Hello, everyone! This is WayofTime, and I am currently updating this post for the 1.9 version of the mod. Because of this, I would like to request a bit of patience: many, many things have changed between 1.7.10 and 1.9 in the mod, so I need to make sure everything is well documented. The in-game documentation... will take a while, and is being planned, however due to how I want them to be story-driven they are going to take a backburner compared to the content in the mod.
Because of this, I will strive to document ALL SYSTEMS in the mod here. This will be a big post. There will probably be so much in it that you will need to look at posts below this in order to get the entire content. You have been warned!
PLEASE NOTE!!! The Blood Magic in-game guide requires Guide-API to be installed, which can be found here: http://minecraft.curseforge.com/projects/guide-api/files Is the book complete? Haha, no. But it is being worked on. If you ever have questions, look at my developer commentaries found on my Youtube channel (WayofFlowingTime), or ask around here or on the official FTB wiki (http://ftb.gamepedia.com/Blood_Magic).
If you want to get the book, look up the "Sanguine Scientiem" in-game - the crafting process should be obvious and easy. If you do not find this item, it is because you need to download Guide-API.
Starter's Guide
A quick reference to point you in the right direction.
This section talks about how to start the mod. The main details of each of the blocks and items, along with some of the recipes, can be found in their respective sections. Think of this section as a quick and dirty way to start the mod, but it won't give you the nitty gritty details of the inner workings.
In previous versions of the mod, you would start by directly crafting a Blood Altar and a sacrificial knife, then go straight into creating a blood orb. This is no longer the case. To start the mod, you will need to craft a rudimentary snare, and throw it at a monster. When you throw the snare, it has a chance to inflict a debuff on the monster, so throw snares until you see white particle effects.
When this occurs, kill the monster. It will drop a piece of "Demonic Will" - you will need about two of these, with one of them having a "Will Quality" (seen on the tooltip of the item) of at least 1.
At this point you are able to craft a Blood Altar using one of the Demonic Will - it is recommended you use the one with the lowest Will quality. You can also craft your Sacrificial Dagger, for use in self-sacrificing. More details about the blood altar and sacrifices can be found in the "Blood Altar" section.
You will need to create a Hellfire Forge out of some stone, iron, and gold. This block will be used for almost all recipes that involve this "Demonic Will." Demonic Will, or shortened simply as "Will," is used as an energy source. As such, you will need a way to use it, store it, and get more of it, and this block will do just that. Once again, see the relevant sections for finer details.
Craft two petty tartaric gems (use JEI for the recipe) by placing the Demonic Will you still have in the right-most slot. It will use up one Will Quality from the Will. Then, take one of these petty tartaric gems and use it to craft a "Sentient Sword." When you kill things with this sword, you will get more Demonic Will when you kill things. What is more, when you pick up a piece of Demonic Will from the ground while you have a tartaric gem in your inventory, the Will will go into that gem, deleting the Demonic Will item. Naturally, there is a maximum capacity of the tartaric gems, which for the petty version is 64.
One quick fact, which is explained further later on: the more Will you have in your tartaric gems inside of your inventory, the stronger your Sentient Sword is as well as the more Will is dropped by entities. This will help you to gather enough Will in order to craft some of the more interesting items in the game!
So now that you know how to use the Blood Altar (by looking at its section briefly - no, seriously, look at it), you will want to be able to get some more information about the Blood Altar. To do this, you will want to craft the Divination Sigil. If you look using JEI, you can see that to craft this sigil you need a Blank Slate and a piece of redstone dust using an "Alchemy Array." The Blank Slate can be crafted using a piece of smooth stone in a blood altar with 1000LP worth (5 hearts using the sacrificial dagger). 1 heart in the blood altar = 200LP without upgrades. An Alchemy Array can be created by crafting some "Arcane Ash" using the Hellfire Forge and right clicking on the ground with the ash. This will create a circle on the ground. If you then right click on this circle with first the redstone dust and then the blank slate, the Alchemy Array will create a Divination Sigil. This is how Alchemy Array crafting works.
Right clicking on the altar with the divination sigil will then tell you how much LP you have in the altar, and if you have WAILA installed it will tell you the LP in the WAILA box while you hold the sigil.
You will then want to craft a Weak Blood Orb using a diamond and 2000LP in the altar. This can store LP for you and your items that use LP. For more information on this, see the section "Soul Network."
So with this basic knowledge, you will want to upgrade your blood altar each tier, and craft a new blood orb whenever you can. Likewise, you will want to continually get better and better Tartaric gems to get more demonic will. If you want to know more information, make sure to look at the sections that are relevant. Either that, or look at an updated spotlight.
The Blood Altar
Construction and basic mechanics
(Blood Altar Recipe)
(Angled T1 picture)
The Blood Altar is the main center-piece of the mod, used to craft major components as well as Blood Orbs used in the mod. By right clicking on the block with an item in-hand you are able to place the item into its inventory, which can be removed by right clicking with an empty hand. Because it is an inventory, hoppers and other means can interact with it.
As the name implies, the Blood Altar uses blood to transmute one item into another. By using a Sacrificial Dagger on yourself, you are able to put some of your blood and life essence into the altar's basin, sacrificing some of your health. One heart (2 hp) equals 200 Life Points, or LP, by default.
The altar has a base capacity of 10,000LP, and it has two internal fluid buffers with a capacity of 10% that of the main tank - LP that is pumped into the altar will go from the input buffer into the main tank, and then LP from the main tank will slowly transfer into the output tank, allowing it to be pumped out of the altar.
The operation of the altar is simple enough. Fill up the altar with blood using the available methods - at this stage of the mod, you are only able to use the Sacrificial Dagger to fill the altar with your own blood, but more methods will become available when you advance in the mod. Once you have enough LP in the altar, right click the altar to put the item you want to craft into it. You will start to see red particles emanating from the item, indicating that it is currently being transmuted into a new item. If gray particles start to smoke off of the item, it means that the altar is out of LP and the item is actually loosing progress - when this happens, you either have to add more LP to the altar to continue crafting, or simply loose all the progress on the item. Once the item stops emitting red particles, the crafting process is completed and you have a new item! Congrats!
You can also place a bound Blood Orb into the altar to fill up your Soul Network, up to the orb's maximum. More info about this can be found in the Soul Network section.
As you can see, the Blood Altar starts off relatively weak, simply a tier 1 (T1) altar with minimal capabilities. You can craft a few things with it, however you won't be able to do anything too fancy.
Tiers of Altars
Blood Runes
Soul Network
Ethereal storage, not for the faint of heart!
Incense Altar
Demonic Will
All that you need to know about harvesting Demon's Will
Rudimentary Snare
The Rudimentary Snare is how you initially get into the mod. It is a simple device that can be thrown at a hostile mob to attempt to ensnare some unpleasant things attached to it. If thrown at a mob, there will be a chance (about 25%) for the mob to be inflicted with a debuff called "Soul Snare," and will start to emit white swirling particles - when these particles appear, you can then kill the mob to get an item called "Demonic Will." This item will have a "Will Quality" between 0 and 5, so when starting off make sure to get at least two, one of them with a quality of more than 1.
After you use it this first time, you probably aren't going to use it much afterwards. More uses for this will probably happen in the future, but for now it is simply a way to get started in the mod.
Demonic Will
In the lore of Blood Magic, there is some form of demonic entity/energy that animates hostile monsters, raising skeletons from the grave to then attack the living. Because these skeletons don't actually have a soul to power their sentience, the demonic entity instead imprints its will to cause these creatures to move. It is this imprint of Demonic Will that is removed from a monster when slain by a blood mage that gives rise to some of the more esoteric abilities of the mod.
Demonic Will powers a lot of the items and abilities of the mod. Instead of just gathering LP from a Blood Altar to power your sigils, a blood mage now needs to go hunting monsters to gather Will. The main usage of Will is in crafting things, but there are a few offensive uses for this material.
Hellfire Forge
The Hellfire Forge is one of the first machines that you will want to create in the mod. It is responsible for crafting almost everything involving Demonic Will, and thus you will be spending a lot of time with this thing. The Forge uses Will to craft stronger Tartaric Gems, sentient equipment, and even the stuff used for routing items.
The forge has four input slots on the left-hand side, a slot on the right for either a Demonic Will or a Tartaric Gem, an output slot at the center of the circle, and a progress bar to... indicate the progress of the crafting (all recipes take 5 seconds). When you place the four items in the forge in any order (because it is a shapeless recipe) and put in whatever you are using to store your Will, the forge will start to use the Will to craft the resultant item.
Keep in mind, though, that each and every recipe has two semi-hidden values: a minimum amount of Will required to be able to craft the item, and a value to indicate how much Will is consumed in this recipe. When you look up a recipe using JEI (Just Enough Items) and hover over the arrow in the recipe, it will give you a Minimum and a Drained value. For a recipe to even be craftable, you need a Tartaric Gem with at least the Minimum Will value. When the crafting is complete, though, the Forge will drain the Drained value. This is so that there are recipes that are gated behind having a lot of Will, but only use a little of it. And yes, the Minimum amount of Will will always be greater than or equal to the Drained value.
The Hellfire Forge will also fill up its contained Tartaric Gem if it is in a chunk that contains Demon Aura (explained later). It will fill up the gem in its slot with one Will per tick, and only if the gem is able to hold onto that Will. This can be helpful if you have a lot of Forges crafting large recipes, since there is no real way to replace the gem itself, or even fill it.
Tartaric Gem
Tartaric Gems (translated: gems from the demon realm, Tartarus) are used to store large amounts of Will. There are currently five different levels of tartaric gems: Petty, Lesser, Common, Greater, and Grand, which store subsequently more will. When you have a tartaric gem in your inventory and pick up a piece of Demonic Will, the Will will be absorbed and stored into the gem. If you have gems in your inventory and all of your gems are full, the Will item will instead just be voided to avoid clogging up your inventory.
What is more, you are able to right click in the air with the gem to transfer up to 10% of the max capacity of the gem into other gems in your inventory. So if you have a petty tartaric gem and you just created a lesser gem, you can just right click with the petty gem to fill up your new lesser gem.
You will want to have one of these on you whenever you use Sentient equipment, because all Sentient items get stronger the more Will you have in your inventory. The various benefits of each of these will be discussed in their respective sections.
Sentient Sword
The Sentient Sword is a marvelous weapon that gets more powerful the more Demonic Will you have in your tartaric gems. When initially crafted, you will see that it does not have much damage at all - however, if you right click with the sword or attack something with it, it will check your inventory for how much Will you have and then increase its damage based on it. If you gain more Will while you have this weapon, your sword will automatically power itself up when you attack things.
Probably the major benefit of this weapon is that when you kill things with it the attacked mob (if a hostile mob) will drop more Demonic Will without the need of using Rudimentary Snares. The amount dropped is proportional to the max health of the mob. The Will dropped is also increased dramatically when the power of the sword increases, so if you have more Will in your contained tartaric gems the mobs that you kill will drop more Will.
Also, pro tip: Looting enchantments affect how much Will is dropped. Oh, and the sword is enchantable!
You can only repair the Sentient Sword using an anvil plus another Sentient Sword.
Different Variants
Depending on how which Demon Will you have the most of when you right click the sword, the sword will take on different abilities.
The Corrosive sword inflicts the targed with Wither, dealing a constant DoT that becomes longer and more powerful the more Corrosive Will you have.
The Destructive sword is more damaging, but slower. This is more in-line with an axe than anything, but still provides the useful ability of the sword's slash.
The Vengeful sword has a faster attack speed and provides a speed buff when held, however it does a bit less damage. Hold it to charge into battle like a demon!
The Steadfast sword has reduced damage, however when you kill a mob with it you will receive temporary absorption hearts proportional to the max health of the mob killed. Helpful for keeping yourself alive, but not so much for killing things as efficiently.
Sentient Bow
Sentient Armour
The Sentient Armour is not craftable in the traditional sense. Instead, you need to craft a Sentient Armour Gem and right click with it while you have at least 30 Will. This will replace your armour with Sentient Armour (or just equip sentient armour when you have no armour on). If you right click the gem again, it will remove the sentient armour and equip your old armour again.
This armour becomes more powerful the more Will you have, and will drain Will from your contained gems when you are attacked. If, however, you run out of Will your armour will revert back to its original form.
Different Variants
There are four unique styles of the Sentient Armour, depending on which type of Demon Will you have the most of in your inventory at the time of activation, and as you can probably tell they all have different abilities.
Corrosive makes you immune to poison and wither, making it a good armour for when you are fighting witches or cave spiders.
Destructive adds to your attack power while reducing your attack speed, which is helpful for those more powerful monsters.
Vengeful increases your movement speed while still offering good protection.
Steadfast increases your defence, and imparts a large amount of knockback resistance. This is the tanky armour, but doesn't provide anything like health or movement speed buffs.
Demon Will Aura
Demonic Will is the ethereal manifestation of the will of demons, which normally is found in "nature" through reanimated or controlled monsters. So far in the mod, we have harnessed this power to gain more strength, injecting it into our tools to make us more powerful. However with any other type of power source, we can only do so much with it when it is confined to a particular form (in this case, our tartaric gems). Thus, if we were to find a way to release this Will into the atmosphere, we may be able to find more advanced uses.
This is what is called "Demon Will Aura," or Demon Aura. It is a measure of how much Demonic Will is released into the air in a given region. Think of it like Thaumcraft's aura, in the sense that it is a chunk-based aura that holds an energy that can be used for other things. However, Demon Aura is not able to spread from its own chunk without outside influences - once released, although this aura has a mind of its own (it's called "Will" for a reason), it tends to stay in the same region, seeking out things that it can attach to. If left alone, it will eventually try to seek out a host to inhabit again: but because this is a relatively new system, a lot of the stuff planned has yet to be implemented.
Demon Crucible
The Demon Crucible is a block that is required to convert the Will contained inside of tartaric gems into Demon Aura. By right clicking the Crucible and placing a tartaric gem inside it, the Will in the gem will slowly be drained and released into the air.
By default, the crucible call only inject up to 100 Will of a given type into the aura at a rate of 1 Will per tick. Later on, you will be able to place upgrades into the crucible to increase the rate as well as the max amount of Will in the Aura. Alone, this block won't be able to do much, but combined with other blocks it can be very useful.
The demon Crystals can also be placed inside of the Crucible to melt down into Demon Will, and they will pump the Aura up with its particular type.
Demon Crystallizer
With Will flowing around in the local Demon Aura, it becomes advantageous to focus the Will into a more concentrated form. The Will found inside of the Tartaric gems and the Demonic Will items is the ethereal manifestation of the Will, however the Crystallizer allows you to grab this essence and convert the ethereal to a physical form.
The Crystallizer acts as a point for the Demon Aura to latch onto, allowing the Will to start to crystallize on top of it. When enough Will congregates onto the Crystallizer, a Crystal Cluster of pure Demonic Will will form on top of it.
Because the Will is put into the air and then grabbed from the atmosphere, you will sometimes notice you get different colours of crystal clusters. There is a 10% chance that when a cluster is grown, it will be one of these unique types. Try to catch them all!
The crystallizer requires 100 default Demonic Will in order to form one cluster. Also quite a bit of time, so you may want to have more than one crystallizer in the chunk at once.
Demon Will Crystal Cluster
Crystal Clusters are a way to grow crystallized Demonic Will from the Demon Aura. When in an area with a high enough concentration of Demon Aura (any amount, currently), the crystal will act as a place for Will to latch on to, sprouting more crystals off of the main shard.
There are two main ways to harvest the crystals from the cluster. Either you can mine the cluster, destroying it but dropping the shards, or you can right click on the cluster when you have more than 1024 Demon Will in your contained tartaric gem (a common gem has a capacity of 1024, but a greater gem has a capacity of 4096). This will drop a single crystal, and will leave the cluster intact. And yes, a cluster that only has one crystal on it won't be destroyed if you right click it.
The crystal clusters come in all five of the different types of will.
Demon Pylon
You need to build more of these! *Ahem*
The Demon Pylon is used to draw Demon Aura towards it. What it does is it looks at how much Will is in its own chunk and attempts to equalize it with the other chunks by syphoning from the neighbouring chunk in each cardinal direction. By equalize, I mean that it will try to draw the Will from its neighbour until both chunks have an equal amount of Will. If the chunk beside it has 100 Will and its chunk has 0, both chunks will have 50 Will each by the end of it. Of course this is barring other Pylons messing with the Will and other draining effects.
Pylons are good to transmit Will throughout your base, so you will only need one area of Crucibles for your Demon Aura generation. For larger distances, it is probably not very good since you will need multiple chunks loaded.
Different Types of Will
There are five types of Demon Will, which includes four unique types of Will: there is the normal Will, which is the "Default" Then there is: Corrosive, Destructive, Vengeful, and Steadfast.
"Corrosive" (green) deals with breaking stuff down. So in combat, this would be the type that you use to apply DoTs like poison and wither.
"Vengeful" (red) deals with seeking things out for various purposes. This could be things such as increasing your speed or hastening a quarry ritual.
"Destructive" (yellow) is used to cause large amounts of damage - if you use this Will, it will cause a bad time for other things... Sans any unexpected circumstances.
"Steadfast" (purple) is used to mitigate destruction and damage. Defence, protection, truth and justice... well, maybe not those last two.
The use for the different types of Will is mainly for changing the aspects of the Sentient equipment. Eventually, the different Will types will be used to change the effects of all of the various rituals.
Item Routing
(Show a picture of all routing nodes)
The Item Routing system in Blood Magic is used to, well, route items.
Ritual of the Full Spring
Perhaps the simplest of rituals, this ritual grabs the moisture in the air and condenses it, forming a source block of water on top of the MRS. It costs 500LP to activate and 25LP per block created, but respawns the water every tick.
Serenade of the Nether
Slightly more sinister of a ritual than its cousin, the Serenade of the Nether draws lava from across dimensions and generates a source block of lava on top of the MRS. Having an activation cost of 10,000LP and a refresh cost of 500LP per lava block, this ritual can run your network dry if you use it too quickly.
Ritual of the Green Grove
A ritual that is helpful for those stubborn plants that you need to grow quickly, the Green Grove force-grows plants by sending the plants in its range (3x3x1 horizontal pane two blocks above the MRS) a growth tick once a second. Each of these ticks cost 5LP per plant, and the ritual costs 5,000LP to activate, so it can help to give you a steady supply of plants and crops.
(Yes, it works on sugarcane - anything that is IPlantable or IGrowable)
Ritual of the High Jump
This ritual looks for any living entity that is above the MRS and then shoots them into the air. If a person is pressing shift, the person will be able to land safely without being sent flying. This ritual costs 5,000LP to activate and 5LP per operation.
Well of Suffering
One of the old stand-bys for anyone who loves self-sacrifice, this ritual checks for a blood altar within a 11x11x21 area centered on the MRS. If there is an altar in its area, it will then attack mobs in a 10 block radius to fill up the blood altar.
When a mob is attacked, it is dealt 1HP of void damage and 10LP is placed into the blood altar (this respects sacrifice runes). Since this happens to every mob inside of its area at a period of 25 ticks, this is basically your go-to for automated sacrifice!
It costs 40,000LP to activate and uses 2LP per operation per mob.
Ritual of the Feathered Knife
The Ritual of the Feathered Knife is quite simple in its execution. Similar to the WoS, this ritual searches an 11x11x21 area for a Blood Altar. It then checks a 31x31x41 area for a player (so a 15 block radius horizontally, 20 radius vertically) and damages them for 1HP. For each HP taken, the ritual puts in 100LP into the altar, respecting any self-sacrifice runes used. This ritual will not put the user of the ritual under 3 hearts, however, but will thus leave you a bit vulnerable when using it.
This ritual takes 25,000LP to activate and costs 20LP per operation. It also has a frequency of operation of once per second.
Ritual of Regeneration
Reap of the Harvest Moon
Ritual of Magnetism
Ritual of the Crusher
Ritual of the Satiated Stomach
Ritual of Interdiction
Ritual of Containment
Ritual of Speed
Dome of Suppression
Aura of Expulsion
Call of the Zephyr
Sound of the Cleansing Soul
This ritual is a temporary ritual that removes all upgrades from the living armour of a person that walks on top of the MRS. These upgrades are then given to the player in the form of Living Upgrade Tomes. Because of this, it allows the player to compile upgrades to perfect their living armour for an LP cost.
Ritual of Living Evolution
Note: this is a temporary ritual that WILL change later on.
When you first create Living Armour, it has a maximum upgrade limit of 100 points. By activating this ritual and stepping into it while you have a set of Living Armour on, you can upgrade your armour so that it has a cap of 300 points. This ritual will change, because it can be considered pretty imbalanced.
Ritual of the Shepherd
Gathering of the Forsaken Souls
Le Vulcanos Frigius
This makes cobblestone in the 5 blocks of empty space on top of the MRS. Not a very -useful- ritual, but later on it will be upgradeable.
Laying of the Filler
This ritual searches for an inventory on top of the MRS for any placeable blocks. When it finds some, it will then place the blocks in the 5x5x1 area on the same level of the MRS. This is a good ritual for automatically placing saplings or other things that need automation.
It costs 5kLP to activate and 50LP per operation (needs adjustment)
Crash of the Timberman
The Crash of the Timberman searches a 10 block horizontal radius and 30 blocks above the MRS for any trees and leaves. The ritual will then cut down the leaves and logs of the tree and put the drops into a chest that is above the MRS.
This ritual takes 500LP to activate and uses 10LP per operation.
Hymn of Siphoning
The Assembly of the High Altar
The Gate of the Fold
The Gate of the Fold is one of the more complicated rituals. When activated, it will create a portal that, when walked through, will teleport the user to a portal that has the same key. If multiple portals have the same key, it should teleport the player to a portal randomly.
The key of the ritual is defined by who activated it and which blocks are placed in its defined area - this area can be seen by the wooden planks in the above picture. In other words, if you have different blocks surrounding the portal, your portals will be linked differently.
The key for the portal is set when the ritual is activated or when the ritual is turned back on using redstone. If you were to deactivate the portal with redstone, change the blocks, and then reactivate the portal, the portal will have a different key. This will allow you to build more complicated portal networks.
Since the key is set when the ritual is activated, you can activate the portal and then rearrange/remove the blocks around it and it will still link to the same destination. This allows for decorating the portal if you plan to never deactivate it.
It costs 50,000LP to activate and costs a bit of LP to go through. Items and animals and other entities can go through the portal, and it works cross-dimensionally (costs more if you teleport cross-dimensionally, and less if they are items).
Miscellaneous Items and Sigils
Powering your general needs since 2014!
Looks amazing! Totally awesome! I suggest contacting Sirolf and Jade Knightblazer for suggestions as well as myself as they have made dark mods like this that I certainly enjoyed and they know what they're doing. They made the necromancy and Harken Scythe mods, btw I love this type of mod, if you really want proof just look through pages 32-35 of the necromancy mod for my posts
Edit:Sorry for not saying what mod to look at, bet you thought I was a troll
Bug 1. Sacrificial Dagger kills you even in creative.
Bug 2. That also counts as the Weak Blood Orb, it also kills you, even in creative
Bug 3. The apprentice blood orb also kills you xD
I fixed this for the next drop. I may wait a bit before adding this fix so as to add a bit more content later, but since it is only for Creative right now, I suppose it is fine.
Hmmm. That is odd, indeed. I'll look up how to fix it, and add it to the next release. Using a Blood Orb will alleviate that for a bit, but I'll get on it!
The Meaning of Life, the Universe, and Everything.
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Looks decent - and I applaud your creative usage of 1.6's new health regeneration mechanics (for those who don't read patchnotes: regenerating health rapidly depletes your food bar, making health a lot less "free of charge" than it used to be).
As long as you can avoid any glaring cross-mod exploits, I'm sure this will be an excellent addition to any magic-themed modpack. Might be extra fun with the likes of IguanaMan's Hunger Overhaul, which puts a lot more emphasis on keeping yourself properly fed.
Looks pretty nice. I really like all the 'magic' mods, but most of them just seem extremely overpowered for little input, so I don't spend a lot of time using them. Thaumcraft, however, is rather well balanced, so I tend to play with that one a lot.
I'll try this one out, WayofTime, and I'll tell you what I think.
However, you might want to move the download from a Dropbox to something else, as they sometimes get... *ahem* when lots of downloads start happening at once.
Looks pretty nice. I really like all the 'magic' mods, but most of them just seem extremely overpowered for little input, so I don't spend a lot of time using them. Thaumcraft, however, is rather well balanced, so I tend to play with that one a lot.
I'll try this one out, WayofTime, and I'll tell you what I think.
However, you might want to move the download from a Dropbox to something else, as they sometimes get y when lots of downloads start happening at once.
I might add adf.ly as an optional link, since their service is up almost all of the time. I will, however, always keep the Dropbox link up, because I don't want people to be forced to wait to use my mod.
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Life sometimes hits people hard ... sometimes you do better getting back up again than not getting hit at all. -WayofTime
I like this mod! I always like dark magic themed Minecraft mods. As an idea, if you were to carry all those items with you, namely the Apprentice Orb, or the Blood Orb, also the Sigils? Would there be a way to have slots specifically for the orbs and sigils that add buffs, in the player inventory, to conserve space, and/or have it made in a way that is not incompatible with Aether II or any other mods directly changing the player's inventory? I know that if the mod adds many more items to be only used in the player's inventory, it could definitely degrade space.
so wayoftime i like playing around with the textures in new mods just for fun and to train myself. I hope its okay i do that for this mod. I have always wanted to be good at drawing but for now its only easy pixel editing i can do without getting angry. Anyway this is some of the textures in your mod that i have modified.
I may have to use that Lava Crystal texture! Not sure about the Apprentice Blood Orb one, but it could grow on me.
I meant hosting it on Curseforge, or similar. Oh, and nice usage of Kanji for the sigils, though I can't quite make out Void's.
I believe the one on the Void Sigil is "Empty," or something similar. I think a good way to separate buff sigils with the others is for the buffs to simply show what they do, but the other utility sigils will have a word engraved. Or not - the mod is young!
I like this mod! I always like dark magic themed Minecraft mods. As an idea, if you were to carry all those items with you, namely the Apprentice Orb, or the Blood Orb, also the Sigils? Would there be a way to have slots specifically for the orbs and sigils that add buffs, in the player inventory, to conserve space, and/or have it made in a way that is not incompatible with Aether II or any other mods directly changing the player's inventory? I know that if the mod adds many more items to be only used in the player's inventory, it could definitely degrade space.
I am kind of iffy about adding a new inventory interface/tab. What I'd probably do is have a "Sigil of Holding" which will have the capacity to hold all of the buff sigils, and by activating it you instead activate all of the sigils that it holds. Still have more stuff I will want to do with the buff sigils!
On another note, I am really wary of having the items being able to take from the "Absorption bin," as it were. While testing it in my test environment (I have a test sigil that I can prescribe a given potion effect to test), it seems that Absorption simply gives you free health. I know Regeneration also does this, but you still have to wait for it to take effect. Also, if I added that, it would bar me a bit from adding a Sigil to add the Absorption effect, which seems REALLY useful if you are in a pinch.
For now, I think I will leave it as it is for now - the method I use to damage the player is to read in the player's health, then take away the required toll. I have a feeling there is a reason why this doesn't work with absorption, though if enough people feel otherwise, I could add the functionality - it is just one class and about a half-hour of work away!
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Life sometimes hits people hard ... sometimes you do better getting back up again than not getting hit at all. -WayofTime
A very interesting new mod concept. I think I saw you a lot around the EE2 thread? Anyway, I hope you don't feel too pressured to rush for 1.6+. I personally find it to be a bit of a dud update on mojang's part
Looking forward to more content
Edit:Disregard my update nonsense. I am a moron who cannot read thread titles >.>
Hey Way! I've seen your dev commentaries on this and I really like the look of this so far. I think I'll be keeping an eye of this for now. Nice work so far.
if theres any textures you want me play around with just say it. If there isnt then im just gonna do it on random stuff you have in your mod. Anyway have a good day!
Also you can say what you didnt like about my designs and i could try improve them with my limited skill. I hope its okay if i keep posting stuff like that if i redesign anything else in your mod.
Sure, you can play around with any of them! I just may not use it, though! =P
On the part about the Blood Orbs, I'd prefer it to look more ... crystalline in nature. Although it has the heir or being bound to the soul of the player, it also needs to be able to show that it is, well, kind of like a crystal ball? An inner lustre, if you will.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Life sometimes hits people hard ... sometimes you do better getting back up again than not getting hit at all. -WayofTime
Looks amazing! Totally awesome! I suggest contacting Sirolf and Jade Knightblazer for suggestions as well as myself as they have made dark mods like this that I certainly enjoyed and they know what they're doing. They made the necromancy and Harken Scythe mods, btw I love this type of mod, if you really want proof just look through pages 32-35 of the necromancy mod for my posts
Edit:Sorry for not saying what mod to look at, bet you thought I was a troll
Also felt like mentioning perhaps by putting a ghast tear in a blood altar will give you a "condensed blood droplet",you can craft nine of these into an extremely condensed droplet that when crafted like that
A:extremely condensed droplets
AAA:blood head
AAA:Blood body
AAA:Blood arm
AEA:Blood legs
You can then craft these into a pet of sorts that will wrap around you and assist you with fighting in an odd way.
H:Blood head
B:Blood body
A:Blood arm
L:Blood legs
ABA:Blood Cloak
You can place this guy in any armor slot and it will spread across the body and look like a full armor set. It's durability will gradually go down as you and the cloak merge, when it goes all the way down it will completely disappear, in the control settings you can choose what you want to use to activate the cloak. When you activate it, it will attack by either lashing someone and dealing 6 hearts with each tendril that lashes out, however the cloak can form up to 9 tendrils. Another attack is that it will attempt to do the same thing as a sacrificial dagger and draw out all the life force out of an entity. You can also take it off by shift clicking an empty armor slot and the use for taking it off is that you can enchant it.
I like the look of this mod. It has a nice dark alchemist sort of magic. But a few things I want to suggest.
First, how about a place store LP for the blood altar. I was thinking about something you need to make in world. Basically this is a blood pool, it's use is to store life so it would use natural life meterials and water. To finish it just throw in a blood orb. It should look some thing like this:
A = natural stuff (leaves,wood or maybe something you need to make in the blood altar.)
D = water
This should be the smallest. Maybe you grow it from there. Transportation of LP through, is up for discussion. You should also have a side effect of storing LP.
Next, you should add a use for runes other than only for the altar. Maybe they should do something in world ( Rune aof Speed gives you speed or jump boost). Or how about special rituals that need a certain rune pattern to work. This rituals might even need a certain possession sacrifice too.You should also have a book to keep track of everything. Personaly I love mods that have a way to learn it in game like the thaunomocon from Thaumcraft 3 or upcoming Ars Magica 2 book. It helps since you don't have to look at the forum page or the wiki to learn anything.
But, all and all this mod has a lot of potential. I hope Direwolf20 does a spotlight on this .
I really like the mechanics of this mod, but so far not a lot of magic that interests me... (was looking for something along the line of Harken Scythe or Thaumcraft) going to keep my eye on it though, GREAT concept!!!
Blood Magic

Hello, everyone! This is WayofTime, and I am currently updating this post for the 1.9 version of the mod. Because of this, I would like to request a bit of patience: many, many things have changed between 1.7.10 and 1.9 in the mod, so I need to make sure everything is well documented. The in-game documentation... will take a while, and is being planned, however due to how I want them to be story-driven they are going to take a backburner compared to the content in the mod.
Because of this, I will strive to document ALL SYSTEMS in the mod here. This will be a big post. There will probably be so much in it that you will need to look at posts below this in order to get the entire content. You have been warned!
Download: Curse Forge Download of Awesomeness
PLEASE NOTE!!! The Blood Magic in-game guide requires Guide-API to be installed, which can be found here: http://minecraft.curseforge.com/projects/guide-api/files Is the book complete? Haha, no. But it is being worked on. If you ever have questions, look at my developer commentaries found on my Youtube channel (WayofFlowingTime), or ask around here or on the official FTB wiki (http://ftb.gamepedia.com/Blood_Magic).
If you want to get the book, look up the "Sanguine Scientiem" in-game - the crafting process should be obvious and easy. If you do not find this item, it is because you need to download Guide-API.
A quick reference to point you in the right direction.
In previous versions of the mod, you would start by directly crafting a Blood Altar and a sacrificial knife, then go straight into creating a blood orb. This is no longer the case. To start the mod, you will need to craft a rudimentary snare, and throw it at a monster. When you throw the snare, it has a chance to inflict a debuff on the monster, so throw snares until you see white particle effects.
When this occurs, kill the monster. It will drop a piece of "Demonic Will" - you will need about two of these, with one of them having a "Will Quality" (seen on the tooltip of the item) of at least 1.
At this point you are able to craft a Blood Altar using one of the Demonic Will - it is recommended you use the one with the lowest Will quality. You can also craft your Sacrificial Dagger, for use in self-sacrificing. More details about the blood altar and sacrifices can be found in the "Blood Altar" section.
You will need to create a Hellfire Forge out of some stone, iron, and gold. This block will be used for almost all recipes that involve this "Demonic Will." Demonic Will, or shortened simply as "Will," is used as an energy source. As such, you will need a way to use it, store it, and get more of it, and this block will do just that. Once again, see the relevant sections for finer details.
Craft two petty tartaric gems (use JEI for the recipe) by placing the Demonic Will you still have in the right-most slot. It will use up one Will Quality from the Will. Then, take one of these petty tartaric gems and use it to craft a "Sentient Sword." When you kill things with this sword, you will get more Demonic Will when you kill things. What is more, when you pick up a piece of Demonic Will from the ground while you have a tartaric gem in your inventory, the Will will go into that gem, deleting the Demonic Will item. Naturally, there is a maximum capacity of the tartaric gems, which for the petty version is 64.
One quick fact, which is explained further later on: the more Will you have in your tartaric gems inside of your inventory, the stronger your Sentient Sword is as well as the more Will is dropped by entities. This will help you to gather enough Will in order to craft some of the more interesting items in the game!
So now that you know how to use the Blood Altar (by looking at its section briefly - no, seriously, look at it), you will want to be able to get some more information about the Blood Altar. To do this, you will want to craft the Divination Sigil. If you look using JEI, you can see that to craft this sigil you need a Blank Slate and a piece of redstone dust using an "Alchemy Array." The Blank Slate can be crafted using a piece of smooth stone in a blood altar with 1000LP worth (5 hearts using the sacrificial dagger). 1 heart in the blood altar = 200LP without upgrades. An Alchemy Array can be created by crafting some "Arcane Ash" using the Hellfire Forge and right clicking on the ground with the ash. This will create a circle on the ground. If you then right click on this circle with first the redstone dust and then the blank slate, the Alchemy Array will create a Divination Sigil. This is how Alchemy Array crafting works.
Right clicking on the altar with the divination sigil will then tell you how much LP you have in the altar, and if you have WAILA installed it will tell you the LP in the WAILA box while you hold the sigil.
You will then want to craft a Weak Blood Orb using a diamond and 2000LP in the altar. This can store LP for you and your items that use LP. For more information on this, see the section "Soul Network."
So with this basic knowledge, you will want to upgrade your blood altar each tier, and craft a new blood orb whenever you can. Likewise, you will want to continually get better and better Tartaric gems to get more demonic will. If you want to know more information, make sure to look at the sections that are relevant. Either that, or look at an updated spotlight.
The Blood Altar
Construction and basic mechanics
(Angled T1 picture)
The Blood Altar is the main center-piece of the mod, used to craft major components as well as Blood Orbs used in the mod. By right clicking on the block with an item in-hand you are able to place the item into its inventory, which can be removed by right clicking with an empty hand. Because it is an inventory, hoppers and other means can interact with it.
As the name implies, the Blood Altar uses blood to transmute one item into another. By using a Sacrificial Dagger on yourself, you are able to put some of your blood and life essence into the altar's basin, sacrificing some of your health. One heart (2 hp) equals 200 Life Points, or LP, by default.
The altar has a base capacity of 10,000LP, and it has two internal fluid buffers with a capacity of 10% that of the main tank - LP that is pumped into the altar will go from the input buffer into the main tank, and then LP from the main tank will slowly transfer into the output tank, allowing it to be pumped out of the altar.
The operation of the altar is simple enough. Fill up the altar with blood using the available methods - at this stage of the mod, you are only able to use the Sacrificial Dagger to fill the altar with your own blood, but more methods will become available when you advance in the mod. Once you have enough LP in the altar, right click the altar to put the item you want to craft into it. You will start to see red particles emanating from the item, indicating that it is currently being transmuted into a new item. If gray particles start to smoke off of the item, it means that the altar is out of LP and the item is actually loosing progress - when this happens, you either have to add more LP to the altar to continue crafting, or simply loose all the progress on the item. Once the item stops emitting red particles, the crafting process is completed and you have a new item! Congrats!
You can also place a bound Blood Orb into the altar to fill up your Soul Network, up to the orb's maximum. More info about this can be found in the Soul Network section.
As you can see, the Blood Altar starts off relatively weak, simply a tier 1 (T1) altar with minimal capabilities. You can craft a few things with it, however you won't be able to do anything too fancy.
Tiers of Altars
Blood Runes
Soul Network
Ethereal storage, not for the faint of heart!
Incense Altar
Demonic Will
All that you need to know about harvesting Demon's Will
The Rudimentary Snare is how you initially get into the mod. It is a simple device that can be thrown at a hostile mob to attempt to ensnare some unpleasant things attached to it. If thrown at a mob, there will be a chance (about 25%) for the mob to be inflicted with a debuff called "Soul Snare," and will start to emit white swirling particles - when these particles appear, you can then kill the mob to get an item called "Demonic Will." This item will have a "Will Quality" between 0 and 5, so when starting off make sure to get at least two, one of them with a quality of more than 1.
After you use it this first time, you probably aren't going to use it much afterwards. More uses for this will probably happen in the future, but for now it is simply a way to get started in the mod.
Demonic Will
In the lore of Blood Magic, there is some form of demonic entity/energy that animates hostile monsters, raising skeletons from the grave to then attack the living. Because these skeletons don't actually have a soul to power their sentience, the demonic entity instead imprints its will to cause these creatures to move. It is this imprint of Demonic Will that is removed from a monster when slain by a blood mage that gives rise to some of the more esoteric abilities of the mod.
Demonic Will powers a lot of the items and abilities of the mod. Instead of just gathering LP from a Blood Altar to power your sigils, a blood mage now needs to go hunting monsters to gather Will. The main usage of Will is in crafting things, but there are a few offensive uses for this material.
Hellfire Forge
The Hellfire Forge is one of the first machines that you will want to create in the mod. It is responsible for crafting almost everything involving Demonic Will, and thus you will be spending a lot of time with this thing. The Forge uses Will to craft stronger Tartaric Gems, sentient equipment, and even the stuff used for routing items.
The forge has four input slots on the left-hand side, a slot on the right for either a Demonic Will or a Tartaric Gem, an output slot at the center of the circle, and a progress bar to... indicate the progress of the crafting (all recipes take 5 seconds). When you place the four items in the forge in any order (because it is a shapeless recipe) and put in whatever you are using to store your Will, the forge will start to use the Will to craft the resultant item.
Keep in mind, though, that each and every recipe has two semi-hidden values: a minimum amount of Will required to be able to craft the item, and a value to indicate how much Will is consumed in this recipe. When you look up a recipe using JEI (Just Enough Items) and hover over the arrow in the recipe, it will give you a Minimum and a Drained value. For a recipe to even be craftable, you need a Tartaric Gem with at least the Minimum Will value. When the crafting is complete, though, the Forge will drain the Drained value. This is so that there are recipes that are gated behind having a lot of Will, but only use a little of it. And yes, the Minimum amount of Will will always be greater than or equal to the Drained value.
The Hellfire Forge will also fill up its contained Tartaric Gem if it is in a chunk that contains Demon Aura (explained later). It will fill up the gem in its slot with one Will per tick, and only if the gem is able to hold onto that Will. This can be helpful if you have a lot of Forges crafting large recipes, since there is no real way to replace the gem itself, or even fill it.
Tartaric Gem
Tartaric Gems (translated: gems from the demon realm, Tartarus) are used to store large amounts of Will. There are currently five different levels of tartaric gems: Petty, Lesser, Common, Greater, and Grand, which store subsequently more will. When you have a tartaric gem in your inventory and pick up a piece of Demonic Will, the Will will be absorbed and stored into the gem. If you have gems in your inventory and all of your gems are full, the Will item will instead just be voided to avoid clogging up your inventory.
What is more, you are able to right click in the air with the gem to transfer up to 10% of the max capacity of the gem into other gems in your inventory. So if you have a petty tartaric gem and you just created a lesser gem, you can just right click with the petty gem to fill up your new lesser gem.
You will want to have one of these on you whenever you use Sentient equipment, because all Sentient items get stronger the more Will you have in your inventory. The various benefits of each of these will be discussed in their respective sections.
Sentient Sword
The Sentient Sword is a marvelous weapon that gets more powerful the more Demonic Will you have in your tartaric gems. When initially crafted, you will see that it does not have much damage at all - however, if you right click with the sword or attack something with it, it will check your inventory for how much Will you have and then increase its damage based on it. If you gain more Will while you have this weapon, your sword will automatically power itself up when you attack things.
Probably the major benefit of this weapon is that when you kill things with it the attacked mob (if a hostile mob) will drop more Demonic Will without the need of using Rudimentary Snares. The amount dropped is proportional to the max health of the mob. The Will dropped is also increased dramatically when the power of the sword increases, so if you have more Will in your contained tartaric gems the mobs that you kill will drop more Will.
Also, pro tip: Looting enchantments affect how much Will is dropped. Oh, and the sword is enchantable!
You can only repair the Sentient Sword using an anvil plus another Sentient Sword.
Different Variants
Depending on how which Demon Will you have the most of when you right click the sword, the sword will take on different abilities.
The Corrosive sword inflicts the targed with Wither, dealing a constant DoT that becomes longer and more powerful the more Corrosive Will you have.
The Destructive sword is more damaging, but slower. This is more in-line with an axe than anything, but still provides the useful ability of the sword's slash.
The Vengeful sword has a faster attack speed and provides a speed buff when held, however it does a bit less damage. Hold it to charge into battle like a demon!
The Steadfast sword has reduced damage, however when you kill a mob with it you will receive temporary absorption hearts proportional to the max health of the mob killed. Helpful for keeping yourself alive, but not so much for killing things as efficiently.
Sentient Bow
Sentient Armour
The Sentient Armour is not craftable in the traditional sense. Instead, you need to craft a Sentient Armour Gem and right click with it while you have at least 30 Will. This will replace your armour with Sentient Armour (or just equip sentient armour when you have no armour on). If you right click the gem again, it will remove the sentient armour and equip your old armour again.
This armour becomes more powerful the more Will you have, and will drain Will from your contained gems when you are attacked. If, however, you run out of Will your armour will revert back to its original form.
Different Variants
There are four unique styles of the Sentient Armour, depending on which type of Demon Will you have the most of in your inventory at the time of activation, and as you can probably tell they all have different abilities.
Corrosive makes you immune to poison and wither, making it a good armour for when you are fighting witches or cave spiders.
Destructive adds to your attack power while reducing your attack speed, which is helpful for those more powerful monsters.
Vengeful increases your movement speed while still offering good protection.
Steadfast increases your defence, and imparts a large amount of knockback resistance. This is the tanky armour, but doesn't provide anything like health or movement speed buffs.
Demon Will Aura
This is what is called "Demon Will Aura," or Demon Aura. It is a measure of how much Demonic Will is released into the air in a given region. Think of it like Thaumcraft's aura, in the sense that it is a chunk-based aura that holds an energy that can be used for other things. However, Demon Aura is not able to spread from its own chunk without outside influences - once released, although this aura has a mind of its own (it's called "Will" for a reason), it tends to stay in the same region, seeking out things that it can attach to. If left alone, it will eventually try to seek out a host to inhabit again: but because this is a relatively new system, a lot of the stuff planned has yet to be implemented.
Demon Crucible
The Demon Crucible is a block that is required to convert the Will contained inside of tartaric gems into Demon Aura. By right clicking the Crucible and placing a tartaric gem inside it, the Will in the gem will slowly be drained and released into the air.
By default, the crucible call only inject up to 100 Will of a given type into the aura at a rate of 1 Will per tick. Later on, you will be able to place upgrades into the crucible to increase the rate as well as the max amount of Will in the Aura. Alone, this block won't be able to do much, but combined with other blocks it can be very useful.
The demon Crystals can also be placed inside of the Crucible to melt down into Demon Will, and they will pump the Aura up with its particular type.
Demon Crystallizer
With Will flowing around in the local Demon Aura, it becomes advantageous to focus the Will into a more concentrated form. The Will found inside of the Tartaric gems and the Demonic Will items is the ethereal manifestation of the Will, however the Crystallizer allows you to grab this essence and convert the ethereal to a physical form.
The Crystallizer acts as a point for the Demon Aura to latch onto, allowing the Will to start to crystallize on top of it. When enough Will congregates onto the Crystallizer, a Crystal Cluster of pure Demonic Will will form on top of it.
Because the Will is put into the air and then grabbed from the atmosphere, you will sometimes notice you get different colours of crystal clusters. There is a 10% chance that when a cluster is grown, it will be one of these unique types. Try to catch them all!
The crystallizer requires 100 default Demonic Will in order to form one cluster. Also quite a bit of time, so you may want to have more than one crystallizer in the chunk at once.
Demon Will Crystal Cluster
Crystal Clusters are a way to grow crystallized Demonic Will from the Demon Aura. When in an area with a high enough concentration of Demon Aura (any amount, currently), the crystal will act as a place for Will to latch on to, sprouting more crystals off of the main shard.
There are two main ways to harvest the crystals from the cluster. Either you can mine the cluster, destroying it but dropping the shards, or you can right click on the cluster when you have more than 1024 Demon Will in your contained tartaric gem (a common gem has a capacity of 1024, but a greater gem has a capacity of 4096). This will drop a single crystal, and will leave the cluster intact. And yes, a cluster that only has one crystal on it won't be destroyed if you right click it.
The crystal clusters come in all five of the different types of will.
Demon Pylon
You need to build more of these! *Ahem*
The Demon Pylon is used to draw Demon Aura towards it. What it does is it looks at how much Will is in its own chunk and attempts to equalize it with the other chunks by syphoning from the neighbouring chunk in each cardinal direction. By equalize, I mean that it will try to draw the Will from its neighbour until both chunks have an equal amount of Will. If the chunk beside it has 100 Will and its chunk has 0, both chunks will have 50 Will each by the end of it. Of course this is barring other Pylons messing with the Will and other draining effects.
Pylons are good to transmit Will throughout your base, so you will only need one area of Crucibles for your Demon Aura generation. For larger distances, it is probably not very good since you will need multiple chunks loaded.
Different Types of Will
"Corrosive" (green) deals with breaking stuff down. So in combat, this would be the type that you use to apply DoTs like poison and wither.
"Vengeful" (red) deals with seeking things out for various purposes. This could be things such as increasing your speed or hastening a quarry ritual.
"Destructive" (yellow) is used to cause large amounts of damage - if you use this Will, it will cause a bad time for other things... Sans any unexpected circumstances.
"Steadfast" (purple) is used to mitigate destruction and damage. Defence, protection, truth and justice... well, maybe not those last two.
The use for the different types of Will is mainly for changing the aspects of the Sentient equipment. Eventually, the different Will types will be used to change the effects of all of the various rituals.
Item Routing
The Item Routing system in Blood Magic is used to, well, route items.
Perhaps the simplest of rituals, this ritual grabs the moisture in the air and condenses it, forming a source block of water on top of the MRS. It costs 500LP to activate and 25LP per block created, but respawns the water every tick.
Serenade of the Nether
Slightly more sinister of a ritual than its cousin, the Serenade of the Nether draws lava from across dimensions and generates a source block of lava on top of the MRS. Having an activation cost of 10,000LP and a refresh cost of 500LP per lava block, this ritual can run your network dry if you use it too quickly.
Ritual of the Green Grove
A ritual that is helpful for those stubborn plants that you need to grow quickly, the Green Grove force-grows plants by sending the plants in its range (3x3x1 horizontal pane two blocks above the MRS) a growth tick once a second. Each of these ticks cost 5LP per plant, and the ritual costs 5,000LP to activate, so it can help to give you a steady supply of plants and crops.
(Yes, it works on sugarcane - anything that is IPlantable or IGrowable)
Ritual of the High Jump
This ritual looks for any living entity that is above the MRS and then shoots them into the air. If a person is pressing shift, the person will be able to land safely without being sent flying. This ritual costs 5,000LP to activate and 5LP per operation.
Well of Suffering
One of the old stand-bys for anyone who loves self-sacrifice, this ritual checks for a blood altar within a 11x11x21 area centered on the MRS. If there is an altar in its area, it will then attack mobs in a 10 block radius to fill up the blood altar.
When a mob is attacked, it is dealt 1HP of void damage and 10LP is placed into the blood altar (this respects sacrifice runes). Since this happens to every mob inside of its area at a period of 25 ticks, this is basically your go-to for automated sacrifice!
It costs 40,000LP to activate and uses 2LP per operation per mob.
Ritual of the Feathered Knife
The Ritual of the Feathered Knife is quite simple in its execution. Similar to the WoS, this ritual searches an 11x11x21 area for a Blood Altar. It then checks a 31x31x41 area for a player (so a 15 block radius horizontally, 20 radius vertically) and damages them for 1HP. For each HP taken, the ritual puts in 100LP into the altar, respecting any self-sacrifice runes used. This ritual will not put the user of the ritual under 3 hearts, however, but will thus leave you a bit vulnerable when using it.
This ritual takes 25,000LP to activate and costs 20LP per operation. It also has a frequency of operation of once per second.
Ritual of Regeneration
Reap of the Harvest Moon
Ritual of Magnetism
Ritual of the Crusher
Ritual of the Satiated Stomach
Ritual of Interdiction
Ritual of Containment
Ritual of Speed
Dome of Suppression
Aura of Expulsion
Call of the Zephyr
Sound of the Cleansing Soul
This ritual is a temporary ritual that removes all upgrades from the living armour of a person that walks on top of the MRS. These upgrades are then given to the player in the form of Living Upgrade Tomes. Because of this, it allows the player to compile upgrades to perfect their living armour for an LP cost.
Ritual of Living Evolution
Note: this is a temporary ritual that WILL change later on.
When you first create Living Armour, it has a maximum upgrade limit of 100 points. By activating this ritual and stepping into it while you have a set of Living Armour on, you can upgrade your armour so that it has a cap of 300 points. This ritual will change, because it can be considered pretty imbalanced.
Ritual of the Shepherd
Gathering of the Forsaken Souls
Le Vulcanos Frigius
This makes cobblestone in the 5 blocks of empty space on top of the MRS. Not a very -useful- ritual, but later on it will be upgradeable.
Laying of the Filler
This ritual searches for an inventory on top of the MRS for any placeable blocks. When it finds some, it will then place the blocks in the 5x5x1 area on the same level of the MRS. This is a good ritual for automatically placing saplings or other things that need automation.
It costs 5kLP to activate and 50LP per operation (needs adjustment)
Crash of the Timberman
The Crash of the Timberman searches a 10 block horizontal radius and 30 blocks above the MRS for any trees and leaves. The ritual will then cut down the leaves and logs of the tree and put the drops into a chest that is above the MRS.
This ritual takes 500LP to activate and uses 10LP per operation.
Hymn of Siphoning
The Assembly of the High Altar
The Gate of the Fold
The Gate of the Fold is one of the more complicated rituals. When activated, it will create a portal that, when walked through, will teleport the user to a portal that has the same key. If multiple portals have the same key, it should teleport the player to a portal randomly.
The key of the ritual is defined by who activated it and which blocks are placed in its defined area - this area can be seen by the wooden planks in the above picture. In other words, if you have different blocks surrounding the portal, your portals will be linked differently.
The key for the portal is set when the ritual is activated or when the ritual is turned back on using redstone. If you were to deactivate the portal with redstone, change the blocks, and then reactivate the portal, the portal will have a different key. This will allow you to build more complicated portal networks.
Since the key is set when the ritual is activated, you can activate the portal and then rearrange/remove the blocks around it and it will still link to the same destination. This allows for decorating the portal if you plan to never deactivate it.
It costs 50,000LP to activate and costs a bit of LP to go through. Items and animals and other entities can go through the portal, and it works cross-dimensionally (costs more if you teleport cross-dimensionally, and less if they are items).
Miscellaneous Items and Sigils
Powering your general needs since 2014!
I am the author of the Minecraft mod Blood Magic! Find out more about this mod here: http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/1899223-
The forum documentation is currently being worked on to update for the 1.9 information. Patience is appreciated!
I am the author of the Minecraft mod Blood Magic! Find out more about this mod here: http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/1899223-
Edit:Sorry for not saying what mod to look at, bet you thought I was a troll
I fixed this for the next drop. I may wait a bit before adding this fix so as to add a bit more content later, but since it is only for Creative right now, I suppose it is fine.
Hmmm. That is odd, indeed. I'll look up how to fix it, and add it to the next release. Using a Blood Orb will alleviate that for a bit, but I'll get on it!
I am the author of the Minecraft mod Blood Magic! Find out more about this mod here: http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/1899223-
As long as you can avoid any glaring cross-mod exploits, I'm sure this will be an excellent addition to any magic-themed modpack. Might be extra fun with the likes of IguanaMan's Hunger Overhaul, which puts a lot more emphasis on keeping yourself properly fed.
I'll try this one out, WayofTime, and I'll tell you what I think.
However, you might want to move the download from a Dropbox to something else, as they sometimes get... *ahem* when lots of downloads start happening at once.
I might add adf.ly as an optional link, since their service is up almost all of the time. I will, however, always keep the Dropbox link up, because I don't want people to be forced to wait to use my mod.
I am the author of the Minecraft mod Blood Magic! Find out more about this mod here: http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/1899223-
I meant hosting it on Curseforge, or similar. Oh, and nice usage of Kanji for the sigils, though I can't quite make out Void's.
I may have to use that Lava Crystal texture! Not sure about the Apprentice Blood Orb one, but it could grow on me.
I believe the one on the Void Sigil is "Empty," or something similar. I think a good way to separate buff sigils with the others is for the buffs to simply show what they do, but the other utility sigils will have a word engraved. Or not - the mod is young!
I am kind of iffy about adding a new inventory interface/tab. What I'd probably do is have a "Sigil of Holding" which will have the capacity to hold all of the buff sigils, and by activating it you instead activate all of the sigils that it holds. Still have more stuff I will want to do with the buff sigils!
On another note, I am really wary of having the items being able to take from the "Absorption bin," as it were. While testing it in my test environment (I have a test sigil that I can prescribe a given potion effect to test), it seems that Absorption simply gives you free health. I know Regeneration also does this, but you still have to wait for it to take effect. Also, if I added that, it would bar me a bit from adding a Sigil to add the Absorption effect, which seems REALLY useful if you are in a pinch.
For now, I think I will leave it as it is for now - the method I use to damage the player is to read in the player's health, then take away the required toll. I have a feeling there is a reason why this doesn't work with absorption, though if enough people feel otherwise, I could add the functionality - it is just one class and about a half-hour of work away!
I am the author of the Minecraft mod Blood Magic! Find out more about this mod here: http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/1899223-
Looking forward to more content
Edit:Disregard my update nonsense. I am a moron who cannot read thread titles >.>
Sure, you can play around with any of them! I just may not use it, though! =P
On the part about the Blood Orbs, I'd prefer it to look more ... crystalline in nature. Although it has the heir or being bound to the soul of the player, it also needs to be able to show that it is, well, kind of like a crystal ball? An inner lustre, if you will.
I am the author of the Minecraft mod Blood Magic! Find out more about this mod here: http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/1899223-
Great mod about better RF generation at http://www.minecraft...on-version-100/
Also felt like mentioning perhaps by putting a ghast tear in a blood altar will give you a "condensed blood droplet",you can craft nine of these into an extremely condensed droplet that when crafted like that
A:extremely condensed droplets
AAA:blood head
AAA:Blood body
AAA:Blood arm
AEA:Blood legs
You can then craft these into a pet of sorts that will wrap around you and assist you with fighting in an odd way.
H:Blood head
B:Blood body
A:Blood arm
L:Blood legs
ABA:Blood Cloak
You can place this guy in any armor slot and it will spread across the body and look like a full armor set. It's durability will gradually go down as you and the cloak merge, when it goes all the way down it will completely disappear, in the control settings you can choose what you want to use to activate the cloak. When you activate it, it will attack by either lashing someone and dealing 6 hearts with each tendril that lashes out, however the cloak can form up to 9 tendrils. Another attack is that it will attempt to do the same thing as a sacrificial dagger and draw out all the life force out of an entity. You can also take it off by shift clicking an empty armor slot and the use for taking it off is that you can enchant it.
So way wadda ya think?
First, how about a place store LP for the blood altar. I was thinking about something you need to make in world. Basically this is a blood pool, it's use is to store life so it would use natural life meterials and water. To finish it just throw in a blood orb. It should look some thing like this:
A = natural stuff (leaves,wood or maybe something you need to make in the blood altar.)
D = water
This should be the smallest. Maybe you grow it from there. Transportation of LP through, is up for discussion. You should also have a side effect of storing LP.
Next, you should add a use for runes other than only for the altar. Maybe they should do something in world ( Rune aof Speed gives you speed or jump boost). Or how about special rituals that need a certain rune pattern to work. This rituals might even need a certain possession sacrifice too.You should also have a book to keep track of everything. Personaly I love mods that have a way to learn it in game like the thaunomocon from Thaumcraft 3 or upcoming Ars Magica 2 book. It helps since you don't have to look at the forum page or the wiki to learn anything.
But, all and all this mod has a lot of potential. I hope Direwolf20 does a spotlight on this .