2 = 1.0F; break;
Reason is because all the other case/etc are flipped. So switch case should be case 2 is for Z2 and case 3 is for Z1?
Sorting work (however layout is incorrect for my sort system).
Sort should have work, but failed. Even if I set "I:cooldownTime=30". Also tried placing Grated Hopper above hopper, which also failed. Side note very very very few times the items do get sort correctly.
Hey fyber, did you ever consider that liquid hoppers idea that someone suggested? It would be really nice if this mod could add a vanilla style way of moving liquids around and storing them. I know that's probably difficult, but it would be the coolest thing ever, since vanilla is severely lacking in ways to store liquids, and people might not want full-blown tech mods to do it.
I agree that there should be some vanilla-ish method of moving liquids around and storing them. I think there may already be a mod that has hoppers for liquids, actually, I just don't remember what. It might not even be that hard to add since Forge has the fluid API these days. But I'd need to come up with some kind of liquid container as well to make it worthwhile, and then people would be wanting liquid ducts as well, so you can see how a simple concept starts to almost turn into a mod in and of itself. But like I said, I do think there should be something like that in the game, so we'll see.
Would it be possible to make it so items could be sent in two different directions? Also, make it funnel items equally to both or allow the new block to have an ability to choose a ratio like 2:1 where two Items go one way and 1 item to the other.(I am a noob D: ) Another thing that would be very nice is if the grated hoppers had a priority IE items further to left get drawn out before those on the right.My Auto smelter is clogged with wood to be smelted into charcoal. it'd be nice to have it prioritize other things like food, ores, and stone to be funneled out first if there are no such items it begins grabbing the next lower priority item.So if the furnace is currently smelting wood and you put stone in the chest above the grated hopper and stone had a higher priority it would stop refilling the wood in the furnace let it all smelt out then start filling it up with stone.Still one of my favorite mods (So much so I made an account just to post this suggestion )
I'm glad you like the mod, especially enough to sign up just to reply!
I kind of like the idea of letting the grated hopper prioritize somehow. My only concern is the extra processing required to do that. For example, in your case, if it's a big chest full of wood, then it's still going to check every single stack in the chest every hopper update to see if there's any stone, too. Might not be that bad, it would just be one of those things that people would want to use more sparingly I guess. Would definitely need to be a toggle or a separate item or something altogether.
you did a very good job with this mod, i only have one gripe really, connecting a chest, and furnace is a bit weird. the duct doesnt seem to want to connect together sometimes either. all i had to do was go from where i was trying to connect to the chest and everything connected just fine.
Thanks! You can hold shift though while placing the duct to disable its auto-orienting behavior, if that's the kind of problem you're referring to.
after messing around with a storage system im making, i ran into a problem when trying to get my furnace to autofill itself from the main sorting box and the coal storage box, but i did come up with an easy solution it would need something like this, so its a filtered duct. but its bent directly sideways into the top of the hopper, the duct will only automatically connect to the direction the hopper is facing, it would be awesome if some f these things were possible, also the ability to connect box's together with ducts and and sub divide the sacks based on how many chests are accessible in the connected duct.
I've tossed around the idea of a filtered duct, but I'm mixed on it. I've thought of it having a single filter slot to mirror how it only has a single item slot, which could be pretty useful. But I added grated hoppers solely to deal with sorting and filtering, and I feel like letting the duct do it as well not only gets a bit more cheaty and less vanilla-ish, but also makes the grated hoppers less useful. Not to mention how much harder it would be to deal with orienting the thing! So I dunno.
When you set cooldownTime below 5/6 it seems the duct has issues of locking up, meaning items stop moving. After removing the item that lock duct system start working again. Also seem that Grated Hoppers are unable to grab items from duct when below.
Seem there issues with the duct & Grated Hopper. (Using picture because better then try type out..) * Main Sort Duct is item that still need be sorted. * Overflow Duct is item that have been sorted but the storage is overflowing and can't accept anymore items. There NO redstone that will block/lock hopper. --- EDIT: Testing in test world and my play world. Seem problem have been when duct output is facing negative Z. Still need to run more test another day.... Unable to see the whole picture but it seem the issues maybe in the class BlockHopperDuct.
case 2: z1 = 0.0F; break; case 3: z2 = 1.0F; break;
Reason is because all the other case/etc are flipped. So switch case should be case 2 is for Z2 and case 3 is for Z1? --- Sorting work (however layout is incorrect for my sort system). --------- Sort should have work, but failed. Even if I set "I:cooldownTime=30". Also tried placing Grated Hopper above hopper, which also failed.
I think the biggest problem here is that you're trying to pull items out of a duct with a grated hopper. I've seen people doing this on Youtube a lot, and at first glance it seemed to be a really clever way to sort items which I never considered initially. But in practice, it's just not reliable. Depending on the specific countdown of a duct, and depending on the order the update is called for each tile entity, there's simply no way of knowing which will get activated first. An item might pass right through the duct before the hopper has a chance to grab it, depending on how circumstances present themselves.
Now that I think about it, I could probably make the duct check for a hopper/grated hopper below it, and if so, try to pass the item along to it before passing it along its default route. But like with someone's suggestion above, I worry about performance. But this would definitely make this technique of ducts above hoppers work properly.
Quote from TheMadCat123 »
Is the source code available to the public?
Not for this mod. I've been meaning to clean up the code and dump it on Github eventually, I just haven't gotten around to it.
The Meaning of Life, the Universe, and Everything.
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College of Winterhold
Suicida1 Cheese
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I've tossed around the idea of a filtered duct, but I'm mixed on it. I've thought of it having a single filter slot to mirror how it only has a single item slot, which could be pretty useful. But I added grated hoppers solely to deal with sorting and filtering, and I feel like letting the duct do it as well not only gets a bit more cheaty and less vanilla-ish, but also makes the grated hoppers less useful. Not to mention how much harder it would be to deal with orienting the thing! So I dunno.
well the only problem i have is when i want to fill my furnace from the strorage chest, i can get the furnace to fill up and lock the grated hopper. the problem is i cant get the items to be pulled out of the chest because the hopper underneath it is locked. : / and theres no other way to pull the items out of a chest from the side.. i dont know im gonna try some more designs, but this is a common problem i run into.
My bad.
The reason Godzilla 2014 failed was because there was no Mothra in it.
Mothra is the only reason Godzilla is good. Mothra saved the movie industry. If Mothra never existed nobody would like movies. The reason many people hate Call of Duty is because it lacks Mothra.
I changed my name to MothraFanboy27.
The crafting recipe for Grated Hoppers is very over powering vs normal sort setup. You may want have iron bar + comparator + hopper = Grated Hoppers.
Found Bug:
When the redstone with blue circle became active it fire off dropper. The other-side where orange circle is should stay inactive like it should. As show in the picture. However when I replace the redstone with orange circle with duct and readstone with blue circle is active it lock the duct.
They're not quite as versatile as your traditional pipe sorting systems so it's a bit trickier to judge balance. A comparator would also mean they would have to visit the nether first, which I'm iffy about. But if people really find it overpowered then I could always add in an alternate recipe selectable in the config, though.
I'm not sure if that's a bug without knowing more, since it's a bit hard to tell what's connected to where. But if the block next to where you're placing the duct is being powered by a repeater/comparator, then that's considered a strong redstone signal by some things. Also, keep in mind that ducts are essentially modified hoppers, so if the duct is locking, I bet that a regular hopper would lock in the same location. You might try recreating that by sticking a normal hopper and chest there as a test to see what happens. Then we'll have a better idea if it's an actual bug or just vanilla behavior showing.
WIP site for my mods / Intermediary / FMC / Redstone Paste / Hopper Ducts / Model Citizens / Simple Refinement / Endermanage / Fycraft / etc
Thank you for taking my comment into consideration
Tested with hopper and seems it vanilla behavior. So when the dropper is powered it act like open trap-chest, and block hopper/duct input. Side note seem hopper would work after moving some duct around, because it's not affected by cooldownTime.
Question about the cooldownTime. Seem this timer only apply when duct redstone power is cut before items start moving, Correct?
Would adding a runThroughTime which controls the time it takes for a item to run through duct(s), help with lag?
Once again, thank your for mod. Between my Mass Storage, red touch towers in spawn chuck took my FPS between 15 to 8 sometimes. Now the games playable.
The permissions for each mod on the site are maintained as well, they can be viewed at the bottom of each mod page on each mod we distribute.
PackAssembler follows the public mod pack policy, if mods need to public permission such is the one I'm getting permission for can be found at the link here.
PackAssembler is a site that allows the user to create and download a pack via MCUpdater or the PackAssembler Command Line.
Thank you, and I look forward to your reply.
The cooldown time is taken into consideration before everything else. Nothing else executes until the cooldown time hits 0. When that happens, it does the redstone test, and if there's no redstone signal then it attempts to insert something from its inventory slot into the connected inventory. If it accomplishes this then the cooldown time is set again and it waits.
I'm glad you asked about this, because it resulted in me looking through the code to verify the order of execution, and I realized something. People have mentioned that hoppers aren't very CPU-friendly, and I think I see why. If an inventory is full and the hopper or duct isn't able to insert the item into it, then no cooldown time is set after the attempt. So it attempts to insert the item again on the very next tick. If the inventory stays full, then the attempt to insert the item continues every single tick from then on. The reason this is particularly bad is because the attempt to insert an item into the inventory means it's checking every single slot in the target inventory. The larger the chest, the longer the amount of time it's going to take looking for an available slot. And for vanilla hoppers it's doing this five times for every hopper slot!
I'm now going to make the ducts and grated hoppers respond to the cooldown time no matter whether the item was inserted into the target inventory or not!
Looks like it might be a helpful service to folks. Sure, you can add it.
WIP site for my mods / Intermediary / FMC / Redstone Paste / Hopper Ducts / Model Citizens / Simple Refinement / Endermanage / Fycraft / etc
Any ideas?
That's definitely a weird one. I'd need to see a mod list at least to know more, I guess.
WIP site for my mods / Intermediary / FMC / Redstone Paste / Hopper Ducts / Model Citizens / Simple Refinement / Endermanage / Fycraft / etc
The problem with not seein them was because of the 3d objects mod. It makes stuff like grass and flowers 3d instead of flat sprites in the world. Apparently some of the rendering changes it did messed up not just this mod but others too. It took a bit of messing around with my client mods to figure out what was goin on
I was trying to place some mine track over a grated hopper like you do with a vanilla hopper, and it didn't work for me.
I also tried torches, redstone dust, etc, and it worked with vanilla hoppers, but not grated hoppers or ducts (I didn't expect it to work for ducts, actually, but I decided to try it out). Carpet works though.
Is this intentional, or am I doing something wrong?
Thanks for the most useful/unobtrusive Minecraft mod I've downloaded, btw.
Definitely not intentional, I just never realized. Thanks for pointing it out. I'll look into how to deal with that.
Thanks a lot, I'm glad you enjoy it!
WIP site for my mods / Intermediary / FMC / Redstone Paste / Hopper Ducts / Model Citizens / Simple Refinement / Endermanage / Fycraft / etc
Hey fyber, did you ever consider that liquid hoppers idea that someone suggested? It would be really nice if this mod could add a vanilla style way of moving liquids around and storing them. I know that's probably difficult, but it would be the coolest thing ever, since vanilla is severely lacking in ways to store liquids, and people might not want full-blown tech mods to do it.
Would it be possible to make it so items could be sent in two different directions? Also, make it funnel items equally to both or allow the new block to have an ability to choose a ratio like 2:1 where two Items go one way and 1 item to the other.(I am a noob D: ) Another thing that would be very nice is if the grated hoppers had a priority IE items further to left get drawn out before those on the right.My Auto smelter is clogged with wood to be smelted into charcoal. it'd be nice to have it prioritize other things like food, ores, and stone to be funneled out first if there are no such items it begins grabbing the next lower priority item.So if the furnace is currently smelting wood and you put stone in the chest above the grated hopper and stone had a higher priority it would stop refilling the wood in the furnace let it all smelt out then start filling it up with stone.Still one of my favorite mods (So much so I made an account just to post this suggestionI change the cooldownTime because I'm draining (items) from my Mass Storage Sorting System (MSSS) while I'm switching old sorters to Grated Hoppers, and piping (hopper) to ducts..
Side note MCEdit telling me that the MSSS itself has over 1,000 ducts, not include farms I have connect to it.
If I made mass of duct system from spawn chuck where my MSSS to farm be it witch farm or ice farm it could create correct? I would hope not. Anyway allow items pass through duct and not loading whole chuck? Or only that chuck where items are moving in duct?
so its a filtered duct. but its bent directly sideways into the top of the hopper, the duct will only automatically connect to the direction the hopper is facing, it would be awesome if some f these things were possible, also the ability to connect box's together with ducts and and sub divide the sacks based on how many chests are accessible in the connected duct.
(Using picture because better then try type out..)
* Main Sort Duct is item that still need be sorted.
* Overflow Duct is item that have been sorted but the storage is overflowing and can't accept anymore items.
There NO redstone that will block/lock hopper.
EDIT: Testing in test world and my play world. Seem problem have been when duct output is facing negative Z. Still need to run more test another day....
Unable to see the whole picture but it seem the issues maybe in the class BlockHopperDuct.
Reason is because all the other case/etc are flipped. So switch case should be case 2 is for Z2 and case 3 is for Z1?
Sorting work (however layout is incorrect for my sort system).
Sort should have work, but failed. Even if I set "I:cooldownTime=30". Also tried placing Grated Hopper above hopper, which also failed.
Side note very very very few times the items do get sort correctly.
Is the source code available to the public?
I agree that there should be some vanilla-ish method of moving liquids around and storing them. I think there may already be a mod that has hoppers for liquids, actually, I just don't remember what. It might not even be that hard to add since Forge has the fluid API these days. But I'd need to come up with some kind of liquid container as well to make it worthwhile, and then people would be wanting liquid ducts as well, so you can see how a simple concept starts to almost turn into a mod in and of itself. But like I said, I do think there should be something like that in the game, so we'll see.
I'm glad you like the mod, especially enough to sign up just to reply!
I kind of like the idea of letting the grated hopper prioritize somehow. My only concern is the extra processing required to do that. For example, in your case, if it's a big chest full of wood, then it's still going to check every single stack in the chest every hopper update to see if there's any stone, too. Might not be that bad, it would just be one of those things that people would want to use more sparingly I guess. Would definitely need to be a toggle or a separate item or something altogether.
Thanks! You can hold shift though while placing the duct to disable its auto-orienting behavior, if that's the kind of problem you're referring to.
I've tossed around the idea of a filtered duct, but I'm mixed on it. I've thought of it having a single filter slot to mirror how it only has a single item slot, which could be pretty useful. But I added grated hoppers solely to deal with sorting and filtering, and I feel like letting the duct do it as well not only gets a bit more cheaty and less vanilla-ish, but also makes the grated hoppers less useful. Not to mention how much harder it would be to deal with orienting the thing! So I dunno.
Hmm, I'll have to investigate that.
I think the biggest problem here is that you're trying to pull items out of a duct with a grated hopper. I've seen people doing this on Youtube a lot, and at first glance it seemed to be a really clever way to sort items which I never considered initially. But in practice, it's just not reliable. Depending on the specific countdown of a duct, and depending on the order the update is called for each tile entity, there's simply no way of knowing which will get activated first. An item might pass right through the duct before the hopper has a chance to grab it, depending on how circumstances present themselves.
Now that I think about it, I could probably make the duct check for a hopper/grated hopper below it, and if so, try to pass the item along to it before passing it along its default route. But like with someone's suggestion above, I worry about performance. But this would definitely make this technique of ducts above hoppers work properly.
Not for this mod. I've been meaning to clean up the code and dump it on Github eventually, I just haven't gotten around to it.
Holy cow what a post that was!
WIP site for my mods / Intermediary / FMC / Redstone Paste / Hopper Ducts / Model Citizens / Simple Refinement / Endermanage / Fycraft / etc
well the only problem i have is when i want to fill my furnace from the strorage chest, i can get the furnace to fill up and lock the grated hopper. the problem is i cant get the items to be pulled out of the chest because the hopper underneath it is locked. : / and theres no other way to pull the items out of a chest from the side.. i dont know im gonna try some more designs, but this is a common problem i run into.