To get the most out of EnderTanks you'll also need to install a mod with liquid transport like BuildCraft and ThermalExpansion.
Old Versions
NOTE: All Adf.ly links belong to Forge, they are not mine and I do not receive anything from them.
[1.5.2]EnderTanks v1.6.jar
ForgeAPI Universal v7.8.0 Build #684
[1.5.1]EnderTanks v1.5.jar
ForgeAPI Universal v7.7.1 Build #652
[1.4.7]EnderTanks v1.4.jar
ForgeAPI Universal v6.6.0 Build #517
WARNING Do not use RedPower Fluid Pipes, even though they will connect in these versions, liquid is lost when pumping in.
[1.4.7]EnderTanks v1.2.jar
ForgeAPI Universal v6.6.0 Build #517
[1.4.7]EnderTanks v1.1.jar
ForgeAPI Universal v6.6.0 Build #517
[1.4.6]EnderTanks v1.01.jar
ForgeAPI Universal v6.5.0 Build #498
There are many ways to move Liquids through dimensions and DireWolf20 has shown us some very creative ones (I liked his most recent one using turtles). But none are simple or compact.
After setting up a bucket system using EnderStorage by Chicken_Bones, I started wishing he would make a liquid version. Then thought why should he have to? there are other modders perfectly capable of doing so. So I did
The symmetry between EnderChest+Pouch inspired me to do the same with EnderTank+Bucket.
It will also act as an endless void, allowing you to pickup a liquid without increasing the the amount inside. (must have at least a buckets worth of space inside)
Expand the storage capacity of a tank.
Pre-Minecraft 1.5
For JohnSmith by Freakscar
For Tiny Pixels by Vova Gendel
Do NOT not load a 1.6 world that had EnderTanks because the item form of the block wont correctly map to the block.
My best guess is its an incomplete Forge feature because it should be working, everything is registered the same between 1.6 and 1.7.
EnderIO incorrectly connects to the sides of tanks and "fills" them, this will result in loss. Only connect pipes to the top and bottom of the tanks.
V1.6 and older
RedPower Fluid Pipes:
Due to RP2 directly calling ILiquidTank.fill(LiquidStack, boolean) instead of using ITankContainer.fill(ForgeDirection, LiquidStack, boolean) the liquid is lost.
NOTE: this should be fixed in 1.7 due to the new ForgeFluid system, but was unable to test because there isn't a RedPower release
Video from xXMrSonXx
Version 1.6 and Bellow
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License
---------------------------- Special Cases
I imagine many people have.
I started using a mod pack (DW20's FTB) for the first time about a month ago, and wanted it. Others have been using them much longer
I hope it lives up to expectations.
16000mB (aka 16 buckets)
I think I blew my godly status, I made a mortal mistake
I got the dedicated server save directory wrong.
SinglePlayer and LAN play is fine though.
Fixed version will be up soon. (need to upload it)
v1.0 saves the data in the wrong folder on Dedicated Servers, this is fixed in v1.01.
If you don't want to loose any liquids (only the liquid inside would be lost) you only need to move EnderTank.dat from /<server folder>/saves/<world name> to /<server folder>/<world name>
Thanks for the epic mod!
Either way, great idea, I'll give it a go!
You need a wooden pipe on the top of the enderchest.
Thanks for the answer.
Edit.. Okay I must be blind *g*. Kay, 16 buckets.
Thankyou for the video.
I added your recipe suggestion.
The 1.4.6 versions of BuildCraft are not fully moved from its own LiquidAPI to the one in Forge.
The 1.4.7 versions (at least 3.4.2) now use the Forge LiquidAPI (I believe fully) and the tanks work correctly.
I've noticed the big mods are updated to 1.4.7 now, so I'll push a 1.4.7 version soon*.
I'll be holding it back for a bit to see if I can fix an issue with RedPower2.
Added recipe: EnderTank + wool changes all bands to wool color (suggested by xXMrSonXx)
BugFix: render glitch on EnderTanks obtained through creative mode pick block
You might be able to upgrade as most 1.4.6 mods work on 1.4.7
ThermalExpansion connects in 1.4.6
Shame they only have 16 buckets worth of storage, though. Seems I'll have to find a way to pump the fluids out after it goes in, which sucks for this mod VS Thermal Expansion at the moment.(this mod doesn't fare well against liquid tesseracts at the moment, since tesseracts can be set to much higher limits on channels, and both don't support in field fluid usage)
"Minecraft is like an orgasm - even science can't describe it"
[quote=Cryptonat][quote=Snitch]Basically you're stuck in hell till you find a portal out. There are alternatives to pig, by the way, as you probably know. :> There are no alternatives to Bacon. Ever.
Like EnderStorage by Chicken_Bones, EnderTanks have three color spots with all sixteen colors supported, that is 4096 different codes per network. There is a global network and by using a diamond they are put on the players personal network.
I can't see a server using all 4096 global codes, I also highly doubt a player will use all 4096 available to them
YX33A: That is the way I envisioned the EnderBucket working, if/when I add them I'd probably double the tanks storage to expand its use.
just like the ender chests by chicken bones.