Project Red is all about tech. If you love redstone, you'll wonder how you ever lived without it. It allows you to do so many things, and in a lot cleaner and more compact environment then doing them with normal redstone would allow. The two main things added by Project Red are Wires and Logic Gates. Wires work sort of like redstone dust, except they can be transmitted for up to 256 blocks, and go up and under blocks as well as around corners. Logic gates allow you to fit what would otherwise take a huge building of redstone craziness and squeeze it into a tiny logic gate, that can be placed on any solid block on any side.
This mod gives you the tools you need to push redstone to its true potential.
DISCLAIMER: Forge Relocation IS NOT associated with forge itself. DO NOT report bugs to them!!: Forge Relocation IS NOT associated with forge itself. DISCLAIMER: Forge Relocation IS NOT associated with forge itself. DO NOT report bugs to them!! report bugs to them!!: Forge Relocation IS NOT associated with forge itself. DISCLAIMER: Forge Relocation IS NOT associated with forge itself. DO NOT report bugs to them!!: Forge Relocation IS NOT associated with forge itself. DISCLAIMER: Forge Relocation IS NOT associated with forge itself. DO NOT report bugs to them!! report bugs to them!! report bugs to them!!
Forge Relocation is a library designed to assist mod author in creating blocks to move other blocks. It is used by ProjectRed's Frame Motors to manage the movement of frames. It is open source and has a powerful, easy-to-use API. Because of this, the Mechanical package requires you to install Forge Relocation.
The Forge Relocation FMP Plugin is a simple mod that shows how the API can be used to allow proper movement of a block that otherwise would not move correctly. FMP blocks are a good example of this. Because of the way they work, moving FMP tile entities without this plugin would cause unexpected behavior. This plugin is created to show how a mod author can fix it. It also adds the ability to stick parts inside of frame blocks so they will move along with the frame itself.
You may use any of my mods in map packs as long as they are nonprofit and legal. DO NOT message me about mod packs, I will ignore them.
- Eloraam, of course, for the most professional and intuitive mod ever created.
- ChickenBones, for his brilliant library of tools, and for coding the best parts of PR
- Simon816 and kenzierocks, for their frequent contributions on Github
- All my patrons on Patreon
- Everyone who contributes, by coding or donations.
Why don't you merge with Immibis? Why should we use 131231312 different rp2 replacements? Pls overthink your descision because would you help Immibis, it would be better then having more and more and more and more and more and more replacements
First very nice re-make
I searched everywhere for a good Lamp remake. You are the first, who introduced the halo back. Just a quick question. Is it possible to give it the "original" halo back?
really really cool replacement for RP2.. But how about the immibis microblocks and redlogic mod? is it better that it? is this mod compatible with chickenbones' wireless mod? and chickenbones just made his own microblocks mod that is very useful. like it can go to vanilla stuff like levers and torches, is that any better to your mod?
This is based off immibis redlogic mod (As its opensource)
Chickenbones wireless mod isnt compatible with anything except redpower. and is not updated. Chickenbones microblock mod isnt released as yet
Also you might wanna get this little thing fixed up.
2013-07-09 22:04:37 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found a duplicate mod BuildCraft|Builders at [E:\Minecraft\instances\SMP_Tech 1.5.2\minecraft\mods\ProjectRed-1.5.2-, E:\Minecraft\instances\SMP_Tech 1.5.2\minecraft\mods\buildcraft-universal-1.5.2-3.7.1.q1.jar]
2013-07-09 22:04:37 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found a duplicate mod BuildCraft|Core at [E:\Minecraft\instances\SMP_Tech 1.5.2\minecraft\mods\ProjectRed-1.5.2-, E:\Minecraft\instances\SMP_Tech 1.5.2\minecraft\mods\buildcraft-universal-1.5.2-3.7.1.q1.jar]
2013-07-09 22:04:37 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found a duplicate mod BuildCraft|Energy at [E:\Minecraft\instances\SMP_Tech 1.5.2\minecraft\mods\ProjectRed-1.5.2-, E:\Minecraft\instances\SMP_Tech 1.5.2\minecraft\mods\buildcraft-universal-1.5.2-3.7.1.q1.jar]
2013-07-09 22:04:37 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found a duplicate mod BuildCraft|Factory at [E:\Minecraft\instances\SMP_Tech 1.5.2\minecraft\mods\ProjectRed-1.5.2-, E:\Minecraft\instances\SMP_Tech 1.5.2\minecraft\mods\buildcraft-universal-1.5.2-3.7.1.q1.jar]
2013-07-09 22:04:37 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found a duplicate mod BuildCraft|Silicon at [E:\Minecraft\instances\SMP_Tech 1.5.2\minecraft\mods\ProjectRed-1.5.2-, E:\Minecraft\instances\SMP_Tech 1.5.2\minecraft\mods\buildcraft-universal-1.5.2-3.7.1.q1.jar]
2013-07-09 22:04:37 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found a duplicate mod BuildCraft|Transport at [E:\Minecraft\instances\SMP_Tech 1.5.2\minecraft\mods\ProjectRed-1.5.2-, E:\Minecraft\instances\SMP_Tech 1.5.2\minecraft\mods\buildcraft-universal-1.5.2-3.7.1.q1.jar]
Why don't you merge with Immibis? Why should we use 131231312 different rp2 replacements? Pls overthink your descision because would you help Immibis, it would be better then having more and more and more and more and more and more replacements
Honesty, i would love to work with immibis. The reason I took this approach was because i wanted a standalone mod that didn't have any core mod associations. I will implement SOME compatibility, like if you turn the block ID to zero on all the wires and stuff, only the lamps and other things i added will be active. The problem is immibis wants a simple replacement for RP2, but i want a "clone". I don't know, we'll see what he says.
At the moment, i am considering basic machines such as the deployer.
I am not sure about tubes, and frames is a "no" for now because i wouldn't even know where to begin for something like that.
If i get a good team together on github, it would really help though, but i agree, the tubes were awesome.
First very nice re-make
I searched everywhere for a good Lamp remake. You are the first, who introduced the halo back. Just a quick question. Is it possible to give it the "original" halo back?
I think, it adds a little bit more than Immibis' mods. BUT, it sounds awesome ! Next part, is to add the tube stuff, and all the logics !
Yes, I think you should make that if Immibis is installed, your stuff overwrites his stuff. For example, it overwrites the crafting recipe for wire of the same type, and for the gate !
I am considering a 'compatibility mode', at least until i re-write most of his code, but god, his coding logic is so hard to understand
really really cool replacement for RP2.. But how about the immibis microblocks and redlogic mod? is it better that it? is this mod compatible with chickenbones' wireless mod? and chickenbones just made his own microblocks mod that is very useful. like it can go to vanilla stuff like levers and torches, is that any better to your mod?
This is at its core RedLogic, but with additional features built in and installation in the core mod folder is no longer required. Every time he introduces a bug fix that i missed, i add it right in.
This is based off immibis redlogic mod (As its opensource)
Chickenbones wireless mod isnt compatible with anything except redpower. and is not updated. Chickenbones microblock mod isnt released as yet
Also you might wanna get this little thing fixed up.
2013-07-09 22:04:37 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found a duplicate mod BuildCraft|Builders at [E:\Minecraft\instances\SMP_Tech 1.5.2\minecraft\mods\ProjectRed-1.5.2-, E:\Minecraft\instances\SMP_Tech 1.5.2\minecraft\mods\buildcraft-universal-1.5.2-3.7.1.q1.jar]
2013-07-09 22:04:37 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found a duplicate mod BuildCraft|Core at [E:\Minecraft\instances\SMP_Tech 1.5.2\minecraft\mods\ProjectRed-1.5.2-, E:\Minecraft\instances\SMP_Tech 1.5.2\minecraft\mods\buildcraft-universal-1.5.2-3.7.1.q1.jar]
2013-07-09 22:04:37 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found a duplicate mod BuildCraft|Energy at [E:\Minecraft\instances\SMP_Tech 1.5.2\minecraft\mods\ProjectRed-1.5.2-, E:\Minecraft\instances\SMP_Tech 1.5.2\minecraft\mods\buildcraft-universal-1.5.2-3.7.1.q1.jar]
2013-07-09 22:04:37 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found a duplicate mod BuildCraft|Factory at [E:\Minecraft\instances\SMP_Tech 1.5.2\minecraft\mods\ProjectRed-1.5.2-, E:\Minecraft\instances\SMP_Tech 1.5.2\minecraft\mods\buildcraft-universal-1.5.2-3.7.1.q1.jar]
2013-07-09 22:04:37 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found a duplicate mod BuildCraft|Silicon at [E:\Minecraft\instances\SMP_Tech 1.5.2\minecraft\mods\ProjectRed-1.5.2-, E:\Minecraft\instances\SMP_Tech 1.5.2\minecraft\mods\buildcraft-universal-1.5.2-3.7.1.q1.jar]
2013-07-09 22:04:37 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found a duplicate mod BuildCraft|Transport at [E:\Minecraft\instances\SMP_Tech 1.5.2\minecraft\mods\ProjectRed-1.5.2-, E:\Minecraft\instances\SMP_Tech 1.5.2\minecraft\mods\buildcraft-universal-1.5.2-3.7.1.q1.jar]
I just tried this mod in a creative environment. The fact there was a buildcraft tab with all the buildcraft items, no textures and a message begging me in chat to update, gave me a small hint on what the problem was. Did you already fix the typo's I listed in my previous post?
(it is a motor, spelling immibis is hard and I is always capitalized.)
Small annoyances: You cannot use a strip between already placed RA Wires, Gates (like the randomizer) will stack (place a randomizer on top of an already placed randomizer), you cannot find any microblocks in the creative menu (add one of each kind please), hitboxes on jacketed wire are annoying.
Oh, you are also shipping every bit of NEI. It won't activate though, because PR isn't in coremods.
Yea, i indeed got rid of all the extra mods shipping with mine.
Typos are fixed. Thanks.
nei was shipping because the md5 wasn't being updated after setup in the build.xml file. I will update that asap
I am going to make gates require a solid surface to sit on, and i am trying to find a way to place strips in between wires. Jacketed wire hit boxes may be difficult to fix because of how Immibis had bounding boxes set up. I will make a tab for micro blocks, once i finish the micro block library and the nei plugin for micro block recipes
IDEA: Redstone Resistor and Redstone Comparator logic parts
redstone resistor makes redstone signal weaker. resistance can be changed by right-clicking on it.
and comparator works similar to a vanilla comparator. but can be placed on walls and ceilings.
- Microblock break particles
- Different shaped lamps.
in my WIP mod:
The render code is found under mods/ft975/lighting/render, the particle code can be found in mods/ft975/util/particle & mods/ft975/util/extensibles/BlockExt. The licence is, which allows you to do anything you'd like with the code.
Edit: I just looked at your code and saw that you are using a random number generator to prevent z-fighting, an inefficient method. The way I do my lamps is to render in two passes, and turn off depth mask while rendering the rays:
//Start Context
//Render the bulb
if (MinecraftForgeClient.getRenderPass == 0) {
glColor4f(col.color.R, col.color.G, col.color.B, 1)
//Render the light rays
if (renderRays && (MinecraftForgeClient.getRenderPass == 1)) {
// Setup light rays
// Setup texture and color
// Reset Pt 1
//Reset Context
Nice! Cannot wait to see how this mod turns out! Loved the original redpower and am going to enjoy this one!
Suggestion- while I completely understand why you don't want to add Blutricity back into the mod, could you add back the windmills and make them generate MJ? Primarily because the windmills are awesome.
IDEA: Redstone Resistor and Redstone Comparator logic parts
redstone resistor makes redstone signal weaker. resistance can be changed by right-clicking on it.
and comparator works similar to a vanilla comparator. but can be placed on walls and ceilings.
Once i figure out how Immibis's logic code works, my first gate i am adding is a light detector similar to RP2, because that thing was neat.
Then, the resistor sounds cool, though i never considered it because i always use redstone for simple on and off instead of signal level. And if i can even begin to understand Jeb's hackish code, then i will implement the comparators.
- Microblock break particles
- Different shaped lamps.
in my WIP mod:
The render code is found under mods/ft975/lighting/render, the particle code can be found in mods/ft975/util/particle & mods/ft975/util/extensibles/BlockExt. The licence is, which allows you to do anything you'd like with the code.
Edit: I just looked at your code and saw that you are using a random number generator to prevent z-fighting, an inefficient method. The way I do my lamps is to render in two passes, and turn off depth mask while rendering the rays:
//Start Context
//Render the bulb
if (MinecraftForgeClient.getRenderPass == 0) {
glColor4f(col.color.R, col.color.G, col.color.B, 1)
//Render the light rays
if (renderRays && (MinecraftForgeClient.getRenderPass == 1)) {
// Setup light rays
// Setup texture and color
// Reset Pt 1
//Reset Context
THANKS!!! i have been trying to figure out a efficient way to handle z-fighting, i completely overlooked render passes.
EDIT: YEA!! The depth masking fixed zfighting!! No more hack code
By the way, i have to let it render on all passes, because for some reason MinecraftForgeClient.getRenderPass() is always returning 0 only.
Though, your code confuses me because i have no idea what scala is.
And i see you have been messing with tubes
I could really use help with that eventually.
Nice! Cannot wait to see how this mod turns out! Loved the original redpower and am going to enjoy this one!
Suggestion- while I completely understand why you don't want to add Blutricity back into the mod, could you add back the windmills and make them generate MJ? Primarily because the windmills are awesome.
Yes, not definite, but it is planned. MJ will be the primary power grid in this mod. The reason i don't want to add blutricity is because there are already SO many other mods that add SO many other power systems.
The particle code isn't so much microblock particles as it is particles that come from a TE. The regular particles come from getIcon, which only provides side and metadata. The version I have gets the icon from getTexture. It can also have the icon passed right in.
The particle code isn't so much microblock particles as it is particles that come from a TE. The regular particles come from getIcon, which only provides side and metadata. The version I have gets the icon from getTexture. It can also have the icon passed right in.
As for the tubes, I haven't actually worked on any tube logic, just thought about how it may be done. The tube module at the moment does nothing.
Alright ill see what i can do. For now, i have the lights updated to use what you did. They are working great
They won't render in pass though, but i can see anything wrong with rendering in zero pass.
Project Red is all about tech. If you love redstone, you'll wonder how you ever lived without it. It allows you to do so many things, and in a lot cleaner and more compact environment then doing them with normal redstone would allow. The two main things added by Project Red are Wires and Logic Gates. Wires work sort of like redstone dust, except they can be transmitted for up to 256 blocks, and go up and under blocks as well as around corners. Logic gates allow you to fit what would otherwise take a huge building of redstone craziness and squeeze it into a tiny logic gate, that can be placed on any solid block on any side.
This mod gives you the tools you need to push redstone to its true potential.
If you like what I do,
MrTJP's Patreon Page
Also, follow me on twitter, where I will soon start posting updates and screenshots about things I am working on.
ProjectRed is a massive mod. It has been split up into several modules that you see below.
For details on what each module does, simply go to the site linked below.
Some mods only work if other mods are installed:
MrTJPCore is required for anything to work.
ProjectRed Base is required for any other modules to work.
ProjectRed Integration is required for Fabrication.
Forge Relocation is required for ProjectRed Mechanical.
Again, all the details are found here.
Project Red
Forge Relocation
DISCLAIMER: Forge Relocation IS NOT associated with forge itself. DO NOT report bugs to them!!: Forge Relocation IS NOT associated with forge itself. DISCLAIMER: Forge Relocation IS NOT associated with forge itself. DO NOT report bugs to them!! report bugs to them!!: Forge Relocation IS NOT associated with forge itself. DISCLAIMER: Forge Relocation IS NOT associated with forge itself. DO NOT report bugs to them!!: Forge Relocation IS NOT associated with forge itself. DISCLAIMER: Forge Relocation IS NOT associated with forge itself. DO NOT report bugs to them!! report bugs to them!! report bugs to them!!
Forge Relocation is a library designed to assist mod author in creating blocks to move other blocks. It is used by ProjectRed's Frame Motors to manage the movement of frames. It is open source and has a powerful, easy-to-use API. Because of this, the Mechanical package requires you to install Forge Relocation.
The Forge Relocation FMP Plugin is a simple mod that shows how the API can be used to allow proper movement of a block that otherwise would not move correctly. FMP blocks are a good example of this. Because of the way they work, moving FMP tile entities without this plugin would cause unexpected behavior. This plugin is created to show how a mod author can fix it. It also adds the ability to stick parts inside of frame blocks so they will move along with the frame itself.
Mod Packs
You may use any of my mods in map packs as long as they are nonprofit and legal. DO NOT message me about mod packs, I will ignore them.
- Eloraam, of course, for the most professional and intuitive mod ever created.
- ChickenBones, for his brilliant library of tools, and for coding the best parts of PR
- Simon816 and kenzierocks, for their frequent contributions on Github
- All my patrons on Patreon
- Everyone who contributes, by coding or donations.
The circle is now complete.
I searched everywhere for a good Lamp remake. You are the first, who introduced the halo back. Just a quick question. Is it possible to give it the "original" halo back?
just for a quick demonstration:
new :
if not, can you tell me how to do it?
Applied Energistics 2 Developer
AE2:Intelligent Energistics Developer
Chickenbones wireless mod isnt compatible with anything except redpower. and is not updated. Chickenbones microblock mod isnt released as yet
Also you might wanna get this little thing fixed up.
Honesty, i would love to work with immibis. The reason I took this approach was because i wanted a standalone mod that didn't have any core mod associations. I will implement SOME compatibility, like if you turn the block ID to zero on all the wires and stuff, only the lamps and other things i added will be active. The problem is immibis wants a simple replacement for RP2, but i want a "clone". I don't know, we'll see what he says.
At the moment, i am considering basic machines such as the deployer.
I am not sure about tubes, and frames is a "no" for now because i wouldn't even know where to begin for something like that.
If i get a good team together on github, it would really help though, but i agree, the tubes were awesome.
Hmm, im not sure what the difference is. Is the old ones a little more clear or something?
I am considering a 'compatibility mode', at least until i re-write most of his code, but god, his coding logic is so hard to understand
This is at its core RedLogic, but with additional features built in and installation in the core mod folder is no longer required. Every time he introduces a bug fix that i missed, i add it right in.
Need more details, as this wasn't happening for me, but it might be because our files are in the same place.
Edit: fixed
HOLLY CRAP your right, i forgot to refresh the checksum !!
Fix incoming ASAP
- Accidentally included actual buildcraft source instead of just an api. Whoops. Fixed.
Yea, i indeed got rid of all the extra mods shipping with mine.
Typos are fixed. Thanks.
nei was shipping because the md5 wasn't being updated after setup in the build.xml file. I will update that asap
I am going to make gates require a solid surface to sit on, and i am trying to find a way to place strips in between wires. Jacketed wire hit boxes may be difficult to fix because of how Immibis had bounding boxes set up. I will make a tab for micro blocks, once i finish the micro block library and the nei plugin for micro block recipes
the older was lot more "neon" style. the new looks kinda damp or dull. I think its just the halo though
Applied Energistics 2 Developer
AE2:Intelligent Energistics Developer
redstone resistor makes redstone signal weaker. resistance can be changed by right-clicking on it.
and comparator works similar to a vanilla comparator. but can be placed on walls and ceilings.
- Microblock break particles
- Different shaped lamps.
in my WIP mod:
The render code is found under mods/ft975/lighting/render, the particle code can be found in mods/ft975/util/particle & mods/ft975/util/extensibles/BlockExt. The licence is, which allows you to do anything you'd like with the code.
Edit: I just looked at your code and saw that you are using a random number generator to prevent z-fighting, an inefficient method. The way I do my lamps is to render in two passes, and turn off depth mask while rendering the rays:
Suggestion- while I completely understand why you don't want to add Blutricity back into the mod, could you add back the windmills and make them generate MJ? Primarily because the windmills are awesome.
Its a really easy fix, i just have to find the right RGB combo.
Once i figure out how Immibis's logic code works, my first gate i am adding is a light detector similar to RP2, because that thing was neat.
Then, the resistor sounds cool, though i never considered it because i always use redstone for simple on and off instead of signal level. And if i can even begin to understand Jeb's hackish code, then i will implement the comparators.
I am debating adding worldgen or not. Tubes, i may save until i get a few more people working on this mod.
THANKS!!! i have been trying to figure out a efficient way to handle z-fighting, i completely overlooked render passes.
EDIT: YEA!! The depth masking fixed zfighting!! No more hack code
By the way, i have to let it render on all passes, because for some reason MinecraftForgeClient.getRenderPass() is always returning 0 only.
Though, your code confuses me because i have no idea what scala is.
And i see you have been messing with tubes
I could really use help with that eventually.
Yes, not definite, but it is planned. MJ will be the primary power grid in this mod. The reason i don't want to add blutricity is because there are already SO many other mods that add SO many other power systems.
I have a gist that has the code translated into java:
As for the tubes, I haven't actually worked on any tube logic, just thought about how it may be done. The tube module at the moment does nothing.
Alright ill see what i can do. For now, i have the lights updated to use what you did. They are working great
They won't render in pass though, but i can see anything wrong with rendering in zero pass.