hi I have been a big fan of Formivore's Mods - City, Wall & Ruin Generators mod sens it came out and would like to thank you for up dating it. i use it on my server and client and have a lot of fun. there are some problems i hope you can fix, some of which have been around from the mods beginning. first: villages spawning in cites. this can mess up the gen. possible fix would be to make it so if a village and a city were to attempt to spawn on the same chunk, the village would not spawn. I Menuhin this because some people have mods that in cress the amount villages spawn in the world which works well if the villages art spawning in the city. secant: the /build command is broken in 0.0.5 it will not gen cites or walls etc. third: the city being built message dos not work in smp if you can make this work that would be nice. I hope this problems can be fixed. uthere wise keep up the good work and thanks for bringing back Formivore's Mods.
Also, I've flipped shovel textures for Tinker's Construct and ExtraTiC for a more realistic-looking animation, check here: http://www.minecraft...hovel-textures/
About Formivore's mods:
It seems the metadata problem now concerns every template due to 1.5 update.
This is time for an overhaul.
You probably guessed it will not be released before 1.5.1.
(Nope, I didn't stop working on Battlegear2, I just like switching between my updates)
About Formivore's mods:
It seems the metadata problem now concerns every template due to 1.5 update.
This is time for an overhaul.
You probably guessed it will not be released before 1.5.1.
(Nope, I didn't stop working on Battlegear2, I just like switching between my updates)
Aww, oh well. I'm still waiting for 1.5 versions of Biomes O'Plenty and Thaumcraft before updating, which means I'll be waiting a while...
Meanwhile, would it be possible to change formivore's chest spawning in such a way that we can spawn custom containers? Like from other mods? Bibliocraft shelves, Mystcraft lecterns, etc?
I went for a fresh download of both mod and templates. Looks like the problem is cured. I have no problem loading worlds and havent had one stop generating yet. Caruins are spawning, underground cities are spawning. Great walls were spawning but very messily - very disconnected, so turned those off (had them off before, so doesnt make a difference) Havent seen a surface walled city yet though, but i'm adjusting the configs and will give it another try.
Thanks for all the help. Is it something major you have to sort out to get my tml's for the city buildings working?
EDIT1: Fair distance travelled across 4 new worlds, still no walled cities. I will crank the gen up to max and see what happens.
EDIT2: Huzzah! first walled surface cities showing up!
They seem to be showing a reluctance to spawn on BOP biomes though.
How are we supposed to edit the spawn rate? According to the documentation, there should be folders for the templates. I've just got class files that I can't open.
Sorry, just noticed I had caps lock on. Wasnt shouting at you!
Yes, but only in new chunks.
I did. There's a few folders in it with two main folders; one for great walls, the other for walled cities. Both have subfolders, but the only file type in said subfolders are class files. The subfolders are "buildings" and "streets". For some reason "streets" has an additional "buildings" subsubfolder.
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I have a suggestion for formivores cities. I think you should add a city template that only spawns underwater and its like atlantian style, you can use the quarts pillars to give it a kind of greek feel, it could even have a glass dome that keeps air in. Also, maybe sky island cities or something these would be cool and they would add a sort of utopian feel to it. Before you bother with this finish fixing bigger bugs and updating to 1.5/1.5.1.
I realize this is a little far fetched and would take forever to build, but if you do get the time, I think this would be awesome...that awkward moment when you set something to be super rare and create a new world where you end up spawning on one.
Sorry, I am not that good at building things. An underwater city from me would look horrible, and take too much time to make.
Give me a template that should be underwater, then I could add code/options for it to happen where you want.
Ok, I have some interesting news.
NatureOverhaul update is on its way, without the need to make it a coremod!
How does it work ?
I am getting into the world tick system, gets chunks loaded and blocks in them supposed to be updated, and do my thing.
What does it mean ?
Essentially, blocks will get the same rate of updates as vanilla, but if the block is one that should behave differently ("nature overhauled", if you know what I mean) it will.
Not clear enough ?
Forge mod, NO base class edits, NO chance of lag, FULL SMP and even, mod block compatible.
What is left to do before release ?
The tedious task of adding every new behaviour for each nature block (trees grow/die, flower grow/die, mushroom grow/die...)
Some things will be left out, water and fire behaviour, and animal wild breeding.
Update will be for 1.5.1, I already published some code to my github.
Sorry, I am not that good at building things. An underwater city from me would look horrible, and take too much time to make.
Give me a template that should be underwater, then I could add code/options for it to happen where you want.
Ok, I have some interesting news.
NatureOverhaul update is on its way, without the need to make it a coremod!
How does it work ?
I am getting into the world tick system, gets chunks loaded and blocks in them supposed to be updated, and do my thing.
What does it mean ?
Essentially, blocks will get the same rate of updates as vanilla, but if the block is one that should behave differently ("nature overhauled", if you know what I mean) it will.
Not clear enough ?
Forge mod, NO base class edits, NO chance of lag, FULL SMP and even, mod block compatible.
What is left to do before release ?
The tedious task of adding every new behaviour for each nature block (trees grow/die, flower grow/die, mushroom grow/die...)
Some things will be left out, water and fire behaviour, and animal wild breeding.
Update will be for 1.5.1, I already published some code to my github.
Interesting, is this how Mine and Blade may turn out?
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Hey, guys. Quote me if you want me to respond. Otherwise I'll have no idea what the hell you want with me.
Friend Code: 1263-6258-8121 (Poison)
Friend Safaris: Poison: Swalot, Whirlipede, Seviper.
Ok, I have some interesting news.
NatureOverhaul update is on its way, without the need to make it a coremod!
How does it work ?
I am getting into the world tick system, gets chunks loaded and blocks in them supposed to be updated, and do my thing.
What does it mean ?
Essentially, blocks will get the same rate of updates as vanilla, but if the block is one that should behave differently ("nature overhauled", if you know what I mean) it will.
Not clear enough ?
Forge mod, NO base class edits, NO chance of lag, FULL SMP and even, mod block compatible.
What is left to do before release ?
The tedious task of adding every new behaviour for each nature block (trees grow/die, flower grow/die, mushroom grow/die...)
Some things will be left out, water and fire behaviour, and animal wild breeding.
Update will be for 1.5.1, I already published some code to my github.
Nature overhaul with no base class edits or lag, and mod compatable? You're not actually a coder are you; you're a dark wizard, making mods with naught but witchcraft and sorcery. I'm calling you out, gotolink; I'm on to your schemes!
Which mod do you think you'll be working on next, by the way? Are you gonna give us any spoilers?
Estradus, I see you on a lot of posts that I'm on, I think we have a very similar tastes in mods
That does seem to be the case! I just assumed you were stalking me, ever since we had the same problem with more bows / legendgear quivers. I used to be firmly entrenched in the feed the beast / technic style of mods, until gregtech gave me an epiphany; by pushing the crafting cycle too far it ended up demonstrating the vapid pointlessness of that entire of additions; and now I'm free from making automated factories and instead I'm exploring ruined and making fantastical equipment for exploring and crazy weapons to use against increasingly absurd bosses. Its a more enjoyable life; that of the explorer. Building a factory is for for the engineer, but as the great early 1900s ballonist, Auguste Piccard once said: "Exploration is the sport of the scientist!" Did you know he and his twin brother, Jean Piccard, were who the Star Trek captain were named after? Its even alluded to that he is a descendant of their family line.
And that is why I adore all the mods Gotolink is reviving; all of them have that excellent sense of adventure; from the mysterious ruins to the majestic hot air balloons and other vehicles, to even the nature overhaul; it brings the world to life doesn't it? It all makes my mad science go all "ooh, exploration, I like that." And I am definitely a mad scientist, I made a solar death ray out of an old tv I bought at a garage sale.
Well that went on longer then I meant it to; sorry I went off on one of my bizzare monologues in the middle of your forum again, gotolink.
Sounds great!! I hope the mod will be updated soon, I love it to explore the cities and the ruins . But, one question: Is it possible, to spawn specific villagers in the "big vanilla villager city" in its specific buildings? That means, the purple priests would spawn only near the graveyards, the farmers would spawn near the animal farm and so on? I think that would make the cities much more authentic.
There is a public method setProfession(int i) inside villager class. So changing villager job is possible.
The tricky part would be to know when to change them without things looking strange...like villagers suddenly switching to "farmer mode" when wandering near a farm...plus, there is the whole part "how do you know what building is what" since for the game, they are just a bunch of blocks. Your idea would be hard to implement but...
« Impossible n'est pas français. »
Nature overhaul with no base class edits or lag, and mod compatable? You're not actually a coder are you; you're a dark wizard, making mods with naught but witchcraft and sorcery. I'm calling you out, gotolink; I'm on to your schemes!
Which mod do you think you'll be working on next, by the way? Are you gonna give us any spoilers?
Well that went on longer then I meant it to; sorry I went off on one of my bizzare monologues in the middle of your forum again, gotolink.
Don't you dare trouble the peace of my topic with your bizarre monologue or I will summon my evil minions to chase you !
Just kidding, I don't mind, as long as you talk about mods I update
Love Formivores CARuins, got a question though: Is there a way to add custom designs like for the Walls/Cities? I checked out formivores-minecraft-mod-wiki but it didnt mention anything about the Ruins. Is there (currently) a way to add more?
NatureOverhaul update is on its way, without the need to make it a coremod!
...mod block compatible...
How it will determinate modded trees? It will have a config for that or it will automatically catch other mods blocks? Will it support modded tools? In which dimension tree growing will work? Can we disable it for certain ones like Twillight Forest, DivineRPG?
Also, I've flipped shovel textures for Tinker's Construct and ExtraTiC for a more realistic-looking animation, check here:
Trickshot Mod. Please update
It seems the metadata problem now concerns every template due to 1.5 update.
This is time for an overhaul.
You probably guessed it will not be released before 1.5.1.
(Nope, I didn't stop working on Battlegear2, I just like switching between my updates)
Aww, oh well. I'm still waiting for 1.5 versions of Biomes O'Plenty and Thaumcraft before updating, which means I'll be waiting a while...
Meanwhile, would it be possible to change formivore's chest spawning in such a way that we can spawn custom containers? Like from other mods? Bibliocraft shelves, Mystcraft lecterns, etc?
How are we supposed to edit the spawn rate? According to the documentation, there should be folders for the templates. I've just got class files that I can't open.
I did. There's a few folders in it with two main folders; one for great walls, the other for walled cities. Both have subfolders, but the only file type in said subfolders are class files. The subfolders are "buildings" and "streets". For some reason "streets" has an additional "buildings" subsubfolder.
I realize this is a little far fetched and would take forever to build, but if you do get the time, I think this would be awesome...that awkward moment when you set something to be super rare and create a new world where you end up spawning on one.
Give me a template that should be underwater, then I could add code/options for it to happen where you want.
Ok, I have some interesting news.
NatureOverhaul update is on its way, without the need to make it a coremod!
How does it work ?
I am getting into the world tick system, gets chunks loaded and blocks in them supposed to be updated, and do my thing.
What does it mean ?
Essentially, blocks will get the same rate of updates as vanilla, but if the block is one that should behave differently ("nature overhauled", if you know what I mean) it will.
Not clear enough ?
Forge mod, NO base class edits, NO chance of lag, FULL SMP and even, mod block compatible.
What is left to do before release ?
The tedious task of adding every new behaviour for each nature block (trees grow/die, flower grow/die, mushroom grow/die...)
Some things will be left out, water and fire behaviour, and animal wild breeding.
Update will be for 1.5.1, I already published some code to my github.
Interesting, is this how Mine and Blade may turn out?
Hey, guys. Quote me if you want me to respond. Otherwise I'll have no idea what the hell you want with me.
Friend Code: 1263-6258-8121 (Poison)
Friend Safaris: Poison: Swalot, Whirlipede, Seviper.
No, not likely.
Quick releases for 1.5.1 of PChan3's mods and CreeperSpecies.
Nature overhaul with no base class edits or lag, and mod compatable? You're not actually a coder are you; you're a dark wizard, making mods with naught but witchcraft and sorcery. I'm calling you out, gotolink; I'm on to your schemes!
Which mod do you think you'll be working on next, by the way? Are you gonna give us any spoilers?
That does seem to be the case! I just assumed you were stalking me, ever since we had the same problem with more bows / legendgear quivers. I used to be firmly entrenched in the feed the beast / technic style of mods, until gregtech gave me an epiphany; by pushing the crafting cycle too far it ended up demonstrating the vapid pointlessness of that entire of additions; and now I'm free from making automated factories and instead I'm exploring ruined and making fantastical equipment for exploring and crazy weapons to use against increasingly absurd bosses. Its a more enjoyable life; that of the explorer. Building a factory is for for the engineer, but as the great early 1900s ballonist, Auguste Piccard once said: "Exploration is the sport of the scientist!" Did you know he and his twin brother, Jean Piccard, were who the Star Trek captain were named after? Its even alluded to that he is a descendant of their family line.
And that is why I adore all the mods Gotolink is reviving; all of them have that excellent sense of adventure; from the mysterious ruins to the majestic hot air balloons and other vehicles, to even the nature overhaul; it brings the world to life doesn't it? It all makes my mad science go all "ooh, exploration, I like that." And I am definitely a mad scientist, I made a solar death ray out of an old tv I bought at a garage sale.
Well that went on longer then I meant it to; sorry I went off on one of my bizzare monologues in the middle of your forum again, gotolink.
There is a public method setProfession(int i) inside villager class. So changing villager job is possible.
The tricky part would be to know when to change them without things looking strange...like villagers suddenly switching to "farmer mode" when wandering near a farm...plus, there is the whole part "how do you know what building is what" since for the game, they are just a bunch of blocks. Your idea would be hard to implement but...
« Impossible n'est pas français. »
Don't you dare trouble the peace of my topic with your bizarre monologue or I will summon my evil minions to chase you !
Just kidding, I don't mind, as long as you talk about mods I update
As for spoiler, I can give you this.
How it will determinate modded trees? It will have a config for that or it will automatically catch other mods blocks? Will it support modded tools? In which dimension tree growing will work? Can we disable it for certain ones like Twillight Forest, DivineRPG?