Yeah, Odds are that someone is always using some enchanted item... and Np, Maybe add some option to show enchanted item/add a warning to it? Like in config, Toggle this to true to enable purple shine to show enchanted item[Warning Fps may suffer]? (as far as i can tell, apparantly enchanted glow was hard coded into minecraft, so yeah... on-startup config would be the only plossible way to do it)
Also another question: Are all of these mods compatible with each other? Or what?/Gives the most FPS? Or is it just trial and error?
I've been thinking of doing something like that for awhile with the entire mod i.e being able to toggle everything from only one mod. But ever since Forge changed how they edit base classes it would be alot harder to do if it is possible. What I will most likely end up doing is making another new version with the purple shine on enchanted items. No all of them except FpsPlus+ over write the same class the only differences between the versions excluding FpsPlus+ is how the class MathHelper is implemented. FpsPlus+ is just the normal mod with a few other fixes
If you like fixes for LAG in MINECRAFT then you will like my mod;D [url=""]http://minecraft.cur...splus-lagfixes/[/url]
If you like fixes for LAG in MINECRAFT then you will like my mod;D [url=""]http://minecraft.cur...splus-lagfixes/[/url]
Was gonna say this way earlier, but mc forums went down for maintenance, maybe put your installation post instructions with forge thing above, in the first post? I can see this re-occuring as an issue.
Found the problem that was causing my game to crash with FPS+ mod. It was InvTweaks mod that was conflicting with FPS+ mod. So I found out that a new version was out for InvTweaks and since the update I don't have crashes anymore. So I'm back to using the FPS+ version!
THEN add these Start up parameters "-Dfml.ignoreInvalidMinecraftCertificates=true -Dfml.ignorePatchDiscrepancies=true" Didn't understand this part. what are these and where do i add them? =( someone explain pls
When using Magic Launcher navigate to the 'Advanced' section and then add the start up parameters in the parameters box.
THEN add these Start up parameters "-Dfml.ignoreInvalidMinecraftCertificates=true -Dfml.ignorePatchDiscrepancies=true" Didn't understand this part. what are these and where do i add them? =( someone explain pls
In default minecraft launcher, select whatever profile you have FPSPlus installed into, click edit profile, and make sure the box is checked for JVM Arguements, paste those parameters there, click save and done.
Hey, thanks for the mods! I got a question though.
The different versions, I don't get them.
FpsPlus is obviously the "original" mod. FpsPlus+ contains FpsPlus and extra things, which are Enchanted items lag fix, Reverted to the classic main menu, Enchanted armor lagging when wearing, Entities only move towards you if you are roughly within 8 blocks of them.
So far I get that, but then I do not get this:
FpsPlus version B, is this FpsPlus (not FpsPlus+) with "Rivens SinHalf/CosHalf methods", but nothing else?
FpsPlus version C, is this FpsPlus (not FpsPlus+) with "Reworked the MathHelper class", but nothing else?
FpsPlus version D, is this FpsPlus (not FpsPlus+) with "Libgdx Sin/Cos methods", but nothing else?
Does any of these contain FpsPlus+? Does FpsPlus+ contain any of these fixes above? Is there one version that contains everything?
these are just different versions of the basic fpsplus,with different consinmathjavamathhelpstuff...
one work best for 1 user another works better for another one
little suggestion:
couldn't you combine all versions and add a little config where you can choose which method you want to use ?
Yeah, cause I use FPSPlus+, but I kindof want the stuff that are in the B C and D versions, I think?
I just tested all versions on my i5/R7870 rig with shaders running (Except fpsPlus+ crashed for me even in SSP), little change but version D seems to be equal to (or maybe slightly better than) without. Progress!
Again though, this mod is MUCH more useful for people with older PC's than those who have NASA super-computers.
(Is NASA still a thing? I'm old.)
Is this some kind of testing program? If so, where do you get it? (or maybe it's just something you typed up)
Can you tell us what your system spec's are please! I find this mod very helpful on my i3/GT220, but not so much on my i5/R7870.
Abandenz I hope that Mojang asks you (nicely, of course!) if they can add this to vanilla Minecraft. It does wonders for older systems and doesn't hurt performance on the more high-end systems. At least once you work out these few minor bugs!
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Everfree Server - A small & friendly survival build server for older 'Crafters.
I just installed FPS++ (correctly) and got it to work. BUT it crashed the moment it rendered other players (playing on a server) OR when pressing F5. Tested and doesn't happen if I remove FPS++. I also had installed Damage Indicators and OF.
I quess I will have to use FPS+ again so please any help?
EDIT: Oh, and something else. Can you make the enchanting glow appear but not being animated?
Install forge, Place optifine in MODS folder, make sure your using forge 870+, Works for me, I had the same issue before aswell but i did what i just said and it works
How did you manage to do this? I mean, does it change any graphics settings? Fix chunk loading?
The math minecraft uses is the default stuff built in java, which is more precise but slower. These are faster and less precise but since minecraft dosent need super precise math.
If you like fixes for LAG in MINECRAFT then you will like my mod;D [url=""]http://minecraft.cur...splus-lagfixes/[/url]
I got a really strange bug with Version D. I built an automatic transportsystem with Chest-minecarts wich worked well. When i used it with the "D" Version, the minecarts had problems climbing some hills as if they have gone slower. (In fact the speed in my setup was quite low, so the carts are quite vulnerable to speed changes).
Hmm use a different version, "D" should be the most like vanilla code so the fact that its doing that is weird.
Hey! Another problem here. I'm playing with a bunch of mods and when I install FPS++ it doesn't increase my FPS like without mod (or just OF) instead it drops them to 1-2, also FPS+ (normal) gives of lag spikes but it greatly (+50%) increases FPS. I will try the other versions (B,C,D) and see if it helps. Does anyone knows what causes this?
Oh! Also when I open the Debug Profile and Lagometer woth FPS++ it crashes but it looks like it's only font rendering, so is OF the problem or other mods(which enable Debug Profiler)?
Some people dont get boosts or anything infact some people get less fps, It all has to do with your cpu, java and the native code java produces, sometimes HotSpot(JavaVM) makes really fast native code but dosent on other computers, sometimes your cpu just does math really fast and java math slow. There are to many reasons why you do/dont get fps boosts, If it dosent work for you its not for you, although having it always running shouldnt be a problem.
EDIT: The only version that should have bugs/incompatibilities with other stuff is FpsPlus++. As a general rule my mod isnt bugging out the game until you can PROVE it is. The types of bugs caused by mod would be mostly weird rendering (arms infinetly spinning, font 30x normal size, and anything to do with angles\edges in game)
If you like fixes for LAG in MINECRAFT then you will like my mod;D [url=""]http://minecraft.cur...splus-lagfixes/[/url]
The Meaning of Life, the Universe, and Everything.
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Sidenote: am back for weekend any questions, ideas etc should be disscussed before sunday. I am working on updating my mod to all recent version and I may try to get 1.4.6/1.5.2 support going again.
If you like fixes for LAG in MINECRAFT then you will like my mod;D [url=""]http://minecraft.cur...splus-lagfixes/[/url]
Sidenote: am back for weekend any questions, ideas etc should be disscussed before sunday. I am working on updating my mod to all recent version and I may try to get 1.4.6/1.5.2 support going again.
I Hope the 1.4.6/1.5.2 support doesnt affect you updating to 1.6.4
If you like fixes for LAG in MINECRAFT then you will like my mod;D [url=""]http://minecraft.cur...splus-lagfixes/[/url]
If you like fixes for LAG in MINECRAFT then you will like my mod;D [url=""]http://minecraft.cur...splus-lagfixes/[/url]
If you like fixes for LAG in MINECRAFT then you will like my mod;D [url=""]http://minecraft.cur...splus-lagfixes/[/url]
Was gonna say this way earlier, but mc forums went down for maintenance, maybe put your installation post instructions with forge thing above, in the first post? I can see this re-occuring as an issue.
Found the problem that was causing my game to crash with FPS+ mod. It was InvTweaks mod that was conflicting with FPS+ mod. So I found out that a new version was out for InvTweaks and since the update I don't have crashes anymore. So I'm back to using the FPS+ version!
Also I updated to the latest version of Forge (871) | Forge Download:
The FPS+ updates are awesome!
When using Magic Launcher navigate to the 'Advanced' section and then add the start up parameters in the parameters box.
Magic Launcher DL:
In default minecraft launcher, select whatever profile you have FPSPlus installed into, click edit profile, and make sure the box is checked for JVM Arguements, paste those parameters there, click save and done.
The different versions, I don't get them.
FpsPlus is obviously the "original" mod.
FpsPlus+ contains FpsPlus and extra things, which are Enchanted items lag fix, Reverted to the classic main menu, Enchanted armor lagging when wearing, Entities only move towards you if you are roughly within 8 blocks of them.
So far I get that, but then I do not get this:
FpsPlus version B, is this FpsPlus (not FpsPlus+) with "Rivens SinHalf/CosHalf methods", but nothing else?
FpsPlus version C, is this FpsPlus (not FpsPlus+) with "Reworked the MathHelper class", but nothing else?
FpsPlus version D, is this FpsPlus (not FpsPlus+) with "Libgdx Sin/Cos methods", but nothing else?
Does any of these contain FpsPlus+? Does FpsPlus+ contain any of these fixes above? Is there one version that contains everything?
Again though, this mod is MUCH more useful for people with older PC's than those who have NASA super-computers.
(Is NASA still a thing? I'm old.)
Is this some kind of testing program? If so, where do you get it? (or maybe it's just something you typed up)
Can you tell us what your system spec's are please! I find this mod very helpful on my i3/GT220, but not so much on my i5/R7870.
Abandenz I hope that Mojang asks you (nicely, of course!) if they can add this to vanilla Minecraft. It does wonders for older systems and doesn't hurt performance on the more high-end systems. At least once you work out these few minor bugs!
Everfree Server - A small & friendly survival build server for older 'Crafters.
Install forge, Place optifine in MODS folder, make sure your using forge 870+, Works for me, I had the same issue before aswell but i did what i just said and it works
Read page 15, He stated there on what you just said...
The math minecraft uses is the default stuff built in java, which is more precise but slower. These are faster and less precise but since minecraft dosent need super precise math.
If you like fixes for LAG in MINECRAFT then you will like my mod;D [url=""]http://minecraft.cur...splus-lagfixes/[/url]
I think so
Some people dont get boosts or anything infact some people get less fps, It all has to do with your cpu, java and the native code java produces, sometimes HotSpot(JavaVM) makes really fast native code but dosent on other computers, sometimes your cpu just does math really fast and java math slow. There are to many reasons why you do/dont get fps boosts, If it dosent work for you its not for you, although having it always running shouldnt be a problem.
EDIT: The only version that should have bugs/incompatibilities with other stuff is FpsPlus++. As a general rule my mod isnt bugging out the game until you can PROVE it is. The types of bugs caused by mod would be mostly weird rendering (arms infinetly spinning, font 30x normal size, and anything to do with angles\edges in game)
If you like fixes for LAG in MINECRAFT then you will like my mod;D [url=""]http://minecraft.cur...splus-lagfixes/[/url]
If you like fixes for LAG in MINECRAFT then you will like my mod;D [url=""]http://minecraft.cur...splus-lagfixes/[/url]
I Hope the 1.4.6/1.5.2 support doesnt affect you updating to 1.6.4
If you like fixes for LAG in MINECRAFT then you will like my mod;D [url=""]http://minecraft.cur...splus-lagfixes/[/url]