BladeCraft is a mod where your wildest dreams come true in the realm of swords!
Gilded blades with colorful hilts that can customize any player's weaponry.
Swords need to be better. This mod subtly gives the player complete color customization of their swords, providing a selection of infinite colors to choose from! It fits in with Minecraft gameplay, adding a mechanic that doesn't over complicate the game, or change the medieval feel!
That mechanic is called alloy gilding, applied to your very own blade! This means, no matter what type of sword you are using [wood, stone, iron, gold, or diamond], it can be gilded with a different colored alloy that fits your style!
Gilded swords are not made with a Crafting Bench, but with the implemented Forge block. The Forge allows you to input the sword of your choice and the alloy of your choice, choose what part of the sword you want to gild [Blade, Hilt, or Handle], and then your sword will begin gilding, much like a furnace cooks steak. The alloys are made in the new Mixer block, which allows you to choose exactly what color you'd like, combine it with an iron ingot, and create your very own colored alloy.
The Mixer allows you to choose your exact color by taking your inputted dyes, splitting them up into RGB (red, green, and blue) levels, and opening up a color selection window. Here you will be able to paste a hexadecimal color code and view your output color in a display area. A hexadecimal color code is a 6-digit code that represents a specific color. Here is a hex color picker you could use with BladeCraft. Once you have selected your color, and turned it into an alloy, the RGB level required to fill that certain color will decrease, effectively using up your initially input dyes.
Craft recipes for both blocks are spoiler'd below!
Fun Fact: The number of color combinations that can be applied to a sword has greatly increased from prior updates. With our hex code system, each alloy can be 1 of over 16 million colors! With the ability to place three different alloys on the Blade, Hilt, and Handle of a sword, the exact number of combinations is 4,722,366,482,869,645,213,696. Mind blowing.
Plans include creating a system that allows every mod and every texture pack to plug-in to this mod. With the system that has been coded, all that is needed for Mod Support or a Texture Pack Patch is a few easy overlay textures for each item desired to be gilded. This part of the mod will not come out upon the first release, but will likely be in a later update.
Before this system is created, there are plans to increase the types of items/tools in Minecraft that can be gilded, so there's a greater range of customization within the entire inventory.
Requires Minecraft Forge, found here. Download the latest version, which should be at the top of the list! If you want to find out more about Minecraft Forge and their forums, click here.
-Simply download Forge's installer, and install the client version!
-To install the BladeCraft mod itself, drag the complete .jar file into the "mods" folder that shows up after Forge has set up.
I'd like to hear back from you players out there, so we can take this mod in a direction you all like! Please report back after playing and tell me what you like, what you don't, is it too simple? too complex? more content? Thanks!
Update Agenda:
-Add sound to blocks
-Add Sword Pedestal
-Add RGB slider color selection
If you have noticed a bug not mentioned, or find an issue with the mod, please help us out and report it on the Issue Tracker!
1.7.10 (German/Deutsch):
1.7.10 (Russian/России)
1.7.10 (Thai/ไทย)
Thanks guys!
-Does this work on SMP? Absolutely! The server and every player needs to have Minecraft Forge as well as BladeCraft installed!
-Can I use this in my modpack? To those of you who are thinking of throwing a quick pack together for you and a few of your friends (2-6) to play on a private server, that is fine - if you go this route, you cannot post a public link to download the private pack. If you are thinking of making a public pack that is openly downloadable for public use, drop me (thisguy1045) a personal message on the forums and we can discuss it.
-Can I make a mod review? Absolutely! All reviews are welcome here.
-alloy texture updated
-bug fixes: durability of blocks in creative and survival, breaking a block now drops it, iron now converts to alloys one by one
Other bugs can not yet be fixed (shimmer on swords after enchantment, GUI rendering glitches)
-started from scratch
-added Forge and Mixer Blocks
-added Alloys
-added new color selection mechanic
-added sword combinations in creative inventory under new tab
-fixed many bugs
-added corresponding colors to sword titles
-added Version Notifier upon first world entrance
-fixed many minor bugs
-added all 5 sword material types
-changed all texture code due to Minecraft 1.5.1 update
-removed the legendary swords.
-recoded the entire mod for stability and performance enhancement
-added damage values and durability to the configuration
-added the source code for lolz
-added 209 swords
-added one new creative tab
-added 6 legendary swords
MOD - modification, plugin, a piece of software that interfaces with the Minecraft client to extend, add, change or remove original capabilities.
MOJANG - Mojang AB
OWNER - , Original author(s) of the MOD. Under the copyright terms accepted when purchasing Minecraft ( the OWNER has full rights over their MOD despite use of MOJANG code.
USER - End user of the mod, person installing the mod.
2. USE
Use of this MOD to be installed, manually or automatically, is given to the USER without restriction.
This MOD may only be distributed where uploaded, mirrored, or otherwise linked to by the OWNER solely. All mirrors of this mod must have advance written permission from the OWNER. ANY attempts to make money off of this MOD (selling, selling modified versions, adfly, sharecash, etc.) are STRICTLY FORBIDDEN, and the OWNER may claim damages or take other action to rectify the situation.
This mod is provided freely and may be decompiled and modified for private use, either with a decompiler or a bytecode editor. Public distribution of modified versions of this MOD require advance written permission of the OWNER and may be subject to certain terms.
If you would like to show support, you can do that in a few different ways!
1. Feedback: Provide feedback on things you may want added to BladeCraft! Taking any and all suggestions for consideration! If not a suggestion, at least comment so we can see how happy you are! (:
Credits: DarkHax and Ghost - for creating BladeCraft and updating it back and forth up to this point. Both have put up with my relentless ideas and new suggestions, and added their own along the way. One way or another, we get it done. Thanks guys! All of you! - for supporting and helping to shape and change BladeCraft for the better!
The team behind this mod has known each other for quite some time, as we've developed several mods and worked together during events like ModJam. Development for BladeCraft is always flipping between us three from update to update, and we each have our own skills in mod development.
Ghostrec - lead developer this update (BladeCraft 2.0)
Upon being asked what he specializes in, Ghost replied "I do stuff, with code stuff." This pretty much sums up what he's done with this most recent update, turning all of our ideas into a reality. He's pretty incredible and intuitive with his code (though I'm an art guy, so what do I know) and he gets it working exactly the way we need it to.
DarkHax - secondary developer this update (BladeCraft 2.0)
When I asked Dark what he specializes in code-wise, he replied with "I specialize in letting others do all the heavy lifting." Though this may have been true for this update, Dark provided some great ideas, and has put a ton of work in on past releases of this mod. You can tell by now, these guys are pretty humble in the way they talk about their work.
ThisGuy - author, texture artist, and modeler
I was the guy with the idea behind this mod, though it has changed since the beginning, with many of the ideas coming from the other two. I've also done all of the item, GUI, and model textures, as well as the modeling itself. I would say I specialize in item and block textures, and then in the graphics that make everything look nice. Fun fact about me - almost all of the art I do is accompanied by a cup of coffee. (:
All three of us enjoy giving back to the MineCraft community, so we have made this mod open source, with the hopes that another aspiring dev out there can learn a thing or two! If you'd like to take a look at it, click here.
Really awesome, and I very well might download, based on the answer to this question:
How many Item IDs are used, discounting sub-IDs? Or does each possible sword have it's own ID?
I wanted to get the mod back out into the public and updated for 1.5.1, so unfortunately for the time being it maintains an ID for every sword customization. I have plans to shorten the number of ID's down, all the way to just a single ID if possible (though we'll see how things go. I may only be able to shorten the number to the number of inset types using metadata so as to allow for all of the swords to still remain in Creative.)
Thats quite awesome, I've always loved customization in games!
You should try doing this for all tools!
I will be performing a full rewrite of this mod, which will either hopefully be out within the next month or by the next full Minecraft update (whichever comes first). thisguy and I have discussed some new ideas to be implemented that should make this mod more than what it is in it's current state. I'll ask thisguy to add a poll to see if you all would like periodic updates, or just one large entirely new update.
It's too bad no one has any texture patches for this mod, like for Sphax (which I can't do) and Faithful (Which I can do). I'll have a texture patch for the Faithful texture pack soon.
It's too bad no one has any texture patches for this mod, like for Sphax (which I can't do) and Faithful (Which I can do). I'll have a texture patch for the Faithful texture pack soon.
Actually, don't start! I believe we already have one for Faithful 32x in order! I will just need to figure out how to set it up! Thanks for the reminder!
Turns out we do not have the textures for Faithful.
If you have already started, send me a PM about your work so far, and we can talk it over!
Here's a random rant from me and a showcase all at once
I apologize for the bugs. I worked to just simply get the mod up-to-date over the last two days so that everyone could play it. A lot of the bugs are residual from the Source Code given to me from the original creator. All bugs will be removed definitely after the complete rewrite. Also, all values are configurable in the BladeCraft_Mod.cfg in the config directory so that you may change the values for the swords on your own.
Here's a random rant from me and a showcase all at once
-video snip-
As the mod author, this was hilarious! Haha, seems like you were a bit confused in the start.. however, it also looks like you found a bug, so thank you!
The Bug: All dyed-only swords only have 61 durability.
I will look into this, and we will try and get it updated as soon as possible! Thanks!
As the mod author, this was hilarious! Haha, seems like you were a bit confused in the start.. however, it also looks like you found a bug, so thank you!
The Bug: All dyed-only swords only have 61 durability.
I will look into this, and we will try and get it updated as soon as possible! Thanks!
Thanks, also a suggestion if possible, can you make it so that when you name a sword the name is the same color as the hilt?
Alright guys, sorry to report, there was a durability and then damage bug in the very first update that had to deal with "Dye-only" swords. The bug has now been fixed, as well as the download link above for BladeCraft v1.4.1! These bugs came about because we were going super speedy to get 1.5.1 out for everyone...
Now that the hiccups are through, we're ready to get moving!
Thanks for pointing the bug out, and baring with us!
Commence your downloading and playing with BladeCraft!
Swords need to be better. This mod subtly gives the player complete color customization of their swords, providing a selection of infinite colors to choose from! It fits in with Minecraft gameplay, adding a mechanic that doesn't over complicate the game, or change the medieval feel!
That mechanic is called alloy gilding, applied to your very own blade! This means, no matter what type of sword you are using [wood, stone, iron, gold, or diamond], it can be gilded with a different colored alloy that fits your style!
Gilded swords are not made with a Crafting Bench, but with the implemented Forge block. The Forge allows you to input the sword of your choice and the alloy of your choice, choose what part of the sword you want to gild [Blade, Hilt, or Handle], and then your sword will begin gilding, much like a furnace cooks steak. The alloys are made in the new Mixer block, which allows you to choose exactly what color you'd like, combine it with an iron ingot, and create your very own colored alloy.
The Mixer allows you to choose your exact color by taking your inputted dyes, splitting them up into RGB (red, green, and blue) levels, and opening up a color selection window. Here you will be able to paste a hexadecimal color code and view your output color in a display area. A hexadecimal color code is a 6-digit code that represents a specific color. Here is a hex color picker you could use with BladeCraft. Once you have selected your color, and turned it into an alloy, the RGB level required to fill that certain color will decrease, effectively using up your initially input dyes.
Craft recipes for both blocks are spoiler'd below!
Fun Fact:
The number of color combinations that can be applied to a sword has greatly increased from prior updates. With our hex code system, each alloy can be 1 of over 16 million colors! With the ability to place three different alloys on the Blade, Hilt, and Handle of a sword, the exact number of combinations is 4,722,366,482,869,645,213,696. Mind blowing.
Plans include creating a system that allows every mod and every texture pack to plug-in to this mod. With the system that has been coded, all that is needed for Mod Support or a Texture Pack Patch is a few easy overlay textures for each item desired to be gilded. This part of the mod will not come out upon the first release, but will likely be in a later update.
Before this system is created, there are plans to increase the types of items/tools in Minecraft that can be gilded, so there's a greater range of customization within the entire inventory.
Requires Minecraft Forge, found here. Download the latest version, which should be at the top of the list! If you want to find out more about Minecraft Forge and their forums, click here.
-Simply download Forge's installer, and install the client version!
-To install the BladeCraft mod itself, drag the complete .jar file into the "mods" folder that shows up after Forge has set up.
I'd like to hear back from you players out there, so we can take this mod in a direction you all like! Please report back after playing and tell me what you like, what you don't, is it too simple? too complex? more content? Thanks!
BladeCraft v2.0.0.1 (Bug Fix): 1.7.10 Forge Universal
BladeCraft v2.0.0.1 (Bug Fix): 1.7.2 Forge Universal
BladeCraft 1.5.1 Forge Universal
BladeCraft 1.4 Snapshot: Link Removed
BladeCraft 1.3.2: Link Removed
BladeCraft 1.2.0: Link Removed
Update Agenda:
-Add sound to blocks
-Add Sword Pedestal
-Add RGB slider color selection
If you have noticed a bug not mentioned, or find an issue with the mod, please help us out and report it on the Issue Tracker!
1.7.10 (Russian/России)
1.7.10 (Thai/ไทย)
Absolutely! The server and every player needs to have Minecraft Forge as well as BladeCraft installed!
-Can I use this in my modpack?
To those of you who are thinking of throwing a quick pack together for you and a few of your friends (2-6) to play on a private server, that is fine - if you go this route, you cannot post a public link to download the private pack.
If you are thinking of making a public pack that is openly downloadable for public use, drop me (thisguy1045) a personal message on the forums and we can discuss it.
-Can I make a mod review?
Absolutely! All reviews are welcome here.
-alloy texture updated
-bug fixes: durability of blocks in creative and survival, breaking a block now drops it, iron now converts to alloys one by one
Other bugs can not yet be fixed (shimmer on swords after enchantment, GUI rendering glitches)
-started from scratch
-added Forge and Mixer Blocks
-added Alloys
-added new color selection mechanic
-added sword combinations in creative inventory under new tab
-fixed many bugs
-added BladeCraft Gerudoku 32x Texture Pack patch
-added BladeCraft Faithful 32x Texture Pack patch
-fixed texture bugs
-added corresponding colors to sword titles
-added Version Notifier upon first world entrance
-fixed many minor bugs
-added all 5 sword material types
-changed all texture code due to Minecraft 1.5.1 update
-removed the legendary swords.
-recoded the entire mod for stability and performance enhancement
-added damage values and durability to the configuration
-added the source code for lolz
-added config
-fixed furnace bug
-cleaned up code
-fixed legendary sword spawn rates (1-15%)
-added 209 swords
-added one new creative tab
-added 6 legendary swords
MOD - modification, plugin, a piece of software that interfaces with the Minecraft client to extend, add, change or remove original capabilities.
MOJANG - Mojang AB
OWNER - , Original author(s) of the MOD. Under the copyright terms accepted when purchasing Minecraft ( the OWNER has full rights over their MOD despite use of MOJANG code.
USER - End user of the mod, person installing the mod.
2. USE
Use of this MOD to be installed, manually or automatically, is given to the USER without restriction.
This MOD may only be distributed where uploaded, mirrored, or otherwise linked to by the OWNER solely. All mirrors of this mod must have advance written permission from the OWNER. ANY attempts to make money off of this MOD (selling, selling modified versions, adfly, sharecash, etc.) are STRICTLY FORBIDDEN, and the OWNER may claim damages or take other action to rectify the situation.
This mod is provided freely and may be decompiled and modified for private use, either with a decompiler or a bytecode editor. Public distribution of modified versions of this MOD require advance written permission of the OWNER and may be subject to certain terms.
If you would like to show support, you can do that in a few different ways!
1. Feedback: Provide feedback on things you may want added to BladeCraft! Taking any and all suggestions for consideration! If not a suggestion, at least comment so we can see how happy you are! (:
2. Go smash the rep button! !
3. Copy this banner into your signature!
DarkHax and Ghost - for creating BladeCraft and updating it back and forth up to this point. Both have put up with my relentless ideas and new suggestions, and added their own along the way. One way or another, we get it done. Thanks guys!
All of you! - for supporting and helping to shape and change BladeCraft for the better!
The team behind this mod has known each other for quite some time, as we've developed several mods and worked together during events like ModJam. Development for BladeCraft is always flipping between us three from update to update, and we each have our own skills in mod development.
Ghostrec - lead developer this update (BladeCraft 2.0)
Upon being asked what he specializes in, Ghost replied "I do stuff, with code stuff." This pretty much sums up what he's done with this most recent update, turning all of our ideas into a reality. He's pretty incredible and intuitive with his code (though I'm an art guy, so what do I know) and he gets it working exactly the way we need it to.
DarkHax - secondary developer this update (BladeCraft 2.0)
When I asked Dark what he specializes in code-wise, he replied with "I specialize in letting others do all the heavy lifting."
Though this may have been true for this update, Dark provided some great ideas, and has put a ton of work in on past releases of this mod. You can tell by now, these guys are pretty humble in the way they talk about their work.
ThisGuy - author, texture artist, and modeler
I was the guy with the idea behind this mod, though it has changed since the beginning, with many of the ideas coming from the other two. I've also done all of the item, GUI, and model textures, as well as the modeling itself. I would say I specialize in item and block textures, and then in the graphics that make everything look nice. Fun fact about me - almost all of the art I do is accompanied by a cup of coffee. (:
All three of us enjoy giving back to the MineCraft community, so we have made this mod open source, with the hopes that another aspiring dev out there can learn a thing or two! If you'd like to take a look at it, click here.
Want to follow or tweet me? @thisguy1045
Forever protecting Hyrule with the power of the Master Sword, DragonMaster16.
How many Item IDs are used, discounting sub-IDs? Or does each possible sword have it's own ID?
I play Slave Hack, give it a try!
I wanted to get the mod back out into the public and updated for 1.5.1, so unfortunately for the time being it maintains an ID for every sword customization. I have plans to shorten the number of ID's down, all the way to just a single ID if possible (though we'll see how things go. I may only be able to shorten the number to the number of inset types using metadata so as to allow for all of the swords to still remain in Creative.)
I will be performing a full rewrite of this mod, which will either hopefully be out within the next month or by the next full Minecraft update (whichever comes first). thisguy and I have discussed some new ideas to be implemented that should make this mod more than what it is in it's current state. I'll ask thisguy to add a poll to see if you all would like periodic updates, or just one large entirely new update.
Adding this to the frequently asked questions, for future use!
If anyone finds any errors, please report here immediately, and we'll try and fix it quickly!
Thanks for all the great feedback so far guys!
Want to follow or tweet me? @thisguy1045
Actually, don't start! I believe we already have one for Faithful 32x in order! I will just need to figure out how to set it up! Thanks for the reminder!
Turns out we do not have the textures for Faithful.
If you have already started, send me a PM about your work so far, and we can talk it over!
Want to follow or tweet me? @thisguy1045
I apologize for the bugs. I worked to just simply get the mod up-to-date over the last two days so that everyone could play it. A lot of the bugs are residual from the Source Code given to me from the original creator. All bugs will be removed definitely after the complete rewrite. Also, all values are configurable in the BladeCraft_Mod.cfg in the config directory so that you may change the values for the swords on your own.
As the mod author, this was hilarious! Haha, seems like you were a bit confused in the start.. however, it also looks like you found a bug, so thank you!
The Bug: All dyed-only swords only have 61 durability.
I will look into this, and we will try and get it updated as soon as possible! Thanks!
Want to follow or tweet me? @thisguy1045
Thanks, also a suggestion if possible, can you make it so that when you name a sword the name is the same color as the hilt?
Cool idea! It will be included in the next quick bug fix!
Edit: We're looking into it, I'll get back to you guys on that! :3
Want to follow or tweet me? @thisguy1045
Now that the hiccups are through, we're ready to get moving!
Thanks for pointing the bug out, and baring with us!
Commence your downloading and playing with BladeCraft!
Want to follow or tweet me? @thisguy1045
It was a lot of work (I made the original base for this mod :P)
Anyhow glad to see the update gaining so much momentum.
Farewell everyone o/
Thanks for the enthusiasm! :3
Great idea! Thanks for all your feedback!
Want to follow or tweet me? @thisguy1045
A double resolution texture pack that stays faithful to the original Minecraft textures.