which one 1.10.2? i tried but didn't work i really want lamp and redstone wires so i can control my extreme reactors a.k.a big reactor and ic2 reactors using bundled cables and gates. where's 1.10.2 link all are 1.7.10
The big thing I want ported is PR-World, with the gems for tools and armor early game. Once that's ported you could release it right away and then work on the others to import piecemeal.
1.10 packs are still early on but you risk becoming irrelevant if something, however partial, isn't out there soon. It also opens up the potential for an integration mod like Forbidden Magic was for 1.7.10 taking up the gems and using them for other purposes.
I really want to see in the 1.10.2 Project RED version the redstone pressure tube!! Is the only think the i miss in the 1.7.10 version !! I would love it !!
The Meaning of Life, the Universe, and Everything.
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Are there any plans to update this to more recent versions of Minecraft? This is one of the only mods that is actually holding me back from updating to 1.10+, because I use the Microblocks constantly when building in creative, and most of my other favorite mods have already been updated.
Are there any plans to update this to more recent versions of Minecraft? This is one of the only mods that is actually holding me back from updating to 1.10+, because I use the Microblocks constantly when building in creative, and most of my other favorite mods have already been updated.
Well this mod has been mostly inactive for almost a year now... don't get your hopes up.
Well this mod has been mostly inactive for almost a year now... don't get your hopes up.
Inactive for a year? Github had a update to the 1.7.10 branch 4 months ago, and just today TJP put up a screenshot showing PR transportation in MC 1.10.2 on his twitter.
Progress is slow. I'll give you that, but the mod isn't dead yet.
I am Brand new to ProjectRed and fist I have to say that this is really awesome what has been done with this mod - too many way to count its greatness. I signed up with this forum today specifically to get some help with the IC system - I started reading this thread and got about 25+ pages in and just realized I should ask my question - if not in this thread ill start a new one to make it searchable for others upon suggestion.
Anyway, my question:
I've made an IC Gate (In creative mode, using the creative mode chip: first puting down the IC workbench, then feeding it a blank bluprint etc, I make the blueprint and everything is greated just fine - I get a chip from this with the name of the blueprint. I then right click with the chip on the ground to get the IC-Gate and place the gate). This IC Gate is stupid simple and just connects from side to side using the simple output (ive tried analog as well).
Problem is the IC Gate never outputs signals of any kind when I give it input from a torch or switch, even though I can see the input part light up. This is my test and not the final product, I wanted to start with something bone-headed easy before I try to create my real gate.
* What am I doing wrong?
I am using All-Tech-No-Magic pack, with minecraft 1.7.10 and all ProjectRed components are the same, this for example: ProjectRed-1.7.10-4.7.0pre12.95-Base
this will sound dumb, but did you set the chip nodes (the things that make the connection on the chip from inside to outside) did you set those correctly, they have 3 settings, input only, output only, or in and out.
I'm not sure.... It seems like you have all your bases covered. I guess just verify that your Inputs and Outputs are on the right sides of the IC, and configured correctly. In world IC orientation is important too so make sure that's right as well.
Can you show us a picture of the IC blueprint? Maybe that'll give us a clue.
this will sound dumb, but did you set the chip nodes (the things that make the connection on the chip from inside to outside) did you set those correctly, they have 3 settings, input only, output only, or in and out.
You sir/maam are AWESOME. and I'm an idiot. I did NOT see that the pads were configurable - problem solved. I feel totally dumb now. Is there a guide to this mod somewhere that I completely missed?
You sir/maam are AWESOME. and I'm an idiot. I did NOT see that the pads were configurable - problem solved. I feel totally dumb now. Is there a guide to this mod somewhere that I completely missed?
you are all awesome
not really from what I remember (i'm a sir btw), i've just figured it mostly out by trial and error, ended up creating a fully working traffic light sequence within a single IC chip so it just takes time.
I made some modifications to the 1.7.10 code of PR so I can now reuse my IC's from one map to another; I can also rename them and make multiple different IC's based on a starting one. I love it.
I'm now looking for a way to copy structures containing PR wires, forge-multiparts and ideally, IC's.
I think what's most needed for PR now is such a copy tool.
I've looked into multiple solutions:
* modifying RemainInMotion so it can save to a blueprint instead of duplicating (transduplicator)
* adding support for PR to the Buildcraft blueprints (I think it already supports forge-multiparts via Buildcraft-compat)
Currently, I haven't found an easy way to do it.
This is how I see it: building complex stuff to help/for fun is only efficient if it can be reused. It's hard to justify such complex machines if they have to be redone on each new map. I would focus on this.
Also, I've made a combat ship packed with a very long range cannon, bombardment slots, a teleport, 6 direction movement, lights and more, all controlled via OpenComputer, allowing to plot courses and behavior... we could have combat ship fights and so much more... but only if we could copy paste from maps.
Buildcraft's blueprints support Red Logic so people could use RL wires for the parts they want to blueprint... but PR and RL don't work well together, and there's stuff in PR (such as the IC's) I need. So maybe, if those two could work together, it could be a temporary helping. By don't work well together, I mean RL's elements don't render when the PR mod is present.
I have no idea why I'm the only one talking about re-usability in a technical mod... makes no sense to me.
Some other stuff, less important, but that I think would allow more compact systems and help re-usability:
* IC's being able to contain other IC's
* IC's being able to contain WRCBE emitters and receptors
Not saying there are no good reasons why those haven't been done (no idea how difficult it would be).
Less important, but convenient:
* a 2 perpendicular cables crossover
* a cable and a wire crossover
Yes, you can make IC's for that... but you can't currently insert IC's into other IC's; also, probably more efficient.
I'm a little grumpy about the lack of interest for re-usability as shown by mod developers and mod users... but don't let that make you think I'm not in awe in front of their creations... I find them fantastic and I am thankful for their work.
I'm wondering if there wouldn't be a need for copy paste interfaces so that modders would write the implementation for their mod elements, and then either they build machines that use them or someone else creates a simple mod that uses those interfaces to provide re-usability, so that that tremendous impediment to creation is nipped in the bud once and for all.
I mean specifically https://github.com/MrTJP/ProjectRed/issues/1039
Waiting for the 1.10 release
tell me ore-blockids!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
All block and item IDs are dynamically allocated FOR YEARS.
Your question doesn't make any sense.
Perhaps he means the minecraft name for the item? If you have minetweaker you just type in /mt hand with the item you need identified in your hand.
which one 1.10.2? i tried but didn't work i really want lamp and redstone wires so i can control my extreme reactors a.k.a big reactor and ic2 reactors using bundled cables and gates. where's 1.10.2 link all are 1.7.10
still no latest version..
The big thing I want ported is PR-World, with the gems for tools and armor early game. Once that's ported you could release it right away and then work on the others to import piecemeal.
1.10 packs are still early on but you risk becoming irrelevant if something, however partial, isn't out there soon. It also opens up the potential for an integration mod like Forbidden Magic was for 1.7.10 taking up the gems and using them for other purposes.
I really want to see in the 1.10.2 Project RED version the redstone pressure tube!! Is the only think the i miss in the 1.7.10 version !! I would love it !!
Are there any plans to update this to more recent versions of Minecraft? This is one of the only mods that is actually holding me back from updating to 1.10+, because I use the Microblocks constantly when building in creative, and most of my other favorite mods have already been updated.
Well this mod has been mostly inactive for almost a year now... don't get your hopes up.
Inactive for a year? Github had a update to the 1.7.10 branch 4 months ago, and just today TJP put up a screenshot showing PR transportation in MC 1.10.2 on his twitter.
Progress is slow. I'll give you that, but the mod isn't dead yet.
I am Brand new to ProjectRed and fist I have to say that this is really awesome what has been done with this mod - too many way to count its greatness. I signed up with this forum today specifically to get some help with the IC system - I started reading this thread and got about 25+ pages in and just realized I should ask my question - if not in this thread ill start a new one to make it searchable for others upon suggestion.
Anyway, my question:
I've made an IC Gate (In creative mode, using the creative mode chip: first puting down the IC workbench, then feeding it a blank bluprint etc, I make the blueprint and everything is greated just fine - I get a chip from this with the name of the blueprint. I then right click with the chip on the ground to get the IC-Gate and place the gate). This IC Gate is stupid simple and just connects from side to side using the simple output (ive tried analog as well).
Problem is the IC Gate never outputs signals of any kind when I give it input from a torch or switch, even though I can see the input part light up. This is my test and not the final product, I wanted to start with something bone-headed easy before I try to create my real gate.
* What am I doing wrong?
I am using All-Tech-No-Magic pack, with minecraft 1.7.10 and all ProjectRed components are the same, this for example: ProjectRed-1.7.10-4.7.0pre12.95-Base
Clues? Suggestions?
this will sound dumb, but did you set the chip nodes (the things that make the connection on the chip from inside to outside) did you set those correctly, they have 3 settings, input only, output only, or in and out.
Check out The Valley! My own Server and Modpacks!
Forum: http://thevalley.guildtag.com/
Discord: https://discordapp.com/invite/mx9GCDQ
The Valley 1.7.10 is available on Technic here:The Valley 1.7.10 -> Curseforge External link HERE
The Valley 1.12.2 is available on Curseforge here: The Valley 1.12.2
The Valley 1.20.2 is available at this IP: thevalley.noip.me:25567 (NOW BEDROCK COMPATIBLE!)
I'm not sure.... It seems like you have all your bases covered. I guess just verify that your Inputs and Outputs are on the right sides of the IC, and configured correctly. In world IC orientation is important too so make sure that's right as well.
Can you show us a picture of the IC blueprint? Maybe that'll give us a clue.
You sir/maam are AWESOME. and I'm an idiot. I did NOT see that the pads were configurable - problem solved. I feel totally dumb now. Is there a guide to this mod somewhere that I completely missed?
you are all awesome
not really from what I remember (i'm a sir btw), i've just figured it mostly out by trial and error, ended up creating a fully working traffic light sequence within a single IC chip so it just takes time.
Check out The Valley! My own Server and Modpacks!
Forum: http://thevalley.guildtag.com/
Discord: https://discordapp.com/invite/mx9GCDQ
The Valley 1.7.10 is available on Technic here:The Valley 1.7.10 -> Curseforge External link HERE
The Valley 1.12.2 is available on Curseforge here: The Valley 1.12.2
The Valley 1.20.2 is available at this IP: thevalley.noip.me:25567 (NOW BEDROCK COMPATIBLE!)
An update was posted on his Twitter around a week ago.
1.10.2 is coming along
made serial messaging
I made some modifications to the 1.7.10 code of PR so I can now reuse my IC's from one map to another; I can also rename them and make multiple different IC's based on a starting one. I love it.
I'm now looking for a way to copy structures containing PR wires, forge-multiparts and ideally, IC's.
I think what's most needed for PR now is such a copy tool.
I've looked into multiple solutions:
* modifying RemainInMotion so it can save to a blueprint instead of duplicating (transduplicator)
* adding support for PR to the Buildcraft blueprints (I think it already supports forge-multiparts via Buildcraft-compat)
Currently, I haven't found an easy way to do it.
This is how I see it: building complex stuff to help/for fun is only efficient if it can be reused. It's hard to justify such complex machines if they have to be redone on each new map. I would focus on this.
Also, I've made a combat ship packed with a very long range cannon, bombardment slots, a teleport, 6 direction movement, lights and more, all controlled via OpenComputer, allowing to plot courses and behavior... we could have combat ship fights and so much more... but only if we could copy paste from maps.
Buildcraft's blueprints support Red Logic so people could use RL wires for the parts they want to blueprint... but PR and RL don't work well together, and there's stuff in PR (such as the IC's) I need. So maybe, if those two could work together, it could be a temporary helping. By don't work well together, I mean RL's elements don't render when the PR mod is present.
I have no idea why I'm the only one talking about re-usability in a technical mod... makes no sense to me.
Some other stuff, less important, but that I think would allow more compact systems and help re-usability:
* IC's being able to contain other IC's
* IC's being able to contain WRCBE emitters and receptors
Not saying there are no good reasons why those haven't been done (no idea how difficult it would be).
Less important, but convenient:
* a 2 perpendicular cables crossover
* a cable and a wire crossover
Yes, you can make IC's for that... but you can't currently insert IC's into other IC's; also, probably more efficient.
I'm a little grumpy about the lack of interest for re-usability as shown by mod developers and mod users... but don't let that make you think I'm not in awe in front of their creations... I find them fantastic and I am thankful for their work.
I'm wondering if there wouldn't be a need for copy paste interfaces so that modders would write the implementation for their mod elements, and then either they build machines that use them or someone else creates a simple mod that uses those interfaces to provide re-usability, so that that tremendous impediment to creation is nipped in the bud once and for all.