I've decided to create this topic to make easy finding all my mods.
Since I discovered that Minecraft had Mods I decided I want to create Mods so one day after create the textures of most of the about 10 mods I have thought to make.
1.- Download the correct "minecraftforge-installer-x.x.x-x.x.x.xxx.jar" for a easy Forge installation.
2.- Run the "minecraftforge-installer-x.x.x-x.x.x.xxx.jar", select "Install Client" and click on "Done".
3.- Run Minecraft.
4.- Close Minecraft.
5.- Download the "SKC Core x.x.x.x - MC x.x.x - Forge xxx.jar" file, from the link above.
6.- Drop the "SKC Corex.x.x.x - MC x.x.x - Forge xxx.jar" file into the ".minecraft\mods" folder.
Mod Packs
You are free to use this mod, "SKC-Core" in your mod pack if, and only if, you adhere to the following:
Link to this thread.
Give proper credit to the original author: SackCastellon
Keep it non-profit.
Extra Info.
This mod will check if itself is updated, also will check if the rest of Mods (by SackCastellon) are updated. To check it the Mod will get information from a Dropbox file, and will compare version.
Better Wood is the first mod i created and the function of this mod is make some crafting recipes more realistic. (basically those crafting recipes which contain wood)
And you could aks: How can you make some crafting recipes more realistic?
Well it's quite simple this mod add more than 150 combinations of tools between handles made of Oak Wood, Spruce Wood, Birch Wood and Jungle Wood and heads made of Oak Wood, Spruce Wood, Birch Wood, Jungle Wood, Stone, Iron, Gold and Diamond.
EXTRA INFORMATION: Since version the Hardcore version (below) is merged with this version, you can set the mod to Normal or to Hardcore by the config file.
Craftable Horse Armor is a very simple mod which re-add the recipes (which were removed in the snapshot 13w18a) of the Horse Armor, also add a new recipe for name tags and an easier recipe for the leash
This Mod works by the following way, you have to create the basic camouflage (block), which is made of leaves (any type), and departing from that block you can create camouflages for different biomes, by using the "main" block on the biome.
E.g.: to create the camouflage of the desert you will need the basic camouflage block and 4 sand blocks, and the same with the rest of camouflages...
Those camouflages will give you the ability of become invisible, you will only need a full specific armor set, be on a specific biome, over a specific block and be sneaking.
I would be grateful if someone could make a banner of this post and if possible one for each of all my mods. (Currently Better Wood, Craftable Horse Armor, Camouflage Mod)
These look really good just so you know, you could have made Craftable Horse Armor and Hardcore Craftable Horse Armor in the same mod and using a boolean in the config file, decided whether to use easy or hard recipes
Other than that, keep up the good work
Yes, i've already thought previously, but i can't create config files (as you can see here) and i hope you can help me.
Out of curiosity, why have you added the string "Test2" after the default value? If you want to add a category name (like how the blocks are under the heading 'Block' and the items are under the heading 'Item') the string should go first:
could you get your mods listed HERE ? its a modlist what lets the mod authors control the mod download & version live all in 1 location for users to automatically download & install
I've decided to create this topic to make easy finding all my mods.
Since I discovered that Minecraft had Mods I decided I want to create Mods so one day after create the textures of most of the about 10 mods I have thought to make.
SKC Core
SKC Core is an API that I have developed to make all my mods more compatibles between them, also contain some common libraries.
Current Version:
SKC Core v1.1.2.0 for MC 1.7.10
Dropbox (Adfly) - Dropbox (Direct)
/!\Please, use only the Dorpbox (Direct) download if you don't have 5 seconds to wait.
Please, notify to me if any download link doesn't work.
1.- Download the correct "minecraftforge-installer-x.x.x-x.x.x.xxx.jar" for a easy Forge installation.
2.- Run the "minecraftforge-installer-x.x.x-x.x.x.xxx.jar", select "Install Client" and click on "Done".
3.- Run Minecraft.
4.- Close Minecraft.
5.- Download the "SKC Core x.x.x.x - MC x.x.x - Forge xxx.jar" file, from the link above.
6.- Drop the "SKC Core x.x.x.x - MC x.x.x - Forge xxx.jar" file into the ".minecraft\mods" folder.
Mod Packs
You are free to use this mod, "SKC-Core" in your mod pack if, and only if, you adhere to the following:
Extra Info.
This mod will check if itself is updated, also will check if the rest of Mods (by SackCastellon) are updated. To check it the Mod will get information from a Dropbox file, and will compare version.
This mod will never send information to anywhere.
This feature can be disabled on the config file.
Better Wood Mod
Better Wood is the first mod i created and the function of this mod is make some crafting recipes more realistic. (basically those crafting recipes which contain wood)
And you could aks: How can you make some crafting recipes more realistic?
Well it's quite simple this mod add more than 150 combinations of tools between handles made of Oak Wood, Spruce Wood, Birch Wood and Jungle Wood and heads made of Oak Wood, Spruce Wood, Birch Wood, Jungle Wood, Stone, Iron, Gold and Diamond.
Some Screenshots
More Screenshots in the Topic
Topic of the Mod
Better Wood Mod
Craftable Horse Armor Mod
Craftable Horse Armor is a very simple mod which re-add the recipes (which were removed in the snapshot 13w18a) of the Horse Armor, also add a new recipe for name tags and an easier recipe for the leash
Some Screenshots
Horse Saddle
Name Tag
Horse Saddle
Name Tag
Topic of the Mod
Craftable Horse Armor Mod
Hardcore Craftable Horse Armor Mod
Hardcore Craftable Horse Armor basically does the same as the Craftable Horse Armor but only make the crafting recipes harder.
Some Screenshots
Horse Saddle
Name Tag
Topic of the Mod
Hardcore Craftable Horse Armor Mod
Camouflage Mod
This Mod works by the following way, you have to create the basic camouflage (block), which is made of leaves (any type), and departing from that block you can create camouflages for different biomes, by using the "main" block on the biome.
E.g.: to create the camouflage of the desert you will need the basic camouflage block and 4 sand blocks, and the same with the rest of camouflages...
Those camouflages will give you the ability of become invisible, you will only need a full specific armor set, be on a specific biome, over a specific block and be sneaking.
Some Screenshots
More Screenshots in the Thread
Topic of the Mod
Camouflage Mod
If you have a review of any my mods you can tell me by a post or by a PM then I will post your video here.
Yes, i've already thought previously, but i can't create config files (as you can see here) and i hope you can help me.
Ok, i'm working on, and probably in a few weeks i'll release a new version with bows
"test2" was only a String Comment for a test but if i remove the "test2" happens the same.
cool that would be awesome
Which images you mean?
Look at the mod's Thread
I don't know what you mean about how have I made the recipe images.
But I did the pictures by this way:
I installed my mod and NEI then i pressed R to see the recipes of my mod's items, then I took a screenshot, and finally i edited them with Paint.NET.
Was this what you wanted to know?
Ok, done
Yes, you're right that's why i'm going to add one option to the config file to allow the 32 kinds of each tool or only one per tool.