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Still needs bugs fixed like an IC gate with a NOT gate placed inside it not being activated and not giving output until you toggle the input on then back off at least once.
Pleaseee fix the simple bugs like that.. It completely breaks my project
Mmmm seems I was a little hasty complaining about problems reusing Project Red stuff.
I tried MCEdit Unified and it allowed me to copy-paste complex structures, even ones containing lots of different ICs. Import export didn't work, but copy / change map / paste worked beautifully. I haven't tested MCEdit so might work too.
I had tested MCEdit a while ago and came out with the idea it didn't work with mods, but that might be due to poor testing skills... I don't know.
I would love to see 2 things added to PR: a relay: The relay would allow or disallow a signal from going trough the relay if the relay is powered, the allow or disallow could be set just like a comparater or other items.
Another thing I would like to see is lights that are either pre set to connect to there colors (meaning if a green light is placed next to a bundled cable or free standing bundled cable it will connect to the green part of the cable) or allow a right-click with either a screw driver or wrench to change the existing lights to connect to there colors or perhaps allow connecting to a different color directly, basically this would save some wiring space especially when working with bundled cables.
Also i though about small (1 bit sized) lamps, that can be placed to specific positions, but this requires block segmentation, compatible with PR cables, but they always linked to edge or center of block. Technically it's better realizable by chunk-section emulation (like LittleBlocks), but MCmultipart doesn't provide this.
Another suggestion I forgot about was a Programmable Pulser, basically it will have a timer like the sequencer has where it will fire a pulse at a given amount of ticks, and the pulse length will be adjustable too per ticks. as an added feature it would be nice to be able to set it to either activate or stop/pause when a signal is put to it. on one end.
I would love to see 2 things added to PR: a relay: The relay would allow or disallow a signal from going trough the relay if the relay is powered, the allow or disallow could be set just like a comparater or other items.
I believe that the AND gate serves this purpose. Could also use the AND cell for multiple 'relays'.
Here is my multi-destination teleport for Minecraft 1.7.10.
Supports up to 8 destinations (+ server location)
Allows teleport of goods via an import / export system
Made secure so that you don't loose control/goods in multiplayer
Displays how full import/buffer/export chests are
Minecraft 1.7.10
Project Red (uses Integrated Circuits extensively)
Forge Multi-part
Project Blue
PS: if there is an interest for it, I'll distribute the map and a tutorial on how to copy/paste it's elements into other maps.
PS2: a 6 directional spaceship using the teleport system to mine from the ground and teleport to and from the main warehouse is being worked on
PS3: an example using Opencomputers to control the system is being worked on
Okay, I got a question. This is the first time I've attempted to use Project Red, which really looked interesting. Watched a walk through that shows me how to upgrade the chips so that the chest you use to extract items leaves your inventory very fast. The tutorial shows you click on the Router Utility in order to do this. The problem is when I right click on mine, nothing happens. I don't get any kind of gui to put by chip in to upgrade it. I can use the tool to click on the pipe and show it's info, but no upgrade screen!
In the youtube comment section, someone else had the same problem, so I know it's not just me. Is this possibly a common problem? Any idea how to resolve this? Or was there maybe a version upgrade that changed that somehow? I was watching a vid that was 2 years old, so....maybe it don't work that way, anymore.
Looking good so far, just testing the item storage, the interface pipes connect with your barrels and work fine with iron chests for example but I can't get connection with either YABBA or Get Ya' Barrels Here mods. Would this just be an inventory handling issue with those mods? works fine with Storage drawers.
Still needs bugs fixed like an IC gate with a NOT gate placed inside it not being activated and not giving output until you toggle the input on then back off at least once.
Pleaseee fix the simple bugs like that.. It completely breaks my project
Mmmm seems I was a little hasty complaining about problems reusing Project Red stuff.
I tried MCEdit Unified and it allowed me to copy-paste complex structures, even ones containing lots of different ICs. Import export didn't work, but copy / change map / paste worked beautifully. I haven't tested MCEdit so might work too.
I had tested MCEdit a while ago and came out with the idea it didn't work with mods, but that might be due to poor testing skills... I don't know.
Anyway, it works and it's great!
I'm very happy with ICs.
This being said, I've come to the conclusion that I'm lacking documentation at the Blueprint level.
At one point, it becomes hard to know what color input/output means what, especially for colorblind people like myself.
It would also be great to have a hover hint for inputs and outputs of ICs:
* either just: bounded - input - orange
* or better: bounded - input - orange - "on/off" (last part being a comment)
No way a requirement to be happy; just in case you looking for ideas coming from someone that has made a machine made of 40 different ICs.
I would love to see 2 things added to PR: a relay: The relay would allow or disallow a signal from going trough the relay if the relay is powered, the allow or disallow could be set just like a comparater or other items.
Another thing I would like to see is lights that are either pre set to connect to there colors (meaning if a green light is placed next to a bundled cable or free standing bundled cable it will connect to the green part of the cable) or allow a right-click with either a screw driver or wrench to change the existing lights to connect to there colors or perhaps allow connecting to a different color directly, basically this would save some wiring space especially when working with bundled cables.
Hopefully that was easy to understand.
Check out The Valley! My own Server and Modpacks!
The Valley 1.7.10 is available on Technic here:The Valley 1.7.10 -> Curseforge External link HERE
The Valley 1.12.2 is available on Curseforge here: The Valley 1.12.2
The Valley 1.20.2 is available at this IP: (NOW BEDROCK COMPATIBLE!)
Yes, should be useful.
Also i though about small (1 bit sized) lamps, that can be placed to specific positions, but this requires block segmentation, compatible with PR cables, but they always linked to edge or center of block. Technically it's better realizable by chunk-section emulation (like LittleBlocks), but MCmultipart doesn't provide this.
Another suggestion I forgot about was a Programmable Pulser, basically it will have a timer like the sequencer has where it will fire a pulse at a given amount of ticks, and the pulse length will be adjustable too per ticks. as an added feature it would be nice to be able to set it to either activate or stop/pause when a signal is put to it. on one end.
Check out The Valley! My own Server and Modpacks!
The Valley 1.7.10 is available on Technic here:The Valley 1.7.10 -> Curseforge External link HERE
The Valley 1.12.2 is available on Curseforge here: The Valley 1.12.2
The Valley 1.20.2 is available at this IP: (NOW BEDROCK COMPATIBLE!)
I believe that the AND gate serves this purpose. Could also use the AND cell for multiple 'relays'.
Good news everyone!
Twitter update
i'm waiting this mod for 1.11
Let us choose with what version to use it. I personaly prefer for 1.10.2 as most other mods are. For 1.11 there is very few mods, so not worth it.
Here is my multi-destination teleport for Minecraft 1.7.10.
PS: if there is an interest for it, I'll distribute the map and a tutorial on how to copy/paste it's elements into other maps.
PS2: a 6 directional spaceship using the teleport system to mine from the ground and teleport to and from the main warehouse is being worked on
PS3: an example using Opencomputers to control the system is being worked on
Okay, I got a question. This is the first time I've attempted to use Project Red, which really looked interesting. Watched a walk through that shows me how to upgrade the chips so that the chest you use to extract items leaves your inventory very fast. The tutorial shows you click on the Router Utility in order to do this. The problem is when I right click on mine, nothing happens. I don't get any kind of gui to put by chip in to upgrade it. I can use the tool to click on the pipe and show it's info, but no upgrade screen!
In the youtube comment section, someone else had the same problem, so I know it's not just me. Is this possibly a common problem? Any idea how to resolve this? Or was there maybe a version upgrade that changed that somehow? I was watching a vid that was 2 years old, so....maybe it don't work that way, anymore.
Help is appreciated. Thanks.
how to get the mod to work now what version to use for it
1 week till the 1 year absolute no update anniversary
Finally it's done (almost).
Found a bug with filling block by panels/pillars, when lamp is inside:
It not precisely and always caused by presented pillar positions, just may be glitched
ForgeMultiPart CBE is required, it exist here.
When we do. We JUST got the 1.10 release. Let the man have some down time before pestering him for the next version.
Looking good so far, just testing the item storage, the interface pipes connect with your barrels and work fine with iron chests for example but I can't get connection with either YABBA or Get Ya' Barrels Here mods. Would this just be an inventory handling issue with those mods? works fine with Storage drawers.
Also what new features if any are planned?