LiteLoader is a lightweight mod bootstrap designed to provide very basic loader functionality for mods which don't need to modify game mechanics. It is designed to run alongside Minecraft Forge and Forge Mod Loader (FML) and LiteLoader mods will virtually never conflict with Forge mods.
Installing LiteLoader is pretty straightforward and if you're familiar with the process, visit the download page to grab the latest installer for your version of Minecraft. If you're new to LiteLoader follow the instructions below
ShadersMod supports installation stand-alone, and also alongside Minecraft Forge but can easily be installed alongside LiteLoader even when Minecraft Forge is not in use. If you are creating an installation including Forge simply follow the instructions and download the Forge Edition and put it in your mods directory. If you do not have Forge then download the Non-Forge Edition and put it in your .minecraft/mods/<version> folder where <version> is the version of Minecraft you're using, eg. for 1.8 it would be .minecraft/mods/1.8
Official downloads are available from the download page:
Development builds are available from the Jenkins build server:
Current development builds are available for Minecraft 1.9, Minecraft 1.8.9 and Minecraft 1.8 and are not supported in any way, shape or form. Use development builds at your own risk as they are likely to be unstable and may contain critical bugs which can corrupt your world cause crashes. You have been warned!
Looking for mods for LiteLoader? Then look no further than the LiteLoader Mods List.
If you are a mod developer and would like to have your mod added to the list, or have the existing entry amended then simply post below or drop me a PM here on the forums.
LiteLoader is aimed squarely at mods which only change the client in some way; some good examples might be a mini-map, a mod which overhauls the in-game chat or a client-side macro system. This type of mod doesn't generally need the awesome power of something like Minecraft Forge to function, so asking players to install an API that's several times larger than the mod itself doesn't make sense. It must however coexist peacefully alongside Forge (so that players can use both platforms if they want to!) and LiteLoader does this.
LiteLoader was primarily developed for use by The VoxelModPack Team but is source available to allow mod developers to make their own mods using the platform.
As a modder, if you're looking for a loader to help you add a new block, item, mob or mechanic into the game, then LiteLoader isn't for you and you should check out Minecraft Forge. If you want to make a mod that displays something on the screen like a heads-up FPS counter, provides an in-game IRC window, or anything else that doesn't alter game mechanics then LiteLoader is probably perfect for you!
To work around this, either manually merge the new "com" folder into the existing one in the minecraft jar, or use the Mac LiteLoader Patcher made by chattahippie, which automates the installation.
Secondly, ensure that the file extension is .litemod. Some browsers detect that the files are .zip files and rename them to .zip when you download. LiteLoader requires the files to have the .litemod extension in order to recognise them as mods.
You are free to redistribute unmodified LiteLoader binaries in any mod pack or compilation, including on third-party distribution platforms such as Feed The Beast provided that the distribution remains free, eg. no ad.fly links or similar.
You are free to use the source code to research LiteLoader internals but you may not redistribute modified versions of the loader. You may not redistribute the source code in any form without written permission.
I would also request that you do not redistribute development builds, these are subject to change often and support is not provided, redistributing them is strongly discouraged.
Developing mods for LiteLoader is based around usage of the Minecraft Coder Pack so you should be familiar with MCP before you start.
Some (very brief and incomplete) documentation is available on the LiteLoader Docs page and I will be adding to this over time.
I also recommend taking a look at my tutorial video showing how to get up and running with MCP, LiteLoader and Eclipse (if you can tolerate my voice for that long!) which covers everything from start to finish.Currently pending an update since the switch to gradle, watch this space.If you get stuck feel free to ask questions here in the thread, I always try to help when I can. Or you can find me on IRC espernet #liteloader and #sponge.
Feel free to ask any questions or any other comments you have here in the thread, we will do our best to answer them!
In the meantime, happy Minecrafting
I'd love to see LiteLoader continue to grow in popularity, it'd make my life easier to not have to worry about other mod-loading APIs
Thanks for your hard work Mumfrey, and for everything you've provided to the Minecraft community!
I enjoy your hard work, Mumfrey. Thanks.
none right now
1.6: (gone)
LiteLoader is using a new method of bootstrapping in 1.6.1 to be compatible with the new launcher and with Forge. Please be patient and don't just build the old codebase against the new MCP because there's more to it than that, jar mods are not necessary with this update any more. Once 1.6.1 MCP is released I will be working on this.
I'd appreciate it if you could remove the link from your post, I don't want to risk confusing users with incompatible versions of the loader, especially as there are some API changes to LiteLoader in 1.6.1 as well to support the new layout and more organised mod deployment.
Please be patient, I know it's always tempting to do things fast, but because of the changes in 1.6(.1) it's necessary to take things a little slower than usual.
Okay, I have removed it.
Thanks. Sorry to be a kill-joy. I appreciate your eagerness but I want to make sure this release goes smoothly (since a lot of people are going to have to adapt to a new way of working with mods) and I just want to avoid confusing people with different versions in the wild.
This is probably good from your point of view too, since you can now patch into the jar without modifying it (finally!) so you can make your x-ray even easier to deploy
It's fine. I like doing things fast but this time, I should make sure my mod doesn't have any bugs.
Yay :-) I'm excited for the new release!
Woah woah!
The new launcher supports this, this means that from now on nobody should have to modify the jar at all for any reason \o/ Everything can be done by creating custom profiles to launch the game with the mods that you want.
Thank cpw for that!
Speaking of that, how does it work? It seems confusing to me..
Well it's not too complicated, basically each "version" contains a JSON file which defines the classpath, since all entries specified in that classpath have a higher priority than the base jar, it's a simple matter of including any edited base classes as libraries in the classpath.
Base edits are still possible, you just no longer need to edit the jar to apply them. It's essentially the way that a lot of 3rd-party launchers have worked to date, except that now it's just supported "out of the box" by the stock launcher.
LiteLoader is leveraging a slightly different new feature though in order to bootstrap early in the game's initialisation cycle without overriding any classes at all. This does cause a conflict with Forge ModLoader but I've been speaking to cpw so that we can make the loaders coexist without conflicting.
OOOOOKKKKKKay.... you lost me there.
I have been doing the following:
copy the version/1.5.2 dir to version/1.5.2 Mod
rename the 1.5.2.jar file to 1.5.2 Mod
rename the 1.5.2.jason to 1.5.2 Mod.jason
modifying the id in the jason file line to 1.5.2 Mod
and then remove META-INF from the jar
merge the Forge, Optifine and liteloader to the jar file.
Could you give an example of how you would do this with the new launcher via the profile or jason file?
Now for the original subject I was going to post.......
Could you make lightloader for 1.5.2 and above use the directory given in the profile/cmd line.
Right now it ignores it and still loads from the .minecraft/mods dir not the (directory in the profile)/mods.
BTW FML has the same problem.
Does it replace methods or the entire classes?
It replaces entire classes, but for some reason you still need to delete the META-INF if you mod base classes. A small downside for modding base classes, but same as always.
You don't need to merge anything into the jar any more, that's the whole point. Just put it in the libraries folder and and a library entry in the JSON file.
I'll be focusing on getting all the 1.6.1 updates done first, but suffice to say one of the changes for 1.6.1 liteloader is that it doesn't use "mods" any more. I *may* go back and make an updated 1.5.2 for the new launcher at some point but not any time soon, there are too many other more pressing issues.
The directory in the profile is something done by Risugami which is kind of a crap idea for a number of reasons, neither myself nor CPW will be using this method.
Still entire classes, just without modifying the base jar. You can use a FML coremod if you want to edit individual methods. What do you need to do? Can you not achieve what you need by reflection?