The EnderWeapons mod is a mod that allows players to craft weapons that does not kill a hostile or unhostile mob (mob killing takes a few shots shots), but simply teleports the mob anywhere from 1 block to 1,000 blocks away. This mod is very fun and simple to use, and only requires enderpearls, and a few other easy materials.
The Enderstaff mod has been released!(this is a separate mod download to the Endergun)
What does the Enderstaff do?
Rather then having more damage then the Endergun, the Enderstaff has been made with 10X the teleportation capabilities, making 1 shot (shoots enderpearls) teleport a mob or character within a 1-1000 radius. The crafting recipe for this weapon is also super simple to make, (aside from the two diamonds) and can take 50 shots before breaking.
Where can you download this mod?
This mod can be downloaded on the main post, under the 'downloads' section.
*The EnderWeapons mod is still in Version 1 testing which means there are still some bugs, such as the arrow shooting effect. Please be patient, as these bugs will soon be fixed!*
The Meaning of Life, the Universe, and Everything.
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Why not an Ender-Simulation Device? If you hold it, you become immune to projectiles, but also cannot enter water or rain. Also, if you right click while pointing at a mob, you can switch positions with it. That sounds like it would be fun!
Make something that controls enderman please. Maybe update the ender staff so rather than firing an arrow it fires a particle bolt, update the appearance of the gun a bit, also removing the arrow shot appearance, annnnd that's pretty much it.
The next EnderWeapon has been revealed. Coming early August, the Ender-Ring will be available for download. I have added a (very) tiny image of what this 'weapon' may look like... but no info on what this item will do has been released yet. What do you think this tool will be capable of?
The pre-release (demo) version of the EnderWeapon will be available to everyone on August 3rd, and the full version will be available by August 10th
We have also reached 600 downloads! Great job everyone, and if we can hit 1,000 downloads I may just release a surprise
Make something that controls enderman please. Maybe update the ender staff so rather than firing an arrow it fires a particle bolt, update the appearance of the gun a bit, also removing the arrow shot appearance, annnnd that's pretty much it.
Yes, it should fire enderpearls, but I bug i've encountered has changed it to arrows. That issue is being resolved, I promise! I will definatly update the gun texture ASAP, thanks for your feedback!
As for the Enderman controller, that may be a possibility in the near future
The Enderring ALPHA Pre-Release has been released....but only to PREMIUM Members at the moment. If you would like to become a PREMIUM member and recieve awesome features like the pre-release, then email me at [email protected]!
This is it, the final 24 hour countdown until release!
PREMIUM Members Release: August 7th
REGULAR Members Release: August 14th
The next Enderweapon will be decided by you guys! Just PM me with your idea, and I will enter it in a poll. Which ever idea gets the most votes will be used!
Enderring Teaser Trailer
Enderstaff Mod [1.6.2]
Mod Spotlight 1:
Mod Spotlight 2:
Endergun v1.0:
Enderstaff v1.0:
Endergun: Version 1.0
Enderstaff: Version 1.0
Ender-Ring Pre-Release: Version 0.1 (requires members code)
Coming Soon
Below is a 16x16 ALPHA image of what the next EnderWeapon, the Ender-Ring might look like. Be aware, though, a lot can change between ALPHA and BETA.
Version : ALPHA 1.100.02
Coming early August, 2013
Great idea! Thanks I may add that in version 1.1!
Sorry about that, its an annoying bug that should be fixed in v1.
My Blast Cannon mod will be released in a few days, feel free to do a mod spotlight on that one, too!
If you ever need a texture artist, just send me a message, I'd be more than happy to help out.
Thank you! I will be sure to give you a call if any texturing is needed!
What does the Enderstaff do?
Rather then having more damage then the Endergun, the Enderstaff has been made with 10X the teleportation capabilities, making 1 shot (shoots enderpearls) teleport a mob or character within a 1-1000 radius. The crafting recipe for this weapon is also super simple to make, (aside from the two diamonds) and can take 50 shots before breaking.
Where can you download this mod?
This mod can be downloaded on the main post, under the 'downloads' section.
*The EnderWeapons mod is still in Version 1 testing which means there are still some bugs, such as the arrow shooting effect. Please be patient, as these bugs will soon be fixed!*
The pre-release (demo) version of the EnderWeapon will be available to everyone on August 3rd, and the full version will be available by August 10th
We have also reached 600 downloads! Great job everyone, and if we can hit 1,000 downloads I may just release a surprise
Yes, it should fire enderpearls, but I bug i've encountered has changed it to arrows. That issue is being resolved, I promise! I will definatly update the gun texture ASAP, thanks for your feedback!
As for the Enderman controller, that may be a possibility in the near future
Current Premium Members: 17
Because of our accomplishment, I will be releasing EnderWeapons v1.1 (on August 19th) with a special surprise included. Are your ready?
Also, thank you to Kyle H., Noah & Alex Andreotte. for becoming PREMIUM EnderWeapon members!
-Nzah, Mod Developer
I made it in about 15 minutes... so it's not the best but it justr gives some ideas on what the next mod may do
PREMIUM Members Release: August 7th
REGULAR Members Release: August 14th
The next Enderweapon will be decided by you guys! Just PM me with your idea, and I will enter it in a poll. Which ever idea gets the most votes will be used!