If you like fixes for LAG in MINECRAFT then you will like my mod;D [url="http://minecraft.curseforge.com/mc-mods/fpsplus-lagfixes/"]http://minecraft.cur...splus-lagfixes/[/url]
...And as that doesn't work, place the .class inside Forge's jar to actually use the mod. In the /mods Forge really doesn't load it. Tested it already, many times, with and without other mods and it wont do a thing in /mods. (Atleast with latest Forge releases)
This is very logical behavior has Forge already has it's own .class inside it's .jar. So it prefers using it's own .class over the one in /mods. To make sure it works, replace the Forge's .class so it's the one and only that Forge can use.
Makes sense. This is my first choice out of the explanations given. Since MagicLauncher currently breaks world loading with Forge and Shaders, I need a manual installation. Thanks for the explanation.
EDIT: Well, either I did it wrong, or my computer is weird. I'm guessing the former. So I put it in the 1.6.2Forge_XYZ.jar and it doesn't load. Did I done goof or is it just not working?
Anima draconum, cor lapideum, (Soul of dragons, heart of stone,)
Specie carnis, sanguinis, et os, (Mask of flesh, blood, and bone,)
Surge ex tenebris, surge ex flamma, (Rise from darkness, rise from flame,)
Trans mundi, potestate, repetere, nos. (Across the worlds, your power, reclaim.)
Am I installing it wrong or something? I put it in mods but there's no change in fps, if I take CaptainReaper's advice the game doesn't load.
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Anima draconum, cor lapideum, (Soul of dragons, heart of stone,)
Specie carnis, sanguinis, et os, (Mask of flesh, blood, and bone,)
Surge ex tenebris, surge ex flamma, (Rise from darkness, rise from flame,)
Trans mundi, potestate, repetere, nos. (Across the worlds, your power, reclaim.)
Improved fps on a core2duo Macbook from 45fps to 64fps. now my cousin can play MC on his coreduo macbook. gets around 60fps now.
Also this seems to work outstanding for modded MC. 97 mods was usually sitting at 134fps and now im at 264fps steady.
This should be a requirement for modded minecraft, I tried it myself I am gaining 20 fps at minium and up to 50 more fps than I was getting. The game is also super smooth now, before it would randomly get some noticeable latency that is 100% gone now. (150 mods loaded i5 4670k @ 4.5ghz, gpu HD 7950.)
Forge doesn't accept .jar editing in any ways normally, but you can disable the edit checks with some boot parameters.
In the Minecraft launcher, edit the Forge profile and put these in the JVM parameters:
-Dfml.ignoreInvalidMinecraftCertificates=true -Dfml.ignorePatchDiscrepancies=true
After doing this, you can freely edit the .jar without Forge whining about it
Thanks for the help! Testing it now.
EDIT: Um, it didn't work...
Anima draconum, cor lapideum, (Soul of dragons, heart of stone,)
Specie carnis, sanguinis, et os, (Mask of flesh, blood, and bone,)
Surge ex tenebris, surge ex flamma, (Rise from darkness, rise from flame,)
Trans mundi, potestate, repetere, nos. (Across the worlds, your power, reclaim.)
The Meaning of Life, the Universe, and Everything.
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back on a computer going to update the mod and the post a little bit and if there are any questions now are the time to ask them, i usually have the weekends to work on this mod but for the last 2 my computer hasnt been working.
If you like fixes for LAG in MINECRAFT then you will like my mod;D [url="http://minecraft.curseforge.com/mc-mods/fpsplus-lagfixes/"]http://minecraft.cur...splus-lagfixes/[/url]
If you like fixes for LAG in MINECRAFT then you will like my mod;D [url="http://minecraft.curseforge.com/mc-mods/fpsplus-lagfixes/"]http://minecraft.cur...splus-lagfixes/[/url]
If you like fixes for LAG in MINECRAFT then you will like my mod;D [url="http://minecraft.curseforge.com/mc-mods/fpsplus-lagfixes/"]http://minecraft.cur...splus-lagfixes/[/url]
Hey, I got a request, Some players such as myself, since a few snapshots ago, have issues with enchanted items, the enchanted item glow lags us hardcore when you get close up to it, think you could patch that/include it into your mod? (I googled it, theres no fix except for a mysterious BFG.class file which i bet is a virus...)
If you like fixes for LAG in MINECRAFT then you will like my mod;D [url="http://minecraft.curseforge.com/mc-mods/fpsplus-lagfixes/"]http://minecraft.cur...splus-lagfixes/[/url]
Put into mods folder.
you karonix and the guy behind optifine are now all my favourite guys
Makes sense. This is my first choice out of the explanations given. Since MagicLauncher currently breaks world loading with Forge and Shaders, I need a manual installation. Thanks for the explanation.
EDIT: Well, either I did it wrong, or my computer is weird. I'm guessing the former. So I put it in the 1.6.2Forge_XYZ.jar and it doesn't load. Did I done goof or is it just not working?
Specie carnis, sanguinis, et os, (Mask of flesh, blood, and bone,)
Surge ex tenebris, surge ex flamma, (Rise from darkness, rise from flame,)
Trans mundi, potestate, repetere, nos. (Across the worlds, your power, reclaim.)
Nice Job!!!
Improved fps on a core2duo Macbook from 45fps to 64fps. now my cousin can play MC on his coreduo macbook. gets around 60fps now.
Also this seems to work outstanding for modded MC. 97 mods was usually sitting at 134fps and now im at 264fps steady.
Specie carnis, sanguinis, et os, (Mask of flesh, blood, and bone,)
Surge ex tenebris, surge ex flamma, (Rise from darkness, rise from flame,)
Trans mundi, potestate, repetere, nos. (Across the worlds, your power, reclaim.)
This should be a requirement for modded minecraft, I tried it myself I am gaining 20 fps at minium and up to 50 more fps than I was getting. The game is also super smooth now, before it would randomly get some noticeable latency that is 100% gone now. (150 mods loaded i5 4670k @ 4.5ghz, gpu HD 7950.)
Thanks for the help! Testing it now.
EDIT: Um, it didn't work...
Specie carnis, sanguinis, et os, (Mask of flesh, blood, and bone,)
Surge ex tenebris, surge ex flamma, (Rise from darkness, rise from flame,)
Trans mundi, potestate, repetere, nos. (Across the worlds, your power, reclaim.)
If you like fixes for LAG in MINECRAFT then you will like my mod;D [url="http://minecraft.curseforge.com/mc-mods/fpsplus-lagfixes/"]http://minecraft.cur...splus-lagfixes/[/url]
If you like fixes for LAG in MINECRAFT then you will like my mod;D [url="http://minecraft.curseforge.com/mc-mods/fpsplus-lagfixes/"]http://minecraft.cur...splus-lagfixes/[/url]
[I am the leader and creator of the Sheep Bros™]
compiled against newest forge build other than that no nothing really.
If you like fixes for LAG in MINECRAFT then you will like my mod;D [url="http://minecraft.curseforge.com/mc-mods/fpsplus-lagfixes/"]http://minecraft.cur...splus-lagfixes/[/url]