[I just took the Minecraft Noob test! Check out what I scored. Think you can beat me?!
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I hope this mod will see the same attention the Super Hereos Unlimited did, months and months of updates after updates, and can u guys show us any progress? Im really curious and anxious to see what u guys have done!
Will the Godzilla mod, get the same kinda of attention that the SUS did, cause its been at least a year of just working on that mod, so will the Godzilla mod be worked on for that long?
probably yes......
Bring back kiryu please.
he will be added back in 2.0.
I miss there old ai from 1.6.
Where they are pure evil.
my old account (coolman09876543210) is no longer active. so I've technically been a user for 2 years.
we're still working on SUM, we'll start working on the mod once we finished SUM 5.0.
Superheroes Unlimited Mod?
[url ="http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/1066990-hardcore-ender-expansion"]
[I just took the Minecraft Noob test! Check out what I scored. Think you can beat me?!

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Help when I download the mod it's a .jar file not a zip.
its supposed to be a jar.
Any updates? I've not rlly been paying attention at least until now.
I hope this mod will see the same attention the Super Hereos Unlimited did, months and months of updates after updates, and can u guys show us any progress? Im really curious and anxious to see what u guys have done!
Is it just me or does godzilla 2014 look like mobzilla? but alot more realistic.
(btw is anyone going to see the shin godzilla movie?)
my old account (coolman09876543210) is no longer active. so I've technically been a user for 2 years.
just saw shin godzilla,it was pretty good.
(also if tihyo adds shin godzilla, i wonder if he will be stronger than burning godzilla?)
my old account (coolman09876543210) is no longer active. so I've technically been a user for 2 years.
When is the next update to this mod?
Supposed to be in jun or august..but was delayed. I would say end of October or mid November....
my old account (coolman09876543210) is no longer active. so I've technically been a user for 2 years.
*SIGH* Still nothing....
*Crying Inside*
we're still working on SUM 5.0.
Will the Godzilla mod, get the same kinda of attention that the SUS did, cause its been at least a year of just working on that mod, so will the Godzilla mod be worked on for that long?
Well, goji just turned 62