Hi, first, i'm sorry for my english (french x'3) , two, i have a question, just for know, if i want to code a "extension" for NatureOverhaul make plant growht anywhere (i want to make City with plant on road/building/etc, maybe all is in stone/no "growhtable") ^-^ it can be possible ? just for know if i go for code or.... search other ideas for this...
NatureOverhaul API permet à un bloc de recevoir un "tick" du monde, et appelle ce bloc à fréquence donnée par la méthode choisie ("grow" pour IGrowable, "death" pour IBlockDeath). Libre ensuite à toi de choisir quoi faire...ajouter des blocks autour ? faire tomber un objet ? changer de texture ?...
A priori, construire une ville entièrement vivante (si c'est bien ce que tu veux ?) avec ce système prendrait beaucoup de temps et serait très complexe. (multiples conditions à gérer, des blocs différents qui interagissent...)
Faire des structures est plutôt une spécialité des mods de création de terrain comme Ruins ou Walled City
Mais si c'est juste pour ajouter un peu de décoration (des fleurs, des arbres, des vignes...) alors tu es au bon endroit.
Translation for English-speakers:
NatureOverhaul API is made so a block receive a tick inside a world, called by the "grow" (IGrowable) or "death" (IBlockDeath) methods at desired frequency. From this, one can choose any conceivable feature: spawn more blocks around ? drop an item ? texture change ?...
Building an entire living city (if that's what you want ?) with this, would require a lot of game time, and complicated code (multiple conditions, blocks interacting with each other...)
Structure generation is more commonly handled by terrain generation mods like Ruins or Walled City
But if you only wish for living decoration (flowers, trees, vines...) then you are on the right topic.
Note: Reading on Robinton's Cubic chunk mod source, out of curiosity.
I have a question about the Walled City / Ruins / Great Wall generator mod:
I'm on the MInecraft 1.4.7 version of this mod's 0.0.6 version. How do I make it so that walls spawn everywhere in the overworld like normal, but NOT in the Twilight Forest? The changelog suggests there's custom biome settings, but when I change it so that all the biomes except Twilight Forest biomes are listed, it simply stops spawning walls and cities altogether. Additionally, is there any way to just make the cities and walls and ruins Dimension-specific? I love this mod more than almost any other one, but the structures really mess with The Twilight Forest in a bad way and the only solution, if there isn't a way to just have them spawn in Overworld / Nether is to remove the mod entirely.
Oh, tu est français ? ^^' he, bien, en fait, oui, j'ais déjà un générateur de ville, sous bukkit hélas, qui est trèèès complet, mais un peu... vide, et j'aimerais dynamiser la zone au maximum... limite recréer un système de "dégradation via le temps" qui risque d'être gourmand, mais mon serveur pourras j'espère endurer cela, hm... c'est compliqué a expliquer en fait ! Je suppose que tu n'as pas vraiment le temps pour ça, avec tout le magnifique boulot de dé-fossoyeur que tu exerce, mais bon, j'aimerais pouvoir en parler a un moment donné si jamais tu a le temps, vraiment ! ^^'
No problem. The mod is actually performing very well. I know it might not sound like it but look at it this way - there is no lag or world gen freeze, plus its building THREE cities at a time on the same spot. Ok, it shouldn't be doing that and the result is a jumble, but that's some mean feat of generation there that it can do that. Fix that one problem, and get the templates working right and I think we have a winner. Appreciate all the hard work you put into making these old mods live again.
I thought I fixed this issue...are you running on latest version ?
Templates are working, this isn't the problem. You simply gave templates with metadata errors in it. (which probably came from the convertor you used ;)) It is only a matter of changing the metadata set in the "rule#" lines.
I have a question about the Walled City / Ruins / Great Wall generator mod: I'm on the MInecraft 1.4.7 version of this mod's 0.0.6 version. How do I make it so that walls spawn everywhere in the overworld like normal, but NOT in the Twilight Forest? The changelog suggests there's custom biome settings, but when I change it so that all the biomes except Twilight Forest biomes are listed, it simply stops spawning walls and cities altogether. Additionally, is there any way to just make the cities and walls and ruins Dimension-specific? I love this mod more than almost any other one, but the structures really mess with The Twilight Forest in a bad way and the only solution, if there isn't a way to just have them spawn in Overworld / Nether is to remove the mod entirely.
Dimension setting is available in later versions.
I might make a last update for 1.4.7 as soon as I fix some issues with the 1.5.X update.
I have a question about the wall generator mod also. Does it need to be installed on a client if you use it on multiplayer and does using it on LAN make any difference compared to a dedicated server? I'm very glad this mod is updated once more!
No, it is server side. You can install it on your client though if you play alone.
Oh, tu est français ? ^^' he, bien, en fait, oui, j'ais déjà un générateur de ville, sous bukkit hélas, qui est trèèès complet, mais un peu... vide, et j'aimerais dynamiser la zone au maximum... limite recréer un système de "dégradation via le temps" qui risque d'être gourmand, mais mon serveur pourras j'espère endurer cela, hm... c'est compliqué a expliquer en fait ! Je suppose que tu n'as pas vraiment le temps pour ça, avec tout le magnifique boulot de dé-fossoyeur que tu exerce, mais bon, j'aimerais pouvoir en parler a un moment donné si jamais tu a le temps, vraiment ! ^^'
S'il y a au moins un nouveau bloc (non vanilla) déja généré naturellement, alors oui tu peux le faire vieillir avec ce mod.
La façon de "dégrader" est totalement libre. A priori, quelques lignes de code peuvent suffire.
setBlockMetadata( nouveaux paramètres ici ); dans "grow" et des textures du bloc qui changent en fonction de metadata
On peut en parler par message privé si tu as des questions
just to clear up some things. one im not dead, i have still been following this topic closely. but sadly i have no plans to update this any time soon, sorry. if someone wants to do an unofficial update like Lithial did, feel free, post it here and ill put it on the first post.
Comment: It's a rather simple mod that seems to generate a somewhat tall "entrance" into a couple of layers of a dungeon with some traps, spawners, and loot. It's only original feature, it seems, are "dim torches", which give off barely any light, similar to redstone ones. I doubt they are of any good use, and it would be perfectly fine, I think, if the dungeon templates from that mod were included into Formivore's. But I haven't played with that mod much, so I think I might be missing some nice features that make the mod worth to be updated as standalone, so it'd be nice if you looked at the code and shared your thoughts on it.
I seem to be having a chunk loading problem related to the walled cities mod. I am using minecraft 1.5.2, and also using mo creatures, bibliocraft, and biomes a plenty. Maybe I have the wrong version of walled cities?
By the way, i have a mod update request:
Mod: New Dungeons
Link to source: in this message
Permission from author:
Comment: It's a rather simple mod that seems to generate a somewhat tall "entrance" into a couple of layers of a dungeon with some traps, spawners, and loot. It's only original feature, it seems, are "dim torches", which give off barely any light, similar to redstone ones. I doubt they are of any good use, and it would be perfectly fine, I think, if the dungeon templates from that mod were included into Formivore's. But I haven't played with that mod much, so I think I might be missing some nice features that make the mod worth to be updated as standalone, so it'd be nice if you looked at the code and shared your thoughts on it.
New Dungeons is now on my to-do list
Man the sources are awfully not clear.
Seems easy to update though. Might make an exception to my rule and leave it as a ModLoader mod.
I seem to be having a chunk loading problem related to the walled cities mod. I am using minecraft 1.5.2, and also using mo creatures, bibliocraft, and biomes a plenty. Maybe I have the wrong version of walled cities?
Sorry, chunk loading problem is probably not an accurate description. I mean that I go on a world, travel in a direction, and find an strait line which the world doesn't load beyond; its just empty. I can fall in it and I go strait down to the void. I try to log out, and minecraft says shutting down internal server, and freezes like that. I have to use task manager to shut it down. I log back on and I start where I originally was, having traveled nowhere. This happens multiple times at the same place and in multiple directions.
Sorry, chunk loading problem is probably not an accurate description. I mean that I go on a world, travel in a direction, and find an strait line which the world doesn't load beyond; its just empty. I can fall in it and I go strait down to the void. I try to log out, and minecraft says shutting down internal server, and freezes like that. I have to use task manager to shut it down. I log back on and I start where I originally was, having traveled nowhere. This happens multiple times at the same place and in multiple directions.
You probably have a wrong version of WalledCity or Forge.
I entirely understand if you will not but would it be possible to add a break lowest log (with axe) to fell the whole tree option to lumberjack? Just tapping it with the axe and having the whole thing immediately coming down feels weird.
I will think about it, thank you for your suggestion
NewDungeons is now updated to 1.5.2. This is a quick update (it still is a ModLoader mod).
The default config for Nature Overhaul absolutely raped my world. 10000s of sheeps and cows spawned everywhere when I went down mining for 30 minutes. I also feel like the growth and death acts a little odd. Setting the config numbers at 100000, I still see block updates, grass growing/dying, regrowing in the same spot within seconds, trees lose leaves every 1-2 seconds, etc.
The default config for Nature Overhaul absolutely raped my world. 10000s of sheeps and cows spawned everywhere when I went down mining for 30 minutes. I also feel like the growth and death acts a little odd. Setting the config numbers at 100000, I still see block updates, grass growing/dying, regrowing in the same spot within seconds, trees lose leaves every 1-2 seconds, etc.
What version of NatureOverhaul are you using ?
Did you use MOAPI to set the config ?
Does it happen in a vanilla biome or a custom one ?
Note: Made a mistake about Robinton's cubic chunk, I actually only have his modded terrain code, which isn't cubic chunk's. I'll have to back-down on this update.
I'm using the latest version on 1.5.2. Extrabiomes and BiomesOPlentry
MOAPI crashes my game so I'm manually configuring them, but it seems to have no effect on the actual in game performance.
Could be custom biomes having weird parameters of humidity and temperature...
I'd suggest setting "biome specific rates" to false, and/or setting "starving system" to false.
Keep in mind that NatureOverhaul is supposed to change things
Do you mean keep the breeding system off? I was having an issue with breeding especially as thousands of sheeps and cows were being bred and popping up every second. I've set the breed rate to 1000000 which seems to have worked... for now.
I will turn off the custom biomes. I get how that might be causing the massive block updates I'm seeing in other biomes.
Also, the lumberjack option is really weird with only having to hit the tree once and it falls down. A treecapitor (which is what I use rather than enabling lumberjack) style system would look and feel more immersive.
Do you mean keep the breeding system off? I was having an issue with breeding especially as thousands of sheeps and cows were being bred and popping up every second. I've set the breed rate to 1000000 which seems to have worked... for now.
I will turn off the custom biomes. I get how that might be causing the massive block updates I'm seeing in other biomes.
Also, the lumberjack option is really weird with only having to hit the tree once and it falls down. A treecapitor (which is what I use rather than enabling lumberjack) style system would look and feel more immersive.
I recently changed the breeding system. It should be less likely.
By "starving system", I mean the setting related to it. Starving is checked for plants so that if they are too many arround one, it dies.
That is why dying can occur pretty often even with low frequency settings, since it is independent of it. Setting it to false should lower a lot the death events
I do like the lumberjack as it is now, but I will try to think of a way to change this.
thanks for updating my mod! i have had some... stuff.. going on. i couldn't.
You're welcome
Just tell me when you feel ready to take it over again, and link people to this topic if they have any issue with my update.
I do have three questions for you:
Can I put the sources on github ?
Do you have any kind of license protecting your mod ?
Do you have any project for the future about it ?
So, how close are you to incorporating the /build command for the City Generator mod?
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Hey, guys. Quote me if you want me to respond. Otherwise I'll have no idea what the hell you want with me.
Friend Code: 1263-6258-8121 (Poison)
Friend Safaris: Poison: Swalot, Whirlipede, Seviper.
NatureOverhaul API permet à un bloc de recevoir un "tick" du monde, et appelle ce bloc à fréquence donnée par la méthode choisie ("grow" pour IGrowable, "death" pour IBlockDeath). Libre ensuite à toi de choisir quoi faire...ajouter des blocks autour ? faire tomber un objet ? changer de texture ?...
A priori, construire une ville entièrement vivante (si c'est bien ce que tu veux ?) avec ce système prendrait beaucoup de temps et serait très complexe. (multiples conditions à gérer, des blocs différents qui interagissent...)
Faire des structures est plutôt une spécialité des mods de création de terrain comme Ruins ou Walled City
Mais si c'est juste pour ajouter un peu de décoration (des fleurs, des arbres, des vignes...) alors tu es au bon endroit.
Translation for English-speakers:
NatureOverhaul API is made so a block receive a tick inside a world, called by the "grow" (IGrowable) or "death" (IBlockDeath) methods at desired frequency. From this, one can choose any conceivable feature: spawn more blocks around ? drop an item ? texture change ?...
Building an entire living city (if that's what you want ?) with this, would require a lot of game time, and complicated code (multiple conditions, blocks interacting with each other...)
Structure generation is more commonly handled by terrain generation mods like Ruins or Walled City
But if you only wish for living decoration (flowers, trees, vines...) then you are on the right topic.
Note: Reading on Robinton's Cubic chunk mod source, out of curiosity.
I'm on the MInecraft 1.4.7 version of this mod's 0.0.6 version. How do I make it so that walls spawn everywhere in the overworld like normal, but NOT in the Twilight Forest? The changelog suggests there's custom biome settings, but when I change it so that all the biomes except Twilight Forest biomes are listed, it simply stops spawning walls and cities altogether. Additionally, is there any way to just make the cities and walls and ruins Dimension-specific? I love this mod more than almost any other one, but the structures really mess with The Twilight Forest in a bad way and the only solution, if there isn't a way to just have them spawn in Overworld / Nether is to remove the mod entirely.
I thought I fixed this issue...are you running on latest version ?
Templates are working, this isn't the problem. You simply gave templates with metadata errors in it. (which probably came from the convertor you used ;)) It is only a matter of changing the metadata set in the "rule#" lines.
Dimension setting is available in later versions.
I might make a last update for 1.4.7 as soon as I fix some issues with the 1.5.X update.
No, it is server side. You can install it on your client though if you play alone.
S'il y a au moins un nouveau bloc (non vanilla) déja généré naturellement, alors oui tu peux le faire vieillir avec ce mod.
La façon de "dégrader" est totalement libre. A priori, quelques lignes de code peuvent suffire.
setBlockMetadata( nouveaux paramètres ici ); dans "grow" et des textures du bloc qui changent en fonction de metadata
On peut en parler par message privé si tu as des questions
Now I'm curious what that can get us to. (:
By the way, i have a mod update request:
Mod: New Dungeons
Link to source: in this message
Permission from author:
Comment: It's a rather simple mod that seems to generate a somewhat tall "entrance" into a couple of layers of a dungeon with some traps, spawners, and loot. It's only original feature, it seems, are "dim torches", which give off barely any light, similar to redstone ones. I doubt they are of any good use, and it would be perfectly fine, I think, if the dungeon templates from that mod were included into Formivore's. But I haven't played with that mod much, so I think I might be missing some nice features that make the mod worth to be updated as standalone, so it'd be nice if you looked at the code and shared your thoughts on it.
New Dungeons is now on my to-do list
Man the sources are awfully not clear.
Seems easy to update though. Might make an exception to my rule and leave it as a ModLoader mod.
Define "chunk loading problem" please.
You probably have a wrong version of WalledCity or Forge.
I haven't been requested to.
Mod: Cubic Chunk Mod
Mod owner: Robinton
Reason why he stopped : Inactive
LINK : http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/310298-100robintons-mods/
Added to my to-do list
I will think about it, thank you for your suggestion
NewDungeons is now updated to 1.5.2. This is a quick update (it still is a ModLoader mod).
What version of NatureOverhaul are you using ?
Did you use MOAPI to set the config ?
Does it happen in a vanilla biome or a custom one ?
Note: Made a mistake about Robinton's cubic chunk, I actually only have his modded terrain code, which isn't cubic chunk's. I'll have to back-down on this update.
MOAPI crashes my game so I'm manually configuring them, but it seems to have no effect on the actual in game performance.
Could be custom biomes having weird parameters of humidity and temperature...
I'd suggest setting "biome specific rates" to false, and/or setting "starving system" to false.
Keep in mind that NatureOverhaul is supposed to change things
I will turn off the custom biomes. I get how that might be causing the massive block updates I'm seeing in other biomes.
Also, the lumberjack option is really weird with only having to hit the tree once and it falls down. A treecapitor (which is what I use rather than enabling lumberjack) style system would look and feel more immersive.
Link Removed
if you would not mind doing me a favor and pressing that little + button? thanks!
I recently changed the breeding system. It should be less likely.
By "starving system", I mean the setting related to it. Starving is checked for plants so that if they are too many arround one, it dies.
That is why dying can occur pretty often even with low frequency settings, since it is independent of it. Setting it to false should lower a lot the death events
I do like the lumberjack as it is now, but I will try to think of a way to change this.
You're welcome
Just tell me when you feel ready to take it over again, and link people to this topic if they have any issue with my update.
I do have three questions for you:
Can I put the sources on github ?
Do you have any kind of license protecting your mod ?
Do you have any project for the future about it ?
Hey, guys. Quote me if you want me to respond. Otherwise I'll have no idea what the hell you want with me.
Friend Code: 1263-6258-8121 (Poison)
Friend Safaris: Poison: Swalot, Whirlipede, Seviper.